Does this piss you off?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Does it piss you off that a lot of teens watching wrestling and they love it yet they're so embarrassed of it? I have a few friends who watch wrestling and enjoy it a lot yet they're so ashamed to show their passion for it. It seems as if the only way I'm able to talk to them about pro wrestling are via text messages, MySpace/Facebook MESSAGES (Because comments are shown to friends), AIM, and whenever no one else is around. It pisses the living day lights out of me.

Personally, I'm damn proud to be a pro wrestling fan, I'm proud that I have old Rock and Stone Cold t shirts, I'm proud that I have lots of WWE DVD's and PPV recorded tapes, I'm proud that I watch WWE, TNA, and ROH every week, and I'm damn sure proud to express my love of pro wrestling.
Why be embarrassed? So WWE isn't getting along with the mainstream. Other than the mid 80's it never has. Just because it is oriented for kids doesn't it should be embarrassed about it. It still has its core elements. If people think differently of you because you like wrestling then they are just being prejudice and wrongfully labellings you. Screw them, you are who you are and nobody can change that. Over here adults are just as much of a wrestling fan as kids are. They aren't embarrassed of it. Its like being a sports fans, there will always be someone to judge you, and what do you do? Listen to their opinion, comment about it and continue to be a fan with more knowledge about them.
this has been my situation since the 1990's even when Nwo and Stone Cold made wrestling hot again after the hogan era of my elementary school years, it was cool to wear the shirts and crotch chop the teachers but talking about the shows just wasnt the hip thing to do. if they are embarassed they arent real fans imho. closet casuals at best.
I can definitely relate to this. I am now a freshman and college and the only poster I put up is an Austin 3:16 poster. I got a LOT of crap for it from other guys. I hate when ppl come into my room when Im watching raw, sometimes I try to hide how much of a fan I am. Final vent: I am SICK of people saying to me, "you know its fake right?"
People learned never to say wrestling's fake around me after i layed the smacketh down on the first kid that siad it to me. And you better not insult
y2J around me, just ask my friend Ian how good I am at hittingg the angels wings.
Doesn't affect me either way, teens are so damn insecure and trying to be the cool kid or get laid.

I don't really care what people think as when I tell 'em I like it I get the most likely preconcieved notions out of the way first. Yeah it's fake but Arnold isn't really a robot from the future sent to protect Edward Furlong from a liquid metal robot who goes by the name of Robert Patrick but T2 was badass.

Also, if someone keeps making fun of it/me chances are they're not my friend or the type of person I'd want to hang out with.
damn straight! main reason i dont tell people im into wwe/tna is because they say '... you know its fake right?' GRRRRRR! really gets on my tits, like WE ALL KNOW! but then theyre totally stumped wen u point out that you cant fake a fuckin huge leap of the titantron or the fact that a superplex would knock the shot outta you, thas why these guys ar eliterally falling apart... they literally put their bodies on the line every freakin night for our entertainment, if thats not worth saluting then what the hell is!
Amen brother if you are embaressed by wrestling then you are not a real fan. Now on the other hand if I see a 30 year old guy in a John Cena shirt I am going to make fun of him lol.
I have never been embarrassed to show my love for professional wrestling. I can talk about wrestling pretty much everywhere I'm at. When I was in middle school, all I talked about was wrestling, wrestling, wrestling. Not once was I ever ashamed to admit that I love wrestling. Now that I'm in high school, the same friends that I had in middle school are no longer with me, so I talk about wrestling less, but that doesn't mean I like wrestling any less. I mean, I, like many other wrestling fans have gotten teased about liking wrestling, but so what? Be proud about what interests you.
Considering my Uncle did audio and production and even trained with wrestlers in WCW and WWE and even traveled with them for almost 10 years, I'm not ashamed to be a fan. I loved it as a kid and at 21, I still love watching it. I know what's fake and what isn't. I know a lot of backstage stories and have been told a lot of other things. It's not the prettiest business, but a lot of respect is involved. A lot of hard work too and I have nothing but respect for the guys who go out there.

