Donald Trump Storyline Discussion

I like the new move of involving trump back. However on the topic of the storyline, I have a strong feeling that over the next few weeks or definitely next week, trump will announce a new GM to run raw when he isn't around and that person will be none other than the natureboy ric flair. Think about it, there was a storyline last year where flair would become fired if he lost a match, which he lost at WM24. Therefore, what other way for trump to p*ss vince off (in a kayfabe way of course) than to hire the natche as the new GM of raw. What do you guys thinks?
if they continue this storyline untill around sumemrslam or somewhere there and build up a good storyline with vince and trump, then trump could kayfabe hire vince and then fire him like in the apprentice but then they have an "ownership over raw" match like at wm 23
I say the the WWE savior because now that he "owns Raw" I see a Smackdown vs Raw storyline about to happen. The reason I say this is because Vince and Donald are is all gonna conclude in a survivor series traditional 10 man tag. I hope this happens because the brand rivalry storylines are so entertaining. So what do you think?
Well I think that yes the whole Trump thing could be great , But I think the writers will probably screw this up just like they have been doing as of late. I also see this is a chance for Vince to turn heel again and in the end win back monday night raw . All in all I do not think this will save raw I think it has a better chance to bring it further down. Plus they should have sold it to Bicshoff because it could have made vince look like raws potential savior instead of some outsider of the wwe .
I don't see this lasting for more than a month. WWE has been unable to sustain a decent storyline for quite a while (nothing on the level of HHH-HBK, which ultimately culminated in a Hell In A Cell), and whenever they strike potential gold (Miz's involvement in Cena-Show feud) or come within an inch of doing so (the Hart Dynasty last night- why bury them?), they seem to fuck it up. Skull-fuck it, at times.
To be honest I found the entire thing down right cheesy. They could have made it more believable instead of a recorded Trump broadcast. I guess it has potential to open up a better storyline, but as a few of you have said, the WWE writing has not been very good lately, so they might screw this up as well.
This won't make Vince a heel again. People booed quite loudly when he announced he was selling it and to who. If he sold it to someone everyone knew would actually be around(Hogan, Flair, Savage, DiBiase, etc), people would have cared. It'll spike ratings this week and they'll tank the following.
This won't make Vince a heel again. People booed quite loudly when he announced he was selling it and to who. If he sold it to someone everyone knew would actually be around(Hogan, Flair, Savage, DiBiase, etc), people would have cared. It'll spike ratings this week and they'll tank the following.

Maybe this is Vince's idea of a new Monday night war of sorts. Like someone said a RAW vs SMACKDOWN, Monday vs Friday plan. Vince doesn't have any competition really so he has to create it and hope it works out well, ya know? I mean since TNA is years away from ever being considered in a war with WWE cause I think TNA is WWE's retirement home or a home for WWE rejects. Not to say that Mr. Kennedy is a reject, I had hopes for him in WWE in fact that night he came out on raw I said "I could see him being a big time player/WWE champ." But I wish him the best of luck and I hope he does reach his full potential over there.
I think having Trump as the “Owner” of Raw will be fine and it will make the lines between the Red show and the Blue show much clearer than ever. This reminds me of when Flair was the owner of the Flagship. GMs are great, but two separate owners are better and who better than someone who has the actual money to be credible enough to pull off the character of “Owner”. If not Trump, I would have suggested, Ted Turner himself as the Kayfabe owner. Now that would have been interesting. At first, I was as p!$$ed off about this like it was Vengeance 2001 all over again, but then thought, let’s watch and see where this goes.
Everyone's been complaining about superstars running around the brands, like Edge jumping to Raw for one night to break up with his fiance. Well, now, no more whining guys. Smackdown superstars can't go over to Raw anymore, considering Raw is technically another company now, and owned by a new person. Good thing there isn't really a tag-division, or Smackdown and ECW would be up shit-creek without a tag champion.

Trump can be so much good, as opposed to marginal bad. What bad will come of this? A month or two or new shit then back to McMahon owning Raw and Orton still boring me? Not like that's any different than usual. Or Trump can start some crazy new shit, culminating in a Survivor Series match for ownership of Raw. And if McMahon has faith, he'll let Trump win. Then if things start to go bad, Wrestlemania will be the PPV where McMahon wins back Raw, to the horror of the crowd. McMahon goes on to crack-down on Raw, cementing his heel turn, blah blah blah.

Hang out a while guys, let Vince do his thing.
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Now calling Trump the Knight in Shining Armor for the WWE is a little dramatic, but I'll definitely give you that it may be the shot in the arm that RAW needed to be more interesting. For at least a month the WWE will be trying as hard as they can to offer a more interesting, entertaining product in the name of Trump, in order to build him up as this great owner. If we're lucky, this will work, and then Trump will turn into a bad guy, and this will allow McMahon to come back, and we'll a good old fashioned SurvivorSeries for the ownership of RAW in November.

