Donald Trump Storyline Discussion

I agree, the battle royal was rather obvious who was going to win, i mean i thought it wouldve been great if the Miz would've won. Cena cou;dve eliminates HHH then Miz would've came out and thrown cena out and made him 9? and 0 agianst Cena, i mean i dont wanna see Orton and Miz for the title, but damn, wouldve been refreshing
Who knows, maybe Trump won't be there all the time. I mean he is a business man and maybe he can't travel all the time, so he names a new GM of Raw to be in charge when hes not there. Its going to be very very intresting to see where this goes.

I think he will probably be there for a week or two and then be very sporadic. (I could easily be wrong.) People have been crying that the GM is too much a part of the show. It has all been done before. Well, what about a sporadic GM who will do whatever makes business sense. Coming into it, he has no personal vandettas (especially since Lashley and Umaga are gone). I haven't watched RAW (save the last 8 minutes last week) since the night after Backlash. I didn't even see the first hour because I just had other things to do. Tonights RAW was nothing special, but the announcement bought one more week of interest for me.

Lets see where it goes. If it sucks, I'll find something else to do. If it is good, Ill start watching regularly again.
i don't really understand why wwe is going with about the orton/hhh and cena/bigshow storylines being recycled and now add the trump thing.where does he fit in all of this?for a while, i thought it would be ric flair wich it would make sense since according to WZ, he's done with ROH. also, vince said that him and this person had some history and the only one that came to mind would be HBK...i hope they have a good ending coz it was just horrible adding want to make a storyline like that, sell it to a wrestler and not to a guy who wears roadkill on his head
It will either be a big success or a huge mistake by bringing in Trump. Obviously it was to get some mainstream publicity. Lets face it nobody saw it coming. Everyone thought it was gonna be Flair. Thank god it wasn't though. I would've liked to see Eric Bishoff come back. He was by far the best GM out of everyone. Plus it would've been ironic considering that Vince bought WCW.
Yeah, I thought the announcement of Donald Trump "buying" Monday Night Raw was stupidest thing I have ever seen on WWE TV. If Flair would have been appointed the GM, that would have been cool (but I had a feeling Vince wouldn't do it because of all the wrestling news sites leaking that out). Heck, I would have been satisfied with Bischoff running Raw again, but it would have been hilarious if TNA and Jeff Jarrett would have bought Raw (but that would never happen).

Let's just hope Vince's decision to have Trump run Raw doesn't put both Raw and the entire WWE down the crapper.
And sadly, I'm not shocked at all by how much blind hatred this story has gotten. Oy, vey.

Look, the fact is, we have no clue where this story is going, nor should even try to assume that this stroyline is going to be bad. For all we know, this gimmick could work. I'm actually intruiged by the concept of commercial free. I don't understand how the USA Network is allowing this, but I can only assume that they've had no issue with the matter.

Trump isn't a wrestling personality, per se, but he does hold relevance in the wrestling world. He has hosted two Wrestlemanias before, so it's not as if this move comes completely out of left field. A little bit, perhaps, but it's not the most random name we've ever heard. Trump is a business man, and Hell, maybe he can add some credibility to the WWE from a business aspect. That seems to be what they're looking to have, so I guess this does quite a bit of good in that matter. But let this storyline play out before we condemn it. I think he portrayed himself well tonight, and he has no problem with the camera on him. Let's try this out, and see if it works.
i was really hoping for austin on this one, would of made raw alot better imo, donald trump doesnt belong in wrestling let alone "controlling" a show, even flair would of been cool, it was good for shock value as i dont think anyone saw this swerve coming at all, hopefully it plays out well and doesnt become a huge fuck up which i have a feeling it will
Why would Trump want to own a wrestling show without the promotion? How can he make matches if he doesn't own the wrestlers? This is fucking ******ed. Seriously, there is no justifying the ******ation of this situation.

Trump is such a piece of shit, too. As a person I can't stand him, and as an on-screen talent the douchebag has absolutely NOTHING to offer.

