Does Jeff Jarret Draw anything for TNA?


Getting Noticed By Management
When TNA was doing the play by play on ratings his segments were near the bottom ratings wise (if not THE bottom). Do people actually care about any of the fueds Jeff Jarrett is in?

At this stage of his career he might be better used behind the camera. His new fued with Sting is doing nothing for me, and I think they dropped a potential good "Deception" angle for this old and dumb fued.

Note* when he was champion in WCW he couldn't draw PPV's then either.. (1999 was the lowest grossing money maker for WCW (2000 was lower than that (both years he held the title)

So here is my question:
Do you guys like Jeff Jarrett's role in TNA currently on TV? does it matter what angle he is in to change your mind? When was the last angle Jarrett was in that had you guys behind him? and why?

*side comment* I think Abyss will join Sting soon (proving his deception) turning Abyss into a Monster villain and ally of Sting. If TNA was smart they will continue to build off this "Deception Angle"
Jeff Jarrett has never been a draw – ever. As better have said before me, he couldn't draw flies if you covered him in shit. That fact hasn't changed since he broke into the business, let alone since he's returned to TNA again. Let me put it to you this way... if JJ were to disappear tomorrow, you think any of the viewers would care? You think half would even notice? Doubt it.

I thank Jeff for giving me TNA, but ratings don't lie, and they never did – no one ever gave a fuck about him, and I can't see them learning to now just because he's in a re-hashed feud with Sting.

I don't mind Jeff being on TV, I just don't like him being on TV as a wrestler, because there's nothing he brings that I'd actually pay to see.

Ideally, I'd love for him to move into more of a backstage role at this point. Let guys like Flair and Hogan worry about getting talent over.
Wow, Its Damn Real! speaks nothing but truth! Jeff Jarrett is a terrible draw. There has not been one match that has been improved by having Jeff Jarrett involved. He is simply TERRIBLE. Yes, he did great by organizing NWA-TNA, now simply TNA. But his involvement in any storyline just screws the storyline. Back when he was doing the "Stroke" and calling people "slapnuts" he was still lame. He needs to get out of the ring because honestly... I LOVE when the Stinger beats the hell out of him.
Before i say anything I gotta say this, Jarrett is one of the most underrated guys this buisness has ever seen and I almost feel sorry for him cause he fucking gave us TNA and trys SO hard to get over but just can't do it, lets hope he gets some babyface love for this Sting feud.

With that being said, I will repeat what others have said, Jarrett can't draw for shit, he never has, and never will (unfortunately). And as much as it pains me too say it(cause I do enjoy his in ring work) Jarrett should either stick to a backstage role, or become a GM type guy for TNA. And if he doesnt do those things, he needs to turn heel, cause him as a face just isnt cutting it, people just dont like the guy, and they sure as shit love to hate him.
No matter where Jarrett has been, for me he is a bore fest. I don't know why he, or anybody else, thinks he can draw. In WWE, he was nothing more than the guy with the funny glasses or the guy with Debra. In WCW, he was the guy who Hogan didn't want to job to. Maybe in the USWA, he was a draw. I'll never know. I didn't watch.

To paraphrase the movie "Airheads", Pip can fart on a snare drum for all I care, and it will be far more entertaining than Jeff Freaking Jarrett.
He can draw. I think I've seen him doodle. But, yeah. He can draw some attention. Not like guys like Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, AJ Styles or Jay Lethal. Damn, Jay Lethal? No he doesn't really draw, but he has earned the crowds respect. Thats for sure. If you want your proof, just retrace your steps to January 4th and go from there. The idea then was for Jarrett and Foley to fight for power in TNA against Hogan and Bischoff. That meant Jarrett turning heel. The crowd had none of that and every time Hogan tried to scold Jarrett the crowd booed. When Jarret argued about wanting his company back, the crowd cheered. I realize this is the same crowd that chanted "We Want Six Sides" and "Fire Russo", but the point is that they are still in that very same location. No he does not draw as a character, but you can always count on him when it comes to garnering crowd support.
Jeff Jarrett has never been a draw – ever. As better have said before me, he couldn't draw flies if you covered him in shit. That fact hasn't changed since he broke into the business, let alone since he's returned to TNA again. Let me put it to you this way... if JJ were to disappear tomorrow, you think any of the viewers would care? You think half would even notice? Doubt it.

I thank Jeff for giving me TNA, but ratings don't lie, and they never did – no one ever gave a fuck about him, and I can't see them learning to now just because he's in a re-hashed feud with Sting.

