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Does Bryan owe it to his fans to politick more for his spot?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
You guys know the all-time greats. Hogan, Austin, Taker, Rock, HBK, Triple H, Hart, Michaels, Cena, Punk... What do all of them have in common? Other than being really talented, connecting with the crowd and being hugely successful, these guys politicked the fuck to protect their spots.

I know Bryan is all about being zen and just really happy about everything, but when two years straight, his fans have screamed his name at the top of their lungs begging to see him get his recognition, maybe he needs to reflect that he might not be doing enough in return.

When Steve Austin was the hottest act on the show, he wouldn't have EVER let Vince say that he'll have to sit out the Mania main event because they want to try something new with a greener talent. He would have called bullshit immediately and threatened to walk. Bret Hart had a stick up his ass and questioned every small booking decision that involved him. Bryan might not be as big as Austin was, but he's definitely as big, if not bigger than Hart, Michaels and Triple H, all of which had a stick up their ass about every small booking decision that involved them.

I know we all frown down on people who try to protect their spot, but there is a fine line between being a pacifist and bending over and taking it up the ass, and I feel like Bryan is walking that line right now. He's the most popular guy on the show and they threw him out of the Rumble like nothing. He should have nixed that bullshit immediately. I don't care what it takes. Threaten to no-show, who cares. Punk and Austin have done it with no repercussions, it's time for Bryan to recognize the fact that he's the most popular guy on the show and deserves to be treated as such.

I know this post sounds like I'm criticizing Bryan, but I'm not. I'm one of his biggest fans, but I feel like he's letting me down by acting like a staircase and letting the office walk all over him. When Bray Wyatt threw him over the top in a split second, and they cut to ringside action like it was nothing and it was just like any other bullshit elimination, I just couldn't believe my eyes. I wasn't expecting Bryan to win, but I was expecting his elimination to be treated as big a deal as Maven eliminating Undertaker or Batista eliminating HBK in 2010. Instead, it was as unceremonious as R-Truth's elimination which is total bullshit and Bryan should've known better than letting this type of booking continue without a fight.

What do you guys think? Am I being too unfair to Bryan here or do you agree that he should do more to argue for his spot?
What do you guys think? Am I being too unfair to
Bryan here or do you agree that he should do
more to argue for his spot?

I'm a bit biased with what I should answer for your question. It certainly is a good question when you see from Daniel Bryan and his Fans' perspective. Buy yeah his elimination was booked pretty badly but there were lots of guys get over with the crowd just like Daniel Bryan. For instance Dean Ambrose and Dolph Ziggler.

so WWE booked it bit well to eliminate Daniel earlier with Dean and Dolph yet to come. But unfortunately they booked that elimination like a shit. It could've been a better booking or a start to a new feud or something but it was some old buried feud between Bryan and Bray but that doesn't have anything to do with his elimination.

Certainly he should argue with the creative team but not threatening to walk out but sit on a desk and discuss like a gentle men deal. And I've heard many reports that Daniel doesn't involve much with the creative's decision and accept it politely but in this case he shouldn't !!

How do we he isn't kicking up a stink backstage about it? None of us really know what goes on backstage. I honestly don't think Vince would give two hoots if he walked to be honest.
No, his fans owe it to him to shut the fuck up about his place on the roster.

Daniel Bryan is said to be very easy-going, to not care too much about how he's used, as long as he's used, and as long as they let him keep wrestling in the world wide greatest pro-wrestling company.
All the guys you mentioned where from a different era, Back in the day at least if you walked you had somewhere to go WWE were worried about any of their main stars defecting to the competition but since the WWE pretty much monopolised the whole wrestling industry, The wrestlers seem to have 2 choices put up with all the bulls*** and at least make good money or walk like CM Punk did which is a shame TNA wasn't in more of a position to compete.
The problem with that is everyone on the roster knows Vince McMahon does not care now. You threaten to walk? He laughs at your face and says he will just push someone else and then BURY you in the mid card for the rest of your career.

They are too scared to stand up to WWE. If they are not jacked up on roids, they will be buried. If they are jacked up, Vince MIGHT respect them enough and throw them a bone and boast how he wishes more guys would stand up for themselves.

When HHH(ripped) called out Vince, He listened. When someone like CM Punk/Bryan stands up and complains, they get into screaming matches. Even Jericho/Vince got into screaming matches because Vince to this day does not think Jericho is a big deal and Jericho thinks he himself is jesus.

