Dixie Carter Promo's


Pre-Show Stalwart
I am a TNA and WWE fan, Yes you can be both. I watched TNA tonight with Dixie confronting AJ. Was it me or was that the worst acting on TV today? I truly think that of Dixie is gonna keep coming on tv to act like the bad guy she needs to go watch about 500 hours of Linda and Stephine McMahon being the bad guy and she might be as good at sucking as Mike Tenay is at broadcasting. I'd rather watch Micheal Cole then him. Dixie, PLEASE for the love of god learn to act. I had to turn off the volume so I could finish watching Impact.
While Dixie is pretty bad on the mic she raises valid points.
TNA doesn't need AJ. AJ needed TNA.
A lot of people have complained that AJ isn't as exciting as he used to be.

I don't see why Dixie needs to be a copy cat of WWE. People complain so much that TNA takes from WWE and you want her to mimic people from the WWE. Linda wasn't exactly the best either.
Yes she is bad but she isn't meant to be perfect. Plus I don't feel like she even went full heel yet.
She was really bad. If she is going to play this character she needs to have a constant presence but speak few words. She shouldn't be giving the fans the satisfaction of seeing how out of her element she is on the mic. She should also change her look. She needs to look more executive and less Shania Twain-lite. She dresses like she is constantly on a yacht on the ocean but not really because I and no fan of Impact really knows what the hell that looks like.

I hope this story works. It's not really another power struggle story. It's more about Dixie's creative vision verse TNA's past history (AJ's vision). TNA is out of ideas and so it looks like they may be heading for a restart of sorts. A restart storyline is a good way to go to address TNA's financial issues without addressing TNA's financial issues.
She was really bad. If she is going to play this character she needs to have a constant presence but speak few words. She shouldn't be giving the fans the satisfaction of seeing how out of her element she is on the mic. She should also change her look. She needs to look more executive and less Shania Twain-lite. She dresses like she is constantly on a yacht on the ocean but not really because I and no fan of Impact really knows what the hell that looks like.

I hope this story works. It's not really another power struggle story. It's more about Dixie's creative vision verse TNA's past history (AJ's vision). TNA is out of ideas and so it looks like they may be heading for a restart of sorts. A restart storyline is a good way to go to address TNA's financial issues without addressing TNA's financial issues.

I understand what you mean about how she needs to look a bit more executive than like she's at some sort of summer family barbeque in Knoxville, Tennessee. At the same time, though, it would be pretty strange to see Dixie dress in a suit, just because I don't believe we've ever seen her do so before, so I don't mind if still dresses how she does while she's playing the role of the evil boss.

I think Dixie will get better being a heel/tweener though the more she does it. Last night was the first time she ever really did (I suppose you could count that outburst she had against Hogan and Bischoff in October 2010 as one, but that was more an angry face rant than it was a heel promo).

I'm just happy that we won't need to see the warm, fuzzy, sissy face version of Dixie Carter for the time being. That was really starting to get on my nerves.
Well Im hooked. This could be like when McMahon rist started doing his thing. Because this is reality based.

not some fake bs authority figure that everyone knows isnt really in charge.

I personally cant wait for next week.

if tna is having money problems and stuff then its just like the wwf in 1997 wiuth the back against the wall and nothing too loose when ther attitude era started.

Dixie could also bring Vince Russo back too as an on air figure to get even more heat on her. remember the "fire russo" chants?? now this could turn into a storyline guys. Could be epic!!
Well Im hooked. This could be like when McMahon rist started doing his thing. Because this is reality based.

not some fake bs authority figure that everyone knows isnt really in charge.

I personally cant wait for next week.

if tna is having money problems and stuff then its just like the wwf in 1997 wiuth the back against the wall and nothing too loose when ther attitude era started.

Dixie could also bring Vince Russo back too as an on air figure to get even more heat on her. remember the "fire russo" chants?? now this could turn into a storyline guys. Could be epic!!

