Early memories of joining WZ

For my very first post, I wrote a paragraph about Gorilla Monsoon in the Old School section and was banned 60 days for spamming. Tried to contact the mod (I've forgotten who it was) and couldn't make contact.

I came back 3 months later and entered the same post, which went through just fine and sat there until it aged out of the section.

Go figure.
You were the first mod to give me green rep, so you weren't too much of a dick to me.

Sam was the first to give me red rep. Sid gave me my first 2 infractions within a month of each other.

Ah yes, but I was here not as IDR. I was here as something else, was banned (again, I was a dick — much worse than now), re-joined at some point later down the road, was banned again (mwah ha ha ha) and then re-joined a third time like a year later and stuck.
Ah yes, but I was here not as IDR. I was here as something else, was banned (again, I was a dick — much worse than now), re-joined at some point later down the road, was banned again (mwah ha ha ha) and then re-joined a third time like a year later and stuck.

So you're an alt? Shame shame.
Ah yes, but I was here not as IDR. I was here as something else, was banned (again, I was a dick — much worse than now), re-joined at some point later down the road, was banned again (mwah ha ha ha) and then re-joined a third time like a year later and stuck.

When I joint the forums, I hated every mod apart from yourself and Dagger. Also, why aren't you in trouble for having an alt?
I used to post here under "teamangle" and posted on here and the main site's comment section as much as possible. Especially in the TNA section. Most of my posts included emoticons, predictions, awful grammar and I was red repped a lot. I ended up changing my name and after a while, some guy made a thread about me which I still haven't responded to.

That was me. It was around the time of the crucifixion sig uproar. Was in a bad mood about something at work & got more irritated with you than needed. All it did was prove Yaz has plenty of disturbing genitalia .gif's...

My bad.
A handful of stupid posts, a few spamming infractions, and a whole lot of lurking. I recall reading posts from Konnan and Glenn Gilbertti, as well, but what I can't remember is if I ever participated in that section.
I visited the forums once after IC25 did his Royal Rumble predictions/betting odds piece. That's as far back as I can remember.
Funnily enough, I was around in 2007, but I only posted a couple of times with AWFUL posts (I think I was 12 at the time), and literally all of my posts were infracted.

I also predicted Mr Kennedy would die in 2008 by jumping from the Elimination Chamber and breaking his neck.

With this stint, I just posted in the non spam sections on occasion, found about WZCW and gunned for the spot on the roster, got 50 non spam posts, and then I joined.
Let's see.

Created an account in 2007 apparently, never used it. Came back and lurked the forums in 2008-2009. Found out I had an account, started quietly posting in the ECW LD which consisted of like 5 people total, Norcal being one of them. Norcal told me to stick around and post more or there would be physical harm coming my way. I became a bar fly at that point, thought I was going to get hell from Wes when I used the same avatar that he was using (I was actively trying to avoid using anyone else's avatar that meant anything). Wes was cool about it though.

Earned massive rep off one post mocking when someone was throwing a fit and declaring they were quitting the forums. That was back when rep power was ridiculously inflated. I ended up talking to Lee one day about WZCW, told me they needed people and had temporarily lowered the post count needed to join. Joined up, rest was history there.

Luther gave me my first red rep. I've had a total of 3 in my time here on the forums. Never had an infraction.

Titles in WZCW were won, modded Video Games/The Media Hub for a bit, had a successful thread about hip hop, nothing real exciting.

Oh and I remember TM being oddly personal about questions with my past one day. I gave vague answers but the whole conversation was strange to me.

Rep Gate was completely overblown and hilarious. I was never a part of it but the freak out over it was something I never got.
-Defending Flair/Shawn from Wrestlemania 24, and trashing Kennedy after his release are the main reasons why I joined the forum in the first place.

-Sidious creating a thread to antagonize Canadian wrestling fans. Something about a promo from Vince during the feud with Bret going into Wrestlemania 26, and Sid posted a picture of Vince spitting on Bret in the thread.

-When the old Smackdown sub-forum was still around, someone created a thread about Al Qaeda, terrorism, and Rey Mysterio.

Also, I had a strange obsession for Daffney, when I first joined. Looking back, I have no idea why that happened.
Four more months go by and I get involved with running a horribly done Movie Tournament, earning another mod spot offer. I accept this one which is a good decision as apparently Norcal was going to threaten me with violence if I didn't take it.

It was a banning, a banning is what I (in all seriousness) threatened. I was going to ban you. and then probably get banned myself. It was fine. I felt that strongly about it

Somewhere in there I wrote Becca a porn story about her, Norcal and Shawn Michaels, setting off a relationship that is still going today with me looking at engagement rings.

The relationship he speaks of is between he and Becca. I must clarify.
Well I didn't think he was talking about you. HBK's a good ol' southern boy who obviously doesn't go for any of that faggy stuff.
I got shitfaced and posted some terribly offensive nonsense. Loved every second of it.

Doc was awesome to me starting out. Really enjoyed Sam, Tenta, Coco and xfear. Thought tdigs was a jerk and was 100% wrong. Took months to discover other sections, too.
My first memories of WZ involve being struck profoundly by how stupid Will was.
My earliest memories are CM (R.I.P) and DIAR repping me for the same post, both saying welcome. one red one green. and the e-wedding.... lulz. oh and Melichan or whomever that chick was.

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