Does Undertaker still have what it takes to main event Mania?

I think the Undertaker can still carry great main events. But just off of a comback from a major injury to Main Event the Grandest stage of them all. I doubt it. For few reasons. Although some folks may disagree, Undertaker wrestling skills matured enought with age, so he's well rounded enought in technical, submission and striking moves to deliver a decent match. But against Wade Barrett? I respect the feud, but let us all not forget that this is Wade's first Wrestlemania so he's still a rookie. Performing at Wrestlemania is far different from Summerslam, Survivor Series, and a Pay Per View Period. But against a Shawn Michaels, Kurt Angle, or even present superstars like Randy Orton or Triple H, is main event worthy and is guaranteed to deliver a main event caliber match even against an injury prone Undertaker. But this match shouldn't be the last on the card. It'll make an interesting draw, but not enought to be the final match. Basically because Taker just coming off injury with Wrestlemania being his last match. Not to mention we really haven't seen the best of Wade Barrett since his career is officially beginning. This is like taking a gamblee that Hornswoggle going to win the 40 man Royak Rumble and become Heavyweight Champion. It don't needs to happen, and this match shouldn't be the final one on the card.

Well, most Wade fans are so sure this match can be a Wrestlemania classic because "Taker can make anyone look good". So many people say Taker can make anyone look good but Giant Gonzales, King Kong Bundy, Kama, Mabel, Big Boss Man, Kronik, Maven, FBI, A-Train, Kozlov, Heidenrich, Mark Henry, Khali, and CM Punk proved that belief otherwise. Let's hope Wade doesn't add his name to this list but to the list of classic Taker vs Big Man I mentioned on my above post.
Takers match main evented WM last year because the whole situation was bigger then both title pictures. Two Legends going at it with ones career and the others glorified streak at stake. That is a situation that will never happen again and therefore a match of that type will not main event again. Title matches main event WM on all other occasions and i see this one being no different. Taker will obviously not be in a title match because one he will not lose and secondly he always takes time off after Mania nowadays to heal up.

Any match that Takers in at WM could be considered a main event anyway. The streak is a cash cow for WWE around mania season. Other than the rumble winner Takers opponent is the most talked about topic in the wrestling community. Wanting to see it happen live I have ordered about the last 5 mania's for Takers match alone and im sure many other people do to. That is why there is constant reports and new breaking stories everyday on Takers condition. Taker has been the WM spectacle for the last few years and now with Shawn gone he alone is Wrestlemania itself. Without Taker WM flops bigtime IMO.

Eh, I wouldn't consider his match with Mark Henry at Wrestlemania 22 to be a main event worthy. After all, although Henry was chosen over Angle and Benoit in 2006 to face Taker at Mania so Taker could carry him to a legendary match & push him to the main event scene forever, the match flopped big time and became the worst Casket match of all time.

I can also say the same with his match against Big Show & A-Train at Wrestlemania 19 and Kane at Wrestlemania 20.

And let's not forget the 3 matches from the earlier part of The Streak which is against Giant Gonzales at Wrestlemania 9, King Kong Bundy at Wrestlemania 11, and Big Boss Man at Wrestlemania 15.

I'm a huge fan of Undertaker, but I still admit The Streak has flaws.
The only way I think Undertaker/Barrett would headline is if the Undertaker puts his career on the line similar to what Shawn Michaels did last year. Then that would be a hell of a finish for Wrestlemania! Could you imagine the super stardom Wade Barrett would have for defeating the Undertakers streak? That would be an incredible honor.

And the reason Taker should put his career is?

Oh, and Wade ending The Streak is an honor? True, it's not like Wade won't leave the company after being hyped to the moon like Lesnar, and it's not like Wade will do drugs like Jeff Hardy, and it's not like he will die young like Owen or Eddie.*

(*Note the sarcasm)

The thing is, putting Undertaker at Wrestlemania against someone who's yet to win any title and putting legendary matches & feuds after defeating Batista, Edge, and Shawn Michaels twice is bad enough. Let's not add the upset by having Wade end The Streak.

