I dont know if you all read the recent "Did Mr. Anderson Commit Career Suicide?" article on the main page, but I completely disagree.

The guy who wrote it does bring up a good point in that when a big stars contract is up with TNA, there will always be temptation to go to the WWE. Its like in MLB when all free agents are tempted to go the Yankees.

Heres where I disagree: Not only did Anderson get fired from WWE, but he had a lot of very negative things to say about the way the company was run, the politics in the locker room, and the creative direction of the show. I seemed to me like he got his dream job but that dream was actually a nightmare.

On top of all that, he is in the drivers seat in TNA. He is gonna get a main event push, and let him be free to develop his own character. Also, if TNA makes the moves to go live, then hit the road, Anderson will be at the top of the billing leading the charge.

I think the only way he returns to the WWE is if they offer him a Yankees size contract that he just couldn't resist, or the whole company changes its direction (most likely due to competition from TNA).
I dont know if you all read the recent "Did Mr. Anderson Commit Career Suicide?" article on the main page, but I completely disagree.

The guy who wrote it does bring up a good point in that when a big stars contract is up with TNA, there will always be temptation to go to the WWE. Its like in MLB when all free agents are tempted to go the Yankees.

Heres where I disagree: Not only did Anderson get fired from WWE, but he had a lot of very negative things to say about the way the company was run, the politics in the locker room, and the creative direction of the show. I seemed to me like he got his dream job but that dream was actually a nightmare.

On top of all that, he is in the drivers seat in TNA. He is gonna get a main event push, and let him be free to develop his own character. Also, if TNA makes the moves to go live, then hit the road, Anderson will be at the top of the billing leading the charge.

I think the only way he returns to the WWE is if they offer him a Yankees size contract that he just couldn't resist, or the whole company changes its direction (most likely due to competition from TNA).

I'm sorry, but when has he ever criticized the WWE for its creative direction, how the company was run or the locker room politics? I'd like to be linked a source for this, because as far as I can tell from his interviews and shoots, he has a problem with certain individuals in the locker room, not the entire locker room/company as such.

According to himself, in the RF shoot, he just tried to stay out of the politicking, up until the point where others used their stroke and pull to toss him out, because they had a problem with his in-ring style and his alleged "dangerousness" and "injury proneness".

As he put it himself: he'd been working for six years and had never once injured someone in the ring, nor had he been injured himself. Now he's suddenly dangerous and injury prone?

I sense the typical keep-people-down attitude that is prevalent on RAW. Not the lets-all-get-over attitude of SmackDown. (And SD! is in my view the far superior show at the moment).
Its all in here...


Thanks, I'll listen through it and comment further when I've watched it all.


13 minutes in, he's telling his version of the "Randy Orton head bump" incident. For whatever reason I buy his version as credible. I've checked it out myself and Orton lands flat on his back, never bumps his head and then throws a fit.

22 minutes in, he's criticizing the way the WWE (Vince, really) reeled him in when he tried being entertaining, because he was "too entertaining" for a heel. But he also offers his understanding for the way it happened because he was working a program with Taker at the time, so he needed to get booed, not cheered.

28 minutes in, he speaks about "The Two Mountains of WWE" - one mountain where Taker, Booker T, Mysterio, Kane and Finlay are trying to raise the level by elevating the talent (SD!), and one mountain where the primadonnas who are afraid of other talent "taking" their spots are kicking downwards so no one can "surpass" them (RAW).

33 minutes in, the company is involved for the first time, to the effect of "why does the WWE allow these mountains to exist?". Ken talks about the close relationships some people have with Vince & Co, and how that potentially hurts the company.
You know how when how wrestler can look like a million bucks when put in front of a large crowd but when he put in front of a smaller crowd, he just look like another mid-carder. That's what Mr. Anderson is. In the WWE, the guys look like he was going to be a main eventer, is gimmick was great and he made him look like he was a major star because of it. Now put the same guy with the same gimmick in front of a smaller crowd and he just look like any other guys on the roster. It shows how much the Mr Anderson gimmick has become lame. Sure the guy is a good talent in the ring but again he's like every other guys that were big star in the WWE and went to TNA with the same gimmick. It made them look like mid-carder that don'T have anything else but recycle material to go back on. It happened to Jeff Hardy, Booker T and now to Mr Anderson. I use to love is gimmick in the WWE but now i could care less about it because it doesn'T fit in this smaller environnement. I really hope Anderson get over during is time in TNA because he deserve it but this gimmick is broke so he needs to fix it because it becames to lame and the fans don't care about him anymore.
He certainly hasn't improved much, has he?

His in-ring stuff still looks bland to me, and it was almost as if Jarrett was carrying him, and Jarrett hasn't done jack in months. Anderson's promo with Hemme was also pretty generic, if not outright bland.

It wasn't "bad", but it wasn't anything that a million other heels wouldn't say. He's supposed to be the greatest on the mic, and he's not. He doesn't make me laugh, he doesn't make me hate him with his words, and he doesn't make me want to see him get his ass kicked. He makes me want to watch NCIS on USA (change the channel).
I really like Kennedy, I think he's one of the best on the mic these days, and he definitely has a certain natural magnetism. The only problem is that he has had a lot of injury issues. That being said, they have been unrelated, so it is possible that he was unlucky or that his body can't take the WWE schedule. In which case, it is probably a good thing he's on TNA, because he's got a much lighter schedule there. I think he's worth giving a chance at the top of the card, because if nothing else, he is very charismatic. Beating Abyss clean at the next PPV will do wonders for him moving forwards.
I've always been one of the Kennedy supporters in the E and felt he could have been a big time star. And I still feel that way. I think Kennedy can play a major role in TNA. Kennedy has solid mic skills and decent in ring work. I expect the ring work to improve after more time. I really think if pushed correctly and assuming he can stay healthy, Kennedy could one day be a future world champ in TNA or maybe even make a return to the E again if he chooses not to stay put in TNA.

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