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Do John Cena fans actually care about the quality of storylines he's involved in?


Occasional Pre-Show
Disclaimer: The following is not a hate thread.

After watching Cena vs Big Show for what feels like the 1,000th time on Raw last night, I noticed that the fans in the arena didn't seem to mind at all that a matchup between the two has happened almost way too many times.

So, I thought to myself: Do Cena fans even care about what Cena is doing just as long as they get to see him?

Since the popular belief is that Cena's fanbase consists of women and children, my theory is that they truly don't.

Cena could face Curt Hawkins in a feud that involves Curt calling Cena fat, and the Cenation wouldn't even care. Its John Cena! It doesn't matter who he faces, how stupid the storyline is, or how many times the match occurs. If it involves Cena, they'll all watch blindly.

These observations might come off as hateful, but I'm starting to feel as if its actually true. Does Cena really have to be in the main event? Will his fans protest at all if he wasn't the focus of the show?

I'm asking as a fan who cares about the quality of storylines, and the uniqueness of matchups. If Cena fans truly don't care about what he's involved in just as long as they get to see him, and he wins out in the end, then can he just be seen as a spectacle instead of as the focus of a show?

If so, then I believe that so many problems would be solved with WWE's product if he was just slated for the middle of the show only. That way the Cenation will be happy, the smart fans will be happy, and the ratings will go up due to an improved product that doesn't have to revolve around a gimmick that has existed for over a decade.

As a matter of fact, that would be a lot of pressure taken off of Cena's shoulders if this happened.

What do you think, Wrestlezone?
I think you might be applying your opinion too broadly. I know I've been guilty of that at times, same as virtually everyone else that's ever posted on these forums.

You might not find Cena vs. Big Show particularly appealing but that doesn't mean that it's a viewpoint shared by the vast majority of fans. For me personally, one reason why I was into their match last night was because it meant something in that it would determine the main event for one of WWE's four biggest ppvs of the year, SummerSlam. I also liked the match because it told a good story. Big Show has been better than he's been in a long since since coming back from taking time off late last summer. Usually, Cena outmuscles his opponents but they've definitely dialed back on SuperCena, especially in the wake of WM. I also bought into the match because I was curious to see what Punk would do, how he'd do it and what justification there'd be for it.

Was it predictable? Yeah, pretty much. To be fair though, almost everything is predictable if you've watched pro wrestling long enough. I've pretty much seen it all as I've been watching wrestling for as long as I can remember. If it's unpredictability you want, then you're not going to find it watching pro wrestling most of the time. If you care about the matches, the outcomes, the storylines involved, the angles and the wrestlers; then it's highly enjoyable if you allow it to be. I'm sure people weren't feeling Cena vs. Show, they're just not into them. Nothing wrong with that at all, but it's just the way of things. Had it been Cena vs. Ziggler or Punk vs. Bryan or whomever, there'd always be some fans left out in the cold as they're just not into it.

Another thing I want to address is the "popular belief" regarding Cena's fanbase. I've been to several WWE shows in the past few years and, like most things in life, it's not nearly as cut and dry as a lot of internet smarks want them to be. Whether at the shows or on television, I'v seen & heard 10 & 12 year old boys & girls chanting "Cena Sucks" while wearing John Cena gear and adults ranging from college age straight up through into their 50s chanting "Let's Go Cena" while wearing Cena gear. I've seen grown men particpate in the "Cena Sucks" side while wearing Cena shirts or caps or what have you. I've seen women chant "Cena Sucks" while wearing John Cena wristbands. What does all this mean? It means that a LOT of people cheer or boo Cena because it's fun. It's become the thing to do at live shows, almost like a tradition now really. I've seen footage online of Cena signing autographs and taking pictures with people wearing Cena Sucks shirts, some of the shirts even being homemade.

Quality is 100% subjective. For every 10 members of the IWC that hates the idea of seeing Cena face Show in another match last night, there are probably several hundred average fans that had a good time watching it play out. Doesn't mean anybody's right or wrong, it just is what it is.
Well its a well known fact that most of Cena's fan base is young children and females, and it would be easy to assume that that yes, they are happy to see Cena no matter what the case is. Children, especially in this era of pro wrestling have never witnessed what older generation fans have witnessed and and are easily amused. When you see the kids cheering Cena on raw it is most likely their first time seeing him, and no matter what he is doing they will be excited, he could be involved in a tag team match with Blue from Blues Clues...they wouldn't care, as long as they got to see John Cena. Older generation Cena fans who are still Cena fans were probably fans from when he first started, and if thats the case then kudos to them for sticking with their guy. Eddie Guerrero has always been my all time favorite, and no matter what he did, he was always my guy, even though he was never really catered to children, I have to say if he was still alive today, and was a character that was as watered down as Cena is, he would still be my favorite. I've never been a fan of Cena and I never will be, to each their own, but always remember, kids are more easily amused and excited than adults are, when we see Cena, we see lame, when they see Cena, they see a hero.
Did Hogan fans care about the quality of storyline he was in? Hogan could draw against anyone including Zeus, a guy he fought in the movie No Holds Barred.

