Does Evil Exist?


Behold my diction


Whether you were "With Her!" or if you were on the "Trump Train", this has been an epic year for politics and life in general for us yanks. So many ups and downs for us to react with a "NO SHE DID-UNT!" and a "OH SNAP! DON-DON SAID WHAT!?"

Either you wanted to "Make America Great Again!" or you felt "Stronger Together!" But then there was the strife, the entire nation (to include our facebook feeds) nearly polarized right down the middle.

Black vs White
Men vs Women
Upper-Lower Class vs Middle-Lower Class
Edu-ma-cated vs non-edu-ma-cated
Dicks vs Assholes
Racists vs Social Justice Warriors
Trolls vs Trolls

The war has been fought fiercely on both sides! AN ALL OUT WAR! This is the night were our nation's chosen political king/queenpins make their final stand! WILL YOU BACK DOWN!? WILL YOU FIGHT UNTIL THE BITTER END!? You do that, the entire time I'll be doing this:


But then; after the votes are cast, and a winner is chosen. Let's let the dust settle, mend our emotional wounds, and admit that better person won this election. Like an open field of wheat that sways in the breeze, let's be harmonious in our mutually assured democratic effort that reflects on how we technically cooperated to validate our nation's integrity. Ladies and gentlemen, just let your love flow:


I'll be reacting all day to results from every state's election results, and I encourage you all to join be through the many ups and downs of today. Will Donald take his all important states of Florida, Ohio, Iowa and North Carolina? It's going to be so exciting, I promise. And, it may become quite tense at times. For my sanity, and yours; I'll occasionally be sharing videos of cute animals like this one:


Also, at 10am PST, the San Francisco Zoo will be livestreaming their Red Panda area to the FireFox Facebook page.

Let's do this thing, time to see who will be the new leader of the world's wealthiest economy (on January 20th).
I hope that Americans get the better one out of these two.

Enjoy the results.

P.S-> Loved the OP. Kudos for this, enviousdominous.
Can we vote for the Panda's. Cute as hell so they are.

I don't envy the US at all today, seems that you have two losers to pick from. Question is which loser is worse than the other one? Think they are running neck and neck up to this point.

You have a guy with a big mouth, no government experience but can run a business. Then you have Hillary, lot's of experience, but like Trump said "It's bad experience." Don't agree voting for her just because she's a woman as Oprah said voters should. Didn't Oprah have the chance to back her last time and picked Obama instead. So her opinion's are moot to anyone but herself.

No doubt it will be interesting with the Clinton News Network going all out as they usually do for the democrats. Fox will do the same for the republicans. For some reason I don't think it will be decided tonight, this will drag on like a Stephanie McMahon RAW promo, and we will all want to kill ourselves before the whole thing is over.
Can we vote for the Panda's. Cute as hell so they are.
Exactly. Panda is the greatest animal ever on the earth. Plus, they eat bamboos only. (99.9%)

Panda should officially be announced as our Head. :p

I love Pandas. :rolleyes:
I think Trump can do this. The electoral collage might be against him, but if Bernie Sanders can win with a 30 point disadvantage in Michigan against Hillary in the primaries, anything is possible.
Just read the title. I'm in on the mass suicide, let's just make sure to coordinate our timing, method of death, and shoes.

AUGH! I just read my typos in the initial posting, and that flavor-aid is looking pretty good right now. I might get taken out by a heart attack or a stroke if Trump takes Florida.

If I don't make it, tell Crocker I love him.
I'm so excited I can hardly contain myself!

I have to revisit memories of past occurrences within this tumultuous election season. I distinctly remember how Donald Trump slapped Megyn Kelly at the Republican Primary debate, and I have a photographic memory:

Facebook is going to be worse than usual after tonight.

Look how far Trumple H has come. Jesus.

We're not a species built to last.
So many memories! So many hours toiled away by Taiwanese animators to grant their wacky perspective on all the madness.

