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Early memories of joining WZ

Dowdsy McDowds

Sally was here
Earlier today I was doing my usual early morning daydream at work when someone passing by mentioned that a project "...really thrilled her," and I had a flashback to the sigs of Batman and Velvet Sky that belonged to From The South and maybe Thriller too?

I've tried to find the sig on google without any joy.

So that's my random first memory of the forums, what about you guys?
That was me, FTS, and Razorback. I think there was like a 3 man WZ tag team tourney or something like that and we were ThrilledHer From The Back.

I wish I could remember who made that sig, it might have been Doc.
Some guy flamed me for coming out in support of Randy Orton and I meekly let it slide and didn't call him a bellend.
It has to be laughing at the various comments made by Sam, SSC & JGlass. Between them & the reading the earlier WZ Tournaments when I first showed up here. Good times.
Well I've met the person who wished me death several times and infact sent me a text today. I'm slowly biding my revenge. Or realised he was joking.
Infracted by Sam. Flame war with Wes and pre-mellow Justin because I thought Mr Kennedy was shit. Nice PMs from Norcal. Lurked. Stuck my nose into a debate between Irish and Slyfox to widespread critical acclaim. Decided to become the guy who posts about Lou Thesz. Posted about Lou Thesz. Moved to Russia. Stopped posting about Lou Thesz.

That's pretty much the full story as far as memory goes.
If I call you a cunt it's because I love you. Cunt.
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Posted in the bar room, got the "who are you?" treatment from someone. Jokes on them though, I devoted my life to this place
When I started posting remember crusades against The Miz, being part of the class of 2010 with JGlass and LSN who also regularly posted their then and getting my first mega-rep off of NorCal for a discussion we had in the non-spam non-wrestling section about swear words. Then I was in.

Oh, and the first mod I became acquainted with was Ferbian. Now a smoke-shrouded enigma, then a non-spam household name. He infracted me a couple of times and we had PM chats about it. I didn't take to being told I posted wrong too gracefully. In fact, I think I was infracted for spam posting. Not having read the rules before I joined (does anybody?), I think it was he who first alerted me to the idea of spam and non-spam posting and ergo the existence of the spam posting arenas. So blame him. I remember feeling like an elite when I learned two word responses were just totally cool over here and thinking how few people probably ever ventured here. Golden times.
I remember joining on a whim with the sole purpose of being a pain in the ass, aggravating people for the hell of it. I never anticipated sticking around. Yet, almost seven years later, here I am.

The guys I remember the most from back then were IC, Echelon, and Y2Jake. Awesome posters back in the day and still are today, even though some of them aren't around as much as they used to be.

Of course, the meltdowns of Sid and Game Rage are pretty memorable as well.
I remember being in the music section and posting in quite a few of TM's threads. I also remember JKO being really funny (what happened to him)
Joined, made one post, was infracted by Jake even though it wouldn't be considered spam. Seven months later I saw Shadowmancer's Wrestler of the Week thread on the main page and thought I could talk about that, posted in it every week, was told I knew my stuff.

I started doing the LD's and basically took them over along with Norcal. Started posting more and more and about eight months later, IC sends me a PM asking if I want to be a mod. For reasons I still don't understand I turn it down.

Somewhere in there I start talking to Tim, Sparky and Rusty who were up when I was due to living in Australia. One night they had an argument and I said they should have a match to decide who won with me as referee. This joke went on for about a month before I started making up storylines, eventually becoming Outback Championship Wrestling, a parody of WZCW because I said I could make one on my own without a bunch of writers like they kept requesting. I thought it was nothing of note until one day I switched the world title and IC (admin at the time) freaks out, saying the booking makes no sense. About three days later I wake up and manage to say "YOU ACTUALLY READ THIS???" It turns out OCW is becoming a sleeper hit, eventually becoming the biggest thread in the history of the forums with I believe every active staff member posting in it at one point. That ran for about three years.

Four more months go by and I get involved with running a horribly done Movie Tournament, earning another mod spot offer. I accept this one which is a good decision as apparently Norcal was going to threaten me with violence if I didn't take it. Oh and I replaced Derf on staff who lasted I believe 36 hours as a mod.

I become known as an old school expert, though Shocky was still considered the king. Everyone wanted to see us go at it one time to see who was the best. One day the gauntlet was laid down, Shocky took exception to something I said, and the forums crashed, staying down for four days. We haven't tried again since.

I was a regular mod for less than four months before being promoted to G-Mod, which might be a record. Somewhere in there I wrote Becca a porn story about her, Norcal and Shawn Michaels, setting off a relationship that is still going today with me looking at engagement rings. Then I posted. A lot. Like more than Jack-Hammer could ever dream of doing. It eventually got me to the highest post count and highest rep on the forums at the same time.

Around the time I was promoted to G-Mod, I decided I needed to do something big. With Wrestlemania 25 coming up, I figured I'd review every show in Wrestlemania history. The thread received rave reviews and won Thread of the Year. I decided to do it for all of the Big Four plus In Your House. I said why not do every PPV ever and Justin said there's no way I'd do it. This is the worst thing you can tell me, as I became obsessed with the idea and spent four years accomplishing it.

I became admin a year and a half after becoming G-Mod and Becca came to see me for the first time six motnhs later. I also started a website to make money off my reviews which has evolved into my main source of income, making me the only person here to find both his future wife and his full time job as a result of the forums.

Also, I will outlast Slyfox and become the undisputed king of the forums. This will happen.
I always knew you were a troll.

I was when I first joined, for perhaps a couple of weeks, until I decided to knock it off and post regularly. At least I outgrew it, though, which certain other guys haven't managed to do.

I was when I first joined, for perhaps a couple of weeks, until I decided to knock it off and post regularly. At least I outgrew it, though, which certain other guys haven't managed to do.

That last sentence was written solely to provoke a reaction from me.

If you're not a troll, you certainly took a wrong turn on your way to the high road.
I used to post here under "teamangle" and posted on here and the main site's comment section as much as possible. Especially in the TNA section. Most of my posts included emoticons, predictions, awful grammar and I was red repped a lot. I ended up changing my name and after a while, some guy made a thread about me which I still haven't responded to.
That last sentence was written solely to provoke a reaction from me.

If you're not a troll, you certainly took a wrong turn on your way to the high road.

I'm not trying to provoke a reaction from anyone. You've always been one my my favorites on here, believe it or not, always a must read. Especially on the rare occasion when you post a little more seriously. It's just you don't go back all the way to my earliest days.
When I first joined I was 13 and it was 2009, I wasn't under the name of Beast, I was actually a really, really bad troll going under the name of CTC MEM. As a 13 year old all I wanted was some recognition from some older people. My posting intellect was also rather ******ed too.

I'd like to reiterate the really bad

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