Donald Trump Storyline Discussion

We have to see in the next couple of weeks because we do not know what they have in store for Raw. I think that for the next month or two in may become interesting because they may throw things at us that we do not expect. We may actually see good storylines, which all depends if they try something different of course. I for one will watch the whole thing and hopefully it will not make me tired like last week's show.
I'm going to remain positive for now. At least it is something different and maybe Trump can bring something intersting to the table. Shake things up a bit and bring Raw out of the rut it's been in recently.

On the other hand, it could be a complete failure. Considering he didn't even show up for his debut, you have to whether or not Trump event give 2 shits about this. He might half heartadely go through the motions just to get attentions.

Get back to me in a month or two and we'll see how this plays out.
For those against the story line I respect the reasons why y'all do not like it , but I find it funny that everyone says that raw is stale and then Vince throws a curve in and we all think that its another stupid idea.
I mean come on when was the last time Monday night raw was sold?? the answer never ...
Of course there are always gonna be better candidates to play the owner other than Trump , but it just makes since that he could by raw he's a billionaire.
Ric Flair probably could not afford raw in Kayfabe and neither could Steve Austin . To me it just makes perfect since that Vince could sell raw to Trump .
I think that it will be a decent story line as long as the wwe dose not screw things up like they seem to do every summer .
Trump is way too high profile for RAW, and really is too much for the show. I like Trump's act, and yes he is an act. However like I said the personality isn't fit for wrestling. This is more of a publicity stunt on the WWE's part, and I don't blame them for using the "trump" card. WWE fans are very familiar with Trump's brief stints.

Honestly, it just seems like something to keep on for a few weeks, and allow creative to get some better storylines tied up, and ready for WM. Obviously, with no commercials all this creative stuff could start then. They are going to have a ton of time now without commercial breaks. What I'm getting at here is that there is a chance to kill a ton of birds with one stone, and that stone being the "commercial free" concept that they have decided to run with this Monday. The writers are going to have to work hard and think of something that will last a solid two hours non-stop. Basically bringing in that PPV atmosphere, and that may be their best hope right now for the show.
At first I was disappointed not because it was Donald Trump, but because it wasn't Eric Bischoff :(

After about a second of expected let down, I was pretty indifferent. When I was considering the people it could be (Bischoff, Flair, Dibiase Sr, even JBL), Trump didn't cross my mind at all and when he was announced my friend and I were like "Oh...okay" I don't see it harming Raw at all, but it does have SOME potential to make it better....somehow. We'll just have to see how this plays out before we can really judge.
I mean, let's take a look at all of the GMs that Raw has had before Trump bought Raw:

Vickie Guerrero- Not a bad choice, I suppose. But the fact of the matter is, that without Edge, she didn't have a whole lot to do. And even with the things she did, creative always gave her terrible things to work with. I mean, messing around Santino Marella? Do we really want our GM's messing around with their time as frivolously as this? I don't think so.

Stephanie McMahon/Shane- I mean, really, what did they do throughout their reign? They were simply the most bland of GMs you will find. What did Steph and Shane contribute to Raw as authority figures? Getting punted in the head? No, they were extremely bland and passe at being GMs. Definitely not your typical McMahon run.

Mike Adamle- Need I say more? Sure, he made the Championship Scramble. But what did he really do for Raw? I mean, can you tell me a good thing he did, either than that Scramble match? Adamle's reign was marred with debate on whether or not he even deserved a job with WWE, let alone as GM.

William Regal- I'll admit, Regal's run excited me, and I loved the way he used/abused his power. Still, it really led to nothing, and he was ousted after a month. I would have loved to see what would have become of his reign, but unfortunately, we never found out.

Coach/Vince- So let me get this straight: These two were fodder for The DX feud, and I'm supposed to believe in them as power figures? Yes, I know it's Vince, but even then, he was more or less treated as a comical figure, and not the imposing figure he se to be. Meh, not impressed by Vince. As for Coach... I just never liked Coach.

Which brings us to this man:


The man has a very discernable personality, and has been on TV long enough to grow a character away from WWE. He could play the role of the crazed billionaire, and throw around his weight on Raw if he chose to. Surely, if he gives the people "what they want", I think his run may fail, but even then, Donald has a personality that makes you want to watch... Even just a little bit. It's my opinion that he'll be better than any of the Raw GMs we've had Eric Bischoff.

What say you all?
I think Donald Trump could be one of the biggest, most obnoxious heels in WWE history. Again, as someone who has been thoroughly disgusted with the WWE direction, I am in full support of this angle, and I think it is exactly the type of thing that WWE needs to revitalize the interest in Raw once again.

I can't wait to see some of the things Trump's character will do with Raw in the next few weeks. Hopefully, WWE won't disappoint me, because if done right, he can be one of the greatest heels in WWE history.

People who are bashing Trump are only proving that they really don't have any innovative vision for the potential he has as a character.
I wanted to see what many of you thought Trump should do while he is in the WWE. I think I would like to see him fix Festus, and turn him in to a corrupt big man. Give him a new attitude, and character as I feel the WWE is missing a solid big man like Festus to make some noise.
First off, "Trump" is not going to fix or change anything - it's a work !!!!

