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Does Drew McIntyre have "It"?


Pre-Show Stalwart
I have to be honest. I never really pay attention to Drew McIntyre. His personality doesn't grab my attention. I DVR smackdown and watch it later, and when I see him I just fast forward. Now I listened to Morrison's promo this last Friday about McIntyre being Vince's chosen one and read online about how He is one of HHH's buddies. My question to you all is, am I missing something good? or should I continue to fast forward and not waste my time. I tried once to sit through a match between him and R-Truth and about a minute into it just couldn't do it. Is he really a rising star worth watching? or is he just getting a push because of who he knows?
I'm not quite sure about McIntyre yet. On one hand I have enjoyed his in-ring work and he had a solid match with JoMo back at TLC, but I definitely feel they've given him the IC title far too soon. JoMo should've gotten atleast another month with the belt, not really sure what they're even doing with him anymore. McIntyre's solid in the ring, has a pretty cool finisher, and seems to be not too bad on the mic either, so I've definitely enjoyed him thus far, but I'm just not sold on his long-term credibility. He may just be another flash in the pan kind of deal, it wouldn't shock me. He may have "It", but it's just too soon for me to tell yet.
I personally like Drew. It seems like when a guy comes up from FCW, WWE seems to take away their personality. Watch his promos online from FCW and other feds and you will see the guy is a better promo man than you see on Friday Nights. The guy can be funny or deadly serious. His in ring work is better than alot of guys we are seeing. I like Drew and I have a feeling that he will be something in the WWE. Ive noticed alot of posters on this board (at least in the WWE section) are quick to say they want new talent and new stars and when Vinnie gives them alot are even quicker to shit all over the new guys for the fact of (a direct quote) "They are not like Shawn or Triple H". Someone wanna define that logic for me cause it gives me a migrane thinking about it.
Yes he has the look but before doin anything big he has to pay the dues. He raally has to develop his charactor. his charactor is not catchin anyone's attention like The Miz or Kofi. Obviously he needs time to elevate his level. He is hhh's buddy so he wil be goin to main event soon. But i dont think he has what it takes to be in main vent. He has to work really hard on his charactor development and think something different to connect with the audience.
I think he is solid, "it" or no "it". He has good in-ring skills, can work a match without being "carried", and looks good with a belt around his waist or on his shoulder. However, I think it is way too soon to tell if he has the main-event factor about him.

For some guys, it is easy to tell. Cena, Batista, Bobby Lashley, and some others were easy to spot as future main eventers. Drew is in a different build. He strikes me more as a Randy Orton character. Initially, he comes across as very generic and green, but given the time to have some decent feuds (something the IC title should bring) he should be able to improve and come into his own.

I think with time and a change of entrance music (really, really basic IMO) he can be a main eventer and a future piece of the company. However, I felt the same way about Mr. Kennedy, and he isn't around anymore. One key element is Drew's work ethic, which I can't speak on. He is buddies with the right guys, so this can only be in his favor, but at the end of the day it comes down to this: does Drew think Drew has "it"?
No. He doesn't have "it". He is bland, and I do not find him interesting in the slightest. Every time he comes out I see nothing but another Paul Burchill or Ricky Ortiz. How they let him take the title off of JoMo is beyond me when they haven't even given R-Truth a shot. Drew is going to be nothing in the years to come.
McYntire is fucking boring, I mean, at least Sheamus has something about him that makes you go "yeah, he is quite dangerous" even though he's also mega bland and gets no crowd reaction.

See, I have become extremely bored by constant Vince bashing for one reason or another, it's old and was never that original, but he trys to push youngsters I'll give him his due. it's just a fucking shame that they are usually boring ***** who cant get a reaction to save their lives, Drew McIntyre, Sheamus, Dolph Ziggler, you name em' they've bored the live crowd to bits. All the while people that the crowd care about (R-Truth, fuck, even Matt Hardy) get fuck all.

No, I dont think Drew McIntyre's got it at all.
I have never liked drew. it may be because he only has the IC title because Vince likes him.I put him no higher than Sheamus in mic skills,wrestling ability,and over all entrainment value. (I dont like Sheamus by the way for the lack of every thing listed above.
I think Drew has "it," it's just way too early to tell what "it" is. He has the look, he has a solid moveset, some badass entrance music, and all the youth in the world. His charisma could use some work, but that can come with time.

I agree with X and a few others who declared that they gave him the Intercontinental belt too early. He was destined to hold a title someday anyway, but it was too soon to pull the trigger. For now, though, he can build his character in the ring.

I think he could go down the path of one Randy Orton. When he showed up in the WWE, he was really vanilla. But with time, and the right feuds, and right tutelage, he blossomed into the best heel on the planet, the wrestler you see every Monday headlining Raw.