Are you suggesting that he be her version of John Laurinaitis? I'd be interested in seeing that, but I think that I might be the minority there. I don't know of a single wrestling fan who misses Vince Russo and I'm not sure if bringing him back, even if it is only in an on-screen role, would be a good idea because of the fact that most wrestling fans hate him, and not the way most fans boo Paul Heyman in the WWE.
I agree that she could use some help on the stick. I think maybe bringing Eric Bischoff as a on air role could help. He plays the evil owner well and is part of the creative team so its kind of based on reality.
I think someone like Dixie should have learned years ago that it's all well and good to be an outside backer of a wrestling promotion while being a fan but it's an entirely different kettle of fish to put yourself on the TV show. She is never going to take a bump, there will be no meaningful pay off and as pointed out she's god damned awful while on the mic. It really would be best if she left the on camera work to professionals.
She wasn't that bad. I've seen Jeff Hardy cut worse promos...so lets not get too over dramatic here . What has me concerned however, is weather or not this will be a regular occurrence. Which would be bad and something worth complaining about. Not for the lack of mic skills of a non-trained performer , but because it's too close to what WWE is doing. To be honest, I hate the whole GM concept in wrestling. It was cool in the nineties, but has definitley run its course since then. TNA is a little more independent. They never needed a central figure controlling them. I mean...Hogan thinks he's running things, but we all know he's not.
I am glad others noticed this too. I thought AJ Styles did a great job despite stammering a few times when talking. But the minute that Dixie Carter came out, the whole segment died right then and there. She didn't add anything to that promo and to say she cannot act is being gracious. She sucks! I am thinking that Dixie wants to mirror the whole HHH/Stephanie power trip owner storyline and the problem with that is she doesn't have the ability to pull that off. Hopefully, if Dixie insists on a storyline in which she is heel maybe she will appoint someone to represent her that can play the heel owner role convincingly. I'm not a fan of heel Hogan or Bischoff but as long as they are under contract, why not use their strengths?
Problem with Dixie is all in her voice. It's too thin. I know she's a woman and all, but we've all met some women with some thunderous voices.

When Dixie yells and bosses AJ around, it doesn't come off a boss being pissed off. It sounds like your mom throwing a fit because she's just stressed out and she doesn't actually mean it.

That's it. She sounds like a mom. A push over mom who tries to put her foot down, but nobody's buying it.

Honestly, I wish TNA would run a storyline where some guy would come in and buy TNA out from Dixie, or Panda Energy will "fire" her and put someone with a sense of authority in place. It doesn't have to happen in real life. Dixie can still be President and all. Just on-screen.

Maybe with this storyline Dixie gets too crazy with her power and starts being a bitch and Bob Carter replaces her.

And frankly, I think that's where this is going. Too early to tell, I know, but I think in the end we'll have a switch of ownership between Dixie and Double J. AJ wants the old TNA back, he blames Dixie for staining its identity and who was the owner of TNA before Dixie? Jeff Jarrett.

Hell, they can tease the fuck out of it. Tease that they'll bring back the six sided ring, try to sign some old TNA stars, maybe bring Shelley back if he's interested. Have Petey stand up for himself and CD the fuck out of someone.

Top it off with firing Hogan on live TV and assaulting former WWE guys.

Give the old TNA fans what they kinda want. TNA's tried everything except that. Maybe it will work. If TNA makes it seem like they wanna go back in time and do things the way they did "when it was good", then at least the marketing part of it will bring some people in. The firing of Hogan will legitimize it on and off screen.
Problem with Dixie is all in her voice. It's too thin. I know she's a woman and all, but we've all met some women with some thunderous voices.

When Dixie yells and bosses AJ around, it doesn't come off a boss being pissed off. It sounds like your mom throwing a fit because she's just stressed out and she doesn't actually mean it.

That's it. She sounds like a mom. A push over mom who tries to put her foot down, but nobody's buying it.

Honestly, I wish TNA would run a storyline where some guy would come in and buy TNA out from Dixie, or Panda Energy will "fire" her and put someone with a sense of authority in place. It doesn't have to happen in real life. Dixie can still be President and all. Just on-screen.

Maybe with this storyline Dixie gets too crazy with her power and starts being a bitch and Bob Carter replaces her.

And frankly, I think that's where this is going. Too early to tell, I know, but I think in the end we'll have a switch of ownership between Dixie and Double J. AJ wants the old TNA back, he blames Dixie for staining its identity and who was the owner of TNA before Dixie? Jeff Jarrett.

Hell, they can tease the fuck out of it. Tease that they'll bring back the six sided ring, try to sign some old TNA stars, maybe bring Shelley back if he's interested. Have Petey stand up for himself and CD the fuck out of someone.

Top it off with firing Hogan on live TV and assaulting former WWE guys.

Give the old TNA fans what they kinda want. TNA's tried everything except that. Maybe it will work. If TNA makes it seem like they wanna go back in time and do things the way they did "when it was good", then at least the marketing part of it will bring some people in. The firing of Hogan will legitimize it on and off screen.

I totally agree with all that was said. Dixie has never been a strong on-air personality and her shrill, nails-on-a-chalkboard voice is irritating and just plain awful to listen to. She overacts and doesn't have the slightest ability to convince an audience as a character. Which is why in my earlier post here I suggested that someone be Dixie's on-air advocate to make decisions for the show. We all know Hogan & Bischoff will be leaving when their contracts are up, so having this advocate "fire" them would seem legit enough to keep things moving along in a sensical way that helps the company. Jeff Jarrett would be the number one person to replace Hogan as GM and company advocate since he is the founder of TNA. This keeps Double J out of the ring and TNA Title picture, but still relevant to the company on-air. Win-win. No more Dixie! :guitar:

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