
See, this I can reason with. The way you post makes for a much more friendly mod. The main reason I got mad was because of the way NorCal writes, talking down to people and getting very agressive, atleast in my opinion, and a couple of others. And I wouldn't say I spammed up the complaint thread, Imade what, 2-3 posts with content, not just random jibberish.

You could've told me to private message and figure this out, before infracting me twice though. I wouldn't PM because I'd figure you inbox must be full being a mod.

I may not answer in an hour, but I try to be pretty good about that stuff. In the words of the Don's in 'The Godfather,' "We are all, reasonable men."
All factored in. The only thing is, you broke the rules, and you're here, and you really have no one backing you up. So you might as well go by the rules here, and try to get out if you want to.

No one is saying you don't know your stuff. Just that you didn't follow the rules.
All factored in. The only thing is, you broke the rules, and you're here, and you really have no one backing you up. So you might as well go by the rules here, and try to get out if you want to.

No one is saying you don't know your stuff. Just that you didn't follow the rules.

I don't agree that I broke the rules, but I guess we have to agree to disagree.

I don't mind any of you, I just don't like the way NorCal posts, randomly attacking people, but when he get's attacked a little, he starts threatening people. Mods are supposed to make a forum nice and friendly.

Let's end this here. I'd like to get out of here soon because I do enjoy reading the forums, although I rarely post.
I wasn't upset, just confused. It's obvious "mighty" norcal is a Triple H mark,
Yes, he is.

So? Who gives a flying fuck? The simple fact is we already have one thread about Triple H, so there was no need for another, especially since we have enough bitching threads about Triple H to begin with. Yours was going to turn into that, even if that's not what you intended.

since the thread wouldn't have been closed and moved if it was about, let's say, Cena.
Bullshit. And a half.

Go through the Archives (well, when you can) and see how many Cena threads have been closed over the years. Why? Because there was already an Official Cena thread, and those posts should have gone in there.

You're off on this one. Badly.

I was just asking people when they thought Triple H will get pinned, and who'd get the pin. How is that bashing? It's a prediction thread basically.
Which you admit was the same thing you asked in another thread.

If you want, you can look at it this way. You spammed the forum by making a thread about a post you had already made in a thread that was designed for the topic of your new thread.

Spam. Infraction and thread closed. You just got your thread closed. Either way, you lose.

And yes, I god mad at NorCal because being a reader of this board and rarely posting, I have seen his posts. Never have I seen such an ammount of internet toughguy syndrome in one guy. The guy uses more swearwords than Eddie Murphy, and talks down to everyone with an opinion different than his, but as soon you say ONE thing to him, you get threatened with an infraction, like it's the end of the world.
Then you're REALLY not going to like talking to me on these forums...

NorCal is just one of those who suddenly get power on the internet and thinks he's badass, while forgetting it's just a freaking wrestling forum, not the pentagon. I'm sorry I hurt your precious E-Thug feeling NorCal.

Actually, I'm not.
Meh, this makes you sound like an asshole. The sad thing is I think you actually have some sense in your head, but your whining here is commonplace amongst anyone who is told no, much akin to a child being told he can't watch TV anymore.

Grow up, accept the fact it was closed, and move on. It's not like you're the first person to have a thread closed.

Someone did answer and was wrong, saying Orton pinned Hunter at Wrestlemania, and most seemed to agree and let it go.
So, you admit that you posted in the thread, AND got an answer.

Then why the hell would you make a new thread? Just because you didn't like the answer, doesn't change the fact your new thread is spam, and wasn't needed.

Taken straight from the WZ Rulebook:
4. Don't Spam (making useless topics or posts). Before you reply to a thread, ask yourself, "Does this post contribute to the thread?" If not, don't bother. Same thing goes with making new threads.

Your thread didn't contribute to the betterment of the forums, and you yourself have already explained why. You're proving NorCal's case with every new post of yours.

And how is saying to someone not to threaten me without reason flaming? If I told him FUCK YOU, YOU'RE A ****** (example ._.), I could've seen why, but seriously, I just told him to not threaten me. If you asked your teacher about something you missed at school, and the teacher answered you but followed up with DO YOU WANT DETENTION HUH???, how'd you react? Look at how he wrote it, going all agressive with no reason behind it.
And if you sassed the teacher in that case, what would have happened? You would have been disciplined, correct?

