Ass Man
Lol here come the haters, you guys are pathetic. ( obvious LoL with a straight face like 90% of them )
I am all for everybody having their opinion but I dunno what you are on if you do not like Daniel Bryan and think he is mid carder, SHOVED in the main event.
I mean we keep clamouring for new talent, new faces of the WWE.People who can carry the company for the next ~10 years.And when we get em we start insulting them ( we as in "you" ) and finding faults and saying they are shoved and such.
Well in this day and age I dont think wrestlers have the time to get over like in the past.I mean most of the guys coming up are like already in their 30s ( besides the shield ).I mean I dunno who is with me on this one but I find TItus O' Neil extremely entertaining and I love his attitude ( sorry Darren you are bland
( ) , but the guy is still 35 years old and aint getting any young and aint getting any better angles.
Ok, kinda went off a bit there, but my point is although some wrestlers needed to be shot up ( like Sheamus , who is over despite what some people where say ) to get in a position to be over , Daniel Bryan is not one of those. The guy has payed his dues, for many years on the indies and he payed his dues in WWE.( he is way more over as a heel and as a face then Miz - his manager - has ever been ).
And people, do you kow what a hyperbole is? He doesnt actually want you to apologize, holy satan's head on a stick did you actually think that?
As for me, I didnt know how Bryan Danielson was.I only got into wrestling 7 years ago almost.Obv my fist favourite wrestler was Cena as he was the first I saw, that changed pretty quickly tho, for obvious reasons.
But I saw the hype the man got , so I'm guessing people dont get that hyped up about nothing so I watch him, studied him, and boy did I love what I saw.Even when he was the vanilla face, his matches alone made me like him, Hell for someone so vanilla, he cut some damn good promos on NXT, those were the moments u saw a glimpse of what the man can do.
I am all for everybody having their opinion but I dunno what you are on if you do not like Daniel Bryan and think he is mid carder, SHOVED in the main event.
I mean we keep clamouring for new talent, new faces of the WWE.People who can carry the company for the next ~10 years.And when we get em we start insulting them ( we as in "you" ) and finding faults and saying they are shoved and such.
Well in this day and age I dont think wrestlers have the time to get over like in the past.I mean most of the guys coming up are like already in their 30s ( besides the shield ).I mean I dunno who is with me on this one but I find TItus O' Neil extremely entertaining and I love his attitude ( sorry Darren you are bland

Ok, kinda went off a bit there, but my point is although some wrestlers needed to be shot up ( like Sheamus , who is over despite what some people where say ) to get in a position to be over , Daniel Bryan is not one of those. The guy has payed his dues, for many years on the indies and he payed his dues in WWE.( he is way more over as a heel and as a face then Miz - his manager - has ever been ).
And people, do you kow what a hyperbole is? He doesnt actually want you to apologize, holy satan's head on a stick did you actually think that?
As for me, I didnt know how Bryan Danielson was.I only got into wrestling 7 years ago almost.Obv my fist favourite wrestler was Cena as he was the first I saw, that changed pretty quickly tho, for obvious reasons.
But I saw the hype the man got , so I'm guessing people dont get that hyped up about nothing so I watch him, studied him, and boy did I love what I saw.Even when he was the vanilla face, his matches alone made me like him, Hell for someone so vanilla, he cut some damn good promos on NXT, those were the moments u saw a glimpse of what the man can do.