It's Time To Start Revealing Aces & Eights Members

I don't think they are getting stale yet because they are masked i think the fact that they multiplied from something like 6 or 7 guys to 25 guys in one episode was pretty stale tho and also that they ran out and were automatically getting on their bikes with some poorly done editing.Tna has to watch out for that. I also did think one of them looked like jeff hardy in the last episode but i gotta watch a replay. I have seen the names that people are speculating who they are but does anyone have an idea who their spokesman is? I know it can't be festus maybe Mike Knox? just wondering
I read at another site that the guy seen on the last episode that was unmasked before cover his face with his shirt, was.. Caylen Croft. he used to be in WWE. his real name is Kris Pavone.
I don't KNOW it was him, just what I read.
I think it is time to start revealing. I find it odd that the TNA wrestlers haven't pulled off a few masks. I have seen Aces and 8's members adjusting their masks mid brawl. I think it has just gone on long enough, and at least one reveal here and there would do the story some good. I am not saying reveal the key players, but at least one or two guys that we might know. Once they were revealed I think it would gain more interest in the story as we would be trying to figure out how the leader connects to said guys. I just feel this story needs to start moving forward a bit more.
I think they should leave the masks on a while. At least until after a new element is added.
Personally, I think they should dye Wes briscoe's hair to match James storm's, and use him to make people think Storm is in the group. Yes, I am talking about recycling the old "Bart Simpson hair Sting turns into Crow Sting" storyline.
Once everyone is positive that the cowboy is a member, he can go away a little while, and return repackaged after the two sides are already nailed down, and we know who everyone is. He will join neither side, as his enemies ruined his rep, and his friends bought it despite his denials. I think this would be a positive example of recycling old story lines.

But they should take time on revealing the members. It gives the fake James Storm time to start coming out as "James Storm" wearing a mask, and so long as everyone else in the group also wears a mask, it does not look suspicious. Plus, I believe that the writers of the storyline are still waiting for final word on any number of deals in the contract department that could affect the ultimate lineup.
Funny how these same jive turkey's that piss-n-moan about TNA hot shotting storylines, and never building anything up are now pissing-n-moaning that TNA is doing the complete opposite right now. This angle really started to get going only a couple months ago. Nothing was really done much when Sting first got attacked. Anyone with common sense should know that they are preparing for the big climax at BFG, and beyond.

Oh, but it's okay that The E can drag out a bad angle for a year with Rock/Cena, or overhype Taker for a few months just to work one night a year...hmmmm
Back in the 60's, 70's and 80's there were a lot of different masked wrestlers and groups along with a few in the 90's. Sure not as many members in them as there are in Aces & 8's but some wrestled for years as masked wrestlers so I really don't see why anyone thinks there just has to be a reveal now. But from reading the OP's reviews of the show he doesn't seem to like much of anything they do anyway so why would he like this?
I don't think you will see any of the Aces and Eights unmasked before BFG and I don't think you need to either. The thing that has made the whole story so interesting in the first places is that nobody knows who is under the masks and if you do that know then you take away all the mystery. BFG is one of the biggest events of the year so it is only right that we wait until then. As far as D Lo Brown go's if he was under the mask this week I don't think he will be when they do unmask the group.
The Aces & Eights angle has been running for a while now and, to me, it continues to look as though TNA is about to revive the faction wars angle that's been the company's major storyline for several years. Whether you're a fan of that idea or not, that at least looks like it's where they're ultimately going with it.

I think it's time for TNA to start putting names & faces with the group. I'm not saying that they should reveal whoever might be the ultimate mastermind or masterminds behind the group, but I think they've run their course as a nameless, faceless biker gang. There's so little clarity with the group in my view and I think TNA needs to expand upon things. The story of TNA wrestlers just banning together against this group of complete unknowns is getting stale and I just think some identities need to be put with A&Es in order to really provide someone to root against.

Last night was the second Thursday in two weeks in which we've seen the big mega brawl break out to close the show. Nothing wrong with that necessarily, but not even knowing what to call the "bad guys" is really starting to get stale for me.
WHY? There is absolutely NO need to do that right now. This is a great storyline and I love how Impact has been ending with brawls and A's/8's coming out on top. Let's let this thing build up as long as possible, TNA has screwed themselves in the past with hotshotting and rushing things. Be Patient!
What TNA should do is reveal the members in groups with some washed up former WWE wrestlers thrown in. Imagine TNA unmasking two wrestlers and no one knows who they are and then boom! Hardcore Holly is revealed in the gang. Next week maybe Chris Masters is revealed to be in the gang, leading to Matt Hardy being revealed as the leader who is setting it up for Jeff to win the tournament however Jeff doesn't know he's doing it. Leading to a Matt and Jeff feud which could write them both off of TV should they return to WWE, as Matt Hardy has implied in interviews. I think everyone involved should be someone completely new to TNA, a Hardy, or Bully Ray, but someone new would be better.
Is this TNA mocking the Undertaker? having a group use the Deadmans hand as their logo, what are they going to do put Sting as the man behind it to mock him not signing with WWE to face Taker at Mania. I've seen 1 or 2 episodes of TNA how many guys are in this group? the one time it appeared like about 10-12 which is way to large for a group

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