Dixie Carter In (Shocker) Not Having Much Of A Clue

What television that doesn't fall under prowrestling has Rock done? What is the target demographic for the movies Rock has done? Median age in US last census was 37. Not really sure why we would expect a lot of people over that age that aren't wrestling fans to know who Rock is.
-You'll be able to see him this summer in "The Hero".

-Dwayne Johnson tends to star in action movies and children's movies. Some of his action movies have been flops, some of them have been major international blockbusters, like The Scorpion King, the one that convinced movie producers that the Rock had enough mainstream appeal to make the jump from wrestling to movies. The Scorpion King also came out quite a while ago at this point, and I think it's safe to say that 30-year old men back then aren't having memory issues today. On the subject of childrens' movies, one adult ticket gets sold for every small group of children.

-The older you get, the less important you are to marketers. A marketer would trade you the 40+ market with glee on his face for the 18-30 market, unless he's trying to push Metamucil or Segways.

Any more softballs?
I think you Americans are overestimating the appeal of American reality TV celebrities overseas. Other countries have their own 'reality' fixtures that few outside their country care about.

To be honest, I think images of Austin, Rock, HHH, Foley, Taker and Cena are more synonymous with pro-wrestling than Hogan these days. WWE hype machine at its best.
What television that doesn't fall under prowrestling has Rock done?

Imdb.com probably knows better but I remember a couple SNL episodes, he is doing milk commercials, he has a reality show coming out (which seems like a step down) and he doing TV interviews all the time.

What is the target demographic for the movies Rock has done?

That's a trick question. The target demographic for almost all movies meant to make money is under 40 leaning towards teens and 20 somethings.

Median age in US last census was 37. Not really sure why we would expect a lot of people over that age that aren't wrestling fans to know who Rock is.

I think you are probably right in saying Hogan is known by more people and he is certainly more synonomous with wrestling but it doesn't make him more marketable or more importantly profitable. This is where Dixie sounds like a fool. Gun to her head I'm sure she'd take a few Rock paydays a year vs a full time Hogan.

Then again maybe she's that stupid.
One of the STUPIDEST statements ever.

As an Indian, more people know The Rock than Hogan, they grew up on The Rock, Fast 5 was marketed as Vin Diesel and The Rock here, so stop making assumptions. Hogan is a famous name, but steps below The Rock and even Undertaker here. Regular people who have never tuned into an hour of wrestling, know Taker as a pop culture figure and NOT Hogan. You know how? I don't know how many times they said 'oh u like that undertaker' when i grew my hair really long. In terms of popularity and name, Taker and Rock are probably the two biggest name, not just in India, but in the whole of South Asian Peninsula.

Little experiment, just out of morbid curiosity. Grow it long again but shave the top of your dome, blonde hair dye and moustache optional, might not want to over do it.
I think you are probably right in saying Hogan is known by more people and he is certainly more synonomous with wrestling but it doesn't make him more marketable or more importantly profitable. This is where Dixie sounds like a fool. Gun to her head I'm sure she'd take a few Rock paydays a year vs a full time Hogan.

I only skimmed the quotes at the beginning of the thread but did she comment on anything other than him being more recognizable? I was under the impression the marketing thing was just something Rayne made up to ignore the points he didn't feel like discussing. If she said Hogan is a bigger draw right now then she is nuts, although I think many underestimate how much money Hogan could still bring in for WWE.

There is something amusing about supposed smarks on the internet calling Dixie a mark for making a comment likely designed to get some form of a response. Always working Sistah.

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