Cena is in the same boat, older fans like myself care more about the quality of storyline's he's in no question. For example I cared more about his Punk feud last year than I did with his Del Rio feud right after. Your average fan just cares that Cena is wrestling though, they don't really care who its against. My girlfriends 12 year old kid just gets excited Cena is wrestling, not so much about who he is facing (well he did against The Rock but he loves The Rock too). Doesn't matter if he's facing Tensai or Jericho he just wants to see his guy beat on whoever he's facing.

The older you get the more you care about things like quality storylines, when you are a kid you just care that your guy is doing something.
Well its a well known fact that most of Cena's fan base is young children and females
I think you might want to look up what the word "fact" means, because it certainly isn't a "fact" that Cena's fans are "mostly" women and children. You're a fool if you honestly believe this. Some of you guys still fail to realize that the harsh opinions always displayed on these message boards do not represent the general public. The opinions represent a very VERY small blip on the radar.

Think about it. There are a total of 21,794 members on these boards. Even if all 21,794 absolutely hated Cena, which isn't the case, you're still talking a very small amount, when you consider 4.4 million people watch Raw, on average. Sure, there are plenty of people who are tired of the guy, but there are also just as many who watch wrestling for the sheer entertainment value and love seeing Super Cena seemingly defy the odds on a weekly basis.

As to the original question, I'm sure Cena cares about the stories. They all do. Nobody wants to be put in a stupid story. But you have to remember that what you think is stupid is not necessarily what I think stupid, nor is it what the other 4.4 million people who watch the show think is stupid.

People are never happy. Especially the folks that post here. So many times, people complain about storylines being too short. "There's no build-up!" they say. Well, here we have a story that has been going on for several months and it continues to twist and turn. It also involves several other wrestlers, so it's not as one dimensional as you may pretend it is. Could it be better? Probably. But it is far from terrible, in my opinion.

Even though Cena beats the Big Show pretty much every time they fight, they still manage to keep me curious. I had a pretty strong feeling that the Summer Slam match would end up being a triple-threat match, but I still wanted to see how they actually came to the decision. As it was, I think it worked pretty well. And I'm sure when Cena looks back on his body of work over the last however many months, he'll be pretty happy with this entire story.
This a good question.

First off I am a so called Cena "mark"

I'm the guy who rooted for Cena over The Rock at Wrestlemania,I'm the guy who has seen every Championship victory John Cena has had and to sum it up as good a I possibly can John Cena is basically my "Hulk Hogan" My "Stone Cold Steve Austin" my "Rock"

While I did watch the WWF and do actually remember it I wasn't old enough to fully love it the way I love WWE now, I remember alot of the WWF my first memory of wrestling is when Austin came out in the beer truck and sprayed Shane Vince and The Rock,I loved it,but I didn't fully fall in love with the product until around 2003 when I was 9 or so
I am 18 years old now and have been a fan or John Cena since his debut, and the point I am trying to make is I grew up watching John Cena thats why hes my "Hulk Hogan" so to say.

So to answer your question YES we care alot or at least I do, I am completely in love with wrestling. So I care about the storylines alot, so the ones with my favorite wrestler I extremely care about. Cena isnt booked right, it all started with his return at Survivor Series 2008 when he defeated Chris Jericho for the World Heavyweight Championship the WWE has booked him as a kid friendly guy ever sense,with the bright colored t shirts the multi title reigns and something I truly cant stand even as a Cena fan "the unstoppable gimmick". and truthfully I blame the IWC. I really do.. Why? because they booed him they made him to where the WWE thinks only kids like him so thats who they market him to,only recently in his rivalry with The Rock did he bring out the Cena we all loved and the Cena he really is. He cut amazing promos and despite what anyone says he out shined The Rock on the mic a few times but I blame the IWC for his gimmick and I blame the writers for putting him in bad storylines.
but even with the bad storylines and the "unstoppable gimmick" I'm not going to turn against him because than I am just like everyone else..

so truthfully I say blame the writers for the bad storylines hes in,and also the whole Curt Hawkins thing no offence but that is complete nonsense, but to answer your question once again YES John Cena fans do care about the storylines hes in.
I have a theory that people who dislike Cena live at home and dream of working at gamestop if a position ever becomes available. That's about as insulting as the OP's theory.