Perhaps in time, we will see what exactly "it" is. It may be too early to tell in my opinion.
Yes. I think he definitely has "It". He has so much talent in the ring, he's awesome on the mic, and if I do say so myself, he looks so good with that Intercontinental title around his waist. Yeah, being good buddies with Triple H does help him out as well, but to me, I like to think of that as a little plus. Sure, he's good friends with the boss's son-in-law and and because of that, Hunter could possibly pull some strings for Drew to help him get near the main event quicker, but I feel that the whole being friends with the game thing is nothing more than a little added bonus. I find him to be very exciting and entertaining to watch. I'm loving his feud with John Morrison. I think it's one of the more entertaining feuds I've seen in a good long while. He makes a really, really awesome heel and he could eventually blossom into one of the best heels the WWE has ever seen. I think he has loads of charisma, tons of potential, and so much youth. If he continues to develop his character and perfect his moves, over time we will watch him blossom into one of the greatest WWE superstars (and future WWE champions) this world has ever seen. (To all you people who believe he is just another flash in the pan, you people are all DEAD WRONG. Drew McIntyre is here and here to stay!:icon_biggrin:)
I'm more interested in establishing what your interpretations of "IT" are. I mean really, isn't that all it is? Up to interpretation? I think Morrison is a guy who has "IT" but by that I mean that he has all the components including enough natural charisma to be a top guy in the company. So what are you referring to when you say he has "IT"?

I personally don't see any real glaring weaknesses about him, I think he's a solid acquisition, you just have to give it time, see what they do with him, and based on that, make your decision. It's just too early to tell for sure right now. I think he is a good wrestler, he is good enough on the mic, and his appearance is great as well. There it is 1,2,3 wrestling ability, mic work, and appearance. If by "IT" you refer to those things than yeah, he's got "IT" all day.

Whether you find him interesting or appealing at the moment is irrelevant to me. I am sure there are those of you who didn't find one of the current main eventers very interesting at some point, and are now a big supporter of one of them, so once again, time is the issue. I think once they let this guy roll a bit, get a decent feud out there, and let him show off his stuff, a lot of you are going to be saying "How long until McIntyre becomes WWE or WHC?"
Drew McIntyre is probably the debutant I've been most excited about for a very long time. I think he has a certain quality to his mic work that would suggest that he has something a little bit different about him, and he has room for improvement. His in ring work is pretty good, and I think he has a definite ability to go onwards and upwards as a heel. There is a chance, albeit an outside one that he'll win the MITB this year, but I think that he could benefit from a slower push. He's already improved hugely from his last time in the big leagues. It's been a long time since Britain had a legitimate main eventer, and I think that McIntyre has what it takes to move up the ladder.
Drew McIntyre is probably the debutant I've been most excited about for a very long time. I think he has a certain quality to his mic work that would suggest that he has something a little bit different about him, and he has room for improvement. His in ring work is pretty good, and I think he has a definite ability to go onwards and upwards as a heel. There is a chance, albeit an outside one that he'll win the MITB this year, but I think that he could benefit from a slower push. He's already improved hugely from his last time in the big leagues. It's been a long time since Britain had a legitimate main eventer, and I think that McIntyre has what it takes to move up the ladder.

I could not have said it any better myself.

I'm a huge supporter of McIntyre and I think he is going to be a main eventer in the coming years. I actually like his future more than Sheamus. I think Sheamus is going to be a flash in the pan and not be much of anything in 2-3 years. McIntyre has the youth advantage on Sheamus. DrewMc is 24 years old and they are slowly pushing him up the ranks. Yes he won the IC title too soon, but he isn't being pushed as a main eventer. I think in 2-3 years DrewMc might just be a future world champ.
I like Drew. If there is such thing as "it", he has it. I don't know what it is about him, because all of the tangible stuff just screams "nobody", but he has a certain aura about him. There's almost something Orton-esque about the way he carries himself. He's got huge potential; he's got everything you'd look for in a wrestler. Great in the ring, great mic skills, and he's a big, athletic guy. Drew and Sheamus had a big rivalry going on when they were at FCW, and I personally think Drew was the better of the two, which really has to speak volumes, because Sheamus is the WWE Champ.

To avoid Sid's wrath, here's a real post:

I don't know what it is about Drew, but he has "something". Maybe it isn't "it", but there's something there that makes you pay closer attention to his matches. He has a bit of an old school look, wrestles a straight-forward style, and he's easy to hate. He is the biggest reason I tune in to Smackdown every week, and will continue to do so.
While i don't hate McIntyre, i haven't seen anything in him yet that makes me super excited about his future. Im not saying that he doesn't have it, im just saying i haven't seen it. His look doesn't stand out to me, but his mic skills have shown potential for great improvement and will definatly help him get over. What i have noticed though is his in-ring style, and i do like what i see there. It's not overly flashy and not to grounded like Orton. Straight forward but effective.

