Do You Hate Fat People?

Da Prophet

Mid-Card Championship Winner
Apparently I do.

d_henderson1810 said:
Do you hate fat people?

You are obviously a "fitness" fanatic who looks down on everyone else, and wouldn't have had struggles with your weight, otherwise you might empathise with the fact that losing weight isn't easy.

Or maybe you are just a superficial prick, who thinks looks are everything, and would probably rather date a girl who has model looks, even if she is a bitch, rather than a nice girl who is a couple of pounds overweight.

The fact is, the fitness industry lowered the bar of what is considered "obese", so that more people automatically were classed "obese" and the fitness and gym industry could shame people out of their money, and make millions for themselves.

The fitness industry is a multi-million dollar industry who peddle shame to get people to buy dodgy exercise equipment off TV shopping channels, and join gyms, where you can't them opt out of them taking money out of your banking account.

I bet, as a kid, you hated Santa Claus because he was fat, and had a belly which was like a "bowl full of jelly".

You might think that fat people are ugly, but it is you who are truly ugly on the inside, in your hateful, judgmental heart.


Somebody loves Bray Wyatt way more than they should.

Doesn't change the fact that he is still fat.
Sometimes I look at really fat people and think fuck me hit the gym then I feel bad for having that thought then I'm like you shouldn't feel bad.
I had McDonald's for dinner tonight.

Does that eliminate me from the fitness fanatic and superficial prick categories along with my supposed hateful/judgemental heart?
Vince McMahon hates fat people. Ask any fat person he has ever come in contact with.

Which is where this all started from because people love Bray Wyatt but fail to see that his physical appearance clearly puts restrictions on how far he is going to be pushed. Jinder Mahal is World Champ because of how he looks and yet Wyatt losing some weight is the worst idea apparently.
In the eyes of his employer I'd say it does.

They could've kept the title on Bray at Mania but they didn't. They switched to Orton and then quickly handed the title to a heel, not Bray, but Jinder Mahal. The top heel spot on Smackdown was up for grabs and Wyatt was passed over for Jinder. Do we really think it has nothing to do with appearance? Jinder who was a jobber until he got super ripped and then got to be World Champ.

Come on now.
I don't hate fat people. I don't hate fitness fanatics either. I generally like or hate people based on their personality, not their looks.

As far as d_delusional's reply, he obviously bought a Shakeweight, joined LA Fitness or some shit and quit going after a week or two because he was lazy and/or intimidated by other fat people trying to get healthier and is broke because of it, and is embarrassed by it so he's gone down the road of HAES.
The fact that this comes from d_henderson1810 is no surprise. He's an idiot with an unhealthy hatred of Stone Cold and NXT. Now we have learned a third unhealthy hatred of his, people that aren't fat.
My mom hates fat people. I think she gave my sister a mild eating disorder and whenever she's telling a story about someone that is overweight, she ALWAYS mentions that they're fat and says it in this condescending tone.

I think some of it rubbed off on me, but for the most part I don't give a fuck if people are fat or not. Sometimes I do find myself judging people who are overweight, but then I remember that A) it's none of my business, B) maybe it's something they can't help, C) maybe it's something that they are working on and they are already achieving results and D) just because I have issues with my body doesn't mean everyone does.
Okay so like I know this isn't the point of the thread, but fuck it, this is probably the best platform for be to voice this.

I'm fat. Not like, hey I'll have an extra slice of pie because I'm feeling naughty fat, but hey you should lose some god damn weight or you will be forced to buy an extra seat on a plane to fit your gigantic ass Kevin Smith fat. I'm talking, can we have a table instead of a booth fat. I don't really have an issue with how I look, I have had numerous sexual partners despite my appearance, I have a wonderful girlfriend, and my health issues despite being fat are minimal because I'm active enough. Yeah, I'll probably develop some issues later, but right now I love food too much to have much desire to change.

I hate the whole fat acceptance movement though. Now, yeah, beauty comes in all forms and it shouldn't matter what a person wants to eat or how they look so long as they aren't harming you. Big can indeed be beautiful. I hate the whole "you can be healthy at any weight" bullshit. I see more women making the argument, but being fat isn't healthy. I'm not healthy. I'm not that bad off because like I said, I do enough to make sure I burn some of my caloric intake, but I still have high blood pressure. Yes, medication regulates it, but that doesn't mean I'm healthy. The human body isn't designed to support excess fat. I'm 27 and I have occasional knee pain because I carry too much weight. I do have an extremely slow metabolism so even if I worked out and was on a strict diet, my doctor says I'll likely always be overweight, but the world doesn't owe me anything because of that. Obesity is not a disability like some people in that movement try to claim. I'm all about ending fat shaming and discrimination, but don't try to convince people that eating every twenty minutes can still be healthy.
Nopes, I don't hate fat people. Because I've some better parameters to judge a person instead of temporary looks.

The OP actually has some fascination with calling Bray Wyatt fat. Multiple times. He'll neglect every positive aspect regarding Bray Wyatt just because he's fat. So, there's no point in discussing it with someone who won't just accept the reality.

Bdw, I'm fat. And I hope that I get red rep from anyone who hates fat people here. :p
Nopes, I don't hate fat people. Because I've some better parameters to judge a person instead of temporary looks.

The OP actually has some fascination with calling Bray Wyatt fat. Multiple times. He'll neglect every positive aspect regarding Bray Wyatt just because he's fat. So, there's no point in discussing it with someone who won't just accept the reality.

Bdw, I'm fat. And I hope that I get red rep from anyone who hates fat people here. :p


Kidding, I could lose a 100 pounds and still be heavier than most of you scrawny kids.
If you're fat and content with it, OK. But I will not encourage it. It's unhealthy and if someone I know is headed that way, I'll let them know.

The only time fat people get on my nerves is when they complain about their weight and do absolutely nothing at all about it. They also annoy me when they make excuses for their weight like how they think they have a gene that makes them predisposed to obesity. You over eat and you're lazy. Simple and plain.

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