Dustin Rhodes, WWE give him WWE title or WHC

Like a lot of people, I like Dustin Rhodes. The guy has been flat out impressive for the past few years. His in-ring work is sharper than ever and he's in the best shape physically that he's ever been. However, Dustin Rhodes' ship has pretty much sailed at this point.

When it comes to a World Championship run, it's never going to happen nor should it happen. Goldust simply is not main event material and never really was. Back in the mid-90s, when Goldust was at his peak professionally, he was pretty controversial. Picture Orlando Jordan actually being good in the ring, charismatic and using psychology rather than cheap stunts and you've got what Goldust was in the 90s. Back in those days, I could maybe see at least some possibility of it happening but I don't think it was a mistake that it didn't.

Dustin Rhodes seems to be happy with the spot he's got. He's a quality worker making good money that'll do pretty much whatever the brass wants him to. A wrestler like that is always a valuable asset. He basically is used on Superstars to wrestle good matches or he's used on Raw to put over younger guys, and that's really where he belongs right now.

In some ways, the thing with Goldust reminds me a little of similar threads I've seen regarding Chrisopher Daniels. Goldust is in his 40s now and Daniels turns 40 pretty soon and neither of them are what most people would consider huge stars in wrestling. If Goldust and Daniels were going to be main eventers and World Champions, it would have happened a long time ago.
Goldust is indeed in a second prime I would say, over the last couple years. I'd like to see him on Raw more, but he doesn't need the world title at this stage. As far as gimmick, he started out as Dusty Jr., and got tired of it.

And he was not given the Goldust gimmick, he created it himself. Watch the Dusty Rhodes Story DVD, it has a great section on the whole issue with him and his son. By the way, if you missed it, watch his match with Regal from last week's Superstars. Great match, and Goldust got a huge ovation at the end. The fans respect the guy.
Well, one thing is for certain, you will never forget the name of... oooooohhhhhhhhhh hah. Dustin Rhodes. Dustin's awesome, has been since he set foot in the business. Unfortunately the world isn't fair, when you break it down Dustin has all the skills, good in-ring work, good mic skills, etc. The problem is Dustin's too good at what he does, when the Rock debuted as Rocky Maivia he was shit, no one liked him and his gimmick was dull. He went on to become the Rock. Goldust debuted as a freak who dressed in gold leather suits and tried to make out with other male wrestlers. The thing is that got over and pretty soon people liked Goldust, they tried in both the WWF and WCW (which makes me think it was probably a Russo idea) to make him a serious wrestler but he was just too well known and too well liked as the freak. Dustin is a comedy act a great alent and an exciting performer. But he'll never reach the top, his closest runs where feuding with Jarrett for the WCW title and when he kicked HHH in the balls after Evloution electrocuted him.
How about pair him up with his brother Cody Rhodes or have them fued? I'd like to see them with the tag belts even though Cody is with the chosen one right now but I think I'd be nice if the Rhodes brothers were paired together for a while!!
Seriously, Dustin Runnels as champion, REALLY, I think we can do a little better that can't we.

First off Dustin never in his career was World Champion worthy, I have nothing against the guy but he was a mid-carder at best. Not only that his gimmick is the biggest part of his success, every other gimmick the guy had couldn't get off the ground, so Dustin Rhodes being champion as HIMSELF is asinine, that would put the entire fan base to sleep in about 10 seconds, the guy has the character and charisma of a stack of bricks. Dustin Rhodes was good, but easily forgettable when he was playing himself, when Dustin Rhodes was in his early days, the first thing that came to mind when he came down the entrance way was "who cares about this skinny, boring fuck, when is Vader wrestling? Maybe I can get a bite to eat before Vader's match starts." The guy was boring plain and simple, a decent wrestler, but you need a lot more than that to be champion.

I like him as Goldust, but the only reason that works is because a) its a great gimmick and b) Dustin Rhodes knows how to make it work, but the thing is IMO this was the ONLY gimmick he made work, the rest just weren't that enthralling.

I know a lot of guys who became world champ weren't champion material (Jeff Jarrett for example) but that's piss poor reasoning for giving someone like Dustin Rhodes the world title. Does he bust his ass? Yes. Is he a good worker? Yes. Is he main event material? No. Can he pack a 20,000 person arena? No.

