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Do Comedians Go Too Far?


Ooh baby I like it roooaaaaw!
Just read about this in my local paper.


So it would seem another comedian, in this case Eddie Griffin, has insulted a patron to the point where there may be a potential lawsuit. Check out the link for details, but long story short and audience memeber was beyond insulted as a result of Griffin's barrage towards her. Now, there's usually two sides to every story. But considering the recent "rape" jokes with Daniel Tosh and other occasions like the Michael Richards rant (mind you he was supposedly being heckled by said target), it got me to thinking. Anyone one of you have been to a live stand up show? I myself have only seen free stuff at Venice Beach, you would think that if you go to see a comedy act, chances are you go in knowing that you're going to be singled out. I came up on the notion that when it comes to stand-up, everything, and I mean everything is fair game, from religion to sexual orientation. And I came up on Pryor, Fox, and yes Murphy.

So what do y'all think? Do certain comedians, in your opinion, take their material too far? Or actions?
To a degree they go too far, but what would you expect? Those with thin skins are offended while those who see the humor of it laugh. Most comedians don't mean everything they say during their performance, they'll do anything to get a laugh.
I know. What gets me is people like that chick saying that "an apology isn't enough... they need to feel it in their wallets" and all that. You don't like what an act says, leave or duck in a bathroom. Plus anyone knows if you have a retaliatory attitude, you're only fanning the flames.
A comedy club is no place for people with paper skin, no question about that. Suing a comedian for doing a performance is ridiculous. In my opinion its being done solely to get a quick pay day. It's sad when people resort to lawsuits because they got "made fun of".
They can and often go too far but its usually in the privacy of clubs. Still most people find it funny until they are on the receiving end

That said Griffin has a history of offensive jokes so maybe she shouldn't have gone to see him if she has thin skin.
I think sometimes Comedians do go too far. But, the thing is if you go to see that Comedians show, expect insult jokes. If you don't like their act and then don't go to their show. Don't cause a big stink out of it. Most of these Comedians don't mean it, they just want to make their audience laugh.

Man, I wish Sam Kinison was alive.
I know. What gets me is people like that chick saying that "an apology isn't enough... they need to feel it in their wallets" and all that. You don't like what an act says, leave or duck in a bathroom.

Good point. I've always wondered about people whose feelings have been so badly damaged by a comedy routine that the only thing to ease their wounded minds is money.
See some of Louis CK's comments on Daniel Tosh.

You've got to understand what's happening with a comedian. Absolutely none of it is ever serious. If you're uncomfortable, you are free to leave at any time. No one is forcing you to be there and listen.
When you purchase tickets to these shows, surely you know the level of entertainment that the event will possess. I think that laws should come in where when you hold a valid ticket to a show that is considered adult, that ticket should also provide a no harm policy (or whatever it's called). Meaning that the entertainer, or the promoter shouldn't be held responsible.

These days people are looking for the easy dollar and this is one of them cases, I believe.
Oh, fuck off. You paid to see it. If you went to a show you paid to see and you were unaware that you were potentially going to hear some shit you don't want to hear, you need to do better research before making such frivolous purchases, you fucking idiot. If you went with someone else who bought the tickets, blame the fucking person you went with for subjecting you to that if you need someone to blame. Though it's still mostly your fault for going to see a show without knowing anything about it.

Besides, Eddie Griffin sucks ass.
My uncle is a standup comedian and I spent Christmas with him a few years back. We talked for awhile and he cracked a few jokes but it was like talking to anyone else. I've also seen some of his shows and he's a completely different person. If I went to see him performing, I would expect a very different time than Christmas. Know why? Because my uncle's act is based on him being a mean jerk. I'd go in expecting it and I wouldn't be offended if he made fun of me for an hour and a half or whatever. It's two different worlds and at the end of the day, comedians are performers. It would be like getting mad at Bruce Willis for shooting someone in a Die Hard movie. That makes no sense.
I don't mind a performer using whatever material he chooses as part of his routine. I may find some of it tasteless and therefore I will not attend his shows. With that said, I don't believe these performers have the right to force unwilling members of his audience to be part of his show. Griffin should have shown more respect to the woman (a paying customer of his) and realized she was not comfortable playing along. Not only was it disrespectful to the woman but it was potentially dangerous too. When a popular guy has the attention of everyone in the audience his behavior influences those who are there to see him. The woman was hit with bottles and a salt shaker and with the ridiculous way people behave these days it could have ended up much worse. If Griffin is such a great entertainer he should not have to resort to these tactics.

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