Of course fans of John Cena care about the quality of storylines he's involved in. The Big Show stuff was boring. I was hoping he'd move past show and onto a program with the newly turned Punk, but no. Big Show is thrown into the mix once again for no good reason. With that said, Cena makes the best out of a bad situation. I care way more about Cena/Big Show than I would about anybody else and Bigshow. I just don't get the point of your thread. Other than to call Cena's fans women and children, of course.
Actually the WWE does a pretty good job with Cena in storylines particularly this year. The angles with Kane, Rock, Lesnar, Show, and the budding story with Punk have all been pretty interesting especially considering most of the roster has no storyline.

My biggest complaint with Cena in the past was that he would kill great storylines (Nexus) and was booked to appear unstoppable when he didn't need to be. It was kind of the same thing when Rock was a full timer (lots of Rocky sucks chants even as a face) and during HHHs reign of terror.

Ultimately, the dominance of each of those 3 guys has paid off as they gave rise to Lesnar, Batista, and CM Punk. Now that Cena isn't lording over the WWE Title and actually lost his MITB briefcase, he is much more tolerable to watch.

Unfortunately I cannot say the same for Big Show. Yeah I get he is a legitimate giant, but he bores me to tears no matter what he is doing. Even Mark Henry managed to become entertaining after years of obscurity, but Big Show still sucks.
Seriously, the reason most of us hate John Cena because he is stail as fuck. Not going to lie I was a bug Cena fan back in his days on Smackdown and fueding with Kurt Angle and JBL. But he is too predictable and his matches are redundant surprise surprise he wins. Wrestlers need a change eventually, a twist but no John Cena would never get a Heel turn. The most interesting he got in the past years was his Fued with Kane and he seemed to be heading towards a Heel Turn, but WWE does the same thing they also do make him Win. Even when isn't suppose to win he wins!!! #MITB
I think you might want to look up what the word "fact" means, because it certainly isn't a "fact" that Cena's fans are "mostly" women and children. You're a fool if you honestly believe this.

First of all don't call me a fool, fool, you want to start with the name calling and try to be all badass on the internet when the fact of the matter is MOST cena fans ARE children. You obviously are very very blind or just aren't very good at observing, look at your tv screen every monday night on raw, MOST of the cheers you hear for cena are KIDS, there is no getting around that, MOST of the fans they show on screen that root for cena are KIDS, don't get all pissy and moan and groan just because you might an older cena fan, I said "MOST", not "ALL"...if you are a cena fan and are an adult, kudos to you, you don't fit the "most" category that I was talking about, and you're strong, the fact that that you can look at yourself in the mirror everyday and call yourself a cena fan takes guts, and I applaud you for that, you have more courage than I do, and don't take it personal, just chill out with the name calling, I mean we are adults right?
I would love to see the entire roster given better story lines. Not just Cena. Even though the he's The Face of the company, it doesn't mean he should get the lions share of the good programs. The company as a whole needs good creative drive to succeed. The biggest problem with Cena is the SuperCena gimmick he's been given over the past few years. Overcoming all odds is fine now and again, but even Hogan lost to guys at his peak.

I think a lot of the younger Cena fans just want to see him in matches or cutting promos. But us older fans remember the great programs between SCSA/McMahaon/Rock, Taker/Kane, Hogan/Anyone etc and want that back. It really comes down to VKM not going insane with last second changes based on what mood he's in right before a PPV and destroying months worth of feuds
I've been to several WWE shows in the past few years and, like most things in life, it's not nearly as cut and dry as a lot of internet smarks want them to be. Whether at the shows or on television, I'v seen & heard 10 & 12 year old boys & girls chanting "Cena Sucks" while wearing John Cena gear and adults ranging from college age straight up through into their 50s chanting "Let's Go Cena" while wearing Cena gear. I've seen grown men particpate in the "Cena Sucks" side while wearing Cena shirts or caps or what have you. I've seen women chant "Cena Sucks" while wearing John Cena wristbands. What does all this mean? It means that a LOT of people cheer or boo Cena because it's fun. It's become the thing to do at live shows, almost like a tradition now really.

