Are Bischoff and Brisco Holding Aces and Eights Back?

The only members of Aces and Eights that are impressive at the moment are Bully Ray and Devon. Bully Ray's main event push is long overdue, and his way of conning his way to the Championship was a great addition to the story. And I've personally been a big fan of Devon throughout this story arc, and he has star power. Mr Anderson is good in his own right too, but he really serves no purpose in A&8's other than to add more star power.

Bischoff and Brisco aren't the only guys that are holding A&8 back, in my opinion it's DOC and Knux too. They barely do anything apart from attack people with hammers, and get defeated. At least Bischoff and Brisco had an interesting turn, and they have good reasoning to be in Aces and Eights. Also, ever since D'Lo was revealed as the Vice President, he's done pretty much nothing. They're wasting D'Lo in this story arc imo. As for Taz, he doesn't really help the group or hinder it, he's sort of just there.
The fabulous free birds had Buddy Roberts. The wolfpack had Sean Waltman. Many stables over the years kept a member or two to lose when appropriate. It kept the main members looking strong. Garret and Wes are those guys.

Personally, I feel that if all the A&8's was intended to be was an excuse to make Bully Ray champ with built in bodyguards, I think it was worth it.
I do not like Briscoe or Bishcoff, but it is small potatoes when I se LaMonaco with the belt.
The only members of Aces and Eights that are impressive at the moment are Bully Ray and Devon. Bully Ray's main event push is long overdue, and his way of conning his way to the Championship was a great addition to the story. And I've personally been a big fan of Devon throughout this story arc, and he has star power. Mr Anderson is good in his own right too, but he really serves no purpose in A&8's other than to add more star power.

Bischoff and Brisco aren't the only guys that are holding A&8 back, in my opinion it's DOC and Knux too. They barely do anything apart from attack people with hammers, and get defeated. At least Bischoff and Brisco had an interesting turn, and they have good reasoning to be in Aces and Eights. Also, ever since D'Lo was revealed as the Vice President, he's done pretty much nothing. They're wasting D'Lo in this story arc imo. As for Taz, he doesn't really help the group or hinder it, he's sort of just there.

Agreed. While Anderson being in the mix is puzzling to a degree given his past history with Ray in Immortal, his being Held back by TNA is a good enough reason to Benin the stable. Now I'm not a fan of Bischoff or Briscoe, but I don't outright hate them either. People generally complain about something not being fresh, well with the two of them being in A&8's, and with the buffoonery of Doc and Knox, you're getting something new week in and week out. Now D'Lo, though I am a fan, really shouldn't be as active as the rest; he should be similar to Taz in a way. Keep Bully, Devon, and maybe Anderson as the feature players, but don't run the story into the ground either.
As far as running the story into the ground, I think we are almost there anyway. A & 8s have made it a point to destroy all the important faces and remind everybody of that week in week out for about a month. After last Thursday, the storyline went the nWo way as Sting came back and whooped the entire group's asses, obviously hinting that what is coming is Sting against the world. I honestly hope it doesn't come to that but I guess we'll find out in due time. The only real question mark here is what about Sting and Hogan. Will they team up? Will Sting take him down too? At this point, it just feels like too many guys were due for vacation time at the same time and they pretty much took them all out. I still tune in but my level of excitement is fairly low these days.

Now, regarding Bischoff and Brisco. I would say no. They are not holding anyone back. They are no names, mostly unimportant except for being the young bucks in the group but they don't really have any influence on the group's momentum, positively or negatively. And I think the question becomes more and more irrelevant as I'm hoping this whole thing soon comes to a conclusion. A while back, the nWo had nice, loooong run but the A & 8s are not them by a mile no matter how much creative would like them to be.

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