It's not a mainstream thing and that's ok. No reason to be ashamed of it.
I'm never ashamed to like wrestling, scratch that, to love wrestling. I'll talk about it over MSN with my friends, I'll talk about it in person with my friend (theres only one that actually likes it as much as I do who I speak to and see in person outside of MSN, but I do mention I play on the games aswell to other friends) I wear the T-Shirts with pride. If I have the money and if theres a DVD I like I'll buy it. Just like with everything else, I'm a metal-head straight up and never ashamed to wear the merch either, if anyone gives me shtick for it I don't give a damn, and trust me wear I live I've gotten it before and never cared. I go to college and I'll wear either my HBK, 'Taker or RKO shirt and not care if people say something, there's a girl in my class who I know likes wrestling, she drew images of superstars and logos and she isn't ashamed of it either and she seems younger than I am, and I know my friends who like it aren't ashamed either. Young people in general are embarassed to like things that most people rip on, they don't want to either have shit thrown their way for it or lose friends over it
I go through the same thing. My friend is fan, but he's embarrassed to admit it in public. If we're at school and somebody says, "Dude, wrestling is so GAY, it's a bunch of guys touching each other." I'm the only one that really defends it. He just sits there and does NOTHING. It does piss me off, and we only get excited for it when we're alone or myspace/texts. It's pretty annoying.
I don't really get pissed off when people constantly tell me that it's fake. Hell I know it's fake. I'm not embarassed to admit that i'm a wrestling fan. I loved it back in the Attitude Era & even though I can't stand the PG Era at all, i'll still gladly admit that i'm a wrestling fan. Plus to all of the people that tease me about being a wrestling fan, I just tell them that the crap they watch is more fake than wrestling is. So yeah i'm not embarassed at all to admit that i'm a wrestling fan.
Ya know, one day, in my life somewhere down the line, my dream in life is to headline a Wrestlemania. that's the dream. I HATE it that people make fun of others for liking a certain show or sport or anything! In this case, pro wrestling. I fell in love with this art again at the 08 Rumble, and ever since then, I knew what i was going to be. The fact that I have 0 friends that like wrestling is very annoying to me, and my only 2 friends that liked wrestling are away at another school, and just to pussy to admit he likes it. So he stopped all together.

I love wrestling with a BURNING passion, almost as much as I love God and my faith. People need to get over their insignificant fears of homosexuality and jsut accept it and move on.

I go through the same thing. My friend is fan, but he's embarrassed to admit it in public. If we're at school and somebody says, "Dude, wrestling is so GAY, it's a bunch of guys touching each other." I'm the only one that really defends it. He just sits there and does NOTHING. It does piss me off, and we only get excited for it when we're alone or myspace/texts. It's pretty annoying.

Prime example right here. Who cares? Who cares if they're in tights? Who cares if they're sweaty, muscular guys? Who? NOBODY! People of Wrestlezone, be proud, be passionate, but most importantly, be HONEST about pro wrestling. Someone gives you crap, give'em a stunner. Someone tells you it's fake, give'em a little taste of Sweet Chin Music. Someone tells you that wrestling's not "cool", than by God, layeth the smackdown on his candy ass, with the ROCK BOTTOM!!! IF YA SMELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLYA WHAT PRO WRESTLING IS COOKING!

so yeah, just don't take any crap about wrestling and stand up for it and stuff
ok, so i log in today and i'm just browsing the threads for interesting topics, as usual on this site, and i notice i have a private message. i've basically been warned for spamming. i was simply expressing my opinion, such as everyone else on this site does, and i get a warning for this:

no offense man, but how can you say brock is your all time favorite when you have a pic of benoit posted? it just throws me off a bit is all. like i said, no offense.

i've seen people cuss and whatnot a number of times in the threads before i even became a registered user, and i definitely didn't do that. if people are just going to be getting warned for speaking their mind in a non offensive manner and stating so, then just cancel my account. i dare ya, since you have to private message me about it. :banghead:
i am not ashamed of being a wrestling fan hell i still have a lot of old shirts i used to wear in elem. school shirts that can never be bought again hell to this day i am still getting some shirts but it always did piss me off when people would mock me just because i was a die hard wrestling fan. They would just say u know its fake and shit and i would have to hide it but i knew it was wrong but they were all assholes and i still have the first poster i ever got up on my wall and i will be damned if it ever comes down. i was a wrestling fan when i was born and i will be a wrestling fan to the day that i die, its in my blood