Well, here we are. You didn't listen, so you were disciplined. And here is the rule you broke there.

WZ Rules said:
18. Don't sass the mod or admin team. They wont put up with it.

I don't really see the point of giving me an infraction for speaking my mind, when I didn't flame or attack anyone, but just asking a simple question.
Well, I'm not sure, but maybe THIS is the reason:


Now, I know size 72 font is hard to read sometimes, but it's very clearly stated in the first post of the thread.

So, I see a point.

I have read the rules.

Tell me again where I broke one?
I think I've already explained three separate rules that you have broken?

If I wanted to get creative, I could probably come up with a couple more.
That's fine, but just understand something. Norcal is a mod here, a g-mod actually meaning he's above even regular mods like me. He wasn't threatening you with something. He really was cutting you a break.
Yeah I know. That was being typed when your's went up. And that wasn't meant to be intimidating, just stating the way things are.
I didn't ask the same question in the Triple H thread. I'm pretty sure it was only the title of the thread that got it deleted, not the content.

I didn't read the first page of the complaint thread, but because of the name I assumed it was the place to complain, when I didn't think mods had the time to answer PMs.
I didn't ask the same question in the Triple H thread. I'm pretty sure it was only the title of the thread that got it deleted, not the content.
Maybe, maybe not.

Let's presume it is. Did the thread title say "Triple H" anywhere? Yep. Do we already have a "Triple H" thread? Yep. Do we need another? Nope.

So, in the end, does it really matter?

I didn't read the first page of the complaint thread, but because of the name I assumed it was the place to complain, when I didn't think mods had the time to answer PMs.
Of course we do.

After all, unlike you, this forum is our life. We live and breathe WZ. I mean, NorCal takes this shit seriously, yo.
I just thought of something else.

Take your flaming infraction and your spamming infraction and switch them. Then, everything will be perfectly in line, and even you'd agree with that. Your first post you were given an Infraction for was also spam, as it didn't meet the criteria of the thread. And your second infraction, you flamed NorCal. He must have known ahead of time how to give your infractions.

No wonder NorCal is a G-Mod. He's got psychic powers.
Yes, he is.

So? Who gives a flying fuck? The simple fact is we already have one thread about Triple H, so there was no need for another, especially since we have enough bitching threads about Triple H to begin with. Yours was going to turn into that, even if that's not what you intended.

Bullshit. And a half.

Go through the Archives (well, when you can) and see how many Cena threads have been closed over the years. Why? Because there was already an Official Cena thread, and those posts should have gone in there.

You're off on this one. Badly.

Which you admit was the same thing you asked in another thread.

If you want, you can look at it this way. You spammed the forum by making a thread about a post you had already made in a thread that was designed for the topic of your new thread.

Spam. Infraction and thread closed. You just got your thread closed. Either way, you lose.

Then you're REALLY not going to like talking to me on these forums...

Meh, this makes you sound like an asshole. The sad thing is I think you actually have some sense in your head, but your whining here is commonplace amongst anyone who is told no, much akin to a child being told he can't watch TV anymore.

Grow up, accept the fact it was closed, and move on. It's not like you're the first person to have a thread closed.

So, you admit that you posted in the thread, AND got an answer.

Then why the hell would you make a new thread? Just because you didn't like the answer, doesn't change the fact your new thread is spam, and wasn't needed.

Taken straight from the WZ Rulebook:

Your thread didn't contribute to the betterment of the forums, and you yourself have already explained why. You're proving NorCal's case with every new post of yours.

And if you sassed the teacher in that case, what would have happened? You would have been disciplined, correct?

Well, here we are. You didn't listen, so you were disciplined. And here is the rule you broke there.

Well, I'm not sure, but maybe THIS is the reason:


Now, I know size 72 font is hard to read sometimes, but it's very clearly stated in the first post of the thread.

So, I see a point.

I think I've already explained three separate rules that you have broken?

If I wanted to get creative, I could probably come up with a couple more.

Take note, because this will never happen again.

*extends my hand to Sly* well done sir.
I just thought of something else.

Take your flaming infraction and your spamming infraction and switch them. Then, everything will be perfectly in line, and even you'd agree with that. Your first post you were given an Infraction for was also spam, as it didn't meet the criteria of the thread. And your second infraction, you flamed NorCal. He must have known ahead of time how to give your infractions.

