Do You Think That Aces & Eights Has Become Stale?

Do you think Aces and Eights is boring?

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With Bully Ray without the title, there's absolutely nothing relevant or interesting about them, which leaves them not compelling as well.

Perhaps the reason I care so little at this point is that we're in the middle of yet another faction war in TNA, and realistically, Aces and Eights should be buried alive by the Main Event Mafia. Even without Kurt Angle, there's still Sting, Magnus, Joe, and Rampage Jackson. Beyond Bully Ray, there's......Devon, Mr. Anderson, Knux, Bischoff and Brisco? That's a mismatch of epic proportions, and one would imagine the MEM will be adding a new member now that Angle is in Rehab. Further, the 5 on 5 match is going to lead to someone leaving TNA for good, and it's not going to be any of the MEM members.

The only thing remotely interesting at this point is wondering which member of the Aces and Eights is going to be sent packing at Hardcore Justice.

Further, they've taken so much time and energy away from investing in the stable as a whole lately in order to use them as a vehicle to further the Hogan drama. Hogan suspended Bully Ray for dating his daughter. Then he named him #1 Contender in order to take the company to the next level, and take down the Aces and Eights, only for Ray to reveal himself as President....with Hogan and Brooke ringside. Since then, it's been Ray calling out...Hogan, and his filing for divorce wife, Brooke. Sadly, there have been more promo segments involving Hogan and Ray then there have Aces and Eights and anyone else, and their TV time has been minimalized.

At this point, I don't despise them, as I should, I don't find them despicable anymore, as I should. When their music hits, I don't anticipate a money segment or a strong match, as I should.

Instead, I find myself rather indifferent, which is a bad sign for what has been TNA's biggest angle for a year.
I think I'm with everyone who has already said yes and I share quite a few of the same opinions as posters before me but for me if I had to narrow it down to one reason I'd say it's because that on an episode of Impact it's not surprising to see 60% of the show have some sort of Aces and Eights involvement. I think that they got too quickly overexposed and therefore get stale because we've just seen so much of them. That coupled by the fact that they've been around for over a year and were overexposed caused them to go stale.
They couldve at least put Dlo and Doc in a tag match, where the loser leaves TNA, rather than having them post it on twitter. Not that I cared about them, but it makes things look even worse, considering Dlo or Dixie posted that he was fired when he was revealed to be the VP(?).
Considering their repetitive, monotonous antics, of course this stable has gotten stale. I can say the same about a similar stable in a certain bigger company :)
Well, I haven't sat down and watched a full episode in about two months. So I guess that probably answers the question for me. Except the Destination X special. Luckily, they're not over a major part of the show anymore. They're more of an extension of Bully Ray, than their own individual storyline, which is much more manageable. The problem for me and my intention span is just that I've been more busy recently, and I'm just not interested in Chris Sabin as a world champion, after the way that had him go over at Destination X. So when your world champion doesn't sell the product, it's hard to care about the heels going after him. Particularly since I've seen them for over a year, doing pretty much the same thing, week after week.

Basically...yes. But I'm also just not interested in anything else that's going on either.
I loved the concept and execution back when it was masked men randomly jumping people. They just have let it go on too long, and it's watered down. It no longer resembles anything that it once did. The reality is TNA can't get anyone that would make a big splash. I was hoping that at the very least it was some Ring of Honor guys they stole. Would have been awesome to see an outside faction come in and take over. Instead the current cast is lackluster outside of Bully Ray and Ken Anderson. They have let it go on too long, and need to kill it off.
My answer is yes. I haven't lost all interest in them but I don't care as much as I did last year. They started off interesting as masked thugs who would perform attacks at any time on the Faces and Heels. It was until Bound For Glory they were the main attraction of the product.

Everyone had expected a major reveal at Bound For Glory but we got Devon only, who nobody has much interest in any more might I add, and then it took them 6 whole months to reveal the rest of the gang. This took too much time and many thought that it was Lockdown in which the story will end, but that is where it all started off, as the President Bully Ray was revealed. That's when I got interested again; because of Bully Ray but the blame on the failure of the group mainly falls on the rest of them (excluding DOC and Knux) and the creative.

Bully Ray is considered one of the best Heels in the industry today, and did a great job in putting the rest of them over, and DOC and Knux looked like guys that would eat the rest of them alive, and impressed me in the brawls. Correct me if I'm wrong but it was them who faced Sting and Bully at Bound For Glory. I suppose I liked Devon's work as a Heel which was better than expected, but after the others were revealed they started to focus less on the former 23/24 tag team champion.

It was mainly Garrett Bischoff, Wes Brisco and D-Lo Brown that disappointed me. The Main Event Mafia will go on about the Aces and Eights being a huge threat, but what have they exactly done that the Impact Wrestling roster couldn't over power? The others did do what the creative put them in and they did it impressively, but these three looked like they had just been signed from a Backyard Wrestling Federation. Garrett and Wes are only signed because of their family roots in the wrestling industry, and it is D-Lo who was training the TNA Gut-Check contestants. That's is probably why they fail to show a good impression when I watch them wrestle.

The rest of the blame falls on the Booking team. Why was Wes Brisco put in a match alone against Kurt Angle making himself look terrible, and why weren't the group booked as a real threat like they were when they first arrived? That's when I saw them as a legitimate threat but like I said, it all went downhill from Bound For Glory.

