Does CM Punk have an unhealthy obession with the closing match of Wrestlemania?

Does CM Punk have an unhealthy obession with the closing match of WrestleMania?

  • Yes. Sure, he deserved the spot, but it doesn't define the guy's career.

  • No, Punk's anger is justified. He absolutely needed that spot.

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Creepy Old Man

Championship Contender
Ric Flair and Sting come to mind. Two of the top-tier, elite pro wrestlers, neither of whom have closed out WrestleMania. Both are widely regarded as being among the very best ever.

Bruno Sammartino, Dusty Rhodes, Harley Race, Bob Backlund, Terry Funk, Antonio Inoki... countless all-time guys never closed WM. At the same time, not-so-greats like Mr. T, King Kong Bundy, Lawrence Taylor and The Miz have done so. Maybe it's my perspective alone, but this says to me that closing WM is not an integral part of being remembered as a great.

Still, Punk has let it eat away at his soul. He even deemed his entire career a "failure" on Cabana's podcast, because he never got that match. Does he have an unhealthy obsession, or is he justified?

I guess that should be OBSESSION in the title. :blush:
Ric Flair and Sting may have never closed Mania, but then they were big elsewhere. They main evented Starrcades in WCW, didn't they? Sting has just come to WWE, and there's a chance he might still main event a Mania.

The other names you mentioned were either on a decline or were way past their prime by the time Mania became a thing. Also, they were from the territory days, when there were other avenues beside WWE.

I do agree that Punk might have an obsession with Main eventing Mania, but then if you're a main event talent in a company and don't get to main event their biggest event of the year, you'd feel short changed too. So I don't think that's as unhealthy as you are making it seem. It doesn't define his career, but these are kind of moments that take someone's career to a whole different level.
Yeah, Sting and Ric Flair were primarily WcW guys. CM Punk was a WWE guy. Therefore, not being able to main event despite always being so close definitely had to sting. I don't see anything unhealthy about it, as it was his dream.
The only unhealthy thing I've seen these last few months is WWE's obsession with mentally and physically screwing with their performers to the point of running them out of the business. Pink slip on your wedding day anyone? Now that is unhealthy, obsessive, bitter and downright psychotic.

But no, you're right. Punk being the top guy, longest reigning champ, busts his ass for nearly two decades to be the best the business has to offer and wants just once to live his dream and live up to his potential, he wants to go on last at 'Mania just once.

Such an unhealthy obsession. How dare he!

Why don't U guys just accept the fact that C.M. Punk only cares ..M. is a self-centered douche bag who even admits "He can be hard to work with". He reminds Me of that really cute chick who everyone wants to date but when you bag her you find out she is crazy and clingy with self esteem issues. She finally gives you an ultimatum to be at her beck and call or she is breaking up with you. You let her leave but as soon as she sees you with another Bad Chick she puts on a hot dress, gets her hair done and shows up at your door at 2 A.M. Just to talk.


C.M. Punk had a good thing going in the WWE. He over played his hand and at first the break up hurt. Now the E has moved on he is putting on his best dress hoping to get a reaction. Look does it HONESTLY matter if he Main Evented or not? NOT REALLY. Most times the Main Event isn't what people remember anyway. WM3 was main event end by HOGAN VS. ANDRE but everyone remembers the Macho Man Dragon Match.

Razor Ramon vs Shawn Michaels....


Shawn vs KURT ANGLE....

Not the Main Event....

Edge vs Foley.....

Not the Main event....

Rock vs HOGAN....

Not the MAIN EVENT....



Just because U went on last doesn't necessarily make or break you....

My Man Rick Rude and Mr. Perfect also never were the Main Event. There can only be ONE LAST MATCH.....

It doesn't really HURT YOUR LEGACY if you don't get it.....



C. A. PUNK.....

Sometimes the name says it ALL
You don't know how it feels for him. I remember a quote "WHEN YOU SEE THE RESULT, YOU GET ADDICTED"

It can be either drugs or alcohol or sports or any profession! As for CM Punk he had got lots of cheers and warm reception! Anyone who would get that will become addicted to the fame and eventually want more of it!!

