Does Your Perception Of A Person Change If You Find Out They Smoke Marijuana?


Big Boot, Leg Drop, 1....2....3
Does finding out that a person you know or know of smokes or has smoked marijuana does that change your perception of them? More so for active marijuana smokers. Marijuana is not accepted in society, but is tolerated much more than in previous generations. Do you think marijuana weakens an image? If marijuana was legalized, would you vote for a president or politician who is a pot smoker? Do you treat people who smoke weed differently from those who don't?

When I find out someone smokes, most particularly those in the professional fields it tells me that they do it to unwind, and it does not change my perception of them. Generally it tells me that they are adults making a conscious decision and they do it because they enjoy it. It causes no harm at all. It is responsible for no deaths in our country, which cannot be said about alcohol or tobacco which are both legal.

I work on Wall St. and believe me, these men with these fancy Brooks Brothers suits, and BMW's are lighting it up and getting high, but just aren't open about it for obvious reasons.

So back to the question. Does your perception of a person change if you find out they smoke marijuana? How does it change? Why or why not?
Since I used to toke up quite a bit back in the day and I have a fairly good knowledge base of why people choose to do it, it does not change my perception at all of anyone. Marijuana isn't evil and it doesn't change people either, except for maybe a few physical traits or some getting lazier and putting on weight from the munchies. However all in all people remain exactly who they are, so I do not allow it to change my perception as there is no reason to.
I lose respect for them. I'm sure quite a few people on here smoke it, and okay then, but I just think it's stupid. People who abuse it and smoke it everyday seriously need help, because it's going to fuck them up. It just shows that they have nothing better to do then smoke, maybe they should try getting out more? I'm sure I'll piss some people off, but yeah, fuck you.
I lose respect for them. I'm sure quite a few people on here smoke it, and okay then, but I just think it's stupid. People who abuse it and smoke it everyday seriously need help, because it's going to fuck them up. It just shows that they have nothing better to do then smoke, maybe they should try getting out more? I'm sure I'll piss some people off, but yeah, fuck you.

wow, how misinformed are you? just because someone smokes doesn't mean they "abuse" it - your argument is terrible. add to that the fact that there's probably millions of "stoners" out blazing and socializing with their friends atm, whilst you're stuck on your computer spouting prejudiced crap.
I have managed to have virtually zero interaction with drugs so I know very little about them. Pretty certain that all of my close friends are in the same boat. It was never something that we even entertained as an idea. When I was in my teens it was all about playing football and then wondering whether we could get some alcohol. Because of that I'm sure that my perception would change if I found out that they were a heavy or consistent user. I think I would be a little more wary of them or maybe even pity them a little. I know that that is all to do with the public notion that DRUGS = BAD and that anyone who uses drugs has had a hard life but hey, thats all I have to go on!

Having said that, I have had experience of people telling me that they do not drink despite never having tried it and not for medical reasons and my reaction is somewhat similar - wariness and pity. Although I think that that is more to do with what part of the world I am from. Along the north coast of Northern Ireland, it is my experience that someone who will not take a drink is either medical unable (such as my friend) or is some sort of Born Again Christian nutcase who wouldn't fun if it came up and slapped them in the face...
I lose respect for them. I'm sure quite a few people on here smoke it, and okay then, but I just think it's stupid. People who abuse it and smoke it everyday seriously need help, because it's going to fuck them up. It just shows that they have nothing better to do then smoke, maybe they should try getting out more? I'm sure I'll piss some people off, but yeah, fuck you.

Kind of an ignorant response but ok, let's work with it. What if you find out they drink alcohol which is responsible for thousands of deaths as opposed to marijuana which isn't linked to any recorded deaths? Does your perception of them change then? The same thing can be said about Tobacco as well.
blah blah blah...whilst you're stuck on your computer spouting prejudiced crap.

I love how threads like these always turn into a modified form of Godwin's Law where all things relative to negativity is equal to prejudice, narrow mindedness, racism, homophobia, or some other form of name calling just because a person doesn't support everything. "How DARE you not agree with me!?"

That being said...

For me it depends on other factors as well. I won't alter my perceptions JUST based on their pot smoking tendencies. But to me it IS a red flag for other things. Back when I was living off the bottom of the barrel, I met a LOT of scumbag potheads that also were heavy alcoholics, speed freaks, coke heads, and a host of other abuse losers.

Pot smoking isn't fail in and of itself, but in my travels I'd say 51% of them do more than JUST pot, and I think for a lot of the more weak willed ones, its a Road of Fail.