This storyline has potential to not work out, but it'll still be more interesting than RAW had been a few weeks back (I've enjoyed the past two weeks for the most part). Better yet, this storyline could work out, and RAW will be better again for months to come. I wouldn't dismiss this angle so quickly, it could be very interesting.
I was surprised i thought maybe flair or even as far as bischoff or austin. However austin is doing a movie and bischoff and vince dont like each other so flair was my guess. Donald trump got it and i was surprised yet let down. Knowing he's not really going to be at raw much, hes too damn busy. However i agree with the brands being more respected in this case with no more ship jumping. Maybe he will do some good i dont know but if wwe knows how to screw things up, well they will do it.
The Kayfabe question I’m pondering right now is, will Trump change the name “WWE Raw” to something else like, I don’t know, “TWE”?? I mean, if they are going to do this, do it right!! I know it’s not real, but Vince and company should at least make it somewhat believable, right??
This may work out to eventually Trump taking Raw and Vince going to Smackdown. This will be the fight for a while and I bet we see some wrestlers change their gimmicks to better fit both "owners." Maybe seeing some "firings." I would not mind either one of them actually reforming tag teams and make the draft null/void like Jesse and Festus getting back together or getting Ezekel Jackson back with Kendrick (for example).

This, of course, will be the eventual culmination at Survivor Series. Raw vs. Smackdown and ECW being forgotten as it's own entity. I bet the teams are a mix of heel and face. People who back the "owner" and put everything aside...Something like: Cena, Kofi, Big Show and Legacy VS. Punk, Jericho, Jeff Hardy, Edge and Rey Mysterio (again, "something like that")
No even though people will be interested the ratings are gonna spike compared to last week and qualityinst something well see with this storyline
I'm not getting my hopes up just yet! I don't care who the "owner" would have turned out to be, let's not forget who's writing this story line! Does the name Stephanie ring a bell?
In my opinion, this could be great for the WWE. i know thats not the most popular thing to say, but hear me out.

Basically, what is Raw in dire need of at the moment? Ratings. And how best to do that? Bring in someone who, no disrespect to Vince Mcmahon, is more widely known throughout America than Vince is, someone who is going to bring ratings up, as his show (I live in England so forgive me if I'm wrong) I imagine is getting higher ratings that Raw is.

So even if he does stay for a month or two at least, Trump will bring some mainstream attention to Raw, maybe even Smackdown and ECW as well, meaning some people who had no prior interest to wrestling will now watch it just to see what Trump brings to it. Hopefully, enough people will get switched onto the product, and ratings will get higher.

Thats all that Trumps there for: to gain ratings.

^^^First post.
Hate to rain on the parade here, but there is NO WAY this is lasting until Survivor Series, at least not with Trump. This angle will be lucky to make it past The Bash (is that "at the Beach" or "Great American" BTW?) with Trump. He is far too busy to make more than 2-3 live appearances tops on WWE programming. And, btw, even if this were legit, Trump's too shrewd a businessman to change the name of one of cable's most popular shows for the last 17 years.

Obviously, the whole point of involving Trump is to garner mainstream coverage while network programming is on summer hiatus. I'll be surprised if this garners near the coverage the Hair v. Hair match did, since Trump's involvement is by now old hat.

The idea of "selling" Raw was, IMO, a good one. Obviously everyone figured Flair, and I was holding out for Bischoff, although it was a HUGE longshot. Trump actually crossed my mind, but I dismissed it almost instantly. But I should know by now not to underestimate the WWE's capacity to rehash something that was popular a while back. We all know where this goes from here: Trump and McMahon (or a third party) pick representatives to vie for control of Raw. But not at Survivor Series, most likely the Bash. Trump's champion probably wins, but Trump sells his interest to Flair, Shane, JBL, or another Player to be Named Later.

