DX vs Hornswoggle- The Merchandise Feud


Getting Noticed By Management
Wow, I wouldntve ever thought in a million years id see a feud over merchandise, vince must of thought of it himself for sure. i mean, john cena vs dx with horny thrown in over merchandise? wtf all this is doing is jus tryin to increase merchandise for a short while. it makes no sense cuz the feud makes no sense. why are they all fighting at survivor series. at least jerishow vs taker at survivor series has some backstory and everyone will be watchin to see if they split. but why is dx getting a title shot. we know that hbk isnt gonna win, triple h might have a slight chance cuz he cant live without bein a 220392x champion. i dont see where this is going unless dx splits which i hope happens in time for the rumble so they can hav an epic match at mania in hbks last match. its almost like wwe expects us to not notice there isnt a story jus cuz dx, cena and horny are all involved. its jus stupid imo
I dont take DX seriously anymore. When you get into a fued with hornswoggle you career is going to have a black mark in it. Remember when Evan Bourne started teaming with Hornswoggle, look at him now, he almosts never wins. And after teaming with Hornswoggle Goldust got sent to ECW.

However I do think HBK winning the title would be a good idea just because we havent seen it in a while and to give him one last run before he retires. Then maybe Triple H can turn heel against Michaels and fued over the title until maybe Wrestlemania.

But the Cena and DX rivalry does need a backstory besides those 2 racers choosing random guys to face Cena. And I wish the WWE would get rid of Hornswoggle we dont need him. Vince just keeps him for the kids but arent most viewers 18+? I dont much of them like Hornswoggle or find him entertaining. I certainly dont.
Well, this years WM won't be HBK's last. The way it looks we may be seeing Shawn for a few more years. If they wrestle at Mania it may be a face vs face match anyway. You never know when Vince might want to throw them back together again for a merch. push. As poor as that is. I'm not sure if there was a question to this thread? I'm assuming it's about the lack of no storyline in the DX/Cena fued. Well, that doesn't exactly go against everything else we've been seeing lately anyway.

It seemed like they just didn't really have any plans for Cena after Orton. I mean, Orton gets Kofi, and Cena gets thrown into a match with DX basically to stay par with Smackdowns main event. The question is, does this fued end here? Or is this something we might see the next couple ppvs? I mean, after this where does DX go unless they split.

I agree with you. They definately weren't thinking ahead at all I feel. Throwing Horny in the mix is just another strange matchup as well. He has no purpose here, other then to push Cena/Dx merch. I agree, it makes no sense really, but apparently it doesn't need to anymore. I won't lie though, I have been pretty entertained with the banter b/t DX and horny. So, while I don't mind the backstage segments between them, I am curiously confused at how we have a fued between three superstars who haven't really had any issues as of yet. Doesn't exactly draw you into the program.
I have to say that in this thread all of you have talked about wanting DX to split and HHH vs HBK. Now we have JOhn Cena vs DX, where each week Cena is trying to put the pressure on DX by saying to them how this is a triple threat match an they will be facing eachother also not just Cena blah blah. So Cena is sort of throwing in some mind games to get DX to go against eachother. Now we move on to people posting about there being no back story, which yes there hasnt been much of a build up to explain this storyline, but could it possibly be the start of a storyline in which DX begins to create friction between eachother.

My point is maybe creative is starting to setup a split between DX by throwing them in a championship match together. after all it seems thats what most of you want to see, right? i do agree Hornswoggle is just a way of advertising merchandise, an it seems the only build up of this match where Cena an DX have confronted each other has basically involved hornswoggle dressing as DX an being by Cena which leads to DX/Cena confrontation. it is pretty weak. i wish theyd have hbk cut some good promos on cena an not swoggle.

this could be leading to a wrestlemania MOTN!! HBK vs Swoggle in a retirement match!! kidding...haha
You see, a really good way, personally i think, would be to have shawn micheals win the title cena battle him back and forth for the belt and have HHH stand in his corner and help HBK win without him knowing, while he is down or something, and HHH feel like he should be champion because he won all those matches for HBK and not him but HBK doesnt know HHH helped him and thinks he is jealous...then the next RAW BAM!!!!!! Sweet Chin Music for HHH thus setting up HHH VS. HBK!!!!!!!

what do ya think??

P.S. CENA goes for the Unified Tag Titles with ( i would say JO-MO but i prefer him in singles) lets say Matt Hardy cant think of anyone else that fits and needs something to do.
No, another HBK-HHH fued would be redundent....they've already had so many fueds in the past...another wouldn't mean anything.

