Do You Notice Melina's Absence?

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
Back in December 2009, Melina was put out of action due to a serious injury she suffered during a match at a house show, and we last saw her at Wrestlemania 26, during a backstage segment. Melina has been one of WWE's top Divas for quite some time now, and she was the Divas champion before she went down with the injury. She's been out of action for a long time now, but I'm wondering, do you really notice her absence?

I ask this question because during Melina's time on the shelf, other Raw divas have steeped up, and been pushed hard. Eve has improved, and she defeated Maryse for the title a while back. Eve went on to have a nice run with title, and she emerged as another major player in the Women's division on Raw. Another Diva who is on the rise is Alicia Fox. Alicia has the attitude to be a good heel, and she is the current champion. Maryse's matches might not be all that good, but she has tons of charisma and personality. I believe she's a better heel than Fox, and she also had her time as champion.

Now their are two women who haven't been champions yet, but their performances in the ring have been outstanding. Natalya has been impressive for quite some time, and her new foe, Tamina, can also be a treat to watch in the ring. These two are quickly establishing themselves as two dominant females on Raw.

Then there's Melina. During her absence, other Divas on Raw have managed to step up. We've seen two fresh faces become Divas champion, and the women's division seems to be doing just fine.

Do you miss Melina?

Is she really needed on Raw right now?

Would a heel turn help her?

Melina is one of WWE's top divas, but the Divas on Raw have been doing pretty well, and the division doesn't seem to be suffering without her. Her presence could be used on Raw, but at the moment, it just seems like she's not needed. I would love to see her come back, and be put in the Divas title picture, but maybe as a heel. During her days as a heel, Melina could play the role of the "mean girl" very good, and I wouldn't mind seeing her go back to being one of the bad girls.

What are your thoughts?
I miss Melina. Yea I have noticed her abscence. She has played a big role in womens wrestling since Trish and Lita left. I don't feel like she needs a heel change. They have plenty of heels and I feel she could make a great face. Plus I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one saying that I miss her entrance.
Yes i have. She was the top diva on Raw. If she was still here there is no way that Alicia Fox would hold the title. i cant stand her as champion. I also miss Beth Phionex on SD! as she was the top diva there. If these 2 returned they could make the Divas division bearable again and bring a spark of life into it once again.
Why would anyone miss Melina? She's a very good wrestler, but her talent does not justify her numerous injuries, nor does it make me overlook the fact that she's an extremely unattractive person in a women's division that prides itself on its beauty.

If there's any female wrestler that should be cut from WWE, it's Melina.
Actually I think Melina got injured in Janurary of 2010 not December of 2009. Also the injury she suffered at the house show was an achellis tendon tear the worst injury a WWE superstar can have and its really hard to come back from. Also yes she has been one of the WWEs top divas for awhile, but I never thought she was that great but its mainly due to the fact that I never paid much attention to her but when she comes back I'll give her a chance.

Do I miss Melina, kinda. You can tell that when she left that Raw had to think fast and make another top face on the Raw brand since Mickie was on SD. I actually think if Melina got injured Eve wouldn't have gotten pushed this early in her career even though she does deserve to be pushed.

Does Raw need Melina yea they do they have like one top face that can actually wrestle that diva being Eve. So Melina is needed on Raw so after the Alicia Fox and Eve fued is over Alicia will have someone else to fued with if she still has the title then.

Now to answer the last question I need to group the divas into heel and face columns.


Alicia Fox {Divas champion}

Maryse {Top heel diva on Raw but currently involved with Ted so she probley isn't going to wrestle
as much}

Jillian {Can actually wrestle but isn't being used right so she isnt a top heel diva on raw right now}

Tamina {Can wrestle but will probley end up just fueding with Natyla and managing the Osos so not a top heel diva on Raw right now}


The Bellas {Nikki and Brie} {Hardly ever wrestle so definatly not the top face divas on Raw}

Eve {The face of the diva divison right now so she is definatly in line for another diva title shot, and she can actually wrestle difinatly the face of the Raw diva divison}

Gail Kim {Can actually wrestle but is being underused so she difinalty isn't the top diva face on Raw.}

Natyla {Can wrestle but she will probley just be stuck with fueding with Tamina and managing the Hart Dynasty for awhile.}

So as for Melina becoming a heel it depends on who is champion {probley Eve or Alicia because Melina should return sooner then later.}. If Eve is the champion then she could come back as a heel and challenge Eve for the title. However if Alicia is still champion {which I highly doubt} she could come back as a face and challenge Alicia for the title and then after she wins the title she could turn into a heel and fued with Eve. I always thought that Melina was better as a heel anyways she was more entertaning as a heel then a face.

