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The Real Hall Of Fame

(I apologize for the double, well triple, post, but I feel each deserves it's own space. If you wish to merge them, I will understand, but feel that they really are three separate posts.)

Now, for the first set of polls, to determine who will be three of the first nine in the very first class of the Wrestlezone Hall of Fame.

* Pre-1985 WWF Hall of Fame

Link: http://www.opinionpower.com/Surveys/646049438.html

* AWA/ECW Hall of Fame

Link: http://www.opinionpower.com/Surveys/697049441.html

Manager/Tag Team Hall of Fame

Link: http://www.opinionpower.com/Surveys/749049443.html

Please vote today! Voting will last for one week, and will be closed some time July 23rd.

This polling website was shamelessly ripped off by me from The Shockmaster. Thanks.
I like this idea, and damn it Sly, run with the thing. I encourage everyone to take part of this and get this thing going. It's been in talks for a good 6 months. Sly is the man in charge of this thing, hopefully it will work out this time.

*When I have more time later, I'll edit my picks into this thing.
1. Ric Flair. He is the greatest ever. Consumate World Champion, wrestling almost as long as Gordie Howe played pro hockey. Survived a plane crash and kept on going.

2. Tully Blanchard. Tully revolutionized mid-card superstardom, virtually owning the Television, US, and National Heavyweight titles with the NWA while with the Horseman. Also totally redesigned what a heel should be and blazed a trail for the likes of Randy Orton in Evolution.

Nick Bockwinkel. In the old AWA this man was royalty. Another fantastic heel who went on to play several non-competing roles in wrestling.

Killer Kowalski. This Gerard Depardieu with an attitude absolutely may have been the meanest and most feared star of the early generations aside from Abdullah the Butcher.

Stu, Bret, and Owen Hart. I say, induct them AS A FAMILY. They were among the first truly great wrestling families, and each in their own ways did something that left this business better than how they found it.

Arn Anderson. With his level of technique and skill, people often forget that he was a big guy named "The Enforcer" and was truly the heart and soul of the Four Horsemen. See a pattern here?
In my rush to get everything moving, I forgot one of the most important details of the Hall of Fame voting.

Who are the first candidates eligible for voting?


1. Andre the Giant

2. Bruno Sammartino

3. Pedro Morales


1. The Crusher

2. Rob Van Dam

3. Verne Gagne

Managers/Tag Teams

1. Bobby Heenan

2. British Bulldogs

3. Road Warriors

Links to voting are above...

Feel free to discuss not only the guys you would like to see candidates for nomination but also which of the current candidates is most worthy of being inducted.

Stu, Bret, and Owen Hart. I say, induct them AS A FAMILY. They were among the first truly great wrestling families, and each in their own ways did something that left this business better than how they found it.
This post gave me the idea of what to do with the Miscellaneous category. Please read the now revised section above on what Miscellaneous category will contain, as well as the Q&A section for how it will be carried out.

Thanks for the idea!
Well here are the picks I went with for the polls that have opened...

Hall of Fame: Pre 1985 WWF

Bruno Sammartino - While it was very hard to pick between Bruno and Andre, I had to give the nod to Bruno. While Andre is definately deserving to go in the HOF, Bruno just accomplished alot more. The man defined the WWWF in the old days along with guys like Superstar Billy Graham. I mean anyone that holds the title for YEARS is deserving IMO. Bruno gets the nod here.

Next Round

Superstar Billy Graham - How can you not go with this man? Without Billy Graham, there would be no Hulk Hogan. Truly a legend in his own time, this man had it all---great skills in the ring, dynamite on the mic, personality out the wazoo--no doubt he gets the nod here.

Hall of Fame: AWA/ECW

Nick Bockwinkel - While I'd love to induct RVD (I'm sure Slyfox would disagree strongly on that one :D) I just can't induct him over a guy like Bockwinkel. For those like myself who did watch the AWA, his feuds with Curt Hennig and Jerry Lawler were some of the best of the 80s. Truly a consummate professional who never had anything bad to say about his fellow wrestler, Bockwinkel deserves this spot very much so.

