Does Jeff Jarret Draw anything for TNA?

Put it like this way the only match that i seen was a 5 star match was with HBK vs Jarret at IN Your House for IC Championship belt and that was it, I dont know what makes WCW decided to put the championship belt on him when he couldnt draw the ratings..Now he form TNA i give him that for what he trying to do, The fans are thankful for what he has done for TNA, but his in ring ability sucks big time, remember the time he left for number of years and came back?? he was very rusty in the ring i mean Mick Foley Vs Jarret match come on they can do better than that....I am hoping that they dont come up with Flair vs Jarret match because the ratings will drop even more I think Jarret might want to step down as a wrestler maybe be a manager or something

And what kind of Finisher is "The Stroke"??? that's worst than the "codebreaker"..Thats like Jarret using the Finisher on Goldberg but how can he get a 1 2 3 pin from that, Say am curious does anybody know what finisher Jarret was using when he was in WWE?? was it always the figurefour???
Jarrett has never been much of a draw in my opinion. He was always good in the midcard, and he's good on the microphone, however I don't feel he should have ever been a main eventer. He hardly drew in WCW, although his character was great until he became nothing other then a gimmickless person in TNA. All he is now is the man Jeff Jarrett. He used to be Double J. I just don't think he's ever been much of a draw. Even if you booked him in the main event like TNA has, he still doesn't draw. The only reason he's been getting cheers as of late is because Sting is being a great heel and targeting Jarrett for the most part, while Jarrett constantly uses the line of founding TNA to get a cheap pop. That's my opinion on Jarrett and I'm sticking to it.
I really appreciate Jeff Jarrett. The man is a very hard worker and always has been. But, as has been the consensus, he doesn't draw and never really has. He was always a solid midcard guy who really wanted to be on top but never could make it realistically. I mean, yeah, he held world titles, but that doesn't mean he was successful in doing so.

With that said, I think that Jarrett is a great wrestling mind. Say what you will about him almost messing it up for TNA, but yeah, he did start it. And whether you admit it or not, TNA IS a legit wrestling company. It comes on weekly for 2 hours (soon to be three). Simply put, he had a dream to start his own wrestling business, and he did it, simply cuz he had no where else to go. I specifically remember McMahon firing Jarrett live on the final WCW Nitro. Yet, he fought back and began his own wrestling business instead of go into the forgotten shadows. How many other wrestlers would have the guts to do that?
As a man I can't fault him. I absolutely agree with what RealDeal said regarding that above. If he could draw money, he would be faultless. But in my opinion he just isn't an attraction. He's made of stern stuff though. He's a very gritty character to be fair to the man.
I agree with mostly what everyone has said. He isn't a draw and at last weeks impact his segment with sting had the lowest rating of the show. I hope TNA realizes that hes keeping their ratings from going over that 1.0 mark. Amazing Red for example, they could have pushed this guy and have him show off his amazing abilities to a credible opponent like Sting. They could have done a lot for this really talented guy yet they didn't. They have so many people in their roster and they choose Jeff Jarret....I never really enjoyed his matches with sting and so you know I'm not liking this feud at all. I have respect for what hes done and accomplished but I would much rather see other people on tv than him.

On another note, who else would like to see Amazing Red given a big push and have him go against Williams(or the X-division champion at that time) at like Bound For Glory lets say? They could have an incredible match and could bring back something TNA was good at and something people have been upset over: the X-division lacking the X-division stars.

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