Totally accurate. People's propensity to do exactly what everyone else is doing can't be overestimated. Personally, I believe people would throw themselves from skyscrapers if they thought it was the "in" thing to do. (Of course, you can do that only once). Still, you can find fans at wrestling shows who love Cena, yet boo the hell out of him because they hear others doing it. Their own opinions mean nothing; all they care about is fitting in with others.

The Attitude Era was built on this. Remember those 8.5 TV ratings? Many folks think those ratings were built on wrestling fans who soon became ex-wrestling fans. I say they were folks who were never fans of wrestling at all. Somehow, WWE was able to find an effective way of showing people that watching wrestling was in, thereby attracting millions (and millions!) of people who couldn't give a tinker's damn about wrestling, but wanted to be doing whatever everyone else was doing. For awhile, that included watching WWE. Eventually, these good folks found some other mass movement to follow, and they abandoned pro wrestling. If any business endeavor that markets itself is able to find a way to convince people they're the "in" thing to do, they've found a gold mine.

Maybe there actually are people who would follow Cena even if he was wrestling Curt Hawkins, with no storyline, program or plot. To me, that's hardly an indictment of Cena.....in fact, it's indicative of how powerful the man's appeal is and how enormously successful he is at what he does.

Honestly, the problem isn't that he has boring programs; it would hardly benefit WWE to stick him with nothing storylines to work with.....if he's such an outstanding attraction, Creative will give him the best of everything because no one can sell it as well as he can.

If you're bored by the whole Cena-Punk-Big Show program, which has clear direction and purpose, maybe you're succumbing to the "I hate Cena" movement that has engulfed portions of folks who follow pro wrestling. Of course, if you honestly hate it based solely on your own opinion, that's your privilege.

If you want to hate Cena, do it because you really hate him......not because you want to follow what "everyone" else is doing.
Cena isnt booked right, it all started with his return at Survivor Series 2008 when he defeated Chris Jericho for the World Heavyweight Championship the WWE has booked him as a kid friendly guy ever sense,with the bright colored t shirts the multi title reigns and something I truly cant stand even as a Cena fan "the unstoppable gimmick". and truthfully I blame the IWC. I really do.. Why? because they booed him they made him to where the WWE thinks only kids like him so thats who they market him to,only recently in his rivalry with The Rock did he bring out the Cena we all loved and the Cena he really is. He cut amazing promos and despite what anyone says he out shined The Rock on the mic a few times but I blame the IWC for his gimmick and I blame the writers for putting him in bad storylines.
but even with the bad storylines and the "unstoppable gimmick" I'm not going to turn against him because than I am just like everyone else..

Whoa what? Blaming the "IWC" for, what, coercing the WWE into falsely thinking only kids like John Cena? So according to this theory, the thin, child-like cheers of "Let's go Cena" and the deep roaring chants of "Cena Sucks" is some sort of illusion? WWE executives just lurk the Wrestlezone Forums and conclude the only people bitching about Cena are older guys? What other booking decisions do you blame on the IWC?
Totally accurate. People's propensity to do exactly what everyone else is doing can't be overestimated. Personally, I believe people would throw themselves from skyscrapers if they thought it was the "in" thing to do. (Of course, you can do that only once). Still, you can find fans at wrestling shows who love Cena, yet boo the hell out of him because they hear others doing it. Their own opinions mean nothing; all they care about is fitting in with others.

The Attitude Era was built on this. Remember those 8.5 TV ratings? Many folks think those ratings were built on wrestling fans who soon became ex-wrestling fans. I say they were folks who were never fans of wrestling at all. Somehow, WWE was able to find an effective way of showing people that watching wrestling was in, thereby attracting millions (and millions!) of people who couldn't give a tinker's damn about wrestling, but wanted to be doing whatever everyone else was doing. For awhile, that included watching WWE. Eventually, these good folks found some other mass movement to follow, and they abandoned pro wrestling. If any business endeavor that markets itself is able to find a way to convince people they're the "in" thing to do, they've found a gold mine.

Maybe there actually are people who would follow Cena even if he was wrestling Curt Hawkins, with no storyline, program or plot. To me, that's hardly an indictment of Cena.....in fact, it's indicative of how powerful the man's appeal is and how enormously successful he is at what he does.

Honestly, the problem isn't that he has boring programs; it would hardly benefit WWE to stick him with nothing storylines to work with.....if he's such an outstanding attraction, Creative will give him the best of everything because no one can sell it as well as he can.

If you're bored by the whole Cena-Punk-Big Show program, which has clear direction and purpose, maybe you're succumbing to the "I hate Cena" movement that has engulfed portions of folks who follow pro wrestling. Of course, if you honestly hate it based solely on your own opinion, that's your privilege.