The Aces & Eights was meant to be seen as a pack of thugs invading the company and causing dismay among the TNA roster, but that's not how they are being booked at all. Does anybody see them as valuable and serious opponents against the Main Event Mafia? A group consisting of Two TNA Hall Of Famers, a TNA Grand slam-Champion, a UFC Champion and a Brit who is arguably the best of the younger generation in TNA. I sure don't and I think most people here would think the same. Had the group been booked correctly and have had a few different members like Matt Morgan and Jay Bradley, this thread would never have been created. Morgan and Bradley both look like men who would fit in with a motorcycle gang, both would continue the trend of men of a big structure in the group i.e. Knux and formerly the Director Of Chaos, and I like both wrestler's talents. Unlike many, I think Jay Bradley has a lot of potential, he can cut a promo, I enjoy his matches (with the correct opponent) and he is very original.
My answer is yes. I haven't lost all interest in them but I don't care as much as I did last year. They started off interesting as masked thugs who would perform attacks at any time on the Faces and Heels. It was until Bound For Glory they were the main attraction of the product.

Everyone had expected a major reveal at Bound For Glory but we got Devon only, who nobody has much interest in any more might I add, and then it took them 6 whole months to reveal the rest of the gang. This took too much time and many thought that it was Lockdown in which the story will end, but that is where it all started off, as the President Bully Ray was revealed. That's when I got interested again; because of Bully Ray but the blame on the failure of the group mainly falls on the rest of them (excluding DOC and Knux) and the creative.

Bully Ray is considered one of the best Heels in the industry today, and did a great job in putting the rest of them over, and DOC and Knux looked like guys that would eat the rest of them alive, and impressed me in the brawls. Correct me if I'm wrong but it was them who faced Sting and Bully at Bound For Glory. I suppose I liked Devon's work as a Heel which was better than expected, but after the others were revealed they started to focus less on the former 23/24 tag team champion.

It was mainly Garrett Bischoff, Wes Brisco and D-Lo Brown that disappointed me. The Main Event Mafia will go on about the Aces and Eights being a huge threat, but what have they exactly done that the Impact Wrestling roster couldn't over power? The others did do what the creative put them in and they did it impressively, but these three looked like they had just been signed from a Backyard Wrestling Federation. Garrett and Wes are only signed because of their family roots in the wrestling industry, and it is D-Lo who was training the TNA Gut-Check contestants. That's is probably why they fail to show a good impression when I watch them wrestle.

The rest of the blame falls on the Booking team. Why was Wes Brisco put in a match alone against Kurt Angle making himself look terrible, and why weren't the group booked as a real threat like they were when they first arrived? That's when I saw them as a legitimate threat but like I said, it all went downhill from Bound For Glory.

The Aces & Eights was meant to be seen as a pack of thugs invading the company and causing dismay among the TNA roster, but that's not how they are being booked at all. Does anybody see them as valuable and serious opponents against the Main Event Mafia? A group consisting of Two TNA Hall Of Famers, a TNA Grand slam-Champion, a UFC Champion and a Brit who is arguably the best of the younger generation in TNA. I sure don't and I think most people here would think the same. Had the group been booked correctly and have had a few different members like Matt Morgan and Jay Bradley, this thread would never have been created. Morgan and Bradley both look like men who would fit in with a motorcycle gang, both would continue the trend of men of a big structure in the group i.e. Knux and formerly the Director Of Chaos, and I like both wrestler's talents. Unlike many, I think Jay Bradley has a lot of potential, he can cut a promo, I enjoy his matches (with the correct opponent) and he is very original.

I agree, morgan and bradley would have been a good fit. Currently the group sucks outside of bully but with new talents being rumored to show up soon maybe they will get a new influx of talent

I'm a huge mark for bully at this point but I wish he had a better back-up cast to help him out

it would help the group if they moved away from the "sons of anarchy" ripoff theme I think too
I think both the Aces and Eights AND Main Event Mafia have become stale. Very interesting talent on both sides that seem stale because of the gimmick. Kurt Angle should go back to being an olympian gold medalist. Bubba and D-Von are fine in A&8's but I wish d-Von was a more prominent member of the group. Mister Anderson (Kennedy) was one of my favorite wrestlers in WWE but in A&8's he is stale. I hope the storyline comes to a close fast.
Heel factions in pro wrestling have been around for years and they should never be completely dominate that just makes the show boring. They should also be entertaining and maybe even funny. I don't like the shield I didn't like the NWO, evolution was barely tolerable, There hasn't been a good heel faction since the four horseman, and just to clarify when I say don't like I don't mean love to hate, I mean I wouldn't care if I changed the channel.
In the words of Daniel Bryan: "YES!!!". Aces & Eights has been doomed to fail ever since they used no talents and has-beens to fill their group. Bully Ray is far and away their best member and the rest of been kind of uninspiring except for Mr. Anderson. At least Devon did reinvent himself somewhat, which I enjoyed. Wes Brisco? Sucks. Garrett Bischoff? Please! Knux? Hated him in WWE and that hasn't changed in TNA! Doc was the only other exception but they fired him before he had the chance to throw a curve into the storyline. The Main Event Mafia was brought in to specifically combat Aces & Eights and I think that was because TNA realized how big a failure they have been. What could have been a credible and major threat to TNA has turned out very disappointing. At least maybe now TNA can end that group with more of an actual impact than the group has been throughout their tenure within Impact Wrestling.
I have read 0 replies to this thread, as I wanted to give my opinion without influence.
They have not become stale and boring to me. I have found them boring and without any appeal since they first received any mention. Nothing that has involved them has interested me at all. Until about 2 weeks ago I didn't even know that Anderson was part of the group, or who some of the others were. In fact the only time I noticed or found any interest in them was when I read about the TNA released and people complaining about some guy named 'Doc' getting released and I realised I didn't know who it was and had to look it up. I didn't even know that wes Briscoe was one of them, the only Briscoe's I had heard of were the brother tag team from ROH and the old school brothers, Jerry Briscoe one of Vince's stooges with Pat.
So, no they haven't become boring or stale: It's impossible to become something you already are.

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