I really hope that Melina can come back soon, I think that she and Eve could have a very interesting fued. Melina is supposed to come back sometime this July the last I heard, I mean the injury that she has is the hardest injur to come back from and her coming back from it shows her dedication and love for the business so I wish her a speedy recovery.
yes i do miss melina. she was the best diva besides mickie james when she got injured. she is actually good on the mic, in the ring, and has a banging body.

to poonpoon, dude, you think that she is one of the ugliest??? gail kim, the bellas, jillian and most of the others cant hold a candle to her. it may just be your opinion that she is unattractive, but with hideous as hell gail and the bellas, and botox freak jillian, i think that melina beautifies the womens division.

i think that she is needed on raw right now. kelly kelly has something good going with laycool, which is probably one of the most over women groups ive seen, so melina isnt needed right now. eve was horrible as the face of the womens division, and while she may be a good wrestler, i really just cant give a hell about her.

she should stay face. maryse is a great heal for raw, and laycool have it covered on smackdown. they need a big face to liven things up.
I honestly dont miss Melina one bit. I think that with the time she has spent injured, she is the next Candice Michelle. I think the WWE needs to start pushing divas like Natalya and Jillian. Jillian is by far the most talented in the ring of the divas. The WWE just decides to poorly use her. Sadly a lot of fans think women that are, frankly, AWFUL in the ring are entertaining. Melina has never held a candle to Lita or Trish so for anyone to say that Melina received the torch from either of them is a joke.
Why would anyone miss Melina? She's a very good wrestler, but her talent does not justify her numerous injuries, nor does it make me overlook the fact that she's an extremely unattractive person in a women's division that prides itself on its beauty.

If there's any female wrestler that should be cut from WWE, it's Melina.

Wow, I have to disagree with you completely here. I think she is absolutely gorgeous, In fact one of the most beautiful Divas WWE has had in years, but I guess that's just my opinion.

Plus I would would rather watch a Great Female wrestler with Semi-mediocre look's, then A Hot Female wrestler who doesn't know how to wrestle.
Honestly I dont miss her dont get me wrong i Love Melina(im a Big melina fan) but i think she's a alittle bit overratted. On another site all i hear about is how Melina needs to come back to SD! because KELLY KELLY isnt championship material and the Divas Division needs her because it isnt the same without her blah blah and i get sick of it(Even though im a HUGE KELLY KELLY MARK and hopes she wins at MITB). to me the Diva Division is doing good right now mainly because we dont have the same champions liike MARYSE, MELINA, or MICHELLE McCOOL(even though she's a "co-champion")
Do you miss Melina?
Of course I do...she is amazing in the ring and hardly any of the divas compare to her..

Is she really needed on Raw right now?
Not really..I think she could do with Smackdown!!, They are in need of some face divas, I heard Beth is out for like another 8 weeks...I'm not sure about Melina though...

Would a heel turn help her?
Yes, she does play the heel role well, but I enjoy watching her as a face as well..
Do you miss Melina?

I hardly even remember her tenure with WWE since she got injured. Melina has never interested me much. She might be good in the ring. Sure whoop-ti-do but does that mean I have to care for her? No. The Divas division has been blossoming as of late. And it shows that Melina isn't really needed. Which I will get back to.

But all in all. No. Not missing her. At all.

Is she really needed on Raw right now?

As I said. The Divas division is blossoming. And it's without Melina. It's without Mickie James. It's without the talent that we regarded as the best. The talent that was actually present during the time where the division was absolutely shit. I still don't really care about the division though. But she is not needed on RAW. Nor is she needed on Smackdown right now.

Would a heel turn help her?

She has always struck me somewhat of the better heel. Because she did very well around MNM. She was at least a bit interesting back then. And I wouldn't mind seeing her turn heel. Even though there is really no need for heel divas right now. On neither of the brands. Mostly because the champions are heel as well.