What a terrible decision by Vince here. I was hoping for Ted Dibiase (the original, not Jr.) to be revealed as the new owner, but we all get stuck with this nonsense. Pathetic.
Why would Trump want to own a wrestling show without the promotion? How can he make matches if he doesn't own the wrestlers? This is fucking ******ed. Seriously, there is no justifying the ******ation of this situation.

Trump is such a piece of shit, too. As a person I can't stand him, and as an on-screen talent the douchebag has absolutely NOTHING to offer.

What a terrible decision by Vince here. I was hoping for Ted Dibiase (the original, not Jr.) to be revealed as the new owner, but we all get stuck with this nonsense. Pathetic.

The wrestlers belong to RAW, and since The Donald OWNS Raw, he owns the right to the wrestlers. Not a really far fetched idea.

As far as The Donald "owning" Raw, let it play out people. I thought it'd be Flair since they are in Charlotte, so this was a nice change of pace. Who knows, maybe next week Trump names a GM (Flair?) and we just don't know it yet. Chill out before totally condemning the situation.
Is it possible that Vinnie Mac introduced Donald Trump as the "owner" instead of the general manager in order to surpass the PG Rating? I mean, if Trump owns the Raw franchise, then he isnt bound to the PG rating, right?

Just my thought, but maybe its a new start for raw. Thoughts?

This is great. People have been asking for something to happen in WWE. yet at the same time lots of people want Flair as GM, again.

Trump was entertaining when he worked Raw two years ago, he will be now. The Battle Of The Billionairs was a great angle. This should be more of the same.

And as somebody who's got better shit to do, he won't be on Raw each week so he'll have a longer shelf life than most GM's.

This won't end with him just being fired on Raw. This will end with a huge angle. Possibly shit, but it'll be something worth talking about.
if anyone was payin attention during the santino-vince segment when Vince was "talking" with Trump. Trump said he wants him back do u think Mr. Kennedy will return next week on RAW. Just give this "TRUMP OWNS RAW" storyline time. I'm glad Natch wasn't named GM again. Which to refresh everyone Natch was GM after the inugeral brand seperation back in 2002. Hopefully Trump gives us a feud with MVP and whoever the champ is cause Porter deserves to be champ. Just give this thing time.
Wow Phenix, what an awful post. That truly is terrible. I don't understand how you can make fun of such an up-and-coming fresh company such as TNA when the WWE is churning this shit out weekly.

Look at Donald Trump. Look at him. He looks silly and totally lacks charisma. If you want people from The Apprentice on Raw, they should have looked the British version. Sir Alan Sugar FTW.
I'm very interested in where this angle is going, as this seems like a good way to make sure the 3 brands do remain their own distinct self.

Now the only major logic problem with this angle is. Vince still owns the WWE, so does this mean he is actually Trumps boss, or does it mean that Raw is no longer a part of the WWE, which means they can't call it the WWE or the WWE universe anymore (Storyline wise of course).

And so if Raw is no longer part of the WWE, how can they appear on WWE PPV's
I was shocked when Vince McMahon said he was selling RAW last night and then very disappointed to learn that he sold it to Donald Trump. This angle won't last long and it makes no sense whatsoever. When Vince said last night that there was a point in time where there was no chance in hell he would do business with the person he sold RAW to, the first person I thought of was Ric Flair because, after all, RAW was in Charlotte and Flair was supposed to be there. What a disappointment when he did not make an appearance. Maybe Flair will be the new GM as many are expecting but I don't know now. After initially thinking Flair, I also thought about Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff as the new owner or co-owners. Flair, Hogan, or Bischoff would certainly make for more entertaining TV than Trump. HUGE disappointment.
Now the only major logic problem with this angle is. Vince still owns the WWE, so does this mean he is actually Trumps boss, or does it mean that Raw is no longer a part of the WWE, which means they can't call it the WWE or the WWE universe anymore (Storyline wise of course).

