Dustin Rhodes, WWE give him WWE title or WHC


now all we need is some rape bait!
Dustin Rhodes aka Goldust for anyone who actually doesnt know who he is. This guy has been in the business since 1990 and has busted his ass the whole time. Hes come and gone numerous times in the wwf/e since his debut in '90. He's held 22 championships in the various places hes wrestled for. Since the beginning of the year hes been extremely impressive in the ring and has shown to be in great shape. Possibly he's in the best shape of his career after 20 long years.

Sadly his career is coming to an end. Dustin should drop the goldust gimmick for one final time and once again be himself. This guy is an extremely talented wrestler but has never been given the chance he deserves at the top. To blame that, it is because of the gimmick hes always portrayed in wwf/e. If he wasnt givin something so goofy, i'm sure this man would have been a WWF/E Champion or WHC.

So what i'm trying to say here is, WWE GIVE THIS MAN A PUSH TO THE TOP BEFORE HE RETIRES. Even Chris Jericho (the greatest wrestler to have ever lived) said not long ago when he wrestled him at a house show he thought Dustin was in his best shape ever. Just because hes 41 does not mean he cant be a main eventer still.

Am I wrong here or should he finally get his chance in the spotlight?
Dustin is happy where he is at, he knows he's not main event material and he's fine with it. These past matches that he and Regal have had have been tremendous but Dustin Rhodes is no main eventer.
Anybody can be a main eventer. Its all up to Vinny Mac in the end to whos the champion. So anything can happen, even Dustin Rhodes as Worlds Champion. You never know.
I myself am a HUGE fan of Dustin Rhodes. But to have him as a M.E player and this stage of his career would be a major inconsistecy. That is WWE's biggest problem and always has been.. INCONSISTENCY! Dustin is more than happy with his spot in wwe now and it is important to have certain talent that can be used to build people up imo.

One thing I can't understand is why people always say everyone that's good should be a man eventer. I don't see what the problem is with playing a jobber. Because that aspect of wrestling isn't real.

I would of loved for Goldust to have become a main eventer in his career.. but this would just not make sense.. like the bogus Kane push that's going on now which is completely out of nowhere. The bottom line is that WWE NEEDS good talented jobbers and rubbers.
One thing I can't understand is why people always say everyone that's good should be a man eventer. I don't see what the problem is with playing a jobber. Because that aspect of wrestling isn't real.

now i agree with that but Dustin is a good wrestler. OK, if anything, give him a mid-card push. Give the man a little glory in his last days there.
im a big fan of dustin too and i'd like to see him win the world title just once. i dont see a problem with wwe handing guys like dustin, regal maybe even hardy who have been with the wwe for a long time and worked there asses of a title run, even if its only a short one
Anybody can be a main eventer. Its all up to Vinny Mac in the end to whos the champion. So anything can happen, even Dustin Rhodes as Worlds Champion. You never know.
Wow, you couldn't be more wrong. The audience dictates who the champions are by their acceptance.

Listen to the crowd during a Golddust entrance. What do you hear? Low murmurs and the rustling of people moving from their seats to go refill their beer or take a piss. This isn't someone's fantasy league, where John Cena never wins and our favorite stars of yesterday always become world champions before they retire. This is about money, and Golddust, under any gimmick, hasn't drawn since the middle of last decade.

Championships aren't merit badges given out based on tenure. They're props given to wrestlers to help advance their characters and develop storylines. The only way the audience gets involved in a Dustin Rhodes championship run is by asking, "who spiked creative's coffee with LSD?"
Honestly, for a while I thought Goldust would be a good champion (not a top one, but maybe midcard) but then I though to myself... The guy isn't that reliable.

This is his third or fourth time with the WWE and every single time he's left, he went to another promotion. His last one in TNA wasn't that great, but the fact is he has the biggest knack for jumping ship.

Maybe if he stayed in one promotion long enough to develop more respect then I could see him with the IC strap again, because I'm not gonna lie, I loved the guy's last (and only but who cares) run with the belt. It was interesting to me.
Goldust needs a title run. Period!
It is very possible and has beed done to old vets in the past. It's called, TURN HIM HEEL. Slaughter and Backlund were given title reigns late in their careers. Although Backlund lasted what? A night? hehe
So turn him heel, make him creepy, put him on Smackdown where it looks like theatrics will start playing a bigger part in the programming. Hell, since people are steeling pieces of the Undertakers powers now, would it not be funny as hell if Goldy got him some? Goldust with "powers" would kick ass.
In conclusion, I say do it. It would be good if done right.
A loose connection but I am pretty sure the cryptic messages Ted junior has been receiving are from Goldust..... Maybe a run with the Million Dollar title ala Virgil......