Next Round

Taz - Considering he's pretty much officially retired now, I feel very comfortable nominating him. Taz was just a beast, theres no other way to describe him. Despite his small height, this man dominated the competition and put on some classic matches and one of the best feuds I've personally ever seen in my life with Sabu. The only man on earth to know more suplexes then Scott Steiner, Taz is a legend and should be a shoo-in here.

Hall of Fame: Manager/Tag Team

Bobby Heenan - I must say I kind of disagree with putting both managers and tag teams together. Also...why isn't the NWA or after 1985 WWF included here? Did I miss something? Anyways, Heenan gets the nod here easily. While the Bulldogs & Warriors deserve a spot in here as well, no one was more entertaining then Bobby Heenan. Seriously, find me a better heel announcer, you can't (and that includes the King). Shoo-in.

Next Round

Jim Cornette - While once again all of the teams/managers in the nominations here deserve a spot, Cornette gets the nod. This man was the definition of annoying in the 80s. Not to mention his role behind the scenes. What can I say? You guessed it: shoo-in.
I must say I kind of disagree with putting both managers and tag teams together.
Managers and Tag Teams are put together for the same reason that ECW and AWA were put together. I did not feel there were enough of either category to deserve its own voting selection. When they go in the Hall of Fame though, they will go in under their own separate wings. So, if Heenan is voted in the first time, and Road Warriors the second, it will look like this.

Hall of Fame

Bobby Heenan

Tag Teams
Road Warriors

But after the first four or 5 managers, it will be hard to justify some of the managers left that deserve to be in. By combining with the tag teams, all the ones who are deserving will get in eventually, and it allows for a longer, more drawn out process.

. Also...why isn't the NWA or after 1985 WWF included here? Did I miss something?
They will be. But not this week.

Post 1985 WWF will be next week, along with Independent/Worldwide and Announcers/Womens/Promoters. The NWA will be the following week, with WCW and Miscellaneous. Everything without a backslash will have its own separate voting category.

I broke them up this way, to try and even out the "drawing" power of them. I want people to desire to vote each week, and if I put NWA/WCW/Post 1985 WWF together at the same time, then no one will vote for the Misc/Indy/Announcer sections. By doing it this way, I hope that each section will be fairly equal in "drawing power".
Hall of Fame: Pre 1985 WWF

Bruno Sammartino - Like xfear, he just gets the nod from me for the amazing title reigns. I mean, years of being the top dog. That is how you be a true hall of famer.

Next Round

Superfly Jimmy Snuka: Yes, I voted for Snuka. He's one of the biggest legends in the business today, and that my friends is true. The Supafly! Seriously, that 15-foot Superfly Splash is still one of the most played clips of all time. Right up there with Hogan bodyslamming Andre, and we all know how much they play that.

Hall of Fame: AWA/ECW

Rob Van Dam: Sorry. Really. But i'm afraid i've simply never heard of Nick Bockwinkel. When he was inducted last year, i thought "who the fuck is that?" and Verne Gagne hasn't done enough to win this over RVD. One of the best known names in wrestling, and a well loed competitor by all.

Next Round

Taz - I voted for Taz, but I have a question - where's Rhyno? OK, so he isn't retired - neither is RVD, but he's nominated. Rhyno is one of the greatest ECW wrestlers ever, and i still mark out for him. The Gore is amazing, especially back when he first came into WWE (that Gore to Jeff Hardy - ouch!) and i think he deserves it more. However, out of the choices, Taz takes it, the Human Suplex Machine.

Hall of Fame: Manager/Tag Team

The Road Warriors - Yep, these 2 deserve it more IMO. The Road Warriors did it all, and they did it quicker than Team 3D. You can't beat them, and they are true legends.