Its not about money obviously! He wants to close a Wrestlemania with grand reception from the crowd! can't Blame him on that one. Because he earned that spot. He worked his way to get to the top. It's all his hardwork.

So He deserves to close a Wrestlemania! Deserved to coz obviously it's not gonna happen...
I understand the dream of wanting to headline Mania. He's been a fan all his life, it's only natural.

Him trying to convince Vince to get him into the main-event of 29 was desperate but who cares. He wanted it and the worst that could happen is Vince says no and gives him a match with The Undertaker. Of course, imagine if we found out Cena or Orton begged McMahon to be in the main-event.....

Punk wanting to close the show is a good thing. I'm sure it is a trait shared by the majority of wrestlers. Unfortunately for him, Rock and Cena are both just bigger stars. They are two absolute icons/legends and Punk isn't on their level. The Miz must have been a kick in the teeth but he just came back from injury and, besides that, he would have complained about being overshadowed by Rock/Cena.
C.M. Punk had a good thing going in the WWE. He over played his hand and at first the break up hurt. Now the E has moved on he is putting on his best dress hoping to get a reaction. Look does it HONESTLY matter if he Main Evented or not? NOT REALLY. Most times the Main Event isn't what people remember anyway. WM3 was main event end by HOGAN VS. ANDRE but everyone remembers the Macho Man Dragon Match.

That's not really true. Everyone remembers Hogan Vs Andre. Only enthusiasts remember Macho Man Vs Dragon, even though it is easily the superior match.

You do bring up a good point though. It's easy to forget that 'Rock Vs Hogan' wasn't technically the main event of that Wrestlemania. Sometimes it just comes down to what the fans want to see the most. But I think CM Punks issue was more that he was constantly playing second fiddle to other people. He was tired of putting over the part timers, tired of his ideas being nixed, tired of Vince McMahon allowing other people to get away with more.

If anyone is trash talking CM Punk for being a whiner, keep in mind that most main eventers are probably diva's in some capacity. Stone Cold quit when he didn't like how he was being used, Flair quit when he didn't like how WWE was using him the first time around. There are stories of Big Show throwing a tantrum for Great Khali using his chop. Hogan, Lesnar, Lex, Michaels, Hart, Warrior and many others are all like this. Unfortunately, that probably is a large reason they got their top spot. If they were more easy going and complacent, they'd probably have their moment before being reduced to lifetime jobbers. I've always wondered if that's why Kane has become such a joke.
Ric Flair and Sting come to mind. Two of the top-tier, elite pro wrestlers, neither of whom have closed out WrestleMania. Both are widely regarded as being among the very best ever.

Bruno Sammartino, Dusty Rhodes, Harley Race, Bob Backlund, Terry Funk, Antonio Inoki... countless all-time guys never closed WM. At the same time, not-so-greats like Mr. T, King Kong Bundy, Lawrence Taylor and The Miz have done so. Maybe it's my perspective alone, but this says to me that closing WM is not an integral part of being remembered as a great.

Still, Punk has let it eat away at his soul. He even deemed his entire career a "failure" on Cabana's podcast, because he never got that match. Does he have an unhealthy obsession, or is he justified?

I guess that should be OBSESSION in the title. :blush:

How many Mania's have Flair and Sting worked? Flair a few, but all except for one in his twilight years where he could never expect to go on last (although you could make a case that Flair/Savage deserved to go on last before Hogan/Vicious). Sting never has, but he does talk about one of his goals being to work Wrestlemania. I don't think either is a great example of what you're trying to go for here.

As for the rest of your examples? I get what you're trying to say, but listing off a bunch of guys who either never worked while there was a Wrestlemania to headline, or if they still were actively competing, were in their own twilight's and could simply just hope for a spot on the card at best? It doesn't really work.