I bet if Titus O Neil complained, he would become the new IC champ. Zack Ryder complained? He gets laughed at/told off. Zack only got over because Cena stood up for him because of his funny youtube videos.

You can only make it in Vince's WWE if you have steroids, muscles and are friends with Vince/HHH. Ask Sheamus for proof.
Like anything else, Bryan playing politics would be a double edged sword. Sometimes, people will criticize Austin, Rock, Trips, HBK, Flair, Hogan, Hall, Nash and most other major stars for playing politics; they'll complain that they "held other guys back", which they did at various points. If Bryan played politics, it wouldn't be long before he was called out for it as well.

At the same time, however, there's a possibility of Bryan being too nice. I remember bits & pieces of some reports over the past few years stating that Bryan might be too easy going for his own good. As far as Bryan owing fans anything, he's more than thanked them for their support dozens of times over, he knows, appreciates and acknowledges openly how important fans have been to his success.

There's still some 2 months to do to WrestleMania, which means Vince McMahon may very well find his hand forced just as it was last year. Within the next few weeks, if reception for Roman Reigns being in the main event doesn't improve, then Vince will find himself up against the wall with a main event that's going to be poorly received at the biggest show of the year. If he's stubborn and foolish enough to plow on ahead, then there's nothing anyone can do but watch as he flushes opportunity away.
In order to politic, you have to be in a position of power. WWE sees Bryan as talented but, expendable. If he threatens to walk, who cares? Most of the time they don't use him anyways. And despite how loud the IWC cries, as long as they continue to watch, by products and subscribe to the network, their cries mean nothing because what they are really saying is that we LIKE your product.

So no. Bryan should not start trying to politic. He will only hurt the spot that he has.
In order to politic, you have to be in a position of power. WWE sees Bryan as talented but, expendable. If he threatens to walk, who cares? Most of the time they don't use him anyways. And despite how loud the IWC cries, as long as they continue to watch, by products and subscribe to the network, their cries mean nothing because what they are really saying is that we LIKE your product.

So no. Bryan should not start trying to politic. He will only hurt the spot that he has.

Exactly unfortunately this is the climate the Wrestling industry is in now. Wrestlers and even fans no longer have any bargaining power over the WWE.

Now all we need is a meme with Vince McMahon in it saying "deal with it".
No, his fans owe it to him to shut the fuck up about his place on the roster.

Daniel Bryan is said to be very easy-going, to not care too much about how he's used, as long as he's used, and as long as they let him keep wrestling in the world wide greatest pro-wrestling company.

I love you. :worship:

Politics ruined WCW, they were a problem in the reason for the Bret Hart's split from WWE. It's absolutely fine to let politics play out as a story on television - compelling stuff but to do it backstage is cancerous. I think WWE is actually taking care of Daniel Bryan. He's been back two weeks after a nine-month absence. I don't know what his fans want.

The day Daniel Bryan turns into a politician backstage, is the day I lose respect for him. You hear about how laid back this locker room is, how there isn't any politics and it's really refreshing to hear. You can create a locker room culture of competitiveness and self-determination without the politics. It's not good for the business. The Rock and Austin pushed eachother but I don't believe they played politics and they enjoy a great relationship today and gave us a memorable WM30 moment.

But Daniel Bryan does seem to be playing a politician in public, that interview on RAW had some shots at Roman, it seemed pretty bitter. I don't know, where they're going with his character but I think his fans need to relax as I'm pretty sure he'll continue to be a focal point of the roster.
He's been back two weeks after a nine-month absence. I don't know what his fans want.

Not a DB fan, but I'm not blind and I'ma gonna tell you what his fans want. They want to see him continue on last year where he left off. They want him to get the title back, and have a decent run with it. Not the shitshow that was him and Kane, a decent title run.

Last year the WWE whether by design or for real tried to hold him back and fans weren't having any of it. They didn't want Batista/Orton, they wanted Daniel Bryan, and they got him. It was a wonderful Wrestlemania moment when he won, and even I was cheering for him.

I think they're biggest mistake was that this wasn't a new injury he had and I think that the WWE knew about it. Maybe it was wrong to give him the title last year, or maybe they had no clue just how serious it was. I really don't believe for one minute they expected him to be out for as long as he was. But he did have his surgery and he came back in what looks like fine form. To top it off his popularity didn't miss a beat.