Trump swears to Make America Great Again:


Ted Cruz refuses to endorse Donald Trump at the RNC:


Angst among Bernie Sanders supporters at the DNC:


The candidates polling very closely in battleground states:


Trump vs Clinton debate, Round 1:

Facebook is going to be worse than usual after tonight.

Look how far Trumple H has come. Jesus.

We're not a species built to last.

Pfft. You again with your reasoned statements and clever wit that often goes over my head.

I voted based on who had the best rocking election anthem!

Donald Trump:


Hillary Clinton:


Bernie Sanders:


Ted Cruz:


Vladimir Putin:

Member when a bald eagle snapped at Trump?

Ooh! I member!

Results should start flowing in after 6pm EST as the polls will close in Indiana and Kentucky at that time. In this election; I think these two are going to want to scrape up all the electoral votes they can get.
One of the least political political campaigns ever.

If you just followed the media, which of course most people do, you would be forgiven for knowing next to nothing about the actual policies of the candidates.

It is also an election that if you went by who gave the best impassioned, political speeches, America would be getting four more years of Obama and the first female president.
Not an election about issues, policy or political beliefs. It's sanity vs. insanity. Impulse vs. discipline. Noise vs. fact. Idiocy vs. intelligence.

I don't believe either president will be particularly effective. Republicans will work with Hillary Clinton on absolutely nothing, and it's doubtful they will follow Trump into the abyss (which is exactly where he would attempt to take us). Trump is a maniacal, dishonest, egotistical demagogue. Hillary, on the other hand, is sometimes unethical in her pursuit of a noble agenda. So basically, she's just like every other politician, but her last name is Clinton and she's a liberal, so the shitkickers can't possibly support her.

Republicans rallying around Trump is disheartening. He's not a conservative, he has no real beliefs. He's completely full of shit. Wake up, you numbskulls.

Vote for sanity, please.
I must say though, if I were Hillary Clinton, I would be embarrassed that this guy is even competitive. I think there's a lot of truth in her vast right-wing conspiracy theory, but the Clinton's provide these ant hills for the right to turn into mountains. The Clinton's seem to have this constant need for secrecy and consistently get in their own way. It's beyond irritating.
I voted for Evan McMullin and I as proud to do so. He was the candidate that I felt best represented my beliefs. I understand that voting third party probably won't cause any ripples, but I couldn't bring myself to vote either Trump or Hillary.
I can't blame a person for disliking both of these people. The only thing I ask is for someone to consider who is more dangerous, and clearly that's Trump.
I'm seriously considering moving to Canada. Do Canadians have any real complaints about leadership or their quality of life? If so, I've never heard one.
I can't blame a person for disliking both of these people. The only thing I ask is for someone to consider who is more dangerous, and clearly that's Trump.

That sums it up perfectly. There's a big, big difference between a not great candidate and a snake oil salesman who only cares about enhancing his brand. If Hilary wins, we have a not great President for four years. If Trump wins, I'm not sure where we are in four years.
Not an election about issues, policy or political beliefs. It's sanity vs. insanity. Impulse vs. discipline. Noise vs. fact. Idiocy vs. intelligence.

I don't believe either president will be particularly effective. Republicans will work with Hillary Clinton on absolutely nothing, and it's doubtful they will follow Trump into the abyss (which is exactly where he would attempt to take us). Trump is a maniacal, dishonest, egotistical demagogue. Hillary, on the other hand, is sometimes unethical in her pursuit of a noble agenda. So basically, she's just like every other politician, but her last name is Clinton and she's a liberal, so the shitkickers can't possibly support her.

Republicans rallying around Trump is disheartening. He's not a conservative, he has no real beliefs. He's completely full of shit. Wake up, you numbskulls.

Vote for sanity, please.

This kind of self-righteousness and "good vs evil" mentality is the reason why political discourse is dumbed down to the degree it is, and the reason why someone like Trump is a serious candidate to be one of the most powerful people in the world.

Trump is the worst choice, but he's not going to bring about the end times. No candidate will.

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