I don't mind Jeff being on TV, I just don't like him being on TV as a wrestler, because there's nothing he brings that I'd actually pay to see.

Ideally, I'd love for him to move into more of a backstage role at this point. Let guys like Flair and Hogan worry about getting talent over.

I am going to agree with you what u said..... as i think about it the only match jeff ever had a great match was WWF IN York House when it was HBK vs Jarret for IC championship and thats all i can think of.. I am still tryin to figure out why they even put Mick foley vs Jarret i mean that match put me to sleep zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.... Everybody knows Jeff can't pump up the crowd but is glad that he was one of the founder of TNA, and i think its fair to say he has one of the wackiest Finishers that anybody as ever had i mean the stroke..... that doesnt look like it had enough impact to pin a guy 1 2 3, give me a break man,lol...Like everybody is sayin.. I dont think he really needs to be wrestling anymore... he cant even put on a good show like some of the guys in TNA
Recently, I watched my copy of "The Rise and Fall of WCW," and thought Mike Graham said it best about Jeff Jarrett: He broke 6,000 guitars and never drew a dime.

And, much like I did the first time I saw it, I laughed my ass off!

I laughed because it was true!

I remember watching an awesome promo Christian did when he was feuding with Jarrett in TNA. In the promo, he pretty much made fun of Jarrett's appearance. Having already dressed himself in a pair of white pant, he put on one of Jarrett's "Don't Piss Me Off" t-shirts that he had back in his last run with WWE. As Christian did so and read the catchphrase out loud, he sarcastically said, "Wow, that's money."

Way to hit the nail right on the head, Captain Charisma!

For me, no matter where Jarrett went, he never made any money. He never did so as the country singer wannabe, the 4 Horseman wannabe, the misogynist, the "Chosen One" or as the King of the Mountain. Although I give the man credit for establishing TNA and creating a second option for wrestlers to work, the guy is just boring as hell when it comes to being a wrestler.

I don't think it did Jarrett any good when he flexed his ownership muscle in TNA by winning the NWA World Championship so many times. People just got tired of seeing him as the top guy, regardless if he founded the company or not.

And people complain about Triple H and his position in WWE...but at least, Triple H is entertaining.
Jarrett can't draw. He's not entertaining. He's not the best wrestler. He's mediocre at best.

But then again, who IS drawing in TNA?? That's a better question to ask, in my opinion!
I cant not like him. Hes a standard wrestler with an intresting past in terms of creating TNA, but he cant just bitch n moan about sting for ever and ever. If he is to be used in the ring it should b on the mid-card putting over the young talent

now for the fun part of my post:
Bitch couldnt draw paedo to a orphanage for the mute, who've just failed in an "put locks on our doors" fundraiser.
I agree with all of you, but he's somewhat over with TNA fans, because of the one reason each of you have mentioned: he "founded" TNA. It's his one trick, he uses it every single time, and every time it gets a reaction. And as long as it gets a reaction, good ol Double J is probably jumping up and down every time he makes it to the back going "they love me! they really love me! did you hear them chanting? T-N-A! T-N-A! And that was all because of me!" His ego is probably bigger now than it ever was in his entire career. He's gonna keep coming out and finding things to do, all in the name of TNA, as long as the TNA fans keep going nuts when those three letters are said.

Here's the rub....if everything that Jeff has ever touched has turned to shit, all throughout his whole on earth did Jeff finally get one right, with TNA? That's because he didn't.....
Not only do these videos I've posted answer the OP's question, but it also helps capture the general response to Jeff Jarrett. Anytime he is cutting a promo, anytime he is wrestling a match, anytime he is incessantly reminding us that he is the "founder of TNA", not only does a baby somewhere die, but these videos encompass the general feeling and reaction that we all have anytime "Stroker" is on the loose.

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I agree with all of you, but he's somewhat over with TNA fans, because of the one reason each of you have mentioned: he "founded" TNA. It's his one trick, he uses it every single time, and every time it gets a reaction. And as long as it gets a reaction, good ol Double J is probably jumping up and down every time he makes it to the back going "they love me! they really love me! did you hear them chanting? T-N-A! T-N-A! And that was all because of me!" His ego is probably bigger now than it ever was in his entire career. He's gonna keep coming out and finding things to do, all in the name of TNA, as long as the TNA fans keep going nuts when those three letters are said.

Here's the rub....if everything that Jeff has ever touched has turned to shit, all throughout his whole on earth did Jeff finally get one right, with TNA? That's because he didn't.....