No wonder NorCal is a G-Mod. He's got psychic powers.

I didnt flame NorCal before I got my second infraction. Unless you count telling someone not to threaten you flaming?..

And seriously Sly, I'm not even gonna try and debate with you, I'm not gonna win. I've seen you tear someone apart, even though you're wrong, and english isn't even my native language, so there's no point trying to argue against you.

And I don't even know what sass means.
Oh, and I still like your way of posting better than NorCal's. You don't randomly attack people, call them idiots, dumb fucks etc. You bring up a subject and debate on it, expressing your opinion, and responds to anything coming your way. Nothing wrong with that.
Wow what a random girly ass bitch fest this turned into....

ok lemme try and wade through all this...

firstly. When I first answered you. THAT wouldve been the time to shut up. and you didnt just innocently reply "dont threaten me" I belive your words were something to the effect of

"Hey dont FUCKING THREATEN ME"....and you say that I AM the E tough guy??? poor choice of words young man.

I dont speak to people disrespectfully, or talk down to them at all. I actually happen to be one of the chillest kindest guys on this board. All those instances your talking about, is me kidding, im being a smart ass. I dont MEAN it. I just do it to dick around. and get morons who take themselves way too seriously LIKE YOURSELF all spun up.

Sly already explained why your thread got closed. Yea Triple H is my favorite wrestler, but ive closed numerous Cena threads as well. True, you may not have intended your thread to be a bash thread, but thats what it was going to end up being. You need proof, look at the one that was created in the bar room.

I shouldve infracted you the first, AND second time we interacted, but I didnt, cuz I dont really like to infract, I would rather take care of the posters of this forum. but you found it necessary to continue running your mouth, and curse directly at me. When you couldve just shut up. and now you keep digging yourself a deeper hole in here.
Bud, if you want to get out of prison, the best thing for you to do is bite your lip, and move on from this. Start posting in the prison a bit at a time, and work up your skills in posting. IC will probably notice if you are improving and bring you back into the forums. Then all is happy. If you keep this up, you will only get riled up, say something you probably don't mean and not be allowed. What is the better choice. Stay smart and post smart.
Wow what a random girly ass bitch fest this turned into....

ok lemme try and wade through all this...

firstly. When I first answered you. THAT wouldve been the time to shut up. and you didnt just innocently reply "dont threaten me" I belive your words were something to the effect of

"Hey dont FUCKING THREATEN ME"....and you say that I AM the E tough guy??? poor choice of words young man.

I dont speak to people disrespectfully, or talk down to them at all. I actually happen to be one of the chillest kindest guys on this board. All those instances your talking about, is me kidding, im being a smart ass. I dont MEAN it. I just do it to dick around. and get morons who take themselves way too seriously LIKE YOURSELF all spun up.

Sly already explained why your thread got closed. Yea Triple H is my favorite wrestler, but ive closed numerous Cena threads as well. True, you may not have intended your thread to be a bash thread, but thats what it was going to end up being. You need proof, look at the one that was created in the bar room.

I shouldve infracted you the first, AND second time we interacted, but I didnt, cuz I dont really like to infract, I would rather take care of the posters of this forum. but you found it necessary to continue running your mouth, and curse directly at me. When you couldve just shut up. and now you keep digging yourself a deeper hole in here.

Hey, I don't take myself to seriously. Infact I'm the opposite of that.

I'm sure you're a nice guy, all I was saying is that you come off as looking kind of a douchebag from many of your posts. Not saying you are one, but when I can't read the irony, it looks attacking. The general tone of these boards are really nice, and you just come off completely different that most of the others.

I'm sorry if I offended you, and I can understand the strict rules with all the complete idiots around looking at this forum. But I still thought your post to answer my question was a little harsh, since I was just asking, nice and easy, why it got deleted.

But hey, I'll suck it up and be the better man, as you can see I'm not a clueless ******, well atleast I hope you can see that, and I'll remember this another time.

I even talked with Becca on MSN, and she said you were a nice guy so I'll believe her for this time. And I'll turn up my good ol' sarcasm meter again.
I seriously can't be bothered reading it. I read his posts in the complaint thread, and I got one thing out of it:


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