Does anything memorable happen in John Cena's matches??


F*ck Friends, Rather die wiv ma AK!
Apart from Super Cena coming back from being a beaten fish to being on top of the world..

I'm being serious here..any match he has had..whether it be HBK, HHH, Orton, Edge..anyone..I can't think of anything memorable!!

Well there is the TLC match with Edge where he "FU'd" Edge off the ladder through a table...but nothing more really..Nothing really ever happens to Cena?? e.g. when is the last time we saw Cena fall from a 20ft ladder? or through 2 tables? or through the announce table???

As for remembering Cena in 10 years's gonna be hard for me!!
He's been the top draw and face of the company for the past five years and is still going strong. The Ultimate Warrior is still remembered after one title reign that lasted less than one year twenty years ago so I don't think you'll forget John Cena.
He made HHH tap out at WM 22. That pretty much solidified his main event status if his first WWE title reign didn't. And even though he kept winning his title matches during his third WWE title reign (the one that went for slightly over a year), he continuously made his opponents look good (notably the late Umaga). He's also the current face of the company. It'll be pretty hard to forget about him a decade from now.
He made HHH tap out at WM 22. That pretty much solidified his main event status if his first WWE title reign didn't. And even though he kept winning his title matches during his third WWE title reign (the one that went for slightly over a year), he continuously made his opponents look good (notably the late Umaga). He's also the current face of the company. It'll be pretty hard to forget about him a decade from now.

I see where your coming from...he will obviously be remembered for quite a lot..

But making someone tap in one match...he hasn't done much in a match to make them THAT memorable IMO..

BTW, it was his 2nd title reign..
hmmm..or you can look back at mania xx where he won the us title from show...

cuz of the pg, i don't think we'll see him get thrown of a damn cell...let alone climbing it..
I can vividly remember the finishes to his last five pay-per-view matches so yes, yes it does.

Though ask me if I can remember much about Chris Jericho's/Randy Orton's/Triple H's/Undertaker's/CM Punk's last few matches. The answer is no. No, I fucking can't. Why? Because I'm not a Rain Man style closet case. I like most, if not all, the guys on that list, but their matches aren't as memorable as Cena's. Furthermore, just throwing this out there, what are you talking about?

What is this new nutcase criteria you're imposing on the wrestling world? Are you talking about spots? Everyone in this thread seems to be talking about spots. They have a name. They're called spots, in case you didn't pick that up. And Cena frequently has very creative spots in his matches. In fact, his recent feud with Batista yielded probably some of the most memorable moments within a match in the last five years because of it.
You guys have helped me out a lot..All I wanted to do was remember Cena for something other than being Super!!

And Sam..yes I do know the word 'SPOT'...just happened to not use it...
I don't know, to me, his battles in the ring aren't nearly as epic as his 'rap battles' he used to do. LOL. Hell, there was a great throwback the night after Summerslame when he was (pardon the pun) laying the smack down on each member of nexus. Kinda refreshing, all that was missing was a junkyard chain and a bicycle padlock. :p
Wrestlemania 23 was amazing. Made shawn michaels tap out. Then the next night on raw, had a un-schedualed hour long match againt shawn. Too bad the title wasn't up for grabs. Those will both be memorable. Also what about royal rumble last man standing match, against umaga. Choking him with the rope/stf until he couldn't answer the ten count. Awesome
Wrestlemania 23 was amazing. Made shawn michaels tap out. Then the next night on raw, had a un-schedualed hour long match againt shawn. Too bad the title wasn't up for grabs. Those will both be memorable. Also what about royal rumble last man standing match, against umaga. Choking him with the rope/stf until he couldn't answer the ten count. Awesome

I don't kniow why a lot of people say next night after WM 22 was their hour long was like 2 weeks after..and it was in it could never have been the next night!!
I don't kniow why a lot of people say next night after WM 22 was their hour long was like 2 weeks after..and it was in it could never have been the next night!!

Damn. My memories not what it use to be. One uping me always works. Well watch this. You said was WM23 shawn vs cena. Lol now we're even
Damn. My memories not what it use to be. One uping me always works. Well watch this. You said was WM23 shawn vs cena. Lol now we're even got me...I get mixed up with the two.. he took on both DX...22 was HHH, 23 was HBK...and he done them both over...I get mixed up sometimes..

Oh and BTW..I can't 'watch', I can 'READ' though!
John Cena has took a number of beatings in his career. His I Quit Match with Randy Orton which looked like someone being tortured, his Last Man Standing match with Edge where he was chokeslammed through a spotlight, it looked pretty sick when he got Batista Bombed onto the steel steps, and pre-PG era he wasn't afraid to be busted open (JBL vs. John Cena, I Quit Match.) While he has made comebacks in a number of these matches, it's unfair to say nothing ever happens to Cena. Maybe he hasn't fallen of a 20 foot ladder, but you don't need to do that to have a memorable match.

Cena has had many memorable matches, in my opinion. He has displayed his impressive strengh numerous times by delivering an Attitude Adjustments on Mark Henry and Big Show (as well as having both Big Show and Edge on his back at the same time, that's pretty spectacular.) I believe when he performs such feats, they leave a lasting impression. I certainly remember them.

Cena has also been involved in many memorable matches where he's told a great story. His Iron Man match with Randy Orton was very impressive and kept me entertained the entire time. And even on a much smaller scale, he manages to tell good stories despite his limited moveset. He may not take huge bumps, but most people in WWE don't these days.

Pretty much, what i'm trying to say is, his matches are generally memorable, and he has been involved in numerous 'Oh my god' moments/matches that people aren't going to be forgetting anytime soon.
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Double AA at WM25. Over 700 lbs.

AA to Batista off a car through the stage at Over The Limit.


Na, I don't think he actually participates in anything memorable,the lazy bastard :shrug:
For the love of crap.

GIVE IT A FUCKING REST ABOUT JOHN DAMN CENA. We get it: the internet fucking hates him because he's popular. If you hate him so damn much, DON'T FUCKING WATCH RAW! Why is this so damn complicated for everyone? "He doesn't do anything that I'm going to remember." Well apparently he's memorable enough that every time he doesn't live up to whatever fucking standard you imbeciles have you make a fucking thread about how he doesn't do enough or no one remembers him or my favorite: HE'S SUPERMAN! We get it: Cena makes a lot of comebacks. Just like Austin, Rock, Hogan, HHH, HBK and pretty much every other mother fucking face that has ever been in a damn ring. Give it a fucking break with the bitching about Cena because I'm damn tired of hearing about it.
[QUOTE="iMPACT! Player" Riaku;2395623]Craved the spotlight so much, he ate it. :lmao:[/QUOTE]
rep for riaku..

To the OP, just because Cena hasn't been thrown off ladders, dosen't mean he has never had memorable moments.

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