Does this make sense?


Pre-Show Stalwart
from WZ: Some "Thank You Lita" signs were indeed confiscated during the Survivor Series. More specifically, it happened after her match with Mickie James when she was giving her rant.

the first question to myself was why would anyone thank lita....?"

lol ok im kidding with lita, just not a fan of the womens division and never will be.

but why would their signs get confiscated? it wasnt even rude....i had a cheech and chyna sign at SS 2000 and some people told me it was offensive but i used it anyway and there was no take away. taking a sign from a fan whether it likes or hates your worker its too far and should NEVER be done. its the fans job to have fun at such events....indy shows are just so much better than any wwe show....

back to the signs tho, any clue why they were taken away? it seems pretty fitting to have a good bye and thank you sign in the crowd...maybe she isnt retiring for real?
Lita was a Heel, that makes sense that they wanted it to appear to be consistent with that. But unless the cameras actually went to where they were than it shouldn't really matter.

This is what Lita is doing Now.
:headbanger: :headbanger: :headbanger:
Well the WWE just likes ti let us believe we are aloud to say what we want... until we disagree with them. The same thing happened with Cena Vs Christian and Cena Vs Edge or Vs Angle. Signs against Cena were conviscated and in Christians case... his merchandise was pulled to keep fan support at a minimum. Why? Because they simply can.
Adding on to Mickey, this lets them advertise, not-falsley, that Cena's shirt is the most sold by far. So when you go to the top 10 items, WWE don't want you to see Edge, Kennedy, MVP, King Booker, and Spirit Squad, because they are supposed to hate them. I don't really understand why they care, it's not like the people buying merchandise wouldn't buy PPV's, or watch RAW where Cena gets the **** booed out of him. I don't really understand. But Lita's a heel, and they don't want people to like her put simply. If she was face, they would be selling the signs outside the arena.
A little off topic but speaking of signs i kept seeing a Samoa Joe Sucks sign last night during RAW mainly in the first hour anyone else notice? i would think they would confiscate that so anyone who doesn't know who he is wouldn't start to wonder & look it up giving TNA some exposure.
may b thing did confiscate it cause i saw it alot during the 1st hour n i dont remember c n it during the 2nd does n e one else?
i too saw it in the 1st hour..and not the 2nd...hey who knows....but back to the Lita sign...i really think a "Thank you Lita" sign wasnt doing any harm...soooooooo.... i dunno.....WWE needs to chill out....take a hint from RVD..and smoke a little...
Lol that would mean Vince would suspend himself.

A sign? Its not gonna do much harm...its a piece of paper, Litas actions are not gonna be forgotten just because someone has a repectful sign.
Well it is insulting either way, the WWE keeps talking about Freedom of expression but when you don't agree with them they silence you.

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