If you want to hate Cena, do it because you really hate him......not because you want to follow what "everyone" else is doing.

You and Jack Hammer summed it up perfectly. I've seen this for myself I've witnessed my friend who's a Cena mark do this. I was there at One Night Stand and a guy who was with the chant Fuck You Cena was waiting for an autograph. It's like the South Park episode with the dance troupe and the goths. You see Cena fans conform and go with the flow then you'll see the haters ask for an autograph after the show. I kind of get a big laugh out of it because both sides don't stand by their convictions.

Myself I'm someone who's indifferent, I enjoy Cena for what he is the face of the WWE. He's earned it nobody else in the company is even near him this was proven the last time he was out with a significant injury, the ratings plummeted without him and then he was rushed back at the Rumble and the Cena Sucks chants where there. That proved his drawing power to me, the man is out which the smarks wanted and not even Edge or Orton could fill the void and keep the viewers coming but yet Cena Sucks.

I said this when the Cena Sucks T-Shirts came out and I'm going to say it again. They come from near they come from far, they come by plane they come by car, but yet they pay. They want to be the cool kids of they night the boo the guy who's shirts are so bright but they pay. He'll draw his fans and his haters, and every 1st and 15th of the month he gets long paper, because they Paid. So go and chant Cena Sucks buy the shirts too but remember you will have to pay just for the privilage to boo.

That is what the anti Cena crowd will never get that's why it doesn't bother him because as long as you buy a ticket as long as you buy an anti Cena shirt, everyone in the WWE WINS!
After watching Cena vs Big Show for what feels like the 1,000th time on Raw last night, I noticed that the fans in the arena didn't seem to mind at all that a matchup between the two has happened almost way too many times.

So on the 1001th raw you felt like you saw big show/john cena 100 times. Wow just seriously wow. It has been more like 20 times in a ten plus years or so.

So, I thought to myself: Do Cena fans even care about what Cena is doing just as long as they get to see him?
As far as John Cena fans are concerned it is common knowledge that their fans are little children and females. The truth be told they could care less as long a John "The Ego" Cena wins. He could be in the worst storyline ( maybe being Mea Young's hands really daddy and they wouldn't understand the story but they careless. If John kills someone on accident the fans would still cheer they are what we call "Marks".

As far as a hater of "The Ego" goes, I also don't care as long as he loses. If he is in the best storyline ever written he still can suck it. If he has the best working match of all time he can suck it. Nothing John "The Ego" Cena can ever do ever in his career or outside of it will ever make me cheer Cena. Example: Brock Lesnar is probably the only person I hate more than Cena, when they fought I turned it off. I figured if Lesnar won the WWE bitched out, and if Cena wins WWE is on his nuts like always. I turned off the PPV after the world title match. I made it the main event.
No they don't. All John Cena fans care about is John Cena. They don't care about wrestling, or storylines or anything like that.
Kizzani;4038617 As far as John Cena fans are concerned it is common knowledge that their fans are little children and females. The truth be told they could care less as long a John "The Ego" Cena wins. He could be in the worst storyline ( maybe being Mea Young's hands really daddy and they wouldn't understand the story but they careless. If John kills someone on accident the fans would still cheer they are what we call "Marks". [/QUOTE said:
Are you blind or are you so jaded that you don't see grown ass men in Cena gear and cheering for Cena. I'm going to go with both because you and your fellow Smarky Smarks continue to lump only women and children as fans of Cena and them not being intelligent to see that sometimes Cena losing is a good thing and Cena is not the only guy they came to see. They love guys like Kofi,Punk and others but you and merry band of idiots don't comprehend is the guy draws. People of walks of life love him or hate him but he draws. It's not one or two sets of people that only cheer for him and continuing to say that is just plain dumb. Yes he has an ego so does every single guy to ever be a part of the top tier in the WWE just saying Cena is Mr. Ego makes you look and sound plane fucking ******ed.
I think it is the Hogan Factor or hell even the Sammartino Factor, pretty much for as long as I have been alive, their is at least one or sometimes more, of THE guy, who pretty much can do no wrong just so they stay with the fans and the fans will go crazy for them. They could be fighting Mr. I am Nobody and the fans don't care. Also for most shows especially Raw or Smackdown that I have attended there is a lot of causal fans who watch it once in awhile and wouldn't ever find or post on a wrestling forum, they go to the show and they know a John Cena, but hell they have probaly never heard of Dolph Ziggler.

