Does anyone give a crap? If so Lets talk Oscars (Best Picture gets 10 nominee spots)


City Dweller, Successful Fella
If anyone cares about movie awards lets just discuss the most prestigious award in film making. Mainly i'm going to talk about the "Best Picture" category. Now for some sort of reason, it was announced earlier this year that this would be the only category to go up an extra 5 slots in the nomination list.

What I ask is why? It's the most prestigious of the awards given out at the show, and I thought 5 spots was more than enough for this award's nominees. But apparently for the new decade they are expanding it by an additional 5 spots.

So let's also talk about the films that could be nominated for this award. Not many films stand out, and I think they are having issues trying to fill up all 10 spots, because not even I can think up 10 great standout films from this year.

Some that come to my mind are:

1. Up
2. The Hurt Locker
3. Star Trek
4. In The Loop
5. Gomorrah
6. Avatar

Thats only 6 and two of which are science fiction films, one is an animated one, and one is a comedy. These are genres usually snubbed for best picture, but that may have to change this year with additionally 5 spots opened.

Well lets see how many of you actually care. :)
They've picked a poor year to extend the catergory to 10 nominations. I've not seen 10 films worthy of nomination

1. Where The Wild Things Are - Outstanding really. Great films about being a kid are rare

2. Let The Right One In - The release date will screw up it getting a nomination, which is very unfortunate. Decimates Twilight in the vampire stakes.

3. Up - Pixar are gradually moving more and more away from kids films and towards being Studio Ghibli. Up was the first great step

4. Zombieland - It's not going to happen but I'd love to see this get a nomination. Very funny and includes the best cameo in any film, ever.

I'm run out of films. I'm still waiting to see District 9 and 500 Days of Summer and I'm expecting to like them. I expect Moon will get the nomination that it totally doesn't deserve. It's not entirely impossible that Watchmen might get some attention.

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