He does not / will not / should not / can not have any creative control whatsoever - he knows nothing about wrestling. Hell, the guy barely knows anything about real estate, yet he's made a fortune from it even though he's filed bankruptcy on several properties.

Nothing is going to change as it relates to the product unless a person with the last name of McMahon says it will.

A commercial free Raw is Vince's idea. A last man standing title match on Raw is Vince's idea. The Bash card is Vince's idea. The "sale" of Raw to Trump is Vince's idea.

If Festus receives a push or if Goldust miraculously appears as Dustin Rhodes or if Hornswoggle grows three feet by Monday, it will all be because of Vincent Kennedy McMahon, not Donald Trump.

Well, maybe a Hornswoggle growth spurt will be because of Chris Benoit's former doctor, but I digress.
Very aware that this is a work. Was suggesting this towards his character. Since you know creatively he just "bought" Raw. He has to stroke some powe now. What I was saying is that obviously "creative" should have his character fix Festus. We all know how wealthy Trump is, and so it suggests that money makes things right in this case. No reason to mention the other two as i didn't. However I do feel that Festus is worth the time because he has some talent for a man his size.
I agree Trump has no wrestling knowledge but then again the way the storylines are being written no one working for the wwe does either. i miss the times of getting goosebumps when someone totally unexpected would have their music blare to interupt a heel promo or beatdown. I feel like the fans are being taken for morons that cant put 2 and 2 together. raw is so predictable anymore its not worth watching. I wish trump had actually bought raw. i think he would at least be able to see when a business is in shark infested waters with their arms flailing to survive. hell he could have used his apprentice show to have a new gm every year.
i doubt he'll do anything good but if he did something, he could get all those useless wrestlers on raw and do something like the apprentice...hell, maybe even do it to vince and end up firing vince...which could build a small storyline where they face off on a match like the one at WM 23 but have vince winning RAW back
Here is my thought. I think that Trump will 'try some things' that Vince wouldn't due to fear of change. If they work, Trump is the new guy genious. If they don't work, Trump is new to this and he doesn't know any better.

I also feel that this will ultimately lead to Vince wanting Raw back and leading up to a match where Trump will own all of WWE or Vince will get Raw back.
Of the Donald Trump Sell?

It only lasted one night, and its already back under McMahon ownership.

Could it be that Trump paid for the commercial free Raw, in exchange to run the show?

This might of been the dumbest, biggest waste of time angle in the history of the business dare i say even worse then WCW putting the title on David Arquette. Can someone explain what the whole point of this was?
Okay, the whole Donald Trump thing was pointless as fuck. Honestly, there was no point in bringing him in for a week. I really hope he comes out next week and does something, cuz otherwise this was just stupid.
It made no sense - if Trump owns RAW why does Vince care if there is no commercials etc. Vince doesn't own RAW so he wouldn't loose money - that is STUPID!

Also what the hell was the point of this! 1 night - total dumb
well there u go another pointless wwe let down, we knew trump wouldnt be around for long but 1 show just to get us to watch come on...

the point sting4life was that it was desperation for a big ratings number that theyll get for 1 week, the angle is over and the payoff at the end is another cena/big show match that will put everyone to sleep and next week will go back to 3.2 ratings, they really have nothing better to write i guess, its a shame, tna is putting on a better tv show than raw week to week i hate to say it but its true
I think they brought in Trump to show only he would ever pay for a no commercial Raw. It sounds like they just wanted to test the commercial free show to see what kind of a reaction it would get it. And instead of just trying it, they added more to the pot so to speak. Put a bit of an angle into it. Sure pointless as hell, but at least it was an entertaining show.
My thoughts?

Simply a cheap way for the WWE to obtain publicity. I mean, I don't think you could look at it any other way. The WWE was looking to obtain a high rating for tonight, and also to rope in some new fans. So, The plan was for Vince to concoct this little storyline with Donald, and to have him "run" Raw for the night, in order to attract new viewers to what could very well be a great show.

Now, if I were Vince.... I would actually play up on this a bit. You see, when Donald spoke, he was talking about investor's who would buy Raw at a higher price. Granted, it was probably only a way to egg on Vince, and have him pay more for Raw. But, imagine the scenario I have created, in which Vince brings in another personality that would be more shocking, and have more relevance towards actually wrestling:

Next Week:

Vince comes on air, and admits that his purchase of Raw last week was extremely costly. He admits that his hubris got the best of him, and curses Trump for suckering him into buying Raw again. He goes off on tirades, and forces faces into unfair matches for about a month, showing just how pissed he is, and how much he doesn't care. He'll show Donald Trump, if it's the last thing he does. This goes on for about a month, until Vince again announces that someone has purchased Raw yet again. He builds this up for the rest of the show, stating how he never imagined doing business with this man ever again, and how unfair it is that he's been relegated to business with this man. Still, this Entrepreneur has made a sweet deal, and has managed to quadruple Vince's offer that he made Donald for Raw. Vince, the money loving man that he is, simply can't turn down this offer. At the end of the show, we find out who the man is that has purchased Raw... And it is this man;


That's right, this man, who has been at war with Vince for years. The man that almost put Vince out of business. The man that is partially responsible for the Monday Night Wars. Yes, that man is at the helm of Raw.

