Which Mania Had The Wrong Main Event?

Sorry but youre wrong about WM26. One of the all the all time greats HBK in his last match should be the main event. When Taker decides to retire his last match should be the main event, same goes for the Rock, etc. Some newcomers who cant wrestle like Batista and Cena should not be in the main event over HBK in his last match. Besides how many main events has Cena already been in at Wrestlemania?

Newcomers who can't wrestle? What the hell are you talking about? We're talking about the two guys who were the most consistent main event wrestlers for the past five years at that point. And both were great wrestlers and they had an awesome storyline. Since Michaels was going out it would have been appropriate for the current stars to shine in the main event. To answer your question about how many mania main events Cena had already been in, it was two. That's half as many as Michaels at the time. Michaels could have still had his sendoff earlier in the night but the title match should have closed the show.

And by the way, this was not intended to be fantasy booking. No Hogan vs. Flair or Hogan vs. Austin. Keep the card as it was but just change the order.
Hogan/Rock at 18 for all the reasons stated above. The actual main event had a dead worn out crowd, and that fact alone did not help that match. All in all it wasn't a bad match, but it just didn't feel like a main event after Hogan/Rock. I also agree with an above poster that said icon vs icon or a Taker streak match are the only types of matches that should potentially main event over the WWE title. I am a huge HBK fan, and I would put Rock/Hogan ahead of HBK/Taker 2 in the terms of which should have headlined mania.
I hear that most people think that at WM18 Hogan/Rock should have closed the show but i disagree entirely. The Toronto crowd made that match epic. The build up wasn't the best and Jericho/HHH was easily the more compelling story as well as the fact that Triple H won the Royal Rumble.

That leads me to my next point, it doesn't matter who is on the card the Royal Rumble winner should always be in the ME of WM. Not only does that add prestige to the Royal Rumble but it also adds tradition to WM. I was furious when the Undertaker finally won the rumble in 2007 and then had his world title match in the middle of the show. Absolute crap. The Rumble winner should always get the ME. So all that means is the WWE needs to pick a decent Rumble winner. Rant over lol
WM24 not closing with Flair/HBK was actually Ric Flairs call. They wanted it on last and he said to put them on as 1st half main to not take away from the belts.

WM8 was billed as Hogan's last match so how could it not have gone on last.

WM25 had a great build to Orton/HHH, but the crowd was dead, no way to have known that.

So much of this is "in hindsight" because we have seen the show and are simply moving the best match to the end.

There is only two situations in which I was baffled the match didn't go on last and that was Hogan/Rock and Rock/Austin 3. Though title matches closed the show, it was extremely obvious from the get go that those matches were the biggest, cant really say the same for the other WManias
Newcomers who can't wrestle? What the hell are you talking about? We're talking about the two guys who were the most consistent main event wrestlers for the past five years at that point. And both were great wrestlers and they had an awesome storyline. Since Michaels was going out it would have been appropriate for the current stars to shine in the main event. To answer your question about how many mania main events Cena had already been in, it was two. That's half as many as Michaels at the time. Michaels could have still had his sendoff earlier in the night but the title match should have closed the show.

And by the way, this was not intended to be fantasy booking. No Hogan vs. Flair or Hogan vs. Austin. Keep the card as it was but just change the order.

Cena and Batista arent great wrestlers they are very limited in the ring, which is why I dont think they deserved to close the show. Look how bad the main events of WM 21 (Batista vs HHH) and 23 (Cena vs Michaels) were because of those two. If a title match was to close WM 26 it would have been Jericho/Edge since Edge won the Royal Rumble, and Edge/Jericho are more capable of putting on a better wrestling match.
Look how bad the main events of WM 21 (Batista vs HHH) and 23 (Cena vs Michaels) were because of those two

What matches were you watching? Batista and Triple H was a pretty good match and Batista was beyond over at the time. HBK/Cena was a GREAT match, one of Cenas best ever.
What matches were you watching? Batista and Triple H was a pretty good match and Batista was beyond over at the time. HBK/Cena was a GREAT match, one of Cenas best ever.

Batista-HHH was terrible it was slow and there was no emotion. The crowd never really got into it. It like their styles didnt mesh or they lacked chemistry. Wrestlemania 21 was one of the best Manias up until those last 2 matches (Cena-JBL was so short). The undercard should never be better than the main events at a Wrestlemania.

As for Cena-HBK at 23. HBK worked on Cena's knee for a good part of the match, then all of a sudden Cena just starts running around the ring, clotheslining Michaels like his knee magically healed. Yeah...great match for sure! (sarcasm) Taker-Batista should have been the last match anyways.
Wrestlemania 21 having Batista vs. Triple H for the World Title was fine. Batista was the most over face at the time and they were able to build a really good story leading to WM21.

While I do agree the crowd was not as hot as one might expect (considering Batista's pops leading to WM21) I think it was more to do with how the match went. Batista was a dominant beast and Triple H had the advantage most of the match, which does not make sense.

If I was booking this I would probably just given this match 10 to 15 mins. In which Batista dominates that last 2 to 4 mins and wins. Batista gets most of his pops at the time when he beat the cr@p out of people. Imagine the reaction if he can punish such a hated heel like Triple H at the time.

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