Next Round

Jim Cornette - Just about, but it's Jimmy. He's even still contributing today, and he was so entertaining, and i still enjoy him today as TNA's... whatever he is in TNA. Management consultant, i think. Anyway, he deserves it for all that he's done, on camera and off.
Ok, I'm going to give this a go. I really love the idea. These were very difficult decisions but here is who I picked.
Pre-1985 WWF ERA
Andre the Giant
I picked Andre because from the sports entertainment aspect he was huge. He was the figure everyone thought of in his time when they thought of professional wrestling.
Pre-1985 WWF ERA #2
Bob Backlund
This one was tough for me because I really like Snuka, Graham, and Muraco but Backlund had the long title reign and was overall a fantastic wrestler.
Verne Gagne
Multiple title reigns and a fantastic grappler. It was hard for me to pick against RVD though, very hard.
Was in ECW for the long haul and held numerous titles. I am also not as familiar with Mad Dog Vachon and the Crusher. It was tough to choose Raven over Taz but I gave Taz the nod because I think between the two Taz is the better wrestler.
Manager/Tag Team #1
Road Warriors
Very tough to not choose Bobby Heenan but I think the Road Warriors might be the most successful and well known tag team in wrestling history and for that they get my vote.
Manager/Tag Team #2
Steiner Brothers
I really wanted to choose the Freebirds but I think overall a long period of time the Steiners made a bigger splash in wrestling industry.

Can't wait for the next round of polls to get started. Love the idea and I hope everyone takes it seriously.
WWE Pre 1985.
For me, it's a no brainer, Bruno Sanmartino. While I love Andre the Giant, I just feel that Bruno having the multi year multiple title reigns is just too much to over come. Bruno was the Steve Austin, the people that everyone came to see, and Andre was like the Rock, the circus side show.

For the next round I went with Bob Backlund. I love Billy Graham, but he is an entertainer. Bob Backlund was damn good in the ring for his time, and you can't deny his multi year title run either. All good but tough choices.

This one sucks. Personally, I despise the AWA and everything it stood for. A guy with a 1950's mentality, ran his company into the shitter, and blames others for it. The AWA should have ruled the wrestling world with an iron fist, instead they let people go, and refused to Evolve, so they died.

Bockwinkel has never impressed me. Rob Van Dam would be my obvious choice, but as much as I dislike Gagne, I have to vote for him. He is much respected in the business, and for his time, was very damn good. It's just a shame he couldn't get past his own name, and killed his company.

For the next, I chose Raven. I've never been too impressed with the Crusher. I like Mad Dog Vachon as well. Raven though, was just fucking awesome. In less then one year he went from Johnny Polo to the greatest in ring psychologist of the last 15 years.

Manager/Tag Team.
Without question, Bobby the Brain Heenan wins this one. His managerial skills were amazing. Its the rule in comic books, a hero is only as good as his Villians. With Piper out of Hogan's way, Bobby Heenan became the thorn in Hogan's side for years. I loved watching the Brain always sending a lacky after Hogan, and never getting the job done. Finally Flair came in, and The Brain had his Ace. I miss good ole Managers.

The next, Jim Cornette. I honestly believe that there is no man alive as passionate about the wrestling business as Jim Cornette, and I'm saying that full well knowing there are a whole slew of McMahons in Stamford, Harts in Calgary, and Gagne's in Minnesota. Cornette absolutley loves the business, hates it for what it has become, but enjoys it for what it can be. His tag teams are a list of unbelievable talent. I love Jim Fucking Cornette.
WWF (Pre 1985) - Andre the Giant. The only reason is i really dont know too much about that era, but i watched some Andre live TV matches at Mexico vs The Canek and, man, that was AWESOME wrestling!!

Manager/Tag Team - I'll go with The Road Warriors. Just one of the most remarkable tag teams ever, and they change the face of the division for ever.

AWA/ECW - Mhhmm, Again, i'm in process of learning (that's why i love WZ) so for now, RVD is my choice. Amazing atheltics, ring skills and he oozed charisma everywhere. RVD changed the way i see wrestling after the ONS match vs Cena for the WWE belt.

WWF (Post 1985) - Bret Hart, the best there is...you got it, right? A true competitor in all the extent of the word.