And so if Raw is no longer part of the WWE, how can they appear on WWE PPV's

it's a good's the first thing that came to my mind when i heard that trump was the new owner...what can happen is somewhere maybe around summerslam or even at summerslam, vince gets fed up and challenges trump to a match similar to their match at WM 23...that would be an interesting thing to see...i just hope trump throws better punches than the ones he did at WM 23 :D

however, expect raw to be horrible for the next few weeks
When I first saw on Raw it was Trump, I was pissed at first. I was expecting Flair or even Austin, which would have been awesome.

But, as I thought it through, I got less angry. At least it's something totally different. Last night's Raw was pretty good too, wrestling and promo-wise. I actually enjoyed it for the first time in awhile.

I'm betting they'll let Trump stay on for awhile, but he'll stay face. Didn't you see the spark of "Mr. McMahon" last night? Vince cannot just turn heel after months of feuding with Orton. It will be done gradually.

It would be funny to see Trump "hire" Vince as a consultant, and Vince being aghast at all the fan friendly shit Trump does. Then, Vince could start a revolution or something to get Raw back.

There are actually a lot of good possibilities here, if, and I say IF, Vince and creative take it the right way. I hope so. :)
for months everyone has rightfully been complaining that Raw is stale, its boring give us something different not the same old card structure.

To be honest I am glad they have done this. its surprising, does get mainstream media attention and everyones a little intrigued as to how different it may and hopefully will look under Trump. Ultimately it has to do this or else there would be no reason for the storyline, if its run the traditional way.

A few things first. i think the wrestling 'universe' has to get used to the fact the the WWE is PG now. its a long term strategy which limits groundbreaking entertainment however its the way they are going. With these new limits Trump is a famous likeable surprise whichshakes the product a little. Also i did not like the battle of the billionaires angle a few years back but from what I remember even though his appearances were rare Trump was well over with the crowd and the fans.

Next as long as he keeps making regular appearances even if its for a two-three month storyline its good news for the wwe its a little extra exposure and thats what they need right now.

Hopefully this is the start of a shakeup that the WWE realises Raw needs to have. Not making Triple H and Orton at The bash is a great idea (as long as they do not have a rematch at the Bash). The reason being Orton and Trips have been overexposed fro the better of the last 4-5 months on Raw with little return(buyrates). It looked great to start but It went stale very quickly.

As for the flair GM talk most of the forums have been down on this idea up until last night its funny to see the sudden call of support for him. Flair would have been predictable, he is supposed to be a legacy punt victim at the moment and it only further prolongs the Trips/Orton angle which does not deserve prolonging.

ECW and Smackdown look much better and frsher now... Raw was the weak link. they needed to do something that shook things up a bit and hence I am hoping Trump is that and I think he should be given the befit of the doubt for a wee bit.

I'm just saying
The only thing that bothers me at this time isn't Donald Trump as, kayfabe, owner of Monday Night RAW...

Its something about Tommy Dreamer's shape, well, even Donald Trump in a suit looks more credible as a wrestler than Dreamer is today, or was, last night.

About the whole storyline thing, well, it might be interesting, it doesn't make sense at all to Vince sell it with no story into it, it was like: "oh, I got a call from Donald Trump he wants to buy RAW, so... let's do it!"

They could have had some storyline into this, I'm not saying like the Invasion Angle, but with Steph or Shane trying to get out of the company after being phisically assaulted several times and Vince wanting them to say, so they sell their shares or something like that to Donald Trump... (what would make sense because RAW was in North Carolina, and Flair already had bought 50% of the WWF/WWE in the past so they could even make it look it was Flair)

