Do You Like Anything That Other People Dont?

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I am sadly also the only wrestling fan among my friends.It gets incredibly irritating when my friends do watch and while I am trying to watch the match all they are concerned with is who would most likely look best naked. My daughter will also sometimes watch too but alas she loves John Cena and afterwards I must tolerate about an hour of watching her perform the 5 knucke shuffle on all her toys. We are working on it though.
well, i see an epidemic Cena-Flu with Prax sis and MsBhaving daughter as the first victims.. :( but i know the cure for that... Some good ol ECW tapes (or DVDs), and that should be enough :)
Do I Like Anything That Other People Dont? Wrestling (and like SexyVixn, i got a lot of fun watching wrestling alone, but the PPV are a special thing...let me tell you a short story(we have issues on the office net, so i have plenty of time.. :) )
The lady that rents me my room has a 15 year old boy who LOVES wrestling, he loves it so much, that a couple of years ago, he took his sister (he's like 6"2, so he's not a shorty..)and the fucker aplied her a piledriver!!! LOL! when i heard that story i literally rolled on the floor and laughed for the rest of the day!! (the girl was fine, just a little scare, seems like the little bastard knew well what was doing)after this, wrestling was just perma-banned LOL!

anyway, last sunday (Vengeance) i did my usual PPV routine: i woke up late, took breakfast, took a shower, at aprox. 4:00pm (pacific us time) i was on my way to the Bar to see the PPV. when i returned, i realized with surprise that he was watching the PPV replay!! the litle rat bought the PPV!! and i was mad at this, because i could have save some $$, but then, i tought that in the house they didnt drink beer, they didnt chanted to John Cena and they didnt watched people all trashed up falling from their chairs :rotfl: and he watched the show with mom and dad, who dont like wrestling AT ALL(se above), in fact, im surprised they allowed the little scum to pay for the show.

another thing i like and the others not, is the fact that i usually eat with pure water, instead of soda, juice, wine(hey, im not rich to do it daily...)or any other beverage. I dont like the taste of soda during my meals (i do it from time to time when there's no water available though, but i try to avoid it)

also, as opposite, i hate MTV(used to love it, but not now), and of course ive been called a ****** for this, but i rather be called ****** than watch that crap channel again.
Yeah anwway I saw this post and i like to eat fruit loops and bologna sandwhiches.. They key is this.. Mustard on one side of the bread and then fruit loops on the other and bolgna in between.. It make a tasty treat... Better than Zebra Cakes and mustard.
I am not alone in being a wrestling fan, but it's close, if it wasn;t for my mate Adam i would be.

However, I definetly am alone in using wrestling figures. My collection is 60+ and still growing, and I use them pretty much daily. In December 2001, my collection first rose above 20, so I decided it was time to start doing PPV's with them, chronologically like. I have a book specifically for this cause. As I say, I started in Dec 2001, so that's Armageddon 2001.

I'm now half-way through Survivor Series 2009. Judge me if you will.
None of my mates like wrestling either.

But I breed snakes and all my mates are freaked out by that, luckaly my gf aint, cos a keep two snakes in my room(in tanks of course)
Here's one. I am apparently the only female on the planet who wanted to bang Tommy Dreamer from about 1995-2005. No one finds this man attractive, but I would've had me some of that. I could've made him tap.
I used to be the only one of my friends that like wrestling, but last week I went to future shop and got a huge deal on a bunch of last years PPVs and the guy at the check out was a huge fan too, so we started talking and we've hung out a few times, but other then him I'm the only one, and I'm still a bigger fan then him.

Umm .. what else .. I'm the only one that likes football, I dunno what it is about Canadians but they just don't seem to like the sport, I like hockey, but none of them like football.
English Football is too long for me 45 minute halves? I don't have time to watch a ball go back and forth for and hour and a half with no contact.

No contact? apparently u have been watching the wrong match's. Football is a game of skill and tatics. Its the best game in the world in my humble opinion. watch that. Its a clip Queens Park Rangers vs China Under 23's playing in what is ment to be a friendly match. someone gets knocked out!
I'm the only one of my friends that likes Metal music. All of my friends listen to country. They'll listen to Kenny Chesney while I listen to Metallica, and I only have one friend who likes wrestling too.
Rock/alternative music. whether its old school or the new stuff. Being african american puts me at an disadvantage because most of my family and friends are into hiphop/rap. They think I'm crazy and weird for having CD's such as nickelback, red hot chilli peppers, ac/dc, and etc.
Can people please not spam in the Chit Chat section. I will start banning people if they dont take notice. Mod's will recieve warnings.
Im the only one who likes wrestling, and when I was in school I was the only one who liked tomato. Every lunch when my mate phil got a kebab he used to give me all the tomato in it lol.

Now im in college Im the only one who likes wrestling but i have one friend who just plays the sd vs raw games, and my brothers mates watch wrestling so its alright cos I can go there to watch PPV's.
unlikke all of my friends i like wrestling what seems to be everyone heres problem and i also like pabst blue ribbon and everyone hates that
I have a mad fetish for saurkraut. I'm 100% Irish, so it's not in my blood. Really, I have a mad fetish for and vinagery item. I Put vinager on my hoagine. Hell, I put vinager on saurkraut. And alot of it. Vinegar on french fries, salt+vinegar potato chips. It's all good.
I have a mad fetish for saurkraut.

Yeah I really like saurkraut I could eat it plain but i defenitely wouldnt say I have a fetish for it. another thing I really like that no one else likes is Slim Jims everyone says they taste like metal but they taste pretty good to me
mmm let me think:
desperate housewives: all my friends think that is only for gay people and women but i love it and
my girlfriend : she's all my world but my friends tell me that she's ugly, annoynig and that she is a horrible person but i dont give a f$%k
my girlfriend : she's all my world but my friends tell me that she's ugly, annoynig and that she is a horrible person but i dont give a f$%k

Really???, and you let them, damn dude if my friends were to talk about my woman like that I think I would have knocked at least one of them out by now, well at least you don't give a shit what they say, and stick with her anyways, after all she's your GF and not theirs;)
my girlfriend : she's all my world but my friends tell me that she's ugly, annoynig and that she is a horrible person but i dont give a f$%k
Umm, if ALL of your FRIENDS are telling you this, maybe it's time to start listening.

Seriously, put away the beer goggles, and throw away your condoms, and see how attractive she really is.
Are you crazy im not going to listen them. my best friend is the only who doesn't bother me and i can live with only one friend:)
Are you crazy im not going to listen them. my best friend is the only who doesn't bother me and i can live with only one friend:)

thats good enough I guess but like everyone else said dont worry about that bullshit they can fuck off god damn does shit like that piss me off keep doin what your doin desperate lover
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