Is closing out a WM integral to being remembered as a great? Not at all. But for Punk, it was a goal, and obviously it disappoints him that he failed that one goal. I wouldn't call that an unhealthy obsession whatsoever. The guy probably set several goals for himself along the way, and after accomplishing one, raised his personal bar a little more to continue pushing himself towards that ultimate goal. That's just one way that successful people succeed. They keep pushing themselves towards that next goal. He ultimately failed at that goal, but pushing himself towards it did result in him becoming one of the very best of his generation. Argue how much that means all you want, but how many people in any profession can make that claim?

There's probably quite a few people working in the WWE right now that have that exact same goal. At least I'd hope there are.
How many Mania's have Flair and Sting worked? Flair a few, but all except for one in his twilight years where he could never expect to go on last (although you could make a case that Flair/Savage deserved to go on last before Hogan/Vicious). Sting never has, but he does talk about one of his goals being to work Wrestlemania. I don't think either is a great example of what you're trying to go for here.

As for the rest of your examples? I get what you're trying to say, but listing off a bunch of guys who either never worked while there was a Wrestlemania to headline, or if they still were actively competing, were in their own twilight's and could simply just hope for a spot on the card at best? It doesn't really work.

Is closing out a WM integral to being remembered as a great? Not at all. But for Punk, it was a goal, and obviously it disappoints him that he failed that one goal. I wouldn't call that an unhealthy obsession whatsoever. The guy probably set several goals for himself along the way, and after accomplishing one, raised his personal bar a little more to continue pushing himself towards that ultimate goal. That's just one way that successful people succeed. They keep pushing themselves towards that next goal. He ultimately failed at that goal, but pushing himself towards it did result in him becoming one of the very best of his generation. Argue how much that means all you want, but how many people in any profession can make that claim?

There's probably quite a few people working in the WWE right now that have that exact same goal. At least I'd hope there are.

Well you can make same argument about Punk, I mean his peak lasted for best 2 or may be 3 wretlemania and all the three wrestlemania was overshadowed by Rock and Cena rivalry, easily bigger star then Punk.
Remember Flair and Savage title match was not main event. Hell even Cena didn't main evented for straight three years ( 24, 25 26) even he was the face and was even RR winner in 2008.
Another example is Undertaker, he mainevented wrestlemania first time in 97 and grand total of only three times in his whole 24 or 25 year carrer.
I've entered the Alternate Universe Automatron that I have in my kitchen and gone to the realm where Punk gets what he says he wants in this universe. Here are some quotes from his podcast with his good friend Colt Cabana:

- "A triple threat match at the last match of Mania was an insult. Vince knew it should have been one on one but he's too short sighted to make that call. Cena and I had a great thing going but Vince and HHH only care about soothing their mainstream ego."

- "The Rock and I could have been saved for Mania and been a much bigger deal."

- "Making me take the first fall was a huge mistake. I was the best thing in that match."

- "I asked Vince and HHH if I got paid as much as Cena and The Rock for that match and they wouldn't say anything. That must mean they got paid more and not that Vince and HHH are too smart to go around telling people what others get paid."

- "The Streak would have been a much bigger deal with me involved. What a shit storm that turned in to. Taker deserved better."

- "I worked my ass off to be in a one on one title match at Mania with the Beatles playing my theme song and the Queen of England presenting me with the title when I win in a pool of hundred dollar bills and this is what Vince and HHH give me. What a joke!"

Punk isn't obsessed with anything except for what he has never been given. CM Punk is a cunt.
Based just on what I've read and heard, I don't know if I'd go so far as to call it an obsession so much as a dream he'd always had. Punk's had a career that 99% of wrestlers would love to be able to say that they've had. To headline WrestleMania is an example where someone can say that he was part of THE top match at the biggest show of the year, but a career definer? Not in my opinion. If Ric Flair had never even worked a WrestleMania in his career, he'd still be one of the all time greats.