Now fans want the story line to continue, and why not. I'm pretty sure Cena needs a rest, he's been carrying this company forever now, and DB is perfect to take over the spot until Reigns is ready. So give him back his title, let him run with it. The WWE is squandering an excellent opportunity here to not only make money, but make their fanbase happy again.

Nothing wrong with Reigns waiting a year or so. Cause you know that if he fails, McMahon is going to point the finger at him and all the blame will fall on Reigns. Is it fair no, but that's what McMahon does.

In answer to the OP, Daniel Bryan should just bide his time, because it will come again.
I love you. :worship:

Politics ruined WCW, they were a problem in the reason for the Bret Hart's split from WWE. It's absolutely fine to let politics play out as a story on television - compelling stuff but to do it backstage is cancerous. I think WWE is actually taking care of Daniel Bryan. He's been back two weeks after a nine-month absence. I don't know what his fans want.

The day Daniel Bryan turns into a politician backstage, is the day I lose respect for him. You hear about how laid back this locker room is, how there isn't any politics and it's really refreshing to hear. You can create a locker room culture of competitiveness and self-determination without the politics. It's not good for the business. The Rock and Austin pushed eachother but I don't believe they played politics and they enjoy a great relationship today and gave us a memorable WM30 moment.

But Daniel Bryan does seem to be playing a politician in public, that interview on RAW had some shots at Roman, it seemed pretty bitter. I don't know, where they're going with his character but I think his fans need to relax as I'm pretty sure he'll continue to be a focal point of the roster.

Make no mistake, Daniel Bryan is being disrespected. It's not just about politicking for your spot. He's done enough for this company and he single-handedly controls whether fans will react positively or negatively to a PPV event. He is the most popular guy on the show and he should be treated like it. It's fine that he didn't win the Rumble. Doing a job is part of the job. But when you're Daniel Bryan, you don't get eliminated like Heath Slater. You don't just get thrown out and they cut back to ring action a few seconds later and act like something momentous didn't just occur. Mizdow's elimination was treated like a bigger deal. Austin walked out, not because he was jobbing to Brock, but because he was jobbing to Brock like it wasn't a big deal. He's the top guy. He can put over the newcomer, but he wanted to do it right. Walking out was an overreaction on his part, but it made sense to fight the decision. Same way it made sense for HBK, Bret, Jericho, Batista, Cena, Triple H, Hogan, Nash and all of the other top guys to fight for their own proper bookings.

I personally would lose respect for Bryan, not if he politicks, but if he puts up with the way they're treating him. They don't want him to be a big deal so they're acting like he's not a big deal, and that's just not okay. He just spent months rehabbing his injuries to come back and make this company some money and they're treating him like a midcarder. If they want to continue doing 2 simultaneous tours nation-wide, then they need him more than he needs them. He needs to get that, and start fighting for what's right.

If WM32 sucks and Bryan is treated like an afterthought, it's because he didn't do enough. I have no doubt that if Triple H, Bret or Punk were in his position right now with the crowd eating out of his hands and people rioting because they lost, they would be main eventing WM32, period. They wouldn't allow anything else to go down and the office would just have to suck it up.
Daniel Bryan isn't the most over guy. I would say that the guy that brought in 200k buys in 2 days after winning the Rumble is probably more over.
What do you guys think? Am I being too unfair to Bryan here or do you agree that he should do more to argue for his spot?
Yes and no. Lets take Rumble for example. He would be fine not winning it. But the way it happened was kinda anticlimatic. And he was arguably biggest star power they had in that Rumble match. So, he maybe should have more saying and not just be "Yes Man"(see what I did here :lol: ). I mean, he knows he is not face of the company, but he should(as most over man right now on the roster) get his spot according to that. :)
Yes and no. Lets take Rumble for example. He would be fine not winning it. But the way it happened was kinda anticlimatic. And he was arguably biggest star power they had in that Rumble match. So, he maybe should have more saying and not just be "Yes Man"(see what I did here :lol: ). I mean, he knows he is not face of the company, but he should(as most over man right now on the roster) get his spot according to that. :)

I'm currently listening to Jericho's podcast and he talks about how unimportant and unprotected Bryan was and that he felt it was horrible. I wonder how Bryan feels. Did Bryan feel unimportant? Did he feel unprotected? If Jericho can externalize these same feelings, then Bryan should be able to feel the same way and he should tell these things to Triple H's face. If he doesn't feel this way, and he feels that he's happy just being there then I think that's fucked up. I know he's talked about how he failed his ambition test and that the test is outdated, but if he doesn't think this is a big deal, then the test is much more accurate than he gives it credit for.