He does seem to rub it in our faces abit.
and also seems to forget he nearly fucked it all up.
I think Jarrett takes a lot more shit than he necessarily deserves. Anyone associated with the WWE will crap on him at any available opportunity, due to the circumstances of his leaving the company among other things. He crossed the boss in a big way. As for his time as WCW champion, many in WCW didn't even wanted the title at the time, as they knew the company was a sinking ship and the guy on top would likely get a lot of the blame. And it's already been established that the IWC hates the guy, probably for 'HHH'ing the NWA/TNA title.

No, Jarrett isn't a major draw. But keep in mind that he managed to not only create TNA, but keep it alive for years with no names larger than himself consistently in front of the camera. No-one knew who AJ Styles or Chris Daniels were. No-one cared about K-Kwik or Shamrock. Jarrett was the major draw for that company in it's infancy, and managed to get people to sink cash into a wrestling product they had never even seen on free TV. Jarrett didn't just 'found' TNA, he kept it afloat for quite a while against some pretty sizeable odds. Behind the scenes, his influence has been huge. Not always for the best, mind you, but the fact remains that the company he started and managed is still alive today (or at least on life support). On-camera, I think he's comparable to an above-average WWE mid-carder; yes, he can draw somewhat, but he's not main event caliber by that companies standards.
I think IDR pretty much said all that there can be said about it.

Jeff Jarrett never has been, nor will he ever be a draw. The numbers that iMPACT! draws don't lie and Jeff Jarrett's presence on TNA television is not, nor has it ever been a major factor in the show.

Last year, during the whole commotion about his affair with Karen Angle and being essentially driven out of TNA Wrestling for months on end, nobody really cared. Well, I'm sure some people cared that are huge fans of the guy but that's about it. What most people were discussing and talking about was how they personally felt about Jeff Jarrett's relationship with Karen Angle rather than protesting en masse that he looked as though he was being all but forced out of TNA altogether.

I have never bought into Jeff Jarrett as a main event wrestler. He simply just doesn't have it in my opinion. Jeff Jarrett, to me, has always been a solid mid-card wrestler that's in a spot that's too big for him.

I'm not saying that I don't respect the guy, far from it. As a person and as someone that took a huge gamble to make a dream of his come true, I have tons of respect for him. However, that doesn't mean that I think he's a great wrestler or that I've ever been clamoring to see him.
He doesnt draw, he is somebody that is barely a main eventer. He fits in the mid-card well and can be carried in a main event, but i think the periods at the end of WCW and first few years of TNA when he practically owned the title cemented that he doesnt draw. He is somebody they can easily manage without and dont need really. His founder of TNA thing is how he is trying to stay relevant, but he in the TNA ownership sense thing i think even Hogan/Bischoff have more clout than him.
Jeff Jarrett is boring, and a terrible wrestler. I hate that he's feuding with Sting, bc it makes me not want to see Sting wrestle,,and Sting is my favorite wrestler!!! The dude thinks he's a wrestling god, but he is just awful. Awful!!!
If you want to know exactly how people really feel about Jarrett (in any position of power), you needn't look any farther than watching him win the NWA World Heavyweight Championship at Slammiversary in 2006...

Before he even ascended the ladder (after Earl Hebner "screwed" Cage by "stumbling" into the ladder he was climbing), the crowd began throwing garbage at him in the ring, and once he had the title he was pummeled with it &#8211; as was Hebner.

I'm sure some will say it was scripted, but I doubt that very much, as the ratings themselves also do not lie. Whenever JJ is champion, ratings bomb. No one cares about him as a main event competitor &#8211; they never have, and they never will &#8211; because there's nothing about him that actually says main event outside of his resumé that might argue in his favor seeing as he was a moderate star in the past.

He's good for feel-good spots from time-to-time when he can not-so-arrogantly proclaim himself the "founder" of TNA &#8211; like in the event he's fighting Hogan & Bischoff's takeover by talking about the good ol' days &#8211; but once he's put into a more prominent role as a competitor or as a power figure, that same crowd cheering for him is armed at the hip with trash ready to roar in protest.
Thw problem with Jeff Jarret is he sees himself a main-eventer when he is and always will be a mid-carder. IN WWE and WCW, he was a great mid-carder. He held the IC and US titles, put on decent matches, entertaining feuds, but they weren't entertaining because JJ was involved. When he started angling for a main event push in WWE and then fled to WCW where he won the World title, that's where things started to go downhill. JJ might have paid his dues, which I respect, but he doesn't have the "it" factor necessary to carry a company or a world title. The problem is, he comes across like he thinks he does.