If anything, keep DX as a team, but keep them AWAY from the main event. And weren't they starting something with JeriShow? What happened to that???
Does it really matter? They've had little segments on Raw. It's not like they've booked DX vs Horny & his cousin or anything. I thought the one with Cena was pretty funny. It's different, it's entertaining. Obviously not to all, but albeit. The majority likes it. The crowd laughs, i'm sure millions at home laugh. Of course it's stupid, Raw is running out of ideas. It's been over 15 years, give them a break. The triple threat could be a pretty badass match if done right, why bash it and criticize the WWE before you see it?
Well, as to the DX vs. Cena thing...yeah, that has an Oh Crap! move written all over it. I really don't see DX splitting already; Vince can squeeze some more money out of the fans if he keep them together for a little while longer. On the flip side, show me a heel ready to go against Cena for the WWE title. The only one on the RAW Roster right now is Show, and we would crap all over that thanks to the 101 ways Cena already beat Show this year. I think the Triple Threat was a decent move, and it could be an excellent match if booked properly. Where do they go after SS? Well, that's a damn good question. Maybe a Cena/Taker feud thanks to that Tombstone tonight? Even as a Face vs. Face feud, I think we'd all like to see it...

As to the Hornswoggle thing...He's a money maker. Period. Vince uses him to entertain the kids, and get the kids to buy whatever Horny's wearing. Does it kind of suck for us adult fans? Yeah. But you can't cater to everyone ...


Congratulations, And I'm Awesome. After those comments, you can be proudly proclaimed a "WWE Shareholder".

and Vince wants to get fans young so they'll stick through it when crap comes flying out of the creative department that no one likes.
Ha, I think that WWE listened to the fans on this one. Remember the poll on here? Like 60-70% hate hornswoggle. So what did they do? DX took Hornswoggle down :lmao:.

I have no idea what WWE is thinking in the "long term storyline" department though. WWE can get really out there with throwing stuff together real fast. And I think that can hurt their long term product.

But nevertheless I was pleasantly surprised to see Hornswoggle get pedigree'd.

In fact, RAW was a lot more entertaining than it's been in a while.

Of course Rowdy Roddy Piper showed everyone how someone on the mike gets it done. And that's the best mike stuff I've seen on RAW in months. If they keep pushing badass, and less stupid wrestlers and pointless divas, I'll keep watching.
I'd like to see DX break up, but with Shawn as the heel. If Shawn plans to stick around a bit, he could be re-turned face very quickly.

Maybe at Survivor Series, you have Shawn go for a pin on Cena, but HHH breaks it up. Then, maybe HHH has the pin, and Shawn breaks it up.

It finally ends with Cena going over, and Shawn superkicking HHH's teeth into the balcony before Survivor Series goes off the air.

You have Shawn say on Raw that he's sorry, and just got frustrated and, after all, it's every man for himself. Over the next few weeks, you further plant the seeds until Shawn finally turns full. Doing the turn in one night wouldn't be good, but, over time, it could work.

Also, one final note. It would be great to see someone like Kofi or Orton have the final retirement match with Shawn. I think Shawn has been very, very unselfish the last few years, and it would be great to see his legacy end putting over a young star.

The whole DX-Hornswoggle thing is as stale as 20 year old bread. I don't understand why babyfaces would do what they did to him last night, and I think I actually heard a few boos. Could DX, in its entirety be turning heel? Meaning both guys? THAT would be cool. :D
This was really sparked by NYSandman mentioning Warrior in the Sid to TNA thread, but here goes.

WWE owns the Warrior character.
Hornswoggle will apparently always be on WWE TV. I guess he has pictures of Vince doing perverted things with a goat--no, something with even more leverage--proof of Vince fiddling with SEC documents. OK.
The DX-Hornswoggle don't wear our crap feud is hopefully over.

Maybe have Hornswoggle don the Warrior paint and bicep-strings and run around backstage hollering "Warrior" at people for no reason?

Tell me it didn't make you chuckle.

Of course, this would lead to dressing up Chavo as Disciple, but still...

As to the Hornswoggle thing...He's a money maker. Period. Vince uses him to entertain the kids, and get the kids to buy whatever Horny's wearing.

Does anyone have evidence on this? Because I'm a substitute teacher (which is why sometimes I rack up 20 posts a day and sometimes none). I do mostly middle school, but none of the kids I see and interact show any signs of liking midgets wrestling or doing schtick. John Cena shirts? Jeff HArdy? Oh yeah.

Hornswoggle? Not so much.

My theory is that Horny amuses Vince and that's the whole story.

WWE part-time Shareholder John Bragg says that Hornswoggle is Not Good For Business.

Johanna is four years old and likes to see her name. Johanna Johanna Johanna.
I actually like the DX/Hornswoggle program. For a few reasons

Firstly, its 100x better than having him wrestle chavo week in and week out. Wasnt everyone here complaining they couldnt wait for it to be over? Well its over!! celebrate!!

Secondly, dx isnt the dx of old. We are in the pg era. With this era, the dx gimmick was tweaked. If you havent noticed that the newest incarnation of dx shamelessly plug their own merchandise. And being dx, they would get upset if someone was infringing on their gimmick.

This is funny people. I loved when HHH gave the little bastard the pedigree. Funniest thing on raw in ages.

Plus this isn't even a real feud, it just keeps Hornswoggle busy and entertains. So be entertained people!

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