I never in a million years would agree that Dustin should get a main title shot. He is good a comic relief -his best moments being with Booker
I never in a million years would agree that Dustin should get a main title shot. He is good a comic relief -his best moments being with Booker

I don't think his days with Booker were is best, they were funny I have to say. The beginning of the Goldust character were his best because he had amazing feuds with Ahmed Johnson and Ultimate Warrior amongst others. I have always been a Dustin/Goldust fan and I do with he'd get one short run with the belt because the storylines with him would be pricess. Even if he gets it by winning a money in the bank match. Which to me would be his only possibility at winning it.

Then again Kane was in Goldust's boat just a year ago and they finally decided to give him a decent run, why not have Goldie do the same. It even think a Goldust/Kane fued or Goldust/Taker feud would be interesting. Can you imagine what they could do with Goldust/Cena, Goldust/Orton.
Let's get two things straight: One, Goldust should under no circumstances go back to being Dustin Rhodes, and Two, there is no way Goldust is going to be a main eventer, ever.

Look, I love Goldust. I love the gimmick, I love Dustin's in-ring work, and his mic skills. He's one of my favorite wrestlers. And a part of that is because of the Goldust gimmick and how colorful it is. I love color, and Goldust provides a stark contrast to the toned down, realistic personalities that dominate the WWE. If he were to play himself, he would be no different from Evan Bourne, Drew McIntyre, and all the other wrestlers-as-themselves out there.

And there is no way he can be a main eventer, especially not at this point in his career. He may still be great in the ring and on the mic, but right now he's really good at just putting people over and making them look good. He's a comedy act that can provide some actual laughs while still being viewed as a veteran to help the young stars get over. Someone mentioned Kane, well Kane was never a comedy act that lost in five seconds. He was always viewed as an unstoppable monster, even when he was losing every match. Goldust doesn't have that kind of aura about him.

As a massive Goldust fan, all I have to say is - no. It's too late for Goldust and he is currently doing what I think is best: Putting the young guys over and doing it well.
Not goint to happen, I think he is great, but I think he is gladly helping the young ones now..he has achieved alot in the biz, especially in the 90's...he doesn't need a world title..he has showed us all enough times he is the most bizarre wrestler/human being ever!! lol

Also, this way he will be considered one of the greats to have never won a world title with guys like Owen Hart, Jake Roberts, Bulldog, Mr. Perfect, Rick Rude etc..
I'd be happy if Dustin was still the Goldust character and won it. His gimmick is so unique and he gets in the heads of his opponents, not like the Undertaker, but he still throws them off their game and his work in the ring is just fantastic. He's been a champion, a mid carder, and a jobber, but he's 41. There's older superstars that have been champions. It can be done and I think if he's not going to capture the gold, at least put him in a program to chase it just one last time.
i like what The Doctor, Ruthless and JBK have all had to say. and i would agree with everything that they said, especially Doc.

Goldust is one of my favorites because of his gimmick and his skills, not to mention his legacy (no pun intended... you know, since his brother was in that tag team).

i would love to see Goldie with a WHC a la Kane of this year. if written perfectly, it could work well. but it would have to be written perfectly and only then could this possibly be an okay move.

that said, it's too much risk with not enough reward. so it probably won't and shouldn't ever happen.

with some of the vets, namely Regal, i have thought that a "Rocky" angle would be a unique way to write a storyline. almost like the current Angle writing in TNA, except that Angle is a former multiple time champion. but for guys that have never held the big title, like Regal or in this case Goldie, have them train for one last chance to hold the WHC. if they don't win it, they retire. this was kind of the story for the very first "Rocky" movie, which won best picture of the year, by the way.

so have Goldie train and chase the title after a few months. then have Goldie finally get his shot at one of the bigger three pay per views. anything but Mania. have Goldie put on a great match and everyone think that he'll win the title and keep his career. then have Goldie lose cleanly to whomever. end of story. end of great career. but it's compelling and good writing.

off subject, but i'd love to see this with Regal too, only have Regal win the belt.

all of that said, Goldie is one of the best of all time. it's just not in the cards at this time for him to win the WHC. but that's okay. one could argue that he might be above it at this stage of his amazing career.
The best situation I see for him would depend alot on other people. He could hold the US title as a transition champion (due to injury or something like that) or he could hold the Tag titles. For the Tag Titles, it would really more depend on Cody then Dustin. IF Cody can get more on Vince's good side and get more of a push, I could see a short but good fued between the Brother's Rhodes. I don't think Dustin has that "it" factor to be world champion and he will probably end up working for the WWE and with his father helping out in FCW when he's done.
Dustin Rhodes is not and never was World Champion material. Further he's been nothing but Goldust in WWE for more than a decade, and most of that time he was the pointless comedic Goldust rather than the mysterious and interesting Goldust from the beginning of the gimmick. There's no incentive for WWE to do this, and there's no incentive for fans to watch it.
The beginning of the Goldust character were his best because he had amazing feuds with Ahmed Johnson and Ultimate Warrior amongst others.