Of all the goals he set in his career and accomplished, in my eyes, headlining a single match at a single event is small potatoes compared to what we'll really remember him for. We'll remember Punk for the difficult times in WWE when he was paying his dues, his feuds with Rey Mysterio, Randy Orton, Jeff Hardy, John Cena, Daniel Bryan, Brock Lesnar and some of the fantastic matches that came out of those feuds. We'll remember his strong work on the mic and the legendary "Pipe Bomb" of 2011, which lead into the "Summer of Punk." We'll remember that he's the longest reigning World Champion WWE had had since Hulk Hogan's first reign ended on February 5, 1988.

As an outsider looking in, I think his anger is somewhat justified. Being in the main event of WrestleMania was a dream that he'd had and while I might not agree that it would have defined his career, I do understand why it was personally important to him. Any dream, no matter how grand or immaterial it might seem to anyone else, can be a big deal to you and it can be painful not to see that dream come to fruition. At the same time however, just as with every other aspect of his problems with WWE, I don't believe all the blame can be fairly put on WWE. Yes, WWE officials have behaved in a petty way towards Punk at various points over the years, but so has he. Who started being petty first? There's no way of knowing as each side would say that the other side started the whole thing, but it's not as though CM Punk was an innocent, wee lamb that was being singled out. I think Punk's own words & actions were part of why he didn't get the spot he wanted. For instance, during the podcast, he spoke about how he told Triple H that "with all due respect" Punk didn't need to fight Trips, Trips needed to fight him. How anyone wouldn't take that as an insult, I have no idea, especially someone that's been as big of a star in WWE as Triple H. Apparently, such comments, condescension, belligerence and intentionally provocative behavior was business as usual for Punk towards officials and wrestlers alike, so management is just supposed to smile, nod their heads and give him what he wants anyway? CM Punk is a massive mark for himself and seems to have a complete double standard when it comes to respect: he expects it to be given to him on a silver platter but he doesn't have to give it in return.

Nothing wrong with having an ego, having a healthy sense of one's self is something of a must in pro wrestling and you're somebody that has to be willing to fight for what you want and back it up if given the opportunity. The problem is that Punk's ego grew to such a degree, or maybe it's always been huge, that he felt like he was justified in saying anything he wished to anybody, including his bosses, without any negative consequences. Stand up for yourself always, but be smart in how you go about it because purposely insulting the people in charge isn't gonna help your career. That's the gospel truth in any other job, so why should pro wrestling be an exception?
Well you can make same argument about Punk, I mean his peak lasted for best 2 or may be 3 wretlemania and all the three wrestlemania was overshadowed by Rock and Cena rivalry, easily bigger star then Punk.
Remember Flair and Savage title match was not main event. Hell even Cena didn't main evented for straight three years ( 24, 25 26) even he was the face and was even RR winner in 2008.
Another example is Undertaker, he mainevented wrestlemania first time in 97 and grand total of only three times in his whole 24 or 25 year carrer.

I never said that Punk SHOULD have main evented a WM (had the last match). I said that was his goal, and it's hardly an unhealthy obsession to have a goal like that in his industry.

And yeah... I believe I mentioned that Flair/Savage wasn't the main event... just that you can make a case that it should have been.

Other than that, I'm really not sure what you're trying to say here? That not everyone gets to main event? That Punk didn't deserve to main event? That he should have been a good boy that knew his role?
There's noothing unhealthy about the obsession. It is the dream of every wrestler in the current era to main event WrestleMania. The OP's examples are pathetic. Flair and Sting belong to a time when WCW was almost as big a company as WWF and they have both evented an event like Mania, and that's StarrCade. The rest of your examples are of guys who were either too old by the time Mania came around or did not work in the WWF at the main event level.

Punk has done all that. Given the stuff he has acheived in the WWE, he did nothing wrong by nurturing a dream of main eventing WrestleMania. In some ways, he was unfortunate, because Rock vs Cena became the story for three WrestleManias and there is no superstar in the WWE who can do anything to trump that story. In other circumstances, it's fair to say that Punk would have headlined WrestleMania.

You can be his detractor and even I find it difficult to believe some of the things he says but you have to admit that he has been one of the best superstars of this past decade, maybe only second to Cena. And yes, he did deserve to main event Mania 30. He had been on a roll for the past three years.
I never said that Punk SHOULD have main evented a WM (had the last match). I said that was his goal, and it's hardly an unhealthy obsession to have a goal like that in his industry.