You're always going to get the percentage of people that can handle excessive usages of a substance, like the Wall Street guy that smokes a bowl every morning or the Guitar player that snorts a line before every show, but I think the percentage of people that are highly functional and in control is significantly lower than the ones that give in to the abuse.
Kind of an ignorant response but ok, let's work with it. What if you find out they drink alcohol which is responsible for thousands of deaths as opposed to marijuana which isn't linked to any recorded deaths? Does your perception of them change then? The same thing can be said about Tobacco as well.

That's an unfair statement. The thread is directly related to marijuana use. Citing him for not comparing it to alcohol was not the question of the thread.
Weed smoking itself does not change my perception of a person. I couldn't care less what a person does in their personal life. It isn't affecting me, so why should I care?

However, when something like weed smoking starts to affect a person's life outside of their personal boundaries, then I might have different opinion. If I see something like driving while high, or a friend comes over blown out of their mind and eats everything in my fridge, then I might have to think about what I think of that person.

BTW, the friend thing was just a joke and is in no way supposed to label weed smokers.
That's an unfair statement. The thread is directly related to marijuana use. Citing him for not comparing it to alcohol was not the question of the thread.

Its very fair. It called for bringing other substances that are proven to do harm into the conversation because he said
Mighty OIL said:
People who abuse it and smoke it everyday seriously need help, because it's going to fuck them up. It just shows that they have nothing better to do then smoke, maybe they should try getting out more?

So the question now posed since the response is so harsh is what makes marijuana use so different than tobacco or alcohol other than it being illegal? People who smoke and drink have better things to do than people who smoke marijuana? They should try getting out more, like people who drink alcohol? Its very fair. We can take this discussion anywhere we want to go as long as its about marijuana, and societal perception of drugs in comparison to marijuana.
Does finding out somebody rocks the ganj effect my perception of them? Quiet simply, no. Saying it did would be fairly hypocritcal on my part. I mean, I'm not entirely innocent in the whole, " I've never smoked" dilemna. I was once a hardcore pothead, a few years ago. I don't smoke anymore, but I don't fault people for doing so. I just ask they don't around me, and most of my friends are kind enough to oblige. Aside from which, it's none of my business what others do, behind closed doors. I'm not the party police, y'know.
My answer is quite simple in regards to this: If they don't do it around me, if they aren't doing it and then driving, and if the person is able to function, stand on their own two feet, hold down a job, contribute to society, and so on and so forth... why would I care what they do? A lot more goes into how a person should be judged, IMO, than their recreational drug habits. I would never touch the stuff, but if somebody needs it to mellow out or whatever it is they do... so be it.
lmao, I love all the conservatives who think less of someone who smokes pot. Calm your shit. Pot isn't even bad, and it should be legalized. It should absolutely have zero effect on how someone is perceived. As for the presidential issue, well i really have no say because I'm Canadian but I'd still love to see the White House become the Green House.
Quite simply, yes. My perception of someone will usually change once I find out they smoke weed. I know plenty of people that do, and my perception will change if I find out someone has. But this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. When I learned Xfear was an avid marijuana enthusiast (pretty early on), it did change my perception of him. Of course I was going to think of this person I didn’t really know differently. But because he lives a different lifestyle to me, does that make his points less valid or his posts less hilarious? No. My perception changing wasn’t a bad thing at all.

When you hear someone smokes weed, you generally base your reaction on the stereotypes you know. “Anyone who smokes pot is a hippie” and the like. The consensus probably is that anyone who smokes weed is scruffy, lazy and not very bright. This of course is not the case at all (see: Xfear), but the thing is, a lot of weed smokers I know ARE like that. That’s not to say it is the rule, but if have never met someone, and you are told they smoke weed, instantly you change your perception to what they’re like until you meet them.

The changing of perception isn’t bad. It is basically just learning more about a person, a bit of information. Learning someone smokes weed is the same as learning that Jake is a vegetarian, or that Becca is a girl. Just something that makes up who they are.
Kind of an ignorant response but ok, let's work with it. What if you find out they drink alcohol which is responsible for thousands of deaths as opposed to marijuana which isn't linked to any recorded deaths? Does your perception of them change then? The same thing can be said about Tobacco as well.

I have no problem with people drinking, unless they need it to have a good time. Drinking normally is fine, but drinking to get drunk because they can't have fun any other way is stupid.