Put him in a mid-card feud for his last days because I do like the Goldust character and his work ethic warrants a push, but if he becomes champ (as Goldust or Dustin Rhodes) remind me to watch something else while he's on.
Goldust has ALWAYS been entertaining, but a world champion he is not. He is capable of great mic work and he can wrestle but he doesn't have the gimmick or the starpower to be the world champion and he never has. At this point in his career they should put him in a tag team with a serious face that they want to get over because that is what Goldust has shown he could do. Do you remember how over Booker was when/after they were together? It was unreal. I'd say the GM should force him to be partners with DiBiase have Goldust take a liking to him and follow him around and stuff. That would get Teddy over as a face...or he could reject him and really hurt Goldust to put him over as a heel. If anyone can put Teddy over fast, it's Goldust.
I can agree with the majority here about how well liked and how great Goldust is as a wrestler. His last few years have been great in a technical standpoint, but he isnt being used, so not many people get to see it. Does this guy deserve a big push? Probably not. The guy has never crossed that line from mid-card to upper-mid card/main eventer. EVER

So that brings me to the people who think he should get the "Kane Push". Now, on tenure alone, I can see the point. But come on. There is a HUGE difference in Kane and Goldust. Kane has always been seen as an upper-mid card/Main eventer since his debut. He has never really dropped below that. Always a guy you can throw in a main eventers face to get them over because of Kane's rep. Has anyone ever thought of Goldust as that? No. What would give them that reason. He was never booked to be a bigger star, so why now? Kane at least has a big feud with the biggest star in the WWE and has done it before. He has been in the main event forever, so it kind of makes sense. Unfortunatly for Goldy, not gonna happen.

Goldust is a great talent and I would love to see him get another run at a mid-card title like the US on Raw or even feud over the MDC. But right now, they need to start a very long drawn out push for Goldy for anyone to believe in it. Start now and let him build momentum so people will actually notice and care. Then stick him in at least one feud with an established (recent) star like a Dibiase, Bourne, or Bryan. That would make it a little more believeable. Have Cole hate on the guy too, that seems to rub on some guys.
this guy above me is exactly why i think no one in the iwc has watched wrestling before the attitude era. Goldust was a upper midcarder/main eventer during his first run as goldust. He would face the likes of undertaker and shawn michaels in dark match main events all the time. He was ic champion. The thing that slowed him down was probably the attitude era as then he had to change his gimmick. By the way
Quick trivia question.
What was goldust's nickname when he impersonated hhh?
I'm sure he'll get the championship some day soon. WWE just has to figure out how they'll make it happen.

They may take advantage of the Sting like potential Goldust has untapped (for instance). Never say never guys
i agree he deserves a title push i watched him while growing up his allways been good in ring and out specialy with the mic even without the goldust gimmick he was good his been here over 20 years maybe more he acomplished everything execpt the world title...the worst gimmick he has when he was in tna that didn't go with his style
Goldust is in great shape, he's popular with the "world of warcraft" type of wrestling fans and yes he is a hard worker. Let's not get it twisted though, Goldust is not Main Event material... and as many people stated here, he knows that and is ok with that. Goldust is great for comedic relief and for putting over young talent. Let's not forgot that his run in the mid 90's was of Upper Mid-Carder status, he had a solid run that most long term fans will remember and respect.
Ive been watching wrestling since 1990, so I know what I am talking about. Since when does dark match main eventing count? That means that guys like Mike Knox, Evan Bourne, and Matt Morgan (WWE) were main eventers too then. IC title doesnt make you main event and him having matches with HBK and Taker make him main event. Shelton Benjamin wrestled both and he wasnt main event.

His matches with Taker were a direct result of Taker's feud with Kane. Goldy was in an alliance with him, so Taker took out Goldy. Look it up. Any matches he had with HBK were a way to give Michaels an easy win on TV while being champ to get him exposure. Happened all the time with Bret Hart. You dont see Papa Shango main eventing anywhere now do you?

Added Note: No one cares about a nickname he went by. Keep your Goldust fanboy antics to a minimum

What slowed him down WAS the attitude era and the fact that no one can take his character seriously as a main eventer. How many world champs have had a gimmick, and not just an exaggerated character since then? Taker and Kane are really the only ones. Thats it. So dont post here thinking that the IWC hasnt watched wrestling for long, because in the most part, we have.
Dustin Rhodes in his early WCW days was not worthy of mainevent spots. He was worthy of the United States heavyweight title though. Goldust being WHC or WWE champ is laughable however. While I agree he is a great midcarder I don't think a serious viewer of wrestling would except Goldust being on top of the card at any point other then c. 1994-5. His fueds with Piper and Razor Ramon as well as the then culture allowed for a very interesting and unique and ground breaking character to round out a mn who was and as of late is a well conditioned athlete. A WWF title in 1995 would not look bizarre to me it would had seemed about right. But aswe would move out of the Federation Years he would began to become less and less serious as a wrestler and more comical. Then again any "cartoon" characters that had made it to the Attitude Era from the Federation Years was then perceived as more alternative art then gimmicky or cartoonish.