Independent/Worldwide - My heritage will speak for me:my choice is El Santo. He changed the face of mexican wrestling forever, there wasnt any other like El Santo (Blue Demon was close though). His mask was the most valuable thing on the business, even more than a championship sometimes, What you called Camel Clutch, El Santo called it "La de a Caballo" hold, and it was perfectly executed every time he used it.
El Santo is one of the biggest icons in mexican wrestling, and also around the world, he triumphed in Japan, and i dont have to mention that his career last for 48 years!!! and even in the last part, he still had a lot of fight on him.
Viva El Santo!! :)

Announcer/Women’s/Promoter - I will go with Vince Jr. I havent seen anybody who loves the biz more than the God 'ol Vince. He was (is)the biggest heel character ever, and at the same time, turned the wrestling action into a profitable show. i worship vince for what he have done, still standing after lots and lots of big troubles.
I have one bone to pick with this entire thing.. We have Pre-1985 WWE and Post 1985 WWE.... But we have to pick someone in the WWE from 1985 all the way till now? That is kind of shitty. I say that becasue that means we have to pick a wrestler from the Attitude era which started in 1994 and went till about 1999 or 2000. The attiude era was one of the most curcial era's in wrestling. It was the era that lead to wrestling becoming mainstream again.. It got so damn popular wrestlers were on the front of TV Guide.. Stone Cold and The Rock were household names! I mean in my opinion for the WWE it should be..

Pre 1985

WWE 1985-1995

and then 1995- present...
First, no HOF is complete without Bruno Sammartino- He held the WWF title for seven straight years and the company was literally built on his shoulders in the 1960's. Also, where would the careers of Billy Graham and Larry Zybysco be without Bruno. He wont be inducted anytime soon into the WWE run HOF because of his comtemptious relationship with Vince but he is a shoe-in.

Is Buddy Rogers in the HOF ? Like Bruno, he is a no-brainer. One of the best in ring performers and most charismatic entertainers of all time, he was the inspiration for the "Nature Boy" Ric Flair gimmick that has survived for three decades. Just as there would be no HHH or "Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels w/out the influence of Flair, there might not have been a Ric Flair as we know it w/out Rogers. Rogers was also the first ever WWF Champion and the first man to hold both the NWA/WCW and WWF titles, a feat that lasted 29 years unduplicated (till Flair in 1992).

Nobody can argue with Flair but there's no doubt he will get in the WWE run hall. Despite leaving McMahon in 1993 and turning down offers to return during the height of the Monday Night Wars/Attitude Era in 97-98 he has maintained a good relationship with WWE in general and repatedly has helped the company when needed since his return in 2002.

Nobody can also argue with Verne Gagne - He was a nine time World Champ, again at a time when the title didn't change hands as much as it does now, a record that stood from the early 80's until Flair broke it in 1993. Gagne created and ran the AWA which was a hugely successful organization in Minnesota and that region of the company and expanded nationally in the mid 80's. Several of the biggest names in wrestling in the 80's and 90's competed regularly including the Road Warriors, Flair, Curt Henning (former AWA Champion), Larry Zybysco, Scott Hall, and Hulk Hogan (he made his name in the AWA and his work there is what lead to his coming to WWF under Vince JR and starting the "Hulkamania" era that took pro wrestling into a truly national, and eventually inernational promotion).

As for some of the other names meniond, Vader's US wrestling career was relatively short (as a top star less than 10 years). He was very talented but he also routinely worked the second tier in both WCW and WWE, feuds with Ric Flair and Shawn Michaels not withstanding. He was not a huge innovator who helped change the industry nor did he have a long distinguished career mostly at or near the top of the industry. He did have major success in Japan but if that is weighed in how many japenese stars merit consideration ?

Not sure about Shane Douglas, his time as top attraction was short but he did make a hude difference in the insurgent success of ECW.

Randy Savage is a no brainer - Even discounting his early days in the Mid South area his career as a top attraction lasted from the early 80's till the late 90's. He had multiple runs as WWF and WCW champion, had one of the most ditsinguished runs as Intercontinental Champion ever, and if you say Roddy Piper helped make Hulk Hogan then Savage cemented his status as a long term superstar, their feud was one of the best in WWE title history. Savage also had extremely entertaining feuds with Ricky Steamboat and Ric Flair. He was a true superstar.

British Bulldog - he did hold several titles but he was limited as a singles star and was never a major world title contender or long term main event star. Most of his matches were better than average but he rarely had great matches and was about the same on the mic - Unlike stars like Brett Hart and Shawn Michaels who had great success as part of a tag team, BD never duplicated the same level as a singles star. Fact is, Lex Luger had a better career in terms of championships and wrestling as a main event star for a longer time and nobody mentions him as HOF'er. BD's career is comparable to Arn Anderson's except Anderson had more success as a singles star, was a much better interview and better in ring performer.