I'm speaking as a wrestling fan in the Northeast. I can't say I speak for the entire country, as I recognize he could be more popular down south, where his character might resonate more. If JJ knew his role as a solid mid-carder, TNA would be a bit more successful, he might've never left the WWE, WCW might not've gone under... there are a lot of what ifs.

Bottom line: JJ should know his role and accept it happily instead of cntniue trying to be the main event/upper mid-carder he can't ever be.
Thw problem with Jeff Jarret is he sees himself a main-eventer when he is and always will be a mid-carder. IN WWE and WCW, he was a great mid-carder.

Agreed. Never saw him as someone who could draw and most certainly never saw him as a world champ. I never minded him in the ring (before he was boosted to main event status in WCW). I actually enjoyed his work with Owen as tag champ -- though that could simply be because he was with Owen.
If you want to know exactly how people really feel about Jarrett (in any position of power), you needn't look any farther than watching him win the NWA World Heavyweight Championship at Slammiversary in 2006...

Before he even ascended the ladder (after Earl Hebner "screwed" Cage by "stumbling" into the ladder he was climbing), the crowd began throwing garbage at him in the ring, and once he had the title he was pummeled with it – as was Hebner.

I'm sure some will say it was scripted, but I doubt that very much, as the ratings themselves also do not lie. Whenever JJ is champion, ratings bomb. No one cares about him as a main event competitor – they never have, and they never will – because there's nothing about him that actually says main event outside of his resumé that might argue in his favor seeing as he was a moderate star in the past.

He's good for feel-good spots from time-to-time when he can not-so-arrogantly proclaim himself the "founder" of TNA – like in the event he's fighting Hogan & Bischoff's takeover by talking about the good ol' days – but once he's put into a more prominent role as a competitor or as a power figure, that same crowd cheering for him is armed at the hip with trash ready to roar in protest.

This is not your best work IDR. The first post was alright but this post is confusing because you are saying when when he was doing a good job garnering heat as the top heel that it was a bad thing. Then saying the reactions he got there would apply to him as a face character. Not buying it.

Why does everyone keep talking about the main event, especially the title? JJ has never even held the TNA world heavyweight championship and the last time he held the title in its NWA form was October 2006. So to complain about him constantly main eventing and inserting himself into the title picture is misguided IMO. About the only thing high profile I remember him doing recently was in the matches against kurt angle and those were actually pretty good. Other than that he has basically filled the role everyone seems to think he is fitted for. Sure right now he has this thing with sting. What I think people fail to realize is that to me it appears this angle specifically prevents sting from going against the younger talents. Maybe I am wrong but if that is the case then JJ is as good an option as any to feed to the deception beast. JJ is definitely not worthless, sure he is not a perpetual main eventer but that is not how he is being used right now anyway.

Would I like to see him give up his spot as a wrestler completely? Maybe. Thing is at this point that is not his choice. I think he basically has zero say at this point in creative. He is likely getting used because he is somewhat recognizable and hogan/bischoff have a hard on for those guys but most of them could not break in with the impact zone. Since Jeff was already in with the crowd they could continue to use him, probably even more than he would use himself at this point. There are worse things than JJ in his current role. He can work a decent match and get some reaction out of his promos. If they use him to advance some mid to upper midcard stories I see no problem with that.
Jarret has always been overrated and put in a good position for a while now. I think he's better as a heel but still doesn't put butts in seats. I have never heard anybody talk about a classic jarrett match, although I did enjoy the triple cage match, because of ddp and the cage. Page could've fought lenny lane and it would have been entertaining in a triple fucking cage!!! sorry got sidetracked but anyway, Jarrett scares viewers away with his bland promos and wrestling. The guy has his moments but never will live up to his own hype. YODEL
He's smashed 6billion guitars and never drew a fucking penny. I'm happy he gave us TNA cos it's a really good thing, but the man couldn't draw 10 years ago with the belt on him, never mind right now. He's not interesting and he lacks charisma. His promos bore me to death and have done since he was calling everyone "slapnuts". In the ring, he's not bad, but unfortunately that's not enough.

Having him come back into this Sting angle is threatening to ruin an already fragile storyline. JJ's presence immediately rips the credibility away from it, and basically tears the arse out of the whole thing. I'd have him behind the cameras permanently. If he must insist on being in the ring, then make him a heel at least.
Jarrett has never drawn a dime in his entire career, let alone in TNA. Obviously TNA owes Jeff Jarrett his due because he started the company, the company was his idea (with a few others such as his dad, not Dixie she came in afterwards), but he was never really a draw for TNA. He was their top guy for a long, long time, but I don't remember him being a draw, in fact NO ONE has ever been a draw in TNA.

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