Therefore a Melina heel turn right now would just flood the divas division with less people doing less things.
The Raw Divas have surprisingly stepped up, but Melina coming back would still help. She's an established former champion and her presence alone would help all the young divas that are trying to get exposure there. Gail, and Maryse were the only former champions when Melina got hurt. Jillian had a short run, then Eve and now Alicia, so Melina competing for the title when she gets back will really help them out.
I know most people wont agree with me, but the only one who misses and needs melina is John Morrison. Both wrestlers where at their best with each other in my opinion. (well morrison 2nd best to when he was with miz). But what she did best was manage wrestlers, and do her enterance and become a loved heel (nothing u can do about it :shrug:) John Morrison needs heat to get some of his form back and the best way for this is to reunite with melina. I also belive that she can help morrison cut decent promos (can do some of the talking or intro for him)

so did I notice melina absence? yes, as soon as she left morison she was downgrading for me even though she won women belt (same goes for serina if she left punk)

Is she needed on RAW? an addition to Divas division, no. as a manager yes.

Does she need a heel tun? She has this kinda of devilish yet sometimes changes seducting face when she's heel, but as a face she tries to be a cutie (as every other diva) and it doesn't work for her. So Yes Melina needs a heel change and remain heel no mater what.
@Nicole, the show was December 29th in Manchester, NH. I was in the fourth row, so I remember. :p

It was pretty random, out of nowhere Katie Lea (oh, how I miss her) pinned her and she got helped out of the ring afterward. The action was right in front of where I was sitting and I still couldn't figure out what happened, so there must have been clear communication between the two that something wasn't right and the match needed to end. The injury was a torn ACL, btw.

I definitely do think that she is missed. She is one of the more talented Divas and the feud she could have had with Maryse, which was implied before the injury, could have been worth watching. Eve's push came out of nowhere, and despite being a black belt in jiu jitsu, she somehow manages to be crap in the ring and her reign wasn't the least bit believable. If a face Diva had to take the belt from Maryse, I'd rather it was Gail Kim, despite not being a fan of her abilities. At least she's been around longer and put in the work.

Is Melina needed on Raw right now? I'd wager yes, as long as she is used properly. Unfortunately, that's something that creative has a hard time doing with anyone these days. Viper brings up an interesting point about pairing her with Morrison, which could certainly work, but I'm not sure they feel like doing a rehash of the past. It could bring some sort of relevance to JM though, which would be a great thing. As he's had a few matches with Ted lately, inserting Melina for a feud with Ted and Maryse could be a good angle.
of course i miss melina who dosent miss that fuckin bomb ass entrence:worship:.but honestly i have kinda missed her i mean she was enjoyable to watch to me when she does come back i do hope she goes to SM as a face i would like to see her against laycool cause they are both preety good on the mic
I really don't notice Melina being gone anymore. I did a little when she first was injured, mainly due to the fact that they had a tournament for the Diva's Championship that seemed to last forever.

However she has faded from my mind due to the womens on both Raw and SmackDown! stepping up and doing a better job. Mayse, Eve, and Alicia Fox have all made improvements and me me slightly care about Divas again. Whereas Kelly Kelly, Layla, and Michelle McCool have made me really enjoy the Women's Division on Friday nights.
It's hard not to miss a body like Melina's and that entrance was stunning. Moreover she can put on a match. Is she missed on Raw? Definitely, there is a dire shortage of believable faces, in fact I believe her to be the only one.
Melina has always been a diva that's just there. She's quite good at getting the required reaction she needed, whatever her alignment was at the time, and put on a decent performance every time she's hit the ring. However, I've never viewed her as an important entity and has never been a highlight of anything. If Melina didn't get injured, she'd be the top star on RAW's Diva Division and she'd be treated as if she were Mickie James. Look at RAW and you'll find they've got a STACKED division on that roster... something I haven't seen since 2005. They don't need anymore girls added there. Shit, Tamina is pretty much pushing the limits as it is. They have grade-A talent in both the heel and face areas, as well as using every bit of talent to fill the void that Melina left.

Now, she's not completely useless. Her crowd reaction and name value is needed for the division. People seem to tune out and not give a shit because it's the women, especially with Alicia Fox as champion. Not saying she's bad, but she's never had a crowd reaction to warrant her representing the division. Insert Melina into the picture and presto... people will boo Alicia. Insert Melina in a tag match and any face diva will get a lifted reaction.

I see her teaming up with Morrison again to take on DiBiase and Maryse due to the history. Keeping her as a pairing with John could help both of them stay relevant, which is a win-win all-round. The E seems to be leaning towards getting more valets, so why not make Melina one? She did an excellent job in MNM. Either that or they'll trade her over to the SD roster. They can use all the Diva's they can get at the moment. Rosa Mendes was a useless trade and was doing so well as Ryder's gf. That would be a win-win situation too.