The best thing would had been to give him the ECW brand title. I see Goldie as being worthy of more then a U.S./I-C title but less then a WHC/WWE title and the ECW brand title was the best option. I also would had liked to see him put his touch on it and perhaps try to make a name for the title by attempting to stand equal to the other brand champions. I would buy that.

Asfar as tag teaming is concerned I felt like when he reached the point that he couldn't get more then the I-C title he then became a great canditate for tag gold. I feel like teaming his charactar with anyone hats in contrast with it sparks interest. People are eager to see shenanigans and people move past their differences. Goldust offered those dynamics. And then there is a great interest in seing him deal with his half brother Cody Rhodes and seeing if he helps him, shuns him, if Cody has contempt. But ultimately all Goldie had was the ECW title and they didn't let him get it. It would had been nice seeing a golden oscar wearing a belt of platinum.
dman said:
What was goldust's nickname when he impersonated hhh?
Ruthless RKO said:
Also, this way he will be considered one of the greats to have never won a world title with guys like Owen Hart, Jake Roberts, Bulldog, Mr. Perfect, Rick Rude etc..
Why are you so WWE-centric? Verne Gagne trusted Curt Hennig to keep the AWA afloat for a year or so. Owen died.. Rick Rude was made WCW International's World champ only after WCW could not make Rude NWA World's heavyweight champion. Jake Roberts was trippin too much at periods. Yeah kinda bad examples, most of the guys youmentioned had circumstances to consider.
Dustin Rhodes doesn't deserve a push just because he's been in the WWE for off and on for 20 years. Sure he's a good worker, but I don't think he's on the same level as guys like Taker or HBK were. These guys were vets who had the look Vince wanted and Dustin was the guy stuck with Goldust. He's happy where he is and I am sure he doesn't care that he's never really been given a major push.
wow, im so glad this thread got such a great responce.

Now as I originally said, the goldust gimmick should be dropped and let him finish his career as himself Dustin Rhodes. Hes younger than Kane & Taker, the 2 current main main eventers for Smackdown. If he was pushed the right way, he can have at least a few month title reign. Im not saying he has to be champion long or multiple times but let him hold a world title and see how the fans get over. For all we know, it can be a ratings draw to see someone we never thought hold the WWE Championship or WHC. It may even bring back some fans watching that left who liked the old school wrestlers, we wouldnt even know from our stand point.

Teaming him with is brother Cody, i'd love to see that also. Not big with the idea but maybe for giggles give the brothers the tag titles even. At least its more believable as a team unlike Cody/Drew which is a boring team and they arent even really a team! Just cuz their are tag champions doesnt make them a real team! But if the Rhodes Brothers teamed up it'd be awesome to allot of people.
Goldust is fine where he's at. He should go for the IC Title again but to say he should go for the WWE Title just because he's been with the business a long time is ridiculous. If you're gonna do that then give to Brooklyn Brawler who's been in WWE longer than Undertaker has. It should be given to guys who have the talent either on the mic or in the ring or both. Goldust cant talk nor wrestle for shit, people are overrating him. Has anybody like seen his work in WCW & TNA where he was a lot worse? Nobody in their right mind would want to see a former gay guy who still feels himself up and bites at his opponents as the man to carry the company. It would make the title & the company look pathetic.
He definitely is a great worker no doubt about that. I just don't see him as a maineventer especially a world champion. I agree with the posters that said he should not lose the Golddust gimmick either. He's had far more success as Golddust during his career than he has as himself or other gimmicks.