And yeah... I believe I mentioned that Flair/Savage wasn't the main event... just that you can make a case that it should have been.

Other than that, I'm really not sure what you're trying to say here? That not everyone gets to main event? That Punk didn't deserve to main event? That he should have been a good boy that knew his role?

Well just wanted to say Punk was victim of circumstances. Personally would have loved Punk vs Cena instead of Miz
WWE should have played the title match as Austin (punk) , Shawn(cena) and Tyson (Rock) being enforcer.
I have to agree with JH and say it was a dream he had. He really felt that he should have main evented Mania based on his own belief in himself.

And there is nothing wrong with that. When you reach the upper echelon in this industry, other than winning the WWE title, main eventing the biggest show of the year would be anyone's dream. If it isn't then they will be stuck forever in the mid card.

I always thought that most if not all wrestlers aspired to be the best they could. Now some will never make it up to the top, could be bad timing, meaning others came along that were better than you at the same time. It maybe just a lack of talent, that kept them from breaking thorough, and that's not a problem. Everyone can't be the top of the card.

In Punk's case however, he did break through, he was the champ for over a year, the only thing left for him was to main event Mania. Unfortunately it was an upper management decision making process that kept him from doing that, probably due to his own crappy attitude. If he had played nicely, he would have got that opportunity. So in retrospect, the chance was there, he blew it for himself and that might be a much bitter pill to swallow. It's always easier to blame other's than to look inside yourself.
It doesn't define his career, but these are kind of moments that take someone's career to a whole different level.

Which isn't to say his starring role at WM might not have happened in the future. Punk is a young man, there was plenty of time for him.

In my opinion, the man vastly overrated his importance to the organization ....and this was something I was saying during his glory days in WWE, not just after he unceremoniously left. (Got to love the: "They fired me on my wedding day" which sooner should have come out as: "You can't fire me....I quit.")

Of course, this isn't to say he wasn't important, and folks who want to make the argument that the company didn't use him properly certainly have a right to their opinion. But the entire Punk saga strikes me as a guy who wanted things done his way.....and pulled a Steve Austin and went home when it wasn't handled to his satisfaction.

The closing match at Wrestlemania? Yeah, I guess that was one of his gripes.....but there were (apparently) others too, and any one of 'em might have been enough to drive him out the door.

Take your pick.
Everybody who says Wrestlemania Main Events are not prestigious should check out 20 again.

Punk seems to have worked pretty damn hard his career. He doesn't speak out through ego, he speaks out through justification. He especially seems to care about his progression as a character and in storyline. It makes sense Punk wants to be the best (and whhhhhhy is that defluencing you all?).

You've worked at your job for years. Another employee from the past decided to "reapply" and automatically gets your position. That's cool, you still get the second best, but why should that position be stripped so casually? Wrestling is different, I get that. Punks showing up Monday, they're all splitting. Talking about selfishness? Even if they love the business they did not put as much effort towards 2010-2014 then Punk.
I think he's totally justified in wanting it, because he deserved it. Who else can you name that was the WHC for over a year, and didn't get to headline WM? The concept of it is absurd.

It's not just WM though, he was treated as second rate for much of his run at the top, there were several PPVs where he wasn't the main event. It is offensive. To work as hard as hard as he did (as they all do) sick and injured, exhausted, and to be "on top" and not get treated as such feels like a hollow victory for how much he sacrificed to get there.

I don't care what mega-level feud they concoct, Rock/Cena or Sting/HHH or whatever, the WHC should ALWAYS be the most important match on the card. PERIOD. I agree with Punk 100% there is only one main event, always has been always will be.
There's noothing unhealthy about the obsession. It is the dream of every wrestler in the current era to main event WrestleMania. The OP's examples are pathetic. Flair and Sting belong to a time when WCW was almost as big a company as WWF and they have both evented an event like Mania, and that's StarrCade. The rest of your examples are of guys who were either too old by the time Mania came around or did not work in the WWF at the main event level.