So no, i personally don't see IT in him right now. But i didn't see it in Punk either and now i do. Honestly i like Sheamus's look a whole lot better and find it more unique. Possible tag team in the future hmm?...
I didn't care for him during his short original run in 2007 or so.... then when he came back recently I said to myself "He better do something to really impress me, he sucked before so he'll probably suck now".... and he proved me wrong very quickly. McIntyre is nothing like he was back then, now he's very impressive and has that "it" factor. He has the look of a future champion. I've said before that he reminds me of a younger Triple H, and he still does. McIntyre has improved in the ring, on the mic, has a decent character for now ("future champion handpicked by Vince"), and the look of a star. I definitely think he has "it" because you can look at him and say "he's gonna be world champion someday!" and that was before Vince (kayfabe) handpicked him as a future champ. He continues to impress me every week.
The guy honestly does nothing for me. He looks so plain, and he isnt overly impressive in the ring. I think alot of his push has to do with who he knows. I mean he isnt a terrible talent, but I fail to see what the hype is about. Not to say that one day down the road he'll totally change my opinion of him, but at the current time, I'd take Jack Swagger over him any day of the week.
I can't stand him. He bores me to no end, and just because he has a cool finisher doesn't mean he's a good wrestler. Why he's the so-called "chosen one" by Vince has me feeling a little bit of a what the fuck feeling. I mean, he gets no reaction. Guys like R-Truth, guys like Matt Hardy, guys like Kane, they should be getting title reigns, not this generic bullshit wrestler Drew McIntyre. So to answer your question, no he doesn't have "it" in my eyes, unless "it" is generic boringness.
I don't think he has it. He is boring to watch IMO, he doesn't have the looks he doesnt have the mic skills, mayb he has the mat skills, but he needs a makeover possibly, his music sucks, he is too normal. Reminds me of Chuck Palumbo, he doesn't cut it for me. Too bland.
I dont think that Drew has "IT" yet he still needs alot more work to move up to the mainevent level.But passing wrestlemania thats when we will find out if he is ready or not.I will like one person to feud with him and put him over but right now he is also a heel,And that person will be CM Punk.Punk will help him alot and im sure they will put on some great matches between these two awesome wrestlers.
I like McIntyre. He has been impressing me lately and I can see him having a big future in the WWE. He isn't totally shit on the mic, has got a pretty good moveset and a cool finisher, his new enterance is pretty cool and although he looks a bit like a paedo I still feel like he has a bright future ahead of him. Like others have poster I feel like he won the title a bit too early as now him nor Morrison seem to be having any real feuds which McIntyre especially needs at the moment, not a random title match with Kane. If he gets to have several good feuds then I see him lasting long in the WWE and eventually winning the world title.
He very much reminds me of Randy Orton when he first came up. I do think they put the strap on him to soon, but he has put on good matches since he got it, so I have no problem with it. Even his match with Kane at the EC wasn't 100% terrible, and I even enjoyed parts of it. I think his character just needs some time to catch on with the crowd, and he needs a solid fued with an ESTABLISHED face in the company. I could see Edge giving him a good match, or Jericho/Punk if they went with a heel vs heel match. That is the only way to see how good he can be. Put him in the ring with the best your brand has to offer. I wouldn't be shocked at all if he went to Raw in the Draft to be honest. More faces over on that brand that get good fan reactions.. coughcoughCHRISTIANcoughcough... I definately think he has "it" but it is just a matter of time to see if he learns 100% how to take advantage of it. Kennedy screwed his chances up, lets hope McIntyre doesn't make the same mistake.
I wanna like McIntyre.. but I'm finding it hard to.
I don't really know why Trips and HBK are behind him so much.. I just find him very bland, besides his awesome entrance theme, nothing about him really stands out.. his look is that average wrestler look.. long hair, black trunks.. his mic skills are kinda low.. he doesn't really reel me in when he talks, also his moveset is very average.. his finisher is just a different looking DDT or as Michael Cole would of said back in the day "MODIFIED DDT!"

God you could at least give him a kilt to wear in his entrance or something.. something that'll just make him stand out.
you could at least give him a kilt to wear in his entrance or something.. something that'll just make him stand out.

He had a kilt during his first run back in 07. McIntyre was terrible back then though. I don't think he needs a kilt at all. Drew does have "it" because he's got the look of a future champion, is good in the ring, good on the mic, and now has an awesome entrance. The only things that could possibly stop him now are injuries or wellness policy violations. McIntyre becoming a world champion is all but set in stone now, it's going to happen and it will be awesome when it does.

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