Well, a good percentage of the Internet Wrestling Community appreciates The Undertaker's streak and don't want it to end. I mean we thought Shawn Michaels thought that he had the best chance, so Wade Barrett breaking the streak would be a slap in the face. Trust me if this happen, the IWC would never be the same. YouTube,Bleacher Report, Yahoo Answers etc everyone would be going crazy if this happens. Wade Barrett would instantly become one of the most hated wrestlers. He would be signing his death notice.

I already have a tough time watching WWE with the mediocre wrestling matches and boring storylines. But this would affect my favorite show Smackdown. Smackdown would never be the same because all Wade is going to do is brag, and that is only going to piss me off more. So, if this happens, it affects me watching Smackdown and it may even effect Smackdown in general. I would never look at Vince McMahon the same or Wade Barrett. I would feel sorry for The Undertaker, because it would be a slap in the face to him. I would probably take a break from WWE.

I can't actually speak for other fans as I'm not them. However, a lot of IWC wouldn't stop talking about it. It wouldn't just be a water cooler conversation, it would be a daily, frequent discussion. Like "how are you?", everyday you would see a mention of the Streak. This moment will go down as Shocker of the Century. And I SWEAR TO GOD if Cena "Attitude Adjusting *wrestler* off PPV stage" would win SotY over 18-1, I would go ballistic. Right, other fans. HBK's retirement is still talked about to day, with the aid of the Anonymous Raw GM, but with Barrett around he could earn monikers and what not, he would be a weekly reminder of one of my - THE worst days of the decade/lifetime.
Does the Undertaker have what it takes to headline Wrestlemania? Yes.

Does Wade Barrett have what it takes to headline Wrestlemania with him? A big fat No.

The Undertaker is fine. If he wrestles three days a year, then so be it. It adds more to his mystique at this point. However, he has to be paired with someone that is worthy of the other spot in that main event. Quite frankly, Wade Barrett is years away from that.

Oh and the John Cena hate is pretty stupid in this thread. If you don't realize Cena is a main eventer at this point, you should probably remove your head from your ass.
Mike "The Kid" Killam;2782765 said:
The Undertaker vs. Wade Barrett at Wrestlemania 27 has been lightly penciled in for over a month now, and Wrestlezone has just confirmed that Undertaker will likely work the event, and the match will most likely main event the PPV.

I for one, am not really happy about this. Don't get me wrong, I love the Undertaker and what he's done for the business in the last 21 years is unparalleled. But if you look at his past few matches with Kane you'll see that he's clearly broken down. He's not able to put on classic matches anymore, and with his recent time off I don't really see that getting any better in time for Mania...or maybe ever. I wouldn't mind seeing the match at Wrestlemania, but I think we all deserve to see the best main event possible. Undertaker won't be back in time to pull of a long feud going into it, and even when he does come back it will likely be the same type of thing he's been doing for years. I think the match, if it happens, should not headline the event. Maybe have it go between the two title matches, with whatever match Cena is likely involved in main event the PPV.

What are your thoughts? Do you think Undertaker still has what it takes to main event Wrestlemania, or do you think he should step aside for another match?

I see your logic; and in theory it makes sense. Let the best do their thing in the main event.

That being said; the Undertaker Streak is basically a third title match at WrestleMania. Wrestle Mania is a large event and the Undertaker match is a huge attraction.

If by headline you mean the last match then yes; I agree.

Taker can build up the feud with his mind games/taped promos. Just use his lights turn on and off gig and have the Druids show up a few times.