I think his best moment was when he beat Razor Ramon for the Intercontinental Championship - more for how he did it than just that he did it, though.

That was the highlight of the gimmick... it only went downhill from there.

Then again Kane was in Goldust's boat just a year ago and they finally decided to give him a decent run, why not have Goldie do the same.

They can do it with Kane because Kane is a believable monster. Even just with his size alone, WWE can easily push him to World Champion status.

What exactly does Goldust have to offer that would warrant any championship at this point?
Also, this way he will be considered one of the greats to have never won a world title with guys like Owen Hart, Jake Roberts, Bulldog, Mr. Perfect, Rick Rude etc..

I could see any of those guys being a World Champion during their time. I can't say the same thing about Goldust.

I loved the character early on, and he's good for some light chuckles here and there nowadays, but he's definitely not World Champion material like you said.
Dustin had a lot of promise when he was The Natural in WCW.

When he came to the WWF he totally revamped his image and it was great. The Goldust character is one of the most memorable characters of all time. I respect the sacrifices he has made and all of his contributions.

Even today, Dustin is completely unselfish. He does his job, puts yougnsters over, and is a great tool for the company. He is able to provide guidance to younger superstars and share his experience.

With all of that being said, I do not think Dustin will ever hold the WWE Title or the WHC. The window when this was feasible has long passed. This could of and maybe should of happened in the mid 90's. If this were to happen, it would make most sense to me that he defeat Cody for the title. That is probably the only way I would be interested. Unfortunately, Cody is not in the main event picture right now, and Dustin may not be around by the time Cody gets there.

Great thread!
Dustin knows his place, it is good that he and Regal have both blossomed late in their careers, but a World Title is never on the cards for Goldust, nor should it be... I can see him being behind Maryse's notes... it'll give Ted a good leg up to work with Goldust but he was never a character who needed a belt to be effective, in fact a belt would just be part of the costume...

I think this might lead to a Ted/Goldie team against Drew and Cody, hence the getting both Maryse and Ted on side... As Ted has teamed with Cody, it's a classic Goldust mind game to team with him against his lil bro...
i've always thought the golddust gimmick was great,even in tna his gimmick was good,he has to be one of best at promo s.the story lines he is usually involved with are intreeging" sorry for the spelling"and thought provoking.ya he's probably past his best and wouldn't make for a believable hwc but that said he still keeps the attention of the fans and still wrestles a good match so why not have him team up with cody and do a tag team run for the belts.goldy and cody could be very interesting together and eventually bring back the american dream as their manager.
i usually just read and dont post anything but i've thought about goldy&cody as a team for awhile and think it could be great for tag teams in the wwe
No thanks really. Like Doc said, I guess he's enjoyable to watch, and he's decent in the ring. However, he should be nowhere near the main event scene. He's older, as well as he's not half as interesting as he used to be. He gets a decent reaction, and wrestles some decent matches, but that's pretty much it. He doesn't have the drawing ability to carry a world title, or for that sake to even compete for one.

Golddust needs to stick to what he's doing. Putting over young talents, as well as being a pro on NXT. He needs to be there to entertain, because he is, well entertaining. And why try to push him in a direction where he also needs to be featured and work even more, when he might be more than happy where he is.
great in ring worker, has been underutilized so much, remember stuttering goldust smh, he use to be able to cut such good promos when givin the chance, he was an awesome heel would freak me the hell out when i was younger

The sad fact is a heel goldust couldnt do shyt in todays WWE, the Goldust gimmick back then walked a fine line in what was acceptable that line is more shorter now, a heel goldust would be awesome for the midcard but I dont see how dustin can trully be goldust in todays WWE he most likely wouldnt even be able to use the ring psychology, but his viggnettes/promo would still be solid
There is absolutly no way in HELL that Goldust should ever recieve a main event title run. Dustin Rhodes however is a different story.

The only way i see this happening is if he drops the Goldust gimmick, is repacked as Dustin Rhodes or Dustin Runnels, turns heel and gets a storyline somewhere along the lines of how he's sick of being relagated to mere jobber after giving 20yrs of blood sweat and tears to the bizness. He then gets a push similar to that of Kanes and there you go. Hes a very good wrestler and i bet he can cut a helluva promo. But as long as he stays as goldust, he's doomed

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