Does anything memorable happen in John Cena's matches??

The thread is like a week old..why bring it back...I spent the last couple of days watching Cena matches...

Ino what it is...on ppv's I because he main events, I fall asleep before his match since im in the I sometimes miss his matches!
For the love of crap.

GIVE IT A FUCKING REST ABOUT JOHN DAMN CENA. We get it: the internet fucking hates him because he's popular. If you hate him so damn much, DON'T FUCKING WATCH RAW! Why is this so damn complicated for everyone? "He doesn't do anything that I'm going to remember." Well apparently he's memorable enough that every time he doesn't live up to whatever fucking standard you imbeciles have you make a fucking thread about how he doesn't do enough or no one remembers him or my favorite: HE'S SUPERMAN! We get it: Cena makes a lot of comebacks. Just like Austin, Rock, Hogan, HHH, HBK and pretty much every other mother fucking face that has ever been in a damn ring. Give it a fucking break with the bitching about Cena because I'm damn tired of hearing about it.

I...Uhh....god danm it KB!!!!, you stole the words right out of my mouth... bastard:suspic:

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