But no, I don't miss her that much considering she's on the RAW roster. Maybe if she was in Beth's position, then I'd be more emotional.
Do you miss Melina?

Yes, she was entertaining from my view and she could wrestling unlike some of the Diva's on the roster.

Is she really needed on Raw right now?

No, I think she would be better on Smackdown, I think Raw has the best bunch of Diva's on the roster over there so putting her with them wouldn't help.But on Smackdown I think it would, I think Michelle vs Melina is better than Kelly vs Layla.Melina and Michelle would do better in the ring than Kelly and Layla.

Would a heel turn help her?

I did like her as a heel, but I think that another face in the WWE on either Raw or Smackdown, wouldn't hurt.She gets a good face cheer from the fans and I wouldn't take that away, plus you have Maryse over on Raw who could be the main heel on Raw.
Do I miss Her,
Melina was the heart of the diva division for all of 2009,
She is the most innovative Diva we've seen in a while,

I don't get you people,
This is Melina,
Yeah Some divas stepped up,
But let's be serious,
Eve and A.Fox both pale in comparrison when it come's to Melina,
Wrestling Wise,
MIC wise,
Popularity wise,
Is she needed on Raw,
No, if you people want the same mediocre,
dead,crowd wise,matches every week than good for you,
Every week the SmackDown Divas spank the Raw Divas,
Melina will revive the Raw Diva division

I am dying to see Melina as a heel again,
That will make her return that much better,
But I don't get what you mean by "help her"
Face or heel,
She wins,
No one has a passion like Melina in the ring
I don't miss Melina one bit. I completly agree with the guy that said she is very unattractive. I think she isnt far from the worst looking out of all the Diva's. (her teeth are horrible lol). She has improved in the ring, but no where near the standard of Lita, Trish etc.
I actually do miss Melina and I think that the Diva’s competition is not the same without her.

However, with that being said, I must say that the WWE have to be commended in taking the Diva’s competition to a whole new level. They have shown us, over the last few weeks that the Diva’s matches are more than just glorified piss breaks. With people like Natalya and Alicia Fox finally getting to show us what they are made of, I don’t think the need for Melina to come back is urgent. The Divas have been really good lately and I must admit that I am really digging Alicia Fox as the Diva’s Champion right now.

As for Melina, I miss her. She is a great competitor and I liked watching her matches when she was in the WWE. More than that though, I just want to see her being healthy and competing once again. You don’t like to see anyone getting shelved and Melina is certainly better than that. I also feel that she would add to a great Divas competition right now. I would love to see her feud with the likes of Maryse or even Alicia Fox. She may not be the most over Diva but she is always entertaining and right now, with the WWE giving a little bit more time to the Diva’s, any addition to the roster is to be applauded. Melina is definitely worthy of being in the hunt for the title on Raw and I am waiting for the day that she does return.

As for a heel turn, I don’t think it really matters, to be honest. I like her as a face and the Diva’s division really isn’t in dire need of a heel. With her returning, I can only imagine that she will come back as a face and will likely be successful in that alignment.
I didn't notice Melina's absence until Maryse stepped out of the Divas title picture. Maryse is just great in my opinion, and with her around feuding with women like Eve or Gail Kim things were looking pretty good and I didn't really look into it. But Alicia Fox is now champion, and feuding with Eve, and while I'm willing to give both of them a chance, they're just not my favorite divas by far. So, now I notice Melina's absence because I would really like either Melina, Natalya, or Maryse to be involved in the Divas title picture at all times to help out the newer less experienced girls.

I also think she could do well with a heel turn, but not immediately. Let her return and see if the fans take to her face character. If she's incredibly over I say keep her that way, give her the belt, and let her run with it. And then at the peak of her popularity turn her heel and let her run great program with Eve or Gail Kim. I just don't want her to return as a heel and get lost in the mix.
I had no idea she was gone either. I knew she was injured a few months ago, but I totally forgot about her. It sounds like she may be paired with John Morrison. Maybe her and Morrison can feud with Miz and Maryse. Alicia Fox is the champion so they could feud her with Alicia too. If she stays healthy Melina probably wont go anywhere. If the Bella Twins still have a job then Melina will still have a job. She will probably be pushed as the top diva in the division since Eve is the only one which is lacking.

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