Does blonde hair really make people stupid?

So how about puppies? They're cute.

Flames Out

Well...that depends.

Did you guys hear about the soldier who threw a puppy off a cliff, recorded it and put it up on YouTube? There's a video of it circulating the internet. Absolutely disgusting behaviour.
Saveus E.D. lmfao. And didn't we cover that blond hair dosen't make you stupid? I'm stupid to and extent and ill admit it, now thats a good quality to have in a person.
Sly could own a group of 200 pro debaters on a bad day... now thats a fact.. I'm personnaly going to make it a point not to argue with him in the future for the sakes of me not getting severly owned.
Hahaha I'm dirty blonde/bald, and I'm not that dumb. Then again, I'm not that smart either... So who knows. But I don't think blondes are dumb, I agree with whomever said they use it to their favors, I've seen my fair share of complete diz'es in my days.
Ive got jet black hair and have managed to take multiple pictures of my eye, mistake cows for bears, and manage to talk my way into a pink dress and high heels. Hair color has very little influence on intelligence.
That would be me, and my dad told me that trick lmfao. He said it worked quite a few times for him actually.
its not a trick but ive allways been horrible at picking up girls.

Like I have the room to talk, but heres a small tip. I've recently learned to use it. It works.

Okay, you MUST follow the instructions in order, otherwise you simply won't have a chance. So here goes.

1. Sign out of everything. (messengers, WZ, anything, everything)
2. Shut your computer down.
3. Get up.
4. Shower. (if need be)
5. Go outside.

Its a great process. I met a couple girls the other day.. never guess how. BEING IN PUBLIC! I was shocked, I was. Couldn't believe it.

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