It's the cash cow, Sammartino, Hogan, Sting, Austin, Rock, Cena they are the reason more than half of the people in attendance are there. Plus even me a mark goes to the live events and 99% of the crowd starts cheering for someone, and sometimes you get caught up in it.
Disclaimer: The following is not a hate thread.

After watching Cena vs Big Show for what feels like the 1,000th time on Raw last night, I noticed that the fans in the arena didn't seem to mind at all that a matchup between the two has happened almost way too many times.

So, I thought to myself: Do Cena fans even care about what Cena is doing just as long as they get to see him?

Since the popular belief is that Cena's fanbase consists of women and children, my theory is that they truly don't.
I'm a 27 year old man, with his own job and own house. And the answer to your question is that if Cena is involved, it's likely going to be good.

Cena is a very rare wrestler. Very few things he does isn't good. He's charismatic enough on the stick to make most any promo work and he's good enough in the ring to make almost any match work.

So do I care WHAT the storyline is? Not really, because if Cena is involved, it probably will be good. His match with Big Show was phenomenal for a television match, so why wouldn't the crowd be into it?

If so, then I believe that so many problems would be solved with WWE's product if he was just slated for the middle of the show only. That way the Cenation will be happy, the smart fans will be happy, and the ratings will go up due to an improved product that doesn't have to revolve around a gimmick that has existed for over a decade.
Ignorant blather. Ratings aren't going to go up by sticking your most popular wrestler in the midcard.
Another thing I want to address is the "popular belief" regarding Cena's fanbase. I've been to several WWE shows in the past few years and, like most things in life, it's not nearly as cut and dry as a lot of internet smarks want them to be.

Well its a well known fact that most of Cena's fan base is young children and females

I'm afraid you've gotten that wrong. It's a well known fact that most young children and females are fans of John Cena. However, there are MANY others who also cheer for John Cena.
The Big Show stuff was boring.

But their match last night was as fine of a television match as you could hope to see.
Even though the he's The Face of the company, it doesn't mean he should get the lions share of the good programs.

Umm, that's EXACTLY what it means. Your best storylines should always go to your best draws.

You haven't followed pro wrestling very long, have you?
No they don't. All John Cena fans care about is John Cena. They don't care about wrestling, or storylines or anything like that.
On the contrary, we care a great deal about wrestling and storylines, and John Cena almost always comes up gold. That's why we like John Cena so much.
I think it is the Hogan Factor or hell even the Sammartino Factor, pretty much for as long as I have been alive, their is at least one or sometimes more, of THE guy, who pretty much can do no wrong just so they stay with the fans and the fans will go crazy for them. They could be fighting Mr. I am Nobody and the fans don't care. Also for most shows especially Raw or Smackdown that I have attended there is a lot of causal fans who watch it once in awhile and wouldn't ever find or post on a wrestling forum, they go to the show and they know a John Cena, but hell they have probaly never heard of Dolph Ziggler.

It's the cash cow, Sammartino, Hogan, Sting, Austin, Rock, Cena they are the reason more than half of the people in attendance are there. Plus even me a mark goes to the live events and 99% of the crowd starts cheering for someone, and sometimes you get caught up in it.
It's called greatness. The great ones make you care. That's why they are great.
From talking to many Cena fans and being one back when i was 12 (5 years ago), i believe you're right. Cena fans want Cena to be....Cena. The things we hate about Cena they love. For example, They love when Cena over comes the odds and always finds a way to get the win. While most of us hate the fact he will get beaten down and win in 5 moves. They love his cheesy jokes that aren't really that funny. Something most of us hate. Cena can't do wrong in their eyes. They want to see Cena do what he does best. Over come the odds and defeat the bad guy. They want to see Cena get the victory in the end regardless who he gets the win on. That's why we get the same boring content from WWE. People accept what they're given and ask for more. They don't mind all the boring storylines with Cena. So why would WWE change things up? It has worked perfectly fine up to this point, they eat it up every time.

Let me just add this.....

Cena sucks....
From talking to many Cena fans and being one back when i was 12 (5 years ago), i believe you're right. Cena fans want Cena to be....Cena. The things we hate about Cena they love. For example, They love when Cena over comes the odds and always finds a way to get the win. While most of us hate the fact he will get beaten down and win in 5 moves. They love his cheesy jokes that aren't really that funny. Something most of us hate. Cena can't do wrong in their eyes. They want to see Cena do what he does best. Over come the odds and defeat the bad guy. They want to see Cena get the victory in the end regardless who he gets the win on. That's why we get the same boring content from WWE. People accept what they're given and ask for more. They don't mind all the boring storylines with Cena. So why would WWE change things up? It has worked perfectly fine up to this point, they eat it up every time.