Punk has done all that. Given the stuff he has acheived in the WWE, he did nothing wrong by nurturing a dream of main eventing WrestleMania. In some ways, he was unfortunate, because Rock vs Cena became the story for three WrestleManias and there is no superstar in the WWE who can do anything to trump that story. In other circumstances, it's fair to say that Punk would have headlined WrestleMania.

You can be his detractor and even I find it difficult to believe some of the things he says but you have to admit that he has been one of the best superstars of this past decade, maybe only second to Cena. And yes, he did deserve to main event Mania 30. He had been on a roll for the past three years.

Not really. The names I gave unequivocally did not headline WrestleMania, and Starrcade isn't even close to the same level. For maybe a couple years it was as big a deal in the US, but internationally nobody even knows what Starrcade is.

I'm not a detractor. I believe Punk deserved to close WM, but that he's just as iconic without doing so.
I don't think it's an unhealthy obsession...I think it's a logical milestone that few reach but many strive for. With regards to Flair and Sting, I think you have to remember that the majority of their careers were spent in a multiple promotion world. WrestleMania, while important, wasn't critical to having a great career. For anyone starting in wrestling now, it's tough to say that WrestleMania is not that important since it's really a one promotion industry (in America at least).
Not really. The names I gave unequivocally did not headline WrestleMania, and Starrcade isn't even close to the same level. For maybe a couple years it was as big a deal in the US, but internationally nobody even knows what Starrcade is.

I'm not a detractor. I believe Punk deserved to close WM, but that he's just as iconic without doing so.

Every wrestler is judged with respect to his achievements in the main era in which he competed. Flair competed in an era where the NWA title was as big as the WWE Championship and StarrCade was as big as WrestleMania. The same can be said for Sting. WrestleMania was always a big deal but it became the biggest thing ever only after WWE purchased WCW. Before that, there was always an alternative. It was not as if all the big stars gravitated just towards WWF. WCW had, at most times, a roster that was equal if not better than WWF.

I agree that Punk is iconic without main eventing WrestleMania but that does not mean that him wanting to do so was an unhealthy obsession. You are terming it as something unnatural when it is something very obvious. Being at the main event of the biggest show of the biggest company in wrestling means, without a shadow of doubt, that you are the best wrestler in the world. That is what Punk was striving for.

He was the hottest performer post Attitude Era and rejuvenated interest in a company that had sunk to having R-Truth main eventing PPV's for the title. It's not crazy for him to want to main event WM when guys like Miz have done it and he hasn't.
I don't see the issue, they always compare Wrestlemania to the World Series or the Superbowl. Who plays major league baseball and doesn't want to go the World Series? That's the whole point. In this comparison I'd say the WWE title is like having the best record but failing in the post season. Wouldn't that eat away at anybody?

You can make an argument for him being one of the top 2 full time guys, for 3 Wrestlemanias. Yet Cena, Rock, Miz main evented those Manias. Cena being the number 1 guy for 2 of those years, and Punk being the number 1 guy the other year. It's just how I view it. He deserved that spot, yet it was stolen from him by what you might as well consider a "legends team" and a TV team. I say that as a Mizfit and I don't have anything against Rock, but did he really deserve to Main Event Mania 2 years in a row? He already main evented a few.

Plus it adds to that mental thing Punk has, he always thought the WWE had a vendetta against him. "I wanna be paid as much as Cena, Rock, Taker, H and Lesnar", he took it as an insult towards him. In his mind(so it seems), Punk thought the WWE didn't see him as big a star as he thought he was. The Mania main event is the same thing, you let Cena/Rock main event, it's obviously not going to be a masterpiece, it's an icon v icon match. You let Trips v Lesnar main event and again, it's not going to be a masterpiece. Yet Punk/Taker doesn't main event? The hottest guy through the previous year versus the Streak? That doesn't main event?

Maybe he didn't earn the Mania main event, but he's aloud to be upset he never got it. Plus it leaves the door wide open on how to bring him back.

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