Ted DiBiase - His WWE career was good despite never winning the World Title. He did spend several years as one of the company's top heels and had memorable feuds with both Hogan and Savage over the title. His "Milion Dollar Man" gimmick is one of the most memorable in wrestling history. Include his career in the Mid South and his matches against stars like Flair and Jerry Lawler and he deserves recognition

Sting was a main event superstar from 1988 till his final days in WCW in the late 90's. He was the main event star the company turned to as Flair got older. Sting's match with Flair at the first televised Clash Of Champions remains one of the most watched (in terms of ratings) matches in pro wrestling history (and cost WWE several million dollars in PPV revenue airing the same time as WrestleMania IV). His dramatic exile and eventual return to wrestling helped spark the NWO story, the rise of WCW to most watched wrestling program status in the US, and Starrcade 97 with him main eventing against "Hollywood" Hogan was the most watched PPV of the year, one of the biggest in WCW history. He was one of the most popular wrestlersofall time. I doubt you will see him in the WWE run HOF anytime soon because he is active in TNA but when that association comes to an end he will likely get in. He deserves it.
Errr....Josh...the attitude era most certainly did not start in 1994. In 1994 they still had freaking clown gimmicks and the Bastion Booger. The attitude era didn't really kick off until at the earliest 1997. Just thought it was odd you'd say 94 was the beginning...
I have no problem with the WWF era being 1985 to 2002, when the name changed. Remember, this preliminary just to get some people in. I think it's actually a very good idea to start off with only one guy from those 17 years to get in. It is going to spark up a shit load of conversation, who would get in, and who is the most deserving.
I have one bone to pick with this entire thing.. We have Pre-1985 WWE and Post 1985 WWE.... But we have to pick someone in the WWE from 1985 all the way till now? That is kind of shitty. I say that becasue that means we have to pick a wrestler from the Attitude era which started in 1994 and went till about 1999 or 2000. The attiude era was one of the most curcial era's in wrestling. It was the era that lead to wrestling becoming mainstream again.. It got so damn popular wrestlers were on the front of TV Guide.. Stone Cold and The Rock were household names! I mean in my opinion for the WWE it should be..

Pre 1985

WWE 1985-1995

and then 1995- present...
If you would ask a wrestling fan of maybe in their 40s or 50s, they would probably complain that we lump 40 or 50 years of WWF together in the Pre session, and only 20 years in the post. And really, there is not as many Hall of Fame candidates in the post 1985 category as one would think. Also remember, that tag teams can get in from any organization from any time period.

If someone is truly deserving of getting in the Hall of Fame, they will.

But, I do appreciate the feedback. I have no problem responding to any suggestions on making this thing better. By all means, if someone has constructive criticism, post it. But, of course, I plan on having the final say on any changes.

Also people, keep posting how you feel about the current voting, but feel free to express who you'd like to see as a possible candidate for nomination. The more times a wrestlers name appears in the thread, the more likely he or she will be on the ballot, either to get in the Hall, or to have a chance to get in the Hall. So, keep posting who you think deserves in.

As of right now, Steve Austin may not be on the first ballot of the Post 1985 voting. Just so people know.
just a sugestion sly, but maybe u could post what catagories are next and let viewers nominate wrestlers from that point.
I do appreciate the suggestion grywolf, and I actually had already planned to do so. I was just going to wait until now, when interest had died down. Gives me a reason to bump the thread. :)

I want to give out a couple of reminders.

First, if you haven't already voted in the first set of first round nominees, PLEASE DO SO! Voting ends July 23rd, which is next Monday. There is no set time, just whenever I get around to doing it. So, don't wait too late, because I might arbitrarily decide to close it before you get your vote in.

The links again:

Pre 1985 WWF: http://www.opinionpower.com/Surveys/646049438.html

AWA/ECW: http://www.opinionpower.com/Surveys/697049441.html

Managers/Tag Teams: http://www.opinionpower.com/Surveys/749049443.html

Again, remember that voting ends next Monday, July 23rd (that is America time).

