Divas: 1 month. 1 storyline. 1 PPV.


Pre-Show Stalwart
You've seen the word 'Diva' so most of you are thinking "Ughh!! not the divas, they are useless" well thats your opinion, but to me, they can be there we were 10 years ago but WWE aren't giving them the chance. Now here is where I will insert myself.

So now i'll give an idea as to what I could do for the divas in '1 month. 1 storyline. 1 PPV'.

Raw - Week 1
Back from commerical break, Layla is on commentary and m/c announces that Layla will defend the divas championship against 3 other divas at Night of Champions in a Fatal 4 Way.

Qualifying match - Beth vs Rosa (Beth wins)

Smackdown - Week 1
Natalya vs Alicia (Natalya wins)

Raw - Week 2
Eve comes to ring, gets on the mic and says that it doesn't matter which divas faces her tonight, she will her and then go on to win the divas title once again for the third time.. Out comes a returning Kelly.

Eve vs Kelly (Kelly wins)

Smackdown - Week 2
Kelly vs Natalya

Raw - Week 3
Layla w/Kelly vs Beth w/Natalya (Layla wins)

Kelly and Natalya get into a CATFIGHTT! towards the end of the match.

Smackdown - Week 3
Layla and Kelly backstage and Kelly apoligizes for distracting Layla but Layla should have kept her eyes on the match and says "We may be best friends but when it comes to the championship, I give it my all".. then they talk and insert Beth and Natalya, Beth and Natalya mock Kelly and Layla then they all CATFIGHTT! and the referee's break it up.

Raw - Week 4
Layla & Kelly vs Beth & Natalya (Beth/Natalya win)

Smackdown - Week 4 (This segment would last 5 minutes)
Beth and Natalya are in the ring and Beth says "I've been divas champion before and come Night of Champions, I will beat Layla once and for all and get back what is rightfully mine". Natalya cuts her off and says "Beth, don't forget that I've been divas champion before and unlike you, I have alot of HART for the gold" Beth responds by heel-esque laughing then says "Natalya, no offence, but from now on, you've got to be 'this high' to be a champion" Natalya and Beth get in a face to face arguement until Kelly comes out. She starts off by saying "Girls, don't either of you forget that i've been both of you on numerous occassions before and at Night of Champions, I will beat you both and win the title once again" Layla interrupts and whilst coming down to the ring, she says "Ladies, don't you all forget that i'm the champion here and have beaten all 3 of you before. Kelly, i'm sorry, I Love you but i'm fighting for my gold and I will do anything to retain it. Beth responds by saying "Layla, you don't really like Kelly, your just trying to get the WWE to like you and Kelly, you are nothing more than your average wannabe barbie doll". Kelly and Layla attack Beth but Natalya takes Kelly off Beth and they all begin to catfight. Kelly throws Natalya out of the ring and Layla throws Beth out of the ring. Kelly and Layla turn around they both put out their hands to shake each other and celebrate but then Kelly throws Layla out of the ring and mouths "I'm sorry".

Night of Champions - Divas championship Fatal 4 Way
Layla(c) vs Natalya vs Kelly vs Beth (Kelly wins)

You see, that took me 10 minutes to write all that. This idea could EASILY be pulled off and it is all PG but the WWE just don't seem to care for the divison anymore.

So, if you had '1 month. 1 storyline. 1 PPV' for the divas, what would you do? and do you think my idea is good?
I like your idea, but the fatal four way seems to come out of nowhere, granted anything with the divas can seem out of nowhere.

My Idea :

Week 1 (Raw) - Layla v.s Eve : While Layla is making her way down the ramp, Michael Cole reads off one of her Touts, about how it's a new day in the divas division, and she's going to bring them out of this, "funk." Then comes Eve and Jerry reads off her counter Tount ( can't believe I just typed that) saying that a division is only as good as it's champion, and if she were champion, things would be different. Eve would beat Layla in heel-ish fashion, afterwards AJ comes out, and, reluctantly, gives Eve a tile shot at Summer Slam
Week 1 (Smackdown) - Eve beats Rosa, and says there's about to be a new era in the diva division.

Week 2 (Raw) - Layla is shown backstage wrapping up a photoshoot, and when she's finished, she finds that her title is missing. Later that night Eve is seen getting into a limo with the Divas Championship.
Week 2 (Smackdown) - Eve comes out and puts herself as champion over, Layla runs down in the middle of her speach, they fight for a bit before Eve runs out of the ring. Layla is shown holding the title up.

SS - Early into the show Beth.P and Natalya are shown entering the building, they're asked about they're thoughts on the Divas Championship match, they just glare and walk away. Layla retains the title, only for both her and Eve to get ambushed by Natalya and Beth.P

Week 3 (Raw) Beth.P and Natalya come out and cut a promo about how tired they are of getting over looked by inferior divas. Before they get into it good Layla comes out, on her way down the ramp she says unlike the rest of the divas she isn't afraid of them, and she challenges them both to a match to settle who's really inferior. They loook at eachother and laugh, saying thanks but no thanks, they want the real deal. They both leave, leaving Layla and the announcers confused
Week 3 (Smackdown) - Layla is interviewed backstage, she says she doesn't know what they're up to, but she's ready for anything. She beats Alicia Fox in a match next.

Week 4 (Raw) - AJ sends for Beth.P and Natalya and says that they're wish had been granted. She pulls out the WOMENS championship, and sets the match between them for Night Of Champions. They're both pleased. Later Layla confronts AJ saying that she feels that her championship and her reign is being overshadowed. AJ looks at her and says, whose fault is that.
Week 4 (Smackdown) - Layla and Eve vs Beth.P and Natalya. Eve uses the ropes to roll up and pin Natalya. After she does that, she gets on the MIC and says to Natalya and Beth.P that she deserves to be in the Womens Championship match also, unless they're afraid of getting showed up by someone better looking than them. Natalya grabs a MIC and tells her to bring it. As they walk up the ramp, Eve grabs the Divas Championship, and throws it to Layla, she blows her a kiss and walks off. Layla looks pissed.

They're are a MILLION ways to take it from there, and more importantly, nothing above takes up a huge chunk of time.

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