Smokers? Don't get me started. Can't stand them; wouldn't date one either. Ergh, disgusting.
If it's someone in my life, then yes. I know a couple of people on the forum who do and I don't think differently of them, but it's different when it's people you know. Partly because it stinks, the smell makes me gag. And I feel the same about people who smoke, as well, to answer what someone put to OIL earlier. It's not that it's illegal, it's just that I don't see the point. I'm less strict with alcohol, unless it's people who go out binge drinking - again, something that changes my opinion of people. It's not necessarily that I think they're bad people, I'd just tend to stay away from them more than if they didn't do those 3 things.
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No, not really. And my opinion isn't jilted because I have never touched the stuff. Just for that reason, I have no basis to be disgusted by people who do it.

I have had a few friends who have smoked pot just to relax, not to achieve the high involved. And these people were able to move past the habit part of it without ever getting trapped in the addiction phase.

In short, I have had a number of intelligent friends who are, or were, regular pot smokers. Just because they have done something that is declared illegal by the authorities, and frowned upon mainly by those who do not understand it, doesn't condemn them to be skewed in my book.
If it's someone in my life, then yes. I know a couple of people on the forum who do and I don't think differently of them, but it's different when it's people you know. Partly because it stinks, the smell makes me gag. And I feel the same about people who smoke, as well, to answer what someone put to OIL earlier. It's not that it's illegal, it's just that I don't see the point. I'm less strict with alcohol, unless it's people who go out binge drinking - again, something that changes my opinion of people. It's not necessarily that I think they're bad people, I'd just tend to stay away from them more than if they didn't do those 3 things.

What's the real reasoning behind this though? Smell etc doesn't really count because someone who smokes pot hasn't necessarily JUST smoked pot before they see you. And just because you don't see the point - that's not a reason to think less of someone surely? I don't see the point in spending ridiculous amounts of money on say video games, but if someone else does I don't think of them differently as a person :confused: And you're from England - how can you honestly say you stay away from people who binge drink? And why is it that you're less strict when it comes to alcohol? Would just be interesting to know?
What's the real reasoning behind this though?

I gave you my 'real' reasoning. If you don't think of it as real, well I couldn't really care any less.

Smell etc doesn't really count because someone who smokes pot hasn't necessarily JUST smoked pot before they see you. And just because you don't see the point - that's not a reason to think less of someone surely?

I did make it clear I don't think of them badly, simply differently. People who smoke marijuana aren't necessarily bad people, it doesn't mean I want to be around them though.

And you're from England - how can you honestly say you stay away from people who binge drink?

Damn that's an annoying generalisation. You do know not everyone in England binge drinks, yeah? I have plenty of friends I can have a good time with without the use of alcohol.

And why is it that you're less strict when it comes to alcohol? Would just be interesting to know?

I just don't see it as a big deal, really. It's hard to explain why that isn't as bad as any other, because in terms of what it can do to you it could be worse. But I don't see a problem with having a drink every so often.
It doesnt really bother me if people do it as long as they dont do it around me. I know quite a few people who do it and only 1 of them has a job, its usually just dole seekers and chavs who partake in it. I agree with Becca for the most part, most people who do it arnt necessarly bad people but that doesnt make me want to be around them alot. Plus people who I know that do it I try to help them not do it. doesnt have much success tho
Yes and No. I know thats kinda a stupid start-off answer, but its true.

Yes, on one hand it changes how I view a person because it makes me bring up a set of what I consider to be rules to be my friend. Such as, I could care less if you do it as long as you don't offer it to me, once I tell you I don't nor do I want to. And as long as you don't put me down, for not doing it.

I won't put down anyone who does it, unless I believe they deserve to be put in place. This falls into the category of stupid teenagers who believe smoking pot is the greatest thing in the world. I refuse to have my children grow up in or around that type of atmosphere. Once again, I won't instantly dismiss someone who smokes - just like I won't dismiss someone who drinks. As long as its not to the point to where they believe they're greater than me, due to me not doing it.

I don't feel better than someone because I don't indulge, so why should I allow some half-witted teenager or ingrate to believe I'm less than they are, since I opt not to try it, or do it?

Now, on the other hand, No.. because I have several friends (in real life) who DO smoke pot. I'm not around them when they do, because as Becca pointed out, it smells bad and makes me sick to my stomach. However, they've all learned I'm simply not into it so as a general rule, they don't rub it in my face or even talk about it. Its something they do in the privacy of their own lives, with their other friends who smoke with them.

I can be a friend to someone who does it, and not feel obligated to do it too. Just like they can be a friend to me, and understand I'm acceptable to them for what they choose to do with their lives, and not feel insecure about it.
Does finding out that a person you know or know of smokes or has smoked marijuana does that change your perception of them?