Now, the next set of rounds to be voted on, will be as follows:

The WWF 1985-present: Any singles wrestler who is Hall of Fame worthy after 1985

Independent/Worldwide: Any wrestler who is Hall of Fame worthy, who would not get nominated for any of the major US promotions (means he has not worked extensively in NWA, WCW, WWF, AWA, or ECW). Sometime spent in said promotions is OK, but they will have made their name and their fame elsewhere.

Announcer/Promoter/Womens - Voters will have their chance to induct only one from the three categories combined. So, all you good ole JR fans better make your presence felt, if you want him to get in before Vince McMahon Jr., the promoter.

This next round of voting will begin the moment the current one closes. But, I need your help. I need more people throwing the names they feel deserve to be in this Hall of Fame into the thread, with reasoning for why. In particular, we could use several people choosing for the three categories that will be up for the next round.

So, as the WWE would say, Smackdown your vote, and let's keep the Hall rolling.
I have voted and now here are some of my selections who I feel should also be inducted:

Wahoo McDaniel - He had feuds with Billy Graham, Ric Flair, Greg Valentine, Harley Race, Tully Blanchard, Roddy Piper, Sgt. Slaughter, Ricky Steamboat, Rick Rude, Mr Perfect, Jerry Lawler & Larry Zbyszko. He is compared to Jay Strongbow by critics but they say he is better than Strongbow. He is in the WCW & SCW HOFs. He won a total of 43 titles during his career.

Carlitos Colon - He is considered to be the greatest ever wrestler from Puerto Rico. He is also the father of Carlito and Eddie Colon.

Mae Young - Best known as the manager of The Fabulous Moolah, she has been a champion on 2 occasions. Named in the PWHOF. She has also made several appearances on WWE televison over the years, even having Mark Henry's baby!

Howard Finkel - He has appeared at every WrestleMania and is considered to be one of the best announcers of all time. He is the longest serving employee of the WWE and is credited for coming up with the name 'WrestleMania'.

The Von Erichs - One of the best wrestling families of all time. Notable feuds with The Freebirds.

Manager/Tag Teams
Road Warriors - Hawk & Animal were one of the best tag teams of all time. Together they won a total of 19 tag titles and also 3 more titles with different partners. Also in the WONHOF.

Stu Hart - Although not much of a wrestler (even though he won 5 titles during his career) he was one of the best trainers/promoters in the business. He is the head of the legendary Hart family & he founded Stampede Wrestling. 7 of his 8 sons went on to become wrestlers and the other became a referee. All 4 of his daughters would marry wrestlers. The more notable members of his family include his sons Bret & Owen Hart, sons-in-law Jim Neidhart & Davey Boy Smith, Grandsons Harry Smith & Teddy Hart & Granddaughter Nattie Neidhart. He also trained the likes of Chris Jericho, Chris Benoit, Justin Credible, Junkyard Dog, Dynamite Kid, 'Superstar' Billy Graham, Mark Henry, Jushin Liger, Brian Pillman, Lance Storm, Kid Kash, Greg Valentine, Nikolai Volkoff, Roddy Piper, Bad News Brown & Monty Brown.
This is your last chance to vote on this current round of the WZ Hall of Fame. The polls will close sometime today, and the new ones will be posted. Don't miss your chance to be a part of the process for the Real Hall of Fame!
Ok, the polls for the first segment for the first class of the WZ Hall of Fame are now closed. You may still vote all you want, but no further results will be calculated. Winners have already been determined.

Now, moving onto the next set of voting. This round will feature the Post 1985 WWF/E era, the Independent/Worldwide category, and the Announcer/Women/Promoter category.

Post 1985 category candidates for nomination are:

Bret Hart
Hulk Hogan
Steve Austin

Link: http://www.opinionpower.com/Surveys/134049556.html

Independent/Worldwide candidates for nomination are:

Antonio Inoki
El Santo
The Great Muta

Link: http://www.opinionpower.com/Surveys/277049558.html

Announcer/Women/Promoter candidates for nomination are:

Fabulous Moolah (women)
Gordon Solie (announcer)
Vince McMahon Jr. (promoter/announcer)

Link: http://www.opinionpower.com/Surveys/886049561.html

Cast your votes today! YOU will be the one to decide who gets in the first class of the WrestleZone Hall of Fame!
post wwf/e:
austin over hart and hogan. i think austin carried the company better than hart and i just don't like hogan. maybe third round for him.

i went with the great muta. i haven't seen to much from the other two.

fabulous moolah. hopefully solie in the next round and vince much later.

post wwf/e pick: shawn michaels.
indy pick: jushin liger
a/w/p pick: jim ross
I had never seen this thread on here until I saw it in Slyfox's sig. But I voted in both sets of polls (the first set too late) and would like to thank Slyfox for presenting us all with what is sure to be the REAL Hall of Fame as determined by real fans and not Vince McMahon.