I wouldn't mind seeing him get a mid card push before he retires. He's getting up there in age, but he still got it. I'm sure he'll be used as a trainer after he retires.
blame his gimmick, with that gimmick he cant be taken seroiusly

That's what i've beein tryin to say. Sure the Goldust gimmick is what hes known for but to take him serious he should just be himself. There's still enough time in his career for him to be pushed to main event status. When he does retire, I do see him being asked to be a trainer or something else behind the scenes. Most people talk down on him and dont like the guy because of the Goldust gimmick. If he was given a different gimmick then he may have even been a multiple time Worlds Champion by now. That we'd never know.
He shouldn't be given the WWE or WHC Title. I say if you wanted to do something nice for him before he retires just make him relevant in some main event storyline. For example let's take the Sheamus/Orton feud. Have Sheamus in a interview backstage. Have him be like..."Orton this is what is going to happen to you" Then have Sheamus attack Goldust who just happens to be walking by. After that give Goldust a match against Sheamus at the next Raw or have him Tag with Orton against Sheamus and whoever. Then maybe at a PPV have him interfere and cost Shaemus the title. I don't think there is any reason to make Goldust a main event wrestler at this stage in his career but at the same time, doesn't mean he can't be a side character in a main event storyline.
I agree with most of the posters that Goldust/Dustin Rhodes is past the point in his career where a WWE/WHC Title would be feasible or believable, especially with the Goldust gimmick.

I'm a huge fan of Dustin and his work as of late has been great, but we all know this isn't a gimmick to main event PPVs, it's to help push the younger talent older and a way for older to fans to relish in one of the characters of the past.

Personally, once the Orton/Sheamus feud is over and if Triple H is unable to return yet, I'd love to see Sheamus and Goldust rekindle their rivalry that was great on ECW. It doesn't help that Sheamus squashed Goldy a few weeks ago, but hey, that's the past. It would give Sheamus a break from the main event to allow The Miz to play #1 heel and allow Goldust to go back to those psychological games we all know and love.
That's what i've beein tryin to say. Sure the Goldust gimmick is what hes known for but to take him serious he should just be himself. There's still enough time in his career for him to be pushed to main event status. When he does retire, I do see him being asked to be a trainer or something else behind the scenes. Most people talk down on him and dont like the guy because of the Goldust gimmick. If he was given a different gimmick then he may have even been a multiple time Worlds Champion by now. That we'd never know.

his gimmick is himself, that's who he loves to be. when he chose that gimm he knew what he got himself into
I cannot see Rhodes ever getting a main event run, his chance as gone. If WWE were ever going to push Goldust as title material, it would have been during his original run with Marlena (HOT) as his manager.

However, I do like seeing Goldust, he is still ok in the ring, so I wouldnt be against him having a title around his waist, either Tag Team or mid card. I think a European level title would suit him just fine- if one existed because I am not sure if he is worth an IC title run again with so many young talents around (Kofi, Cody, McIntyre).
No. Just no. Can you honestly picture him with the WHC or the WWE championship? I cannot. Yes,the guy is good in the ring, has decent mic skills, but the way he has been used over the past years just wont allow that to happen. He is a comedic jobber, provides some light moments during the show, thats it. Just the fact that he has been serving the company for many years does not make him a credible contender for the belt. Maybe, just MAYBE theIC title but the world title, never.
And just as someone else said, the Goldust gimmick is what makes him so different from everyone else. I personally love the gimmick, but without it he would just be Dustin Rhodes, some other random gimmickless performer.
So i say, just let him stay where he is, putting people over, giving us some enjoyable segments with santino, ryder and others, and just fade out when his time in the business comes to an end.
How many world champs have had a gimmick, and not just an exaggerated character since then? Taker and Kane are really the only ones. Thats it. So dont post here thinking that the IWC hasnt watched wrestling for long, because in the most part, we have.

Slaughter, Warrior, Sting, Yokozuna, Mankind. Pretty much all of them, but proves it can be done. I can't believe all the hate Goldies getting....from the same people looking for something fresh?
I'll say it again. If done right it is very plausible.
Heel+creepy again+bodyguard= Title reign.
Wow, you couldn't be more wrong. The audience dictates who the champions are by their acceptance.

Listen to the crowd during a Golddust entrance. What do you hear? Low murmurs and the rustling of people moving from their seats to go refill their beer or take a piss. This isn't someone's fantasy league, where John Cena never wins and our favorite stars of yesterday always become world champions before they retire. This is about money, and Golddust, under any gimmick, hasn't drawn since the middle of last decade.

Championships aren't merit badges given out based on tenure. They're props given to wrestlers to help advance their characters and develop storylines. The only way the audience gets involved in a Dustin Rhodes championship run is by asking, "who spiked creative's coffee with LSD?"

Actually alot of it is decided by VKM, marketing, the writers, and other factors behind the scene. Perhaps Dustin doesn't want to put down a cash money down payment on the belt, literally? It's not all decided by the fans because if it was, then we would see the WWE in a whole different light today. Wouldn't you agree with that?

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