Do you find it hard to watch Chris Benoit matches?


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I've been watching some old WCW Nitro on the WWE Network. The storylines in 1996 are so incredibly good. However I find it really hard to watch Chris Benoit in these matches and I am sure you know why. It is even worse when it is on Nitro because at this time he had a manager named Woman, who is Nancy Benoit. Do you guys find it hard to watch him as well or can you appreciate the matches for what they were without thinking of what happened?
I don't find it hard, necessarily, but I don't enjoy them as much as I would otherwise. The last match I played back was Benoit/Angle vs Edge/Mysterio vs Los Guerreros. Before that, the Raw main event classic teaming with Jericho vs Austin & Triple H. Mighty fine matches, but the bloom is off the rose, as they're eternally juxtaposed against the harsh reality of Benoit's final actions.

Rather than watch the matches for enjoyment, I suppose my viewing of Benoit matches is best described as studious, quiet observation. Kind of like watching a historical documentary while knowing the tragic outcome.
I don't find it difficult because Chris Benoit as a wrestler was one of my favourites and a great technical wrestler who had many great matches.

If I was watching one of his matches and someone asked me why he doesn't wrestle now or something then it might be a bit difficult explaining what went on.
I did for the first few years after the event. I would always skip over his matches because all I would think about is the obvious, and I just couldn't enjoy it. However, over the last couple years I have sort of gotten over it, and now I really don't think about it when I'm watching an old match. That said, I never set out to specifically watch any of his matches. I can't believe it's already been, what, 8 and half years. Time flies.
Not unlike the guys who were friends with him that still speak of him fondly, I just have to try and separate the art from the artist.

There's no denying his actions were reprehensible, and all the concussion testing in the world excuse that.

However, he was an incredibly gifted wrestler and while I certainly don't forget how it ended for him, or actively cheer for him as I watch or anything, I can't say that I don't still get enjoyment from watching some of his incredible matches. It's not all that unlike watching Owen or Eddie, it's sad when you think of the circumstances, but the work still speaks for itself.
Chris Benoit had been my favourite wrestler in WWE at that time but afterwards Ive never watched any of his matches again since and don't expect I ever will, Not taking away from his ability as I do think he was one of the greatest wrestlers to watch ever, I just can't find it entertaining watching someone while knowing the horrible thing he has done and I feel disgusted looking at him when I have seen a quick clip or picture of him.
As far as I am concerned, I set aside all the negative stuff and watch his matches for what they are, being that he has been one of my favourites - like Regal, Bryan, etc. - regardless of what happened in the end...
I have not watched one Chris Benoit match since I found out what he did.

I'd feel very uncomfortable. Every single match he was in is potentially the match that eventually made his brain snap. Any bump could be the bump that injured his brain beyond repair. His ecstasy and other drug use certainly didn't help.

I also can't watch due to not being able to enjoy him. Seeing him viscously attack people is uncomfortable. Watching him be a good guy is uncomfortable. I can't cheer him. His final actions overshadow everything that he did for me.
I have ZERO problem whatsoever watching Chris Benoit matches. I will never condone what he did, but at the same time, what he did had zero direct impact on my personal life. If it did, then it would be different. Just like Casey Anthony, George Zimmerman, or Darren Wilson - I will never condone their actions (and in Casey's case, we'll never know 100%). But since their actions had no impact on my own life, I can still go back and see their faces on a screen and not be disgusted.
Chris Benoit was such a talented wrestler,up there being one of the best technical ones. I look back on Benoits career as a success as he was amazing to watch and was very griping in his storylines. I do feel it was so terrible how his,and his familys story came to an end,but pealing back the the Chris Benoit person to his wrestling figure,i still watch and still admire how great the superstar he was in the ring...
No I don't plus I don't believe he did what ppl say he did to many things don't add up right beniot is a tremendous wrestler and I have no problems watching his matches
I can't do it. Every now and again I'll try, but it's just so hard. I know you're "supposed" to separate the artist from the art, but it's too difficult to do that every time I see him do the head butt, or take a chair shot to the dome, or jump through the ropes and scramble his brain. It makes me physically ill.
I am also watching the Nitro episodes from that time (just two weeks after Hogan's heel turn) and yes, I have had somewhat of a problem watching Benoit's work.I can admire the talent and work on its own, but when I see him and Woman, my mind does tend to head in that rather dark direction. I try to just enjoy the work of both people, but I feel so horrible for Nancy and her child. I do sometimes just want to skip his matches, but I don't. I just try to separate the work quality at the time from the terrible way their lives are forever linked.
Not really because I don't make an effort to watch them. If I am bored and looking on youtube and I happen on something with him, i watch it. I admit, i cringe a bit during them because i know that it was these matches that caused his ultimate condition. But I have his dvd and don't think I have watched it since he died. It isn't that I am outraged and making some moral stance but not watching it but given what happened, I don't feel like sitting down specifically to watch Benoit matches.
No issue whatsoever. I liked Benoit before, and I like him now. As a wrestler. When people "like" wrestlers it's (I assume) because they enjoy that person's work rate, mic skills, gimmick, storylines, etc. Same with Hogan. My opinion of him didn't change after the racism thing came out -- because I never liked him to begin with, LOL.