I immediately wonder who they bought if from, and if it's any good. Oh, and I wonder if they'll share with me. If they won't, that changes my perception of them into one of sheer indifference. ;)

Marijuana is not accepted in society, but is tolerated much more than in previous generations.

It's more accepted than you think. But you wouldn't know that from listening to the CNNs, MSNBCs, and FoxNews of our time. Go to any college campus, and you'll find greater acceptance than most would want to admit. You'll find at least a few counties/cities/states that have legalized marijuana for medicinal purposes or outright recreational use. And sense those places aren't have a mass exodus from their borders, I'd wager it's accepted.

But that paragraph was just me mumbling.

Do you think marijuana weakens an image?

It depends. Are they a constant pot head? Then I might not be able to take them seriously. I mean, let's face it. Pot heads are fun, but I wouldn't be trusting them to remember my car keys.

If marijuana was legalized, would you vote for a president or politician who is a pot smoker?

If he used it in moderation and showed competence in the areas I deem necessary to be my President, then sure. Why the fuck not? This nation elects idiots and law-breakers every election cycle. Those are much greater sins than a few joints everyday.
Do you treat people who smoke weed differently from those who don't?

Not really. I might hang around them more. But that's just because I'm so stressed out all the time, I need people in my life who aren't nearly as stressed. I can't whine about stress then hang out with my stressed out Engineering friends, if you catch my drift.

When I find out someone smokes, most particularly those in the professional fields it tells me that they do it to unwind, and it does not change my perception of them. Generally it tells me that they are adults making a conscious decision and they do it because they enjoy it. It causes no harm at all. It is responsible for no deaths in our country, which cannot be said about alcohol or tobacco which are both legal.

See? You got something there. Now if only the old Conservatives in my state would listen to this logic.
Kind of an ignorant response but ok, let's work with it. What if you find out they drink alcohol which is responsible for thousands of deaths as opposed to marijuana which isn't linked to any recorded deaths? Does your perception of them change then? The same thing can be said about Tobacco as well.

Why is he ignorant for having a different perception? People are allowed to have different points of view, and can have any opinion they want. with that said, my ideas of a person might change, but i have no problem with someone who smokes weed. Honestly i think it should be legalized and regulated similar to Alcohol. Unless you are caught driving under the influence, you shouldn't get in any trouble. There are way worse dugs you can take then pot.
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Fuck, some of the responses are quite interesting in this thread.

I couldn't care less, in fact I would probably like them more lol. I'm an avid smoker and do it pretty much everyday. But, with that said I only smoke after I get home from work, cook dinner, clean the house quickly and get all my other shit done. Then I will chop a mix and blaze on in front of the telly. Or, I will go to a mates place and smoke up, or go to the beach with mates and smoke there. It's not always an anti-social drug. It can be, don't get me wrong. It can also be a really fucking social drug too though.

I just get fucking sick of people that have never been around it totally change their perception of me just because I enjoy smoking weed. There is no, NO difference between me and the guy over the road that get's pissed every weekend, or the neighbour that smokes a pack a day. There is absolutley no reason why pot smokers should be looked on differently than binge drinkers or smokers. It's something that get's me really pissed off at parties or something where everyone drinking will start bagging the shit out of me and a few of my mates for going outside for a quick joint. You're standing there shit faced drinking beer after beer, can't stand up and slurring your words yet you're going to have a crack at me for having a joint and relaxing being social and coherent in my mind? Fuck those guys.

Perceptions of pot smokers will change unfortunatley when a 'non-smoker' hears that you smoke and that's something that will probably never change. I just hope most people are intelligent enough not to base a perception of an individual solely on the fact they smoke weed.

If they smoke weed all the time, have no job or social life. If all they do is sleep, eat and shit then fair enough. Don't like them coz they're a lazy cunt that won't take a hold of their life. Don't hate on me because I have held a full time job for 3yrs, keep my home tidy and make sure my responsibilities come first. Just because you smoke weed does NOT in anyway mean you are lazy, stupid, scum, fat or any other thing.

People should be judged on their personality and actions, not anything else.
I missed this thread? How?! Anywayz...

No, my opinion doesn't change. Why would it? Not one person has ever died from marijuana use, and have you ever heard of an angry pothead? I'm friends with people from all walks of life, and not once have I stopped talking to someone because they smoke a little reefer in their free time.

Has anyone here ever seen Super High Me? Comedian Doug Benson goes 30 days smoking no weed, and not drinking at all. He takes all sorts of physical and mental exams, and his scores are recorded. Then, for 30 days, he smokes pot pretty much nonstop. During this time, he takes the same tests. Except for one test, his scores increased. All the myths about weed really need to stop.

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