The match doesn't need to be long...Taker's entrance is 4-6 minutes anyway. After than 12-14 in ring; and have the Corre interfere; taker does his lights on and off routine along with having the lightning strike the ring area...Corre retreats, Chokeslam+Tombstome and Taker wins. It might be a bit sloppy in the ring; but the other matches on the card will make up for that. Undertaker's career is closing down, and I'm gonna miss him when he finally leaves.
If you ask me....there's very few remaining 'Dream Matches/Marquee Matches' left...and even though Cena and Taker have worked together has been a while and I do think that if the Undertaker is healthy and good to go,
they should do Cena/Taker NOW and not save it for later. I'm sure WWE has considered the thought that If/When Taker beats Wade Barrett at WM this year...he'd be 19-0 and next year, he could 'try for 20' against Cena. But, who knows if Taker will make it that long?

If I could book the angle, I'd do it this way:
Somehow, Taker secures the title shot against Miz and Miz LOVES it! Not only is he headling Wrestlemania, but he's going to end the streak. Somewhere along the way,
Cena beats Miz for the title, changing the Main Event to Cena/Taker.
Miz is livid and vows to get even and get back into the match.

Meanwhile, Shawn Michaels is added to the mix as the guest referee for Cena/Taker.
Miz fails in regaining the title before Mania and instead, finds himself in a 'Money in the Bank' match. He ends up winning it.

Cena/Taker have a great match as Shawn stays neutral....but Miz decides he's going to cash in his 'MITB' shot that night. He hits Cena with the briefcase, costing Cena the match and the title and making Undertaker 19-0. Suddenly, he's going to end the streak THAT NIGHT and get his title back.

From there, WWE could either have Taker hold on and beat Miz to go to 20-0 or have Miz win and end the streak. Imagine the heat Miz would have and Miz is the perfect character to play that up. We would NEVER hear the end of it, how 'He beat the Undertaker on the biggest state in Sports Entertainment.'
Mike "The Kid" Killam;2783187 said:
I'm sorry...what? I understand being a huge mark for Undertaker. Most wrestling fans with a pulse are. But ten years!?! Ten years ago I wouldn't even have said that statement. I'm bringing up this "bad question" because if you had seen the Undertaker's last few matches you would realize that he's NOT in the shape he used to be, and he's did NOT put on decent-good matches. Just because he's the Undertaker does not mean he can put on great matches until he's dead ( fine...). What's gonna happen when Undertaker retires? Maybe people will realize there are more important things in wrestling than a 20 year old streak. Like a consistent product that cares about the future, instead of the past.

lol sorry my bad i read a dif post then here, i was refering to taker wrestling at mania my bad XP, though taker is still main event at mania. and id say wwe is starting to build a few guys up (most of them not deserving (ex. the miz, dolph ziggler, del rio). no i agree he isnt in good shape, but like i said i was refering to something way different my baqd for the confusion there. i must argue though, the streak is a huge thing until taker retires, then it will be something remembered. and like i said, some guys are getting a lil build up but other guys like morrison and masters, christain (though his time is coming soon), sheamus and a few other guys still need some build up/need a push.
In my opinion, Taker has maybe a year left in him to go against Cena. VKM NEEDS Taker vs Cena match. Not only for Taker but also for Cena. He needs the huge drawing power it might have next Mania. Unless Rock comes around but that's another point. Point is, Taker's pretty messed up but he can pull himself back together every once in a while in my opinion. Instead of making him appear consistently from now on, just make him a Mania attraction for a 20-0 and then if he really wants to continue let him do so as he pleases, if not then Taker should bow down the hat roll up his eyes and let the druids carry him into the darkness.
I would never write off The Undertaker when it comes to Wrestlemania.

His last 4 WM matches have been GEMS, all arguably the best of the show.

If anything I'd be worried about HHH bringing the match down, remember WM25 when Orton/HHH had an amazing buildup? Well the match was very average, they had breaking and entering, they had Orton destroying the McMahons, and what do they deliver? a very generic match, that should have looked like a war. They were supposed to want to kill each other, and it failed to deliver.

Triple H has not had a true defining moment since Mick Foley made him look like a million bucks several years ago, the pressure is on HIM to deliver, not Undertaker. Undertaker carried Batista to a classic, so if this match is anything short of great, i'd look in HHH's direction

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