I will post much more at a later date. Thanks again for presenting this outstanding thread!
I will post much more at a later date. Thanks again for presenting this outstanding thread!
No problem.

While there isn't much discussion, there is actually pretty good turnout at the polls. Additionally, there are some VERY hotly contested polls right now, with the Post 1985 poll being a close race between Austin and Hogan.

I also want to remind people that the polls close Monday July 30, for the current round of the Hall of Fame.

As for my picks:

Post 1985 WWF: Hulk Hogan. I really don't feel as if I have to explain this, but I will. To me, Hogan is synonymous with the term WWF. When I think WWF, I get images of yellow and red and of Hulkamania running wild. He gets my vote over Hart for his mega drawing ability, and over Austin for his prolonged mega drawing ability.

Independent/Worldwide: Antonio Inoki. Again, probably doesn't have to be explained but will. Inoki is one of the biggest names in Japanese wrestling history, as a wrestler and as a promoter. While he may not always be the most honest or the most on the up-and-up, the man is simply a legend.

Announcer/Women/Promoter: Vince McMahon Jr. Single-handily changed the course of professional wrestling and reigns supreme over the wrestling world. He was an average commentator, but always brought incredible enthusiasm and incredible feel for his matches. And, despite what people will want others to think, the man is truly a great businessman.
For post 1985 WWF:
Had to go with the Hulkster. If you put the backstage politicking beside, there is no doubt about this one. Stone Cold probably did it in a more difficult time, but Hogan was the reason wrestlemania was made.

Next round:
Randy Savage: The bulldog didn't do enough in his career to warrant a Hall of Fame induction this early. Ted DiBiase, while probably the best heel of the 80's never held onto world title gold. Shawn Michaels, I can't deny his in ring ability, but I have a hard time giving this to anyone that is still active.

For Foreign:
I think its a two horse race, Antonio Inoki or Muta. Both are fucking amazing, but as stated, Inoki is japanese wrestling. Muta should go in number 2.

As with the next round, I think it is also a two horse race between Baba and Liger, and I'm leaning with Liger, just because his matches with Pillman opened my eyes to great Light Heavyweight action.

Well the announcers:
Gordon Solie was amazing, but lets be honest, we all watch wrestling, for the good or the bad, thanks to Vince McMahon. While I will not call him a great business man, (everything outside of the WWE has failed miserably...WWE Films, Body Building Federation, XFL, etc., etc.). He has managed to keep the WWE mildly watchable. Even though I think the product stinks, it is the number one show and you can't deny that.

For next round I'm going with Gene Okerlund, blasphemy to the ECW fans on here for not picking Heyman. I think Okerlund did more for the backstage announcers then Heyman did as a promoter, bold statement, but I stand behind it.
Ok, the polls for the second segment for the first class of the WZ Hall of Fame are now closed. You may still vote all you want, but no further results will be calculated. Winners have already been determined.

Now, moving onto the next set of voting. This round will feature the WCW era, the NWA era, and the Miscellaneous category.

WCW category candidates for nomination are:

Lex Luger

Link: http://www.opinionpower.com/Surveys/316049678.html

NWA candidates for nomination are:

Harley Race
Lou Thesz
Ric Flair

Link: http://www.opinionpower.com/Surveys/214049676.html

Miscellaneous candidates for nomination are:

Cyndi Lauper
The Four Horsemen
The Von Erichs

Link: http://www.opinionpower.com/Surveys/135049677.html

Cast your votes today! YOU will be the one to decide who gets in the first class of the WrestleZone Hall of Fame!

The poll closes next Monday, August 6th. At that time, the unveiling of the first class of the WrestleZone Hall of Fame will begin!

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