Dustin Rhodes, WWE give him WWE title or WHC


Goldust is a cool guy and fun to watch but in no way should he get a run with a world title, let’s be realistic here! He’s not a main event player and never has been. He doesn’t even want it himself. It’s like saying “Hey! Funaki should have had a world title run, he was there for ages!”.

I like Dustin, he’s a great performer and entertainer but to have him as world champ is insane! Silly idea that wouldn’t work. Sorry but I think you would just like him to be world champion because you simply like him heaps, not because he’s deserving or earned it.

His tweets crack me up though, #teamgoldie FTW.
I agree with this point as Dustin Rhodes has worked his but off for the WWE as of recent and he deserves to be a Champion but not a World Title as his Gimmick does not suit a World Championship if the WWE Management changes his gimmick to a Black Reign/Seven gimmick then he may win a World Title or maybe even change him into his Father and call him "The American Son" Dustin Rhodes and then he could win a World Title. I personally thin this could be the only way.
I'm not the biggest fan of Goldust, but I think he's good in the ring. You're right, he has been in the business for a long time now, but if he were going to have been a World Champion at some point, then it would have happened a long time ago. Hell, it might have even happened during the manic Attitude Era, alot of crazy stuff happened during that era.

Sometimes some superstars aren't cut out to be main-eventers though. Let's face it, Goldust's gimmick isn't something you'd see in the main event of a Wrestlemania. He's more of a comedian. That's why we hardly see the people such as Santino Marella and Hornswoggle, unless it's a dull show - or if you're watching Superstars.

Goldust had some potential at a time, but it wasn't main event potential.
I've always found Goldust enjoyable, but never seen anything from him that made me think he should be used any further than the upper mid card. He's good for IC/US title reigns/fueds etc, and that's more or less it.

In this day and age, the guy is simply not a draw. He's been hired, fired and re-hired by WWE more times than just about everyone, and tbh from my perspective, that's purely because he's a Rhodes boy and he's reliable, NOT because the WWE think he'll ever make them $$$.

Decent ring skills + unique gimmick (that's not used any where near to its full potential) + good on the mic - drawing ability, sadly still = no World title reign.
Yeah, he is a good worker, but if he was awarded the title, he and the fans would think it is a joke. Ot would be treated like a joke aswell. The only titles he should get his hands on is IC/US if he is lucky, or tag team.
Just because someone has been around for a (very) extended period of time, doesn't mean they're main event status compatible. I think Goldust could've been huge 15 years ago, but was mishandled poorly then and ever since. While I agree, he looks to be in arguably his best shape in a long time, if ever, I'm not quite sure he'd work with the strap. Granted he should be used a heck of a lot more than he currently is, but still.

Keep the entire Goldust ordeal, but turn him evil and serious. It could spark something big.
Goldust is just not that guy, he is not Main Event caliber talent. He seems to be pretty content where he is anyway. Over the last number of years he has just been a comedy guy, in his early days he was a much better wrestler and therefor earned title shots/reigns, albeit midcard titles. I don't see why he deserves a title reign anyway, he hasn't been all that loyal to the WWE and he can be quite the critic at times. Just because a guy is retiring doesn't mean he needs a title shot on the way out. That honor is reserved for really special guys.
While I would love to see Goldust win the big one, it won't happen. He's been stuck as a lower-card wrestler for a long time now and he seems to be okay with it. It just wouldn't make sense that a guy would go from wrestling lower-card matches for the past 5 years to being a WHC. I do however think that he should be given the IC belt as a reward for all his work he put into the company. Have him feud with his brother over the belt for a couple months.
Although he's past his prime I think he would make a better world champ than Swagger did. WWE now are so desperate to create new stars that they just throw the top title in the compnay on somebody who's been around 9 or 10 months and the veterans who can still produce matches get overlooked. I understand the company wants to book for the future but if somebody can presently put on good matches and draw I think that they should be given the chance to and would prob be taken a lot more seriously than a newbie winning the strap.
Sadly, he won't get the chance for WHC as the PG thing really affects his promo style. Would have been great during his peak (w/ Marlena) when he did those promos / mind games with other wrestlers....

Because he has been working hard, it think it would be great if he dropped the gimmick, joined forces with Cody and had Dusty manage them. fans would like it, and it would be another strong team (w/ some genuine feel) in addition to the Harts and Usos. But then again the tag team division has been long since forgotten.
I think the time has passed for Goldust, but I will confess this, if he were to somehow snag the WWE title, I would mark out like a little girl getting a pony...

But do I think he could be a good world champion?

Give him a fair chance and yes I think he could.

Just My Opinion
Same thing i wanted to write.^

Basically...yeah hes 41 ( although in F'N great shape ) and he can still put on good matches,promos etc.. so they are using him to put people over ( nothing wrong with that ).
So you could say that his time has passed.But if by some chance or happening in the WWE he actually gets to hold the title .......markout inc.

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