Honestly, I don't think he deserves all the crowd's passion. He definitely deserves the adulation and the popularity, but the passion that people are feeling, rioting because Bryan didn't get his due, I don't think he deserves it. He's putting on stellar work in the ring, but he's not pushing the office to give him his recognition. The fans are doing it, and we did ALL THE PUSHING AND SHOVING to get him his spot last year. It's time for him to step up and do some himself.
Daniel Bryan isn't the most over guy. I would say that the guy that brought in 200k buys in 2 days after winning the Rumble is probably more over.

Wow! I couldn't disagree more. Reigns simply isn't close to that over. I mean not even close to DB in popularity! I'd have thought that would be considered axiomatic by all wrestling fans/observers at this point, regardless of who one does or doesn't like personally.
And yet, reigns winning the Rumble correlates with a MASSIVE spike in subs for the network, something that dB's championship match didn't even do. Romans social network numbers are flying. Face it, Daniel Bryan is a smark iwc favorite, but he has zero appeal to the average casual viewer.
I love you. :worship:

Politics ruined WCW, they were a problem in the reason for the Bret Hart's split from WWE. It's absolutely fine to let politics play out as a story on television - compelling stuff but to do it backstage is cancerous. I think WWE is actually taking care of Daniel Bryan. He's been back two weeks after a nine-month absence. I don't know what his fans want.

The day Daniel Bryan turns into a politician backstage, is the day I lose respect for him. You hear about how laid back this locker room is, how there isn't any politics and it's really refreshing to hear. You can create a locker room culture of competitiveness and self-determination without the politics. It's not good for the business. The Rock and Austin pushed eachother but I don't believe they played politics and they enjoy a great relationship today and gave us a memorable WM30 moment.

But Daniel Bryan does seem to be playing a politician in public, that interview on RAW had some shots at Roman, it seemed pretty bitter. I don't know, where they're going with his character but I think his fans need to relax as I'm pretty sure he'll continue to be a focal point of the roster.

I doubt that was a live take so if he wasn't supposed to say those things they'd redo it. However this is interesting from a storyline perspective maybe they're building towards something or Bryan is their plan b if the reigns reactions continue
And yet, reigns winning the Rumble correlates with a MASSIVE spike in subs for the network, something that dB's championship match didn't even do. Romans social network numbers are flying. Face it, Daniel Bryan is a smark iwc favorite, but he has zero appeal to the average casual viewer.

Except the entire crowd pops for him not to mention daniel's match was the inaugural network ppv so it's impossible to say he didn't bring people in. Reigns social network numbers can be just as negative as they can be positive. Quit using ambiguous information and use some solid facts.
And yet, reigns winning the Rumble correlates with a MASSIVE spike in subs for the network, something that dB's championship match didn't even do. Romans social network numbers are flying. Face it, Daniel Bryan is a smark iwc favorite, but he has zero appeal to the average casual viewer.

That's great news, glad to see people are getting behind Reigns. The best thing WWE can do is put Romans in the best possible position to succeed long-term. Fans sabotaging his Wrestlemania moment just isn't right. Daniel Bryan is suppose to be a face but his fans are heels. Just a weird dynamic, I wish he'd say something at least enough to back them down off Roman Reigns. Reigns is best for business, there's no doubt him winning the Rumble and going onto face Lesnar is the cause for the spike in numbers.

Cheer for Daniel Bryan all you want, just do it on his time. I've never seen this level of disrespect from fans in all my years of watching wrestling. For Bryan to use it for selfish gain would be wrong.
That's great news, glad to see people are getting behind Reigns. The best thing WWE can do is put Romans in the best possible position to succeed long-term. Fans sabotaging his Wrestlemania moment just isn't right. Daniel Bryan is suppose to be a face but his fans are heels. Just a weird dynamic, I wish he'd say something at least enough to back them down off Roman Reigns. Reigns is best for business, there's no doubt him winning the Rumble and going onto face Lesnar is the cause for the spike in numbers.

