My thoughts?
Simply a cheap way for the WWE to obtain publicity. I mean, I don't think you could look at it any other way. The WWE was looking to obtain a high rating for tonight, and also to rope in some new fans. So, The plan was for Vince to concoct this little storyline with Donald, and to have him "run" Raw for the night, in order to attract new viewers to what could very well be a great show.
Now, if I were Vince.... I would actually play up on this a bit. You see, when Donald spoke, he was talking about investor's who would buy Raw at a higher price. Granted, it was probably only a way to egg on Vince, and have him pay more for Raw. But, imagine the scenario I have created, in which Vince brings in another personality that would be more shocking, and have more relevance towards actually wrestling:
Next Week:
Vince comes on air, and admits that his purchase of Raw last week was extremely costly. He admits that his hubris got the best of him, and curses Trump for suckering him into buying Raw again. He goes off on tirades, and forces faces into unfair matches for about a month, showing just how pissed he is, and how much he doesn't care. He'll show Donald Trump, if it's the last thing he does. This goes on for about a month, until Vince again announces that someone has purchased Raw yet again. He builds this up for the rest of the show, stating how he never imagined doing business with this man ever again, and how unfair it is that he's been relegated to business with this man. Still, this Entrepreneur has made a sweet deal, and has managed to quadruple Vince's offer that he made Donald for Raw. Vince, the money loving man that he is, simply can't turn down this offer. At the end of the show, we find out who the man is that has purchased Raw... And it is this man;
That's right, this man, who has been at war with Vince for years. The man that almost put Vince out of business. The man that is partially responsible for the Monday Night Wars. Yes, that man is at the helm of Raw.
From there, Vince goes off to Smackdown, and builds up Smackdown, and stays far, far, far, away from Raw. Let Ted "control" Raw, and let him try to turn things around. Vince does not have to immediately come back to Raw... But he can acknowledge what Ted is doing on Raw. Eventually, it can become too much, and Vince begins to make attacks from Smackdown over to Raw. This can go on for about a year, before Vince finally has had enough, and decides on three things:
1. That He and Ted need to decide the owner of the WWE (on-screen, of course), and that they must do so by having their brands go to war.
2. After this, the brand spilit can officially end, as one billionaire can claim victory over the other.
3. You have a storyline to build around for a year, building off the Monday Night War of so long ago (granted, it won't exactly be a Monday Night War, as much so as the WWE War.) WWE gets more exposure, it holds much more relevance to actual wrestling, and the brand split can end should Vince decide it's time for such a thing to occur.