Let me just add this.....

Cena sucks....

Since your 17 let me educate your young ass on something. Everything you just mentioned is every top guy to ever come along before Cena and after Cena the next guy will be the same way. If you need help comprehending this there's something called WWE 24/7 and you will see every top guy have their 5 moves and you will see the beginning from Hogan's Hulking up to HBK and The Rock's flip up and Kane and Undertakers sit up that's their signal and you know what, the fans ate it up. Since you're 17 and young and stupid and you follow the crowd that are the smarks you need to educate yourself about pro wrestling before you say or type another word.

And Let me Finish This.......

Fat,Drunk and Stupid is no way to go through life son.
So, does this mean that I'm right, or am I wrong?

I typed in Cena vs. Big Show on YouTube, and the first thing I saw was a match of theirs from Wrestlemania XX. That's 8 Wrestlemanias ago! And although that wasn't a main event, it was certainly the start of things to come between the two.

I mainly was only using their match as an example, and not have it be apart of the question, but it was interesting to see that most of the feedback was towards their match instead of the thread's subject.

Also, I did not intend for a discussion about the reaction the crowd gives Cena to occur, but I guess it's inevitable whenever his name is mentioned.

Anyways, I'd like to add onto the reason why I made this thread in the first place.

The thing is, both John Cena and Big Show have obviously been with WWE for a very long time, and so their appeal will always be there. Randy Orton's career has been very interesting to follow lately (i'm not talking about his suspension) since he's in a position right now where creative doesn't really have much of an idea where they're going with his character. So, what do they do? They're just throwing him into various title matches just because he is who he is. The fans will cheer him regardless of what his program is, and so WWE assumes that since he's the most over with the crowd on Smackdown, then that means that he deserves the title shot.

Much like Big Show and Cena's situation, but the difference between Orton and Cena is the wrestler they're currently being paired with. Jack-Hammer made a point that Big Show is at the best he's ever been at in his career. WIth this being the case, and with Big Show being who he is - an established and a first ballot hall of fame talent - the fans will be into their matches no matter how many times they face each other.

The problem is, now CM Punk has to be put into the middle of it, and is being made to be the odd man out because of it. Is that even necessary? It's obvious that John Cena is the guy that the majority of the fans came to see when they attend live events. That's not what I have an issue with, and he earned all of the positive or negative attention he gets. I believe that with this being the case, it's wrong to overshadow a still rising talent like Punk with two guys that will be an attraction no matter who they're placed with. The same thing happened when Triple H got involved when Punk was at the hottest he's ever been.

So now, Punk is in a storyline where he feels disrespected as the WWE Champion because he was overshadowed by The Rock...and this is now involving John Cena. Why would you involve one guy who overshadows your champion into a storyline about another guy overshadowing your champion? It basically says, "Welp, Punk, it's not just The Rock that makes your title reign look like crap! :D" You'd might as well throw The Undertaker into the feud as well, and then make HBK the referee! See, that's two more guys that the crowd would rather see instead of CM Punk!

I realize that there are a ton of CM Punk fans that would rather see him instead of Cena, but there are a lot more that would rather see the latter. It definitely doesn't help that CM Punk is becoming a heel again while facing Cena.

So, in summary: Punk feels disrespected and overshadowed as the champion, he is the bad guy for some odd reason because of it, John Cena (with the most WWE title reigns in WWE history) gets involved to unintentionally overshadow him even more, and Punk loses momentum going into his hopeful match against The Rock at the Royal Rumble because of it.

Why not wait to make Punk a heel until AFTER the Royal Rumble? Due to the reaction towards Punk attacking The Rock in the first place, and the speculation of what Punk's explanation would be wasn't even close to being what it actually was (I read the following: Punk throws WWE title away, Punk shoots on the business and drops another pipe bomb, Punk completely rips into The Rock better than Cena ever could), it wasn't the heel turn that everybody wanted. It's not just my opinion - my head is not up my ass - when I say that his explanation was above all else a disappointment.

Making Punk the bad guy now when he's being paired with the biggest star of their promotion (who is working like a man that is no longer affected by losing to The Rock, making Punk's resentment seem even more irrelevant) is not helping Punk. It's hurting his chances of ever being as big of a name as John Cena.

It makes Rock and Punk's hopeful (...ok, that is my opinion) meeting at the Royal Rumble just a little less eventful than it could have been. At Summerslam, Cena has yet another out on why he won't be champion after the match ends. The storyline would conclude that Cena would have won the title if it wasn't for something else besides being defeated cleanly happened.