Cheer for Daniel Bryan all you want, just do it on his time. I've never seen this level of disrespect from fans in all my years of watching wrestling. For Bryan to use it for selfish gain would be wrong.

Do you recall the chant "Die, Rocky, Die!" that was probably more disrespectful. What did that chant come from? Resentment towards his megapush and being shoved down people's throats. Now did The Rock recover? Obviously however he was repackaged and he also had the advantage of being able to speak. It wasn't just Bryan fans it was terrible booking in general. There is also plenty of doubt his winning spiked numbers as they just went international adding tremendously to his to the pool of potential subscribers. Also Daniel Bryan was maineventing the inaugural wwe network event, who's to say it wasn't him who gave the original numbers a boost?
You can't give original numbers a boost. Initial numbers are initial numbers. Maybe you can argue that the initial numbers being what they were was because of Bryan but most articles at the time and throughout the year said the numbers were underwhelming. The IWC made a big laugh of Vince McMahon losing 250 million dollars or whatever it was. So if you want to credit Bryan with an under-performing network, at the time, then be my guest

As for Die Rocky Die - those fans were idiots and could have ruined one of the biggest draws wrestling has ever seen. Luckily The Rock threw that shit right back in their face and went onto bigger stardom. I'm sorry I can't justify fans being dicks out of conventional wrestling context.

It's Roman's time, he has nothing to do with Daniel Bryan. Respect the performer.
"politic more for his spot", "we did all the pushing and shoving", I've never heard anything so ridiculous. Not a fan of Reigns v Brock either but some of the self entitlement is just absolutely ridiculous.

The Rumble sucked because it was booked like crap. Not because Reigns won. But because the story told was crap, and the stories that weren't told were crap as well. There was a complete lack of acknowledgement from Creative that night what a tool the Rumble can be to create some stories for the undercard, to start the road to Wrestlemania. Instead, all we got was the story of Reigns and Rock putting family first.

I get and can empathises that people think it sucks Daniel Bryan was eliminated with ease. By my estimation, he was pushed as strong as the #2 contender for the Rumble going off on the Raw and Smackdown coverage. His elimination was very tame, and worse, used not as a story device for him but as a heat magnet for Bray Wyatt. Time will tell if Bryan will face Bray at Fast Lane and (likely) do the job to Wyatt to progress Wyatt's story.

What it looks like we have now, is a People's Champion rivalry between Daniel Bryan and Ziggler for Wrestlemania if reports are to be believed. This is a fantastic prospect, hurts neither wrestler and progresses both guys in a logical fashion. Brock Lesnar deserves a legitimate conclusion to his time as champion, and Daniel Bryan in a Wrestlemania David v Goliath story isn't it. Brock Lesnar as a character in WWE is one that WWE will want to give themselves the option to bring back and have future feuds and storylines in the next few years if the chance comes up. Having him lose to someone a load of (admittedly) wrestling nerds cheer for isn't going to generate positive Mainstream reaction IMO, which is what Vince craves.

Brock has only ever lost a title in a one-on-one match once to my recollection, and that was Eddie Guerrero, and that was told brilliantly. I just don't see Bryan being on that same level as Eddie, personally.

Bottom line, it's not going to happen, stop whining, he'll get his time eventually.
Daniel Bryan isn't the most over guy. I would say that the guy that brought in 200k buys in 2 days after winning the Rumble is probably more over.

Anyway so turns out they totally fudged the numbers and the growth aka two hot days were both day of leading into the rumble and the day after. So people could have bought expecting a Bryan win, or expecting after backlash for bryan to be pushed up the card, or maybe you're right and they like roman. Their numbers barely grew either way and they did not gain anywhere near 200k.
Anyway so turns out they totally fudged the numbers and the growth aka two hot days were both day of leading into the rumble and the day after. So people could have bought expecting a Bryan win, or expecting after backlash for bryan to be pushed up the card, or maybe you're right and they like roman. Their numbers barely grew either way and they did not gain anywhere near 200k.

Either way, the WWE is better off without fans that would cancel over that Royal Rumble and better off with the fans that would sub after seeing Roman Reigns win the Rumble. And that's still a 30k net gain over the 4th quarter. The fans that care about WWE support the move. The fans that care about their own fantasy booking do not support Roman Reigns. Daniel Bryan wasn't able to move the needle in his whole tenure as champ, and him politicking to be in the WM31 Main Event, which is what this thread is about, would be a stupid move.

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