When people start harrassing me about it, I point out the art in the business. I demonstrate the parallels it has with theater, public speaking, acting, the end most see wrestling in a more positive light.
I get a ton of shit from friends and family for being a die-hard wrestling fan almost on a daily basis, but I try not to let it bother me. At times it does piss me off, but I don't let it get to me as much as I can. I have been a wrestling fan since I was kid, and I will always continue to be a wrestling fan. You have to remeber pro wrestling isn't accepted by a lot of people. If you ever watch Sportscenter after a guest host athlete has been on Raw, they always mock WWE and make fun of it. Do i get teased, and heckled for being a wrestling fan? Yes I most certainly do. But does that mean I'll ever stop being a fan because of it? Hell no!
lmao i used to be that way but eventually my friends and I gave up hidding it and talked about it everywhere slowly but surly all of our friends who didnt watch wrestling ether started watching or admitted to watching wrestling hell we even got girls, teachers, and MINISTERS to admit they r wrestling fans...we r good we even went so far to make our own youtube series called *censored* that made us almost 250 subscribers
Story of my life. I get so much shit for being a wrestling fan. In elementary everyone watched it, but once we got to middle school everyone started telling me "You know it's fake, right?" I get so pissed off now because I'm a junior in high school and I still hear the same shit over and over again. And to top of it all off, my friends are always telling me "Are you ready?" or "Just Bring It" in a sarcastic voice. It gets really old. Even my own family talks shit to me. So back to the topic, yes. I get pissed off about everyone talking mad shit.
im in 8th grade and i used to be embarresed about it at school. but one day i said jeff hardy and all my friends were like oh my god you watch WWE, thats like th best shit freaking ever. so now im 10 times as proud as before
I've been going through the same thing since I started watching wrestling, I remember my cousins putting me on watching the Von Erichs fight the Freebirds, @ that time, I didn't know the WWF even existed, I thought Hulk Hogan was just an actor B4 I saw his 1st match. but once I got in2 wrestling, the same cousins who introduced me 2 it began 2 accuse me of watching wrestling 2 "see men get on top of each other" 2 which my reply was "well, y'all got me watching it, so what does that say about U?" by the time I was in the 8th grade, I was a wrestling fanatic, a die hard Hulkamaniac, making wrestling belts, drawing comic books, every fight that I've been in from 6th-8th grade, I used the same wrestling moves that my favorite wrestlers used, I got my ass kicked a few times trying 2 "Hulk up" during a fight. but I also remember the countless debates on whether wrestling was real or fake, my argument was always "the WWF is fake, while the NWA is real" & with the storylines they came with, it seemed as if the NWA was the real deal. but I'm not ashamed 2 also admit that I'm 35 & I STILL watch wrestling.
-"You know its fake, right"
-"So are sitcoms and most reality TV shows, but that doesn't stop you, right."

Teens can be such insecure idiots.

We wrestling fans need to realize that no matter what, critics will always rise. So you have an Austin 3:16 poster in your dorm room and you mark out watching Raw, big deal. I'm pretty sure the dumbass coming in to bother you spends his time watch bigger crap like "The Hills" or "I Love 50 Year Old Hasbeen". Just ignore them, if they say those damn lines you hate to hear, I just wrote your answer above. Screw them and live on, it's part of life to be harassed for something, especially in college. In time if you defend yourself correctly, you'll earn the respect of your peers and they will see you as more of a wrestling annalist instead of just some stupid fan.

Side Note:Im lucky, in my class, hell the whole country, anyone can enjoy wrestling. And they never make that stupid comment. YAY ME!
Personally, I feel that its because they are afraid of being made fun of. Let's face it, wrestling just isnt "in" with many teens. They find it to be a "gay" sport that only gay people watch. Teens always make that "Its fake" and "Who wants to watch 2 oily men touch each other?" When I was in High school, I was scared to death of admitting that I like wrestling. I was one of the more popular kids in my school and I was afraid of losing my reputation. Today, Teens are faced with more problems. If they do admit the like wrestling, other people may be under the impression that they could actually wrestle and start fights in the middle of school. Yes it does piss me off. Vince needs to somehow get alot of Teens to watch wrestling no matter how popular they are.
Im 16 and im not ashamed to be a fan of WWE even during this new PG era i mean hard to find fans who are die hard and dont watch cos of the whole cena affect but im a die hard fan through and through i wear the shirts have the dvds and all that kinda stuff

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