It's not weird for me to watch his matches... but it is hard for me to choose him in a wrestling video game.

I still play No Mercy on the N64 and for some reason HHH, Kurt Angle, Kane, and Chyna all get more reversals than any other characters in the game. The game straight up cheats if you fight against them.

Before the incident, I liked to pick Chris Benoit against HHH or Kane and knock them out with the Special diving headbutt or make them tap.

Now it's too awkward for me.
Its different....I just watched Ric Flair & Arn Anderson vs Sting & Lex Luger circa mid 1996 Nitro, the match was entertaining, but it did take away a bit seeing Elizabeth at ringside playing a prominent role because you are immediately reminded of all the times you watched her for 20 years and she died a broken drug addict. Worse for Woman, she was Benoit.

I still enjoy the old matches and promos to an extent, but you cant watch and not be struck at least for a minute by the tragedy that was their ending in real life.

Its the same with Kerry Von Erich, I cant help but think of how much promise he had to be really be something special but his drug addiction ruined it. Still, there are some excellent matches he had still available and they are a great watch, despite that brief "oh wait" moment that comes over you when it first comes on.
I don't know if hard is the right way to describe it... it's awkward at times, especially considering his wrestling demeanor was that of a cold-blooded, ruthless, crippler. At times, while watching I imagine if that's what he looked like afterwards or during. Little random thoughts like that can make watching uncomfortable but generally I can get over it and get through a Benoit match.

I only really watch him when I'm going through some old Raw's or Nitro's though, it's not like I specifically search for his matches. But I agree that the Nitro's are much more uncomfortable to watch with Nancy right beside him. Just... eerie.
No I don't plus I don't believe he did what ppl say he did to many things don't add up right beniot is a tremendous wrestler and I have no problems watching his matches

He had CTE. His brain resembled that of an 80 year old Alzheimer patient. Chris Nowinski said he has seen cases similar to Benoit's with people who had CTE. That's why he wanted to study Benoit's brain. Jericho's podcast with Nowinski is something you should listen too. He explains the problems that kind of head trauma causes. Also Jericho, JR, Nancy's sister, Benoit' father, Angle, Chavo and many others say Benoit did it. The cops say he did it. His brain explains why.

I can see why people can watch his matches and enjoy them. He was very good and fun to watch. They aren't cheering the person, they are cheering a character. I can't make that separation, so I still won't watch his matches.
I havnt watched a Benoit match since then period. For 2 reasons. 1 because of what he did. And 2 he just wasn't that great. I did watch 1 awesome match against Guerrero but that's it.

I think most people say he was great only because they don't want to be labeled a hater actually!!!
I have no problem with it.

As far as I am concerned, I am not watching a murderer wrestle, because he hadn't committed those crimes when he fought those matches. I had no problem with his matches then, and I have no problem with them now.

Now, if he somehow came back after he committed the crimes, or he did the murders, and then it wasn't found out to be him until much later, and in the meantime he had wrestled, then maybe I might think that way.

But when he wrestled in Japan, ECW, WCW and WWE, he wasn't a murderer yet. So my conscious has no problem with watching his matches.

In fact, I would more feel funny watching something that Bill Cosby is in, considering that he may have been drugging and raping woman even during his career, so that bothers me more.
One of my favorite matches of all time is the main event of WrestleMania XX that features Chris Benoit completing his "18-year odyssey" against HHH and HBK. Finding out about what he did in June 2007 did not change that fact for me in any way. It also didn't change anything about how I feel about his other matches/storylines over the years. As it stands, Chris Benoit was one of the most technically gifted wrestlers to ever work in a ring and it is a pleasure to see his work whenever I get a chance.

His personal actions were disgusting and horrible, but many within the business would agree that his professional actions were among the most respected in the locker room. Maybe I'd feel uncomfortable watching home videos or something, but watching the wrestler Chris Benoit do his thing in the ring has no adverse effect on me whatsoever.
no, its not hard to watch Benoit matches at all. people need to learn to separate the wrestler from the man. Yeah what he did in real life was horrible but that doesnt affect how I see the wrestler when I watch his matches because they were great
Not hard at all. I don't believe in re-writing history and pretending I never liked the guy because of what happened afterward. I enjoyed what he did in the ring and on the mic back in those earlier days.....and don't feel any different about watching those same matches now.

What happened was horrible, yet instead of blindly hating the guy.....who, by most accounts I've read, was a good man, husband & father for so many years.....I find myself feeling bad for what his state of mind must have been, leading him to do what he did in those final hours.

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