But I guess it ends up on Summerslam or Survivor Series, last option is my favourite, they could have the "traditional", cof.. cof... 5 man tag team match with: Team McMahon vs. Team Trump or something like that.
yeah, when Vince said he had a history with this guy.. first names that popped in my head was Bischoff or Stone Cold.. i was really hoping it'd turn out to be Bischoff, i really don't care about Trump at all.. he's annoying, i can't stand his face, and i can't stand his voice.. hopefully i don't have to see him every week
Personally I was hoping for Savage when he announced it was someone he never thought he'd have business dealings with again. You have a built in feud for HHH and Savage like Austin did with his boss. Savage would get a HUGE pop and draw for several months. You could even build it up to Wrestlemania 26 and Savage's induction where Savage vs HHH with the ownership of Raw on the line and Savage gets one last match in the WWE. Plus it would give even more meaning to the "Never say never in the WWE" slogan.
I think Trump is going to bring in the Million Dollar Man by introducing him as a rich, successful, powerful man just like himself to do the dirty work. It would be interesting to have him on their with Legacy. I actually think the WWE is starting to book Legacy in a better direction. Orton won the title back, Priceless won a title shot and they beat down the Colons last nite.

I like Trump, but I don't picture him being there every week or as passionate for wrestling as Vince, so thats why I think he'll bring in someone to be on the floor for him. I also thought of something that would be a longshot but great. Bring in an enforcer that once won the title at Trump Plaza at WM4..the MACHO MAN. I hear he's on good terms and he would make a helluva GM if him and Vince ironed out their differences.
I have only one question.... does Trump really have the time necessary to pull this off? Isn't he busy ruling over an empire many times the size of Vince's?? This is stupid if he's only going to make special appearances every third or fourth RAW!

I'm cautiously intrigued, despite my innate smarkness to dismiss it as another craptastic idea from the wonderful land of WWwtfE - where the PG mad hatter no longer demonstrates a sexual interest in Alice coz Vince handed the bitch a chastity belt and she no longer puts out. Sorry I'm just really down on wrestling right now.

... That being said, nobody watches the friggin thing, but Smackdown currently is the best written wrestling program I have seen since the height of RAW in 99. In many ways its better than the Attitude era ever was. And being a major ROH mark, that is saying something.
Oh, wow. How incredibly not expected. Someone just blindly attacking an angle that hasn't even really started. Looks to me like Trump did fine last night. Wasn't horrible at all. Give it some motherfucking time guys. If it was Flair you would be crying for days (as would I). If it were Ted Dibiase Sr. you'd find a reason to complain. As with Paul Bearer, as if Vince brought in Hulk fucking Hogan.

Calm down, wait a bit. Trump can definitely do something for Raw. Like ratings, when everyone finds out Donald Trump,( you know, that media celebrity?) is heading Raw. Trump is a new face. Which i remember people crying out for weeks ago. Make up your damn minds. New faces or old.


You people are unbelieveable!! You look for any and every excuse just to cut down yet another attempt at the WWE trying to shock the audience and create compelling storylines. How about you all give it at least a week before you destroy the angle!???!

The way I see it, I think it's good for the WWE to bring Trump in. No matter what Trump has done in the form of television in the past, he is still DONALD FUCKING TRUMP. The guy's noteriety alone will bring in new viewers. Adults that have ZERO interest in wrestling will turn it on just to see what happens. Then, once they see the product has been cut down to a PG rating, maybe it'll change their minds about watching or allowing their kids to watch.

And what's so bad about a media frenzy??? MANY great stars in all aspects of entertainment have lived by one phrase: "Any publicity is good publicity, I say." If the WWE is on Entertainment Tonight, or the Tonight Show, or NBC news, is posted in the NY Times, or is shown on any other channels or in any other newspapers, isn't that the goal of advertising?!?

And listen... whether Trump can cut promos or not, the guy still has better mic skills than half of the WWE roster, so quit all of your bitching and moaning.

I see this as a HUGE positive for the WWE. Trump is not a special guest here... they are making him a mainstay on WWE programming. I think this is really going to elevate things for weeks and months to come.
I think bringing in Trump was a smart move by Vince. I have to say that it was totally unexpected, he was the absolute last person who I thought would have been revealed. I liked it when Trump feuded with Vince a few years back, the guy has personality and more importantly his celebrity status could be what RAW needs to pull in the ratings. It is too early to tell if this will be ultimately successful but I'm willing to give WWE the benefit of the doubt here, if you think about it there are countless possibilities and scenarios which could come from this move....haven't we been asking for them to suprise us lately? Well now we have one so let's not complain.

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