If you are agreeing with me that it does not matter who Cena is paired with, or what storyline he's being put into, then why kill your champion's momentum when he doesn't even have to be paired with him in the first place?

If it doesn't matter, then why not just make Cena an enhancement talent? Place him against Sandow, or Cesaro, or Ambrose, Rhodes, Rollins, Ohno THE LIST GOES ON! Cena can win out in the end, but a new Superstar would be made because of it! He doesn't need to be involved with the WWE Championship anymore. He'll never say it, but it's beneath him now. Triple H said that there is a point in your career where you don't even need a title to be considered as the best in the business, and Cena reached that point two years ago.

The bottom line is that it does not matter who he is paired with. Any wrestler that Cena faces now will be established as a top tier talent on the WWE roster even if they come out as the loser. It's true that a lot of those talents fizzle out in the end (see Tensai), but that doesn't mean that you stop trying because of it.

Cena is now, and always will be the man in the WWE until he retires. It's now time that he uses his status to the future Superstars of the WWE's advantage.
Do John Cena fans actually care about the quality of storylines he's involved in? Of Course.

33 year old male here with 3 kids who is a massive John Cena fan. That's 1more person that makes the statement of "All John Cena fans are Women and Kids" invalid.

Someone said it in an earlier post that Adult males who ARE Cena fans will Chant "Cena Sucks" not because they hate him, because they are actually getting behind him. I have seen Cena live once and on that occasion the Chants started "Lets go Cena,, Cena Sucks" I was shouting "Cena Sucks" as loud as i could, and so were other guys my age who were clearly rooting for Cena.

So now, Punk is in a storyline where he feels disrespected as the WWE Champion because he was overshadowed by The Rock...and this is now involving John Cena. Why would you involve one guy who overshadows your champion into a storyline about another guy overshadowing your champion?

Because Rock and Cena can stay extremely over as Babyfaces. Punk was struggling as a Babyface in my opinion, Sheamus is aswell. Punk is so much better as he is now. He has already got in the Face of Jerry Lawler which he wouldn't of done as a Face. Punk even said he did what he did because he was sick of The Rock coming and going and stealing his spotlight. Punk couldn't get into the spotlight as a Face, so he thought fuck it and flattened The Rock to propel himself into The Rock's spotlight. Punk brings the WWE Title into that spotlight now, surely you can see this is better for Punk going forward.
I have to say, I do understand that the Cena fanbase demographic is mostly kids. But I do like Cena. He is entertaining and I appreciate the hard work he puts in to the job of company leader. When it comes to some of his storylines, I do prefer some more than others. His feud in summer 2011 with CM Punk was great. And his feud with the Rock was amazing - on the mic more than anything, and Cena showed he can Hang with the rock on the mic - he cut some BLISTERING promos on the Rock. "you're not gonna whoop my ass dude/Ima make sure you kiss it!"

I disliked his fued with the Nexus cos he didn't sell properly, and the only person who came out of it looking good was Wade (i like his work). His feud with show is crap as I don't think Show should compete often. He should be a special attraction wrestler. I don't enjoy his ring work much anymore (sorry Show).

I would like to see Cena face Daniel bryan at WM. I wouldn't like a Rock rematch. Even if they go with Rock/Cena 2 for the WWE title, then the following year, at WM 30, surely it would be time to turn Cena heel in a match with the Undertaker? That would be a very brilliant storyline.
Actually the WWE does a pretty good job with Cena in storylines particularly this year. The angles with Kane, Rock, Lesnar, Show, and the budding story with Punk have all been pretty interesting especially considering most of the roster has no storyline.

My biggest complaint with Cena in the past was that he would kill great storylines (Nexus) and was booked to appear unstoppable when he didn't need to be. It was kind of the same thing when Rock was a full timer (lots of Rocky sucks chants even as a face) and during HHHs reign of terror.

Ultimately, the dominance of each of those 3 guys has paid off as they gave rise to Lesnar, Batista, and CM Punk. Now that Cena isn't lording over the WWE Title and actually lost his MITB briefcase, he is much more tolerable to watch.

I'll agree with this, and I'm not really a Cena fan. His stories have been better this year, and guys have been getting more of a rub from Cena than in the past.

It's hard to actually blame Cena for how he's been booked the last several years though, because as you pointed out, this is traditional WWF booking. You pick that one guy to be on the top, and book him as a superman who can go through anyone. Then you reinforce that by putting him up against virtually anyone on the roster. I find it lazy on the WWE's part, but that's just my opinion. It's seemed to work for them over the years though.

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