Do you ever give negative rep?


Getting Noticed By Management
We all rep each other when we like someone's post, but do any of you give people negative rep? I personally never have, mainly due to the concern that they would give me negative rep right back out of spite. I'll give someone rep if I agree with them, but if I disagree with a post, I generally just ignore it. Or if I really don't like it, I will reply. But I really just don't see the point in negative repping someone, because it seems rude to me. What do you guys think?
It's been a year and I haven't yet. The closest I ever came was recently when someone insulted the show Lost (Lost is like my baby to me). If someone ticks me off enough I will reply to them or ignore them. At the same time though, I understand why people use it to get a message across.
I used to use it when someone opinion's infuriated me and had no good reason behind them. Now it's just to the odd troll.
I have a few times only because of when I feel like they did the wrong thing or just being a complete tool. If I disagree with a post I wouldn't do it but.
Used to do it a lot when I was a mod. Instead of giving people infractions, I would red rep their post, explain what they did wrong in the rep, and then delete it.
Rarely, but if someone says something particularly stupid, I might. I maybe red rep 2-3 times a month on average...
I rarely give out red rep although sometimes I would like to. Especially to those who I receive red rep from (Hi Jose), although I emulate Cena in these cases and 'Rise above Hate'.

For me receiving red rep will not make me change my ways or my opinions, in fact it may make me do the opposite and go on a reactionary rampage and start slating others with written diarrhea.
I used to do it when I needed to spread rep around, so I just dug my hand into the barrel of shit that was the wrestling sections. I just haven't felt the need to lately, unless your post is particularly stupid.
The post has to be exceedingly ignorant or stupid for me to do so. I don't simply hand out negative rep to someone I disagree with. Disagreeing does not (necessarily) equate to being wrong, so IMO it's wrong to simply red rep someone because you don't agree, provided their post was thoughtful, informative or at the very least was posted with reason.

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