Donald Trump

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This probably would never happen, seeing as Donald and Vince are friends, but what if Donald became a part owner of TNA and helped it grow. He became TNA's Vince McMahon. They both use the "Your Fired" line and both can get heat (I assume b/c any rich person can). He would definitely help TNA and could buy them some talent and a bigger arena and better writers. Would it help TNA, I think it would? Would it help TNA compete, yes or no?
What type of impact would it have on TNA and wrestling as a whole.

Also, I know it will never happen, but it is just hypothetical, don't take it serious.
yeah any rich person could do this but my question to you is why Donald trump? i mean i don't think he's the only rich person in the world who could do the job that TA sooo desperately needs
yeah any rich person could do this but my question to you is why Donald trump? i mean i don't think he's the only rich person in the world who could do the job that TA sooo desperately needs

I picked him b/c he over any other rich person, has some wrestling experience, all be it a one time thing. He is a character, he can make you hate him very easily (even though any rich person can, as I already said). He also knows how to fix and modify any business, his businesses where in trouble in the late 80's and 90's, yet some how he fixed it. Also, he could have Bound for Glory at the same place that WrestleMania 4 and 5 (not the greatest Mania, but Mania was there). He also can get them instant media press b/c people, imo, pay more attention to Donald, as far as for entertainment, than any other billionaire. I truly believe that Donald could be great in TNA and help them develop.
First of all, Donald Trump rarely puts up much, if any of his own money. Usually he partners with people who are willing to pay him for the use of the Trump name.

Second, he would very likely not be interested in moving into wrestling full time. If he were part owner he probably wouldn't show up much unless tapings or events were in New York.

Third, pretty much everything he's touched has failed at some point. He gets by by leveraging his name, having new partners pony up for him and lots of times, filing for bankruptcy.

Fourth, Trump is interested in getting money back on his investment (if he invests at all). That means he would be making all decisions on what will make him the most money...which would likely forfeit long term growth of younger wrestlers and storylines.

Now, since you said it's hypothetical, let's say that he did but TNA. I'm not sure how much someone like Trump would get over with fans, or bring new ones in. He would for a while, and likely get some mainstream press. But younger fans probably don't care about him and older fans have seen it before. After seeing him for a while it would all blow over and we'd get used to it, media would stop covering it and he'd really just be another commissioner type character.

A guy like Trump is great for a cameo. People know who he is, it's interesting in a "why is he doing this" type of way, and there likely would be major media coverage...but in the long term I don't think it would help, especially if he were an owner.
Donald Trump is a massive media tycoon along with being an avid wrestling fan, so this can only be a plus to TNA if he is in charge.
Although I can't help but feel that this could result in "Vince vs. Billionaire Ted" again.
Trumps resources would also help launch TNA onto a bigger platform to where it would be somewhat closer to competing with the WWE, but it obviously never will be able to seriously compete.
Also I like the idea of Bound For Glory at the Trump Plaza, same location as two Wrestlemania's for TNA's grandest stage.
Even if Trump did jack shit, it would still be better than Dixie Carter, who is just a dumb bitch who needs to get the fuck out of wrestling.
Funnily enough ,in my thread on who TNA should sign or do to start a thursday night war I picked Trump as the guy to finance it.being FrienD of vince.& all that.
In reality though I think He WoulD climb on board TNA for a while,maybe sign a few RVD types to piss Vince off (in a joking buddy way of course!!).But I feel as wrestlings not his bread,n,butter,loaded or not he,d "amicably" pull out of the deal after a while if he found he was losing money rather than making it..
(currently there,s a thread here,on what TNA would have to do to beat WWE-these threads are getting so darn repeatatitive!)
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