Do you want to see Brock Lesnar renew his contract?

Do you want Lesnar to stay?

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No. Brock buries talent.
He is “STARPOWER” but he is not a talent who you can say: “This is a big field”, as Lesnar has beaten Goldberg Strowman, Reigns, Joe, AJ and hasn’t faced Rollins or Balor because it was protected by Hunter, probably. He know, has the clause “Lesnar always wins” with “Lesnar appears each 3 months”, and make the title irrelevant.
For me, nothing can make it shine, and Lesnar reign just killed the WWE Universal Heavyweight Championship (words of Heyman). Just save that 10M contract and get some good NJPW/ROH guys (push for Kenny Omega and the Young Bucks), and push sales with Bryan and Rusev and Crowd fav. You make as money and you have 10 years of selling. Win win. And for the love of the godness, turn Roman heel and you can create good babyfaces.

For me, John Cena is far more better in part-time and is so much efficient than Lesnar.
I'd like to see him stay. He's one of the few with genuine star power. Needs more brutal dominant matches like the kind he inflicted on Cena to keep him built up, but then put over current/future stars. Also needs to be kept well away from the belts.
I might be in the minority but, I really want him to stay with Paul as his mouthpiece. It seems like a special event when he does show up.
I'm ok with him gone as he's done nothing to help elevate talent. Even putting Reigns over at Mania won't help as no one cares. I for one am glad to hear that he's headed back to the UFC as that to me is more of a draw.
Yup. He's out of WWE. His UFC return is confirmed. Pointless even watching his match against Roman because we know what the outcome will be for a fact. Not going to waste my time watching him do a couple of suplex city moves lol.
It's literally at 50-50 right now and I'm not at all surprised by that. I voted no because I'm over Lesnar in the role that he currently has and, if reports are true, it's obvious that it's not a role that he's interested in changing. I will say, however, that I've generally enjoyed him a lot more over the past year, or most of the past year, than I have during his entire time in WWE thus far as he's been involved in genuinely fun, competitive matches rather than taking everyone on a 5 minute trip to Suplex City.

Dana White has said that Lesnar's UFC return is confirmed, he doens't know exactly when but that it's gonna happen. I'm not hating on Lesnar for this mind you, but I just have a problem on a basic level with someone who wrestles a total of 6 or 8 times out of the year, at most, makes $12 million per year and still wants more. I just wish WWE had done more with Lesnar to help put over younger talent, though I do understand why they didn't.
No, but I have more issues with Ronda Rousey than I do with Brock Lesnar, so I won't be watching for a while, anyway.
It was cool when he first came back but that wore off a long time ago. Unless he's going to start putting over younger talent, then there's no reason for him to be there. But sadly WWE is in need of big names and Brock isn't going to turn down millions of dollars for part time work.
Lashley is the choise? Lesnar has defeated Reigns, Joe, Strowman, Goldberg, Kane since he won. Who is left in the Top WWE Talent? Balor is not booked as he never got his rematch even he had the fans, Rollins is the IC champ, AJ is champ and he has been a big threat at Survivor Series but he lost, Orton was beaten at SS and he is in the midcard, Taker is out, Cena is part-time, there is no big signed guy from outside. I really hope Lesnar fights more this year, and not only with Roman.

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