From there, Vince goes off to Smackdown, and builds up Smackdown, and stays far, far, far, away from Raw. Let Ted "control" Raw, and let him try to turn things around. Vince does not have to immediately come back to Raw... But he can acknowledge what Ted is doing on Raw. Eventually, it can become too much, and Vince begins to make attacks from Smackdown over to Raw. This can go on for about a year, before Vince finally has had enough, and decides on three things:

1. That He and Ted need to decide the owner of the WWE (on-screen, of course), and that they must do so by having their brands go to war.
2. After this, the brand spilit can officially end, as one billionaire can claim victory over the other.
3. You have a storyline to build around for a year, building off the Monday Night War of so long ago (granted, it won't exactly be a Monday Night War, as much so as the WWE War.) WWE gets more exposure, it holds much more relevance to actual wrestling, and the brand split can end should Vince decide it's time for such a thing to occur.
My thoughts?

Simply a cheap way for the WWE to obtain publicity. I mean, I don't think you could look at it any other way. The WWE was looking to obtain a high rating for tonight, and also to rope in some new fans. So, The plan was for Vince to concoct this little storyline with Donald, and to have him "run" Raw for the night, in order to attract new viewers to what could very well be a great show.

Now, if I were Vince.... I would actually play up on this a bit. You see, when Donald spoke, he was talking about investor's who would buy Raw at a higher price. Granted, it was probably only a way to egg on Vince, and have him pay more for Raw. But, imagine the scenario I have created, in which Vince brings in another personality that would be more shocking, and have more relevance towards actually wrestling:

Next Week:

Vince comes on air, and admits that his purchase of Raw last week was extremely costly. He admits that his hubris got the best of him, and curses Trump for suckering him into buying Raw again. He goes off on tirades, and forces faces into unfair matches for about a month, showing just how pissed he is, and how much he doesn't care. He'll show Donald Trump, if it's the last thing he does. This goes on for about a month, until Vince again announces that someone has purchased Raw yet again. He builds this up for the rest of the show, stating how he never imagined doing business with this man ever again, and how unfair it is that he's been relegated to business with this man. Still, this Entrepreneur has made a sweet deal, and has managed to quadruple Vince's offer that he made Donald for Raw. Vince, the money loving man that he is, simply can't turn down this offer. At the end of the show, we find out who the man is that has purchased Raw... And it is this man;


That's right, this man, who has been at war with Vince for years. The man that almost put Vince out of business. The man that is partially responsible for the Monday Night Wars. Yes, that man is at the helm of Raw.

From there, Vince goes off to Smackdown, and builds up Smackdown, and stays far, far, far, away from Raw. Let Ted "control" Raw, and let him try to turn things around. Vince does not have to immediately come back to Raw... But he can acknowledge what Ted is doing on Raw. Eventually, it can become too much, and Vince begins to make attacks from Smackdown over to Raw. This can go on for about a year, before Vince finally has had enough, and decides on three things:

1. That He and Ted need to decide the owner of the WWE (on-screen, of course), and that they must do so by having their brands go to war.
2. After this, the brand spilit can officially end, as one billionaire can claim victory over the other.
3. You have a storyline to build around for a year, building off the Monday Night War of so long ago (granted, it won't exactly be a Monday Night War, as much so as the WWE War.) WWE gets more exposure, it holds much more relevance to actual wrestling, and the brand split can end should Vince decide it's time for such a thing to occur.

That's actually a very good idea, but I just can't see Vince "selling" to Ted or should I say Ted being involved with WWE. But it would really a very good year of wrestling especially once the war between Smackdown and Raw started.
It did a little good it turned vince into a heel again ... and It made me feel that orton could possibly be i tween er mode with triple H be a tween er now too . It also did do some good publicity and probably sold a lot of KFC grilled chicken lol .
This was flat out stupid. Like others stated, this was just a cheap way for WWE to try and get a ratings boost, gain new fans, and explain why there was a commercial free Raw.

I don't understand why they come up with these ideas. They could have taken countless other routes to explaining why there was a commercial free Raw.

If they don't take this further and just leave with Vince being upset and purchasing Raw back, then I'm going to stop watching Raw, and will only be watching ECW, Smackdown, and TNA Impact!

On a positive note, The Bash actually has the potential to be the best WWE PPV this year! about killing off a storyline before it could even blossom into something......maybe even the all knowing and all powerful Vincent Kennedy McMahon thought about the storyline throughout the week and was like, "you know what, this is kind of stupid...even for the WWE" and decided to pull the plug on it.

Or maybe, he just realized that no one in the media was going to continue to do a story on it other than a little blurb.

Who knows...guess we have to just wait and see.

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