This angle is still salvageable, depending on to whom Trump inevitably sells Raw. If McMahon gets it back, it's back to business as usual with the WWE (hopefully) getting a buyrate spike for one PPV. I'm personally hoping for JBL, as long as he doesn't wrestle. Flair is too obvious (and too likely to unretire), Shane's been done, and I don't see DiBiase or Bischoff getting back into the biz. I've never been a fan of JBL's singles ringwork, but I loved his character and stick work. Plus, the WWE could be seeing a renewed Austin vs. McMahon et al in Cena vs. JBL, given their history. Anyway, here's hoping for the best
This is just bad creative.. "The Trump Travesty" will go down as an expensive and horrible idea... The creative on Raw has been horrible for months now... "The Trump Travesty" is the icing on the cake... Horrible move, Horrible creative...
This should be half decent it's something new and worst case scenario we get a commmercial free RAW out of this so yeah it's all good and Trump is an excellent buisnessman so if he actually has some creative power this should be one of the best era's if it last's that long of wrestling also Trump is great at promos so that's another thing he has over Adamle.
I lilke the survivor series match idea and it'll probably happen or another hair vs hair match which would be HHH representing Vince vs. RKO or Big Show representing Trump or maybe if we're lucky Cena representing Vince vs. Miz representing Trump because Trump will proabaly go heel for this to work.
All in all I like this idea a lot it's fresh and exciting and we get a mini pay-pper-veiw for free so far this will already be better than Adamle possibly Vicky.
When Vince first announced Trump had "bought" RAW, it was a very big letdown. I don't think there would have been a "No Chance in Hell" for Trump because Trump and Vince have had a great working relationship in the past, and everyone knows this. WWE tries to make us forget about the Head shaving match from WM 23 because it leads to the Vince Death storyline.

Like I said, I was hugely disappointed when he announced Trump. I just think there were so many other angles they could have taken to get the wrestling fans to tune back in, other than just the casual televisions to tune in just because of Trump. I was hoping for Ted Turner or a WCW guy, because then you would have instant tension that would draw back viewers. It didn't have to be a whole rehash of the Invasion angle, and wouldn't be, but it would get the long time viewers to tune back in.

I do think that the Trump angle has potential, but I think it will be a short lived happening unless Trump installs a General Manager, and does his video check ins every so often.
Bad Decision by WWE. Donald Trump is not gonna make ratings any better. Did anybody notice that when he came the Tron On Monday Night Raw the crowd Booed him. After he spoke he got booed again. He also made a bad point saying "Vince You Never give the Fans What they want". Think outside the Box Here Trump. If Vince wasn't around WWE Would be finished. I Love Vince McMahon. He has given the WWE Universe what they want. A Fantastic show with Great Superstars. If I Was A WWE Writer i would hand in my notice. Also i would have given the spot too Someone Like Ric Flair or even better what if he sold Raw To Randy Orton, That would be totally Shocking and fantastic. But Trumps in the position. Also hes ruined the Bash Pay Per View by putting the main event on Raw Next Raw. How good is it going to look if Randy Orton goes over on Hunter then they meet at the Bash one on one. If that does happen The Storylines taking a turn for the worse. So finally Donald Trump is not a good candidate for The WWE, Quite frankly im Appauled at this decision.
This is simply a testbed storyline, nothing more. All it means is that they want to experiment with the RAW format, so they need a way to do it. Trump is the excuse, nothing more. This way, the changes are Trump "doing things the right way (or at least the Trump way" and if they are roaring success, Vince gets the credit, because its just a storyline anyway...if its a failure, they can blame it on "Trump messing things up" and they go back to the same ol' same ol'. It isn't as if this is going to last more than a month or two anyway, does anyone seriously think Trump isn't going to lose interest in a relative hurry?

For the Bash, it just means they have a different main event. Might be better, might be worse. But, that would be the case regardless. Things change in wrestling, period. Assuming that the Bash main event for RAW will be worse is foolish, because we don't know what the new main event is going to be...its silly to complain about a hypothetical match that hasn't even been announced yet to automatically be worse than some other match.
Ok this is kind of interesting......a little strange but interesting lol. I hope they can make a really good storyline out of this. Can't wait to see how a commerical free raw and a last man standing match between triple HHH and orton play out. There may still be some hope for raw after all lol.
So. I guesss im the only person on here who was washed over by a feeling of crushing indifference when they revealed this? Is it becuase of my depression? I think not.

Literally, Trump came on, I said to myself "Ah, Trump. Well I guess that makes sense" and went back to eating my chicken Quesidilla.

I dont see how everyone is jumping off the boat over this thing. Do you REALLY think its going to have that much of an impact on programming? It wont, like, at all. As Jake stated, Trump has better shit to do than be on WWE television every week, so he wont be a real large part of the programming, I dont think. So all the naysayers can just calm down.

For everyone saying "HEY!! IT WAS UNPREDICTABLE!! IT WAS A SUPRISE!!! YAY!!!" well. I imagine if you were walking along tomorrow and stepped into a bear trap, you would be pretty fucking suprised. Just becuase something is a suprise, doesnt mean its good.

I dont think this can be called good, or bad. Just meh. I guess the negative people are the ones who were wrong, becuase they were the ones saying "ZOMG, anyone but Flair!!"...the WWE gave you that, yet still you bitch and wont really be that big of a deal, truly.

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