Disband, keep, or Turn Heel : The New Day

Wrestling Mind 300

Dark Match Winner
The night after Wrestlemania saw The New Day getting completely shit on. The "New Day Sucks" chants are just hilarious. Due to the reaction that they've been getting, I would turn them heel and make a new day rocks t-shirt as a response to the new day sucks chants. All three of them are talented and together they could do something meaningful because as singles competitors the only one that stands a chance of doing something meaningful on their own is Kofi Kingston if given the opportunity.

Would you:
A- Disband the stable
B- Keep them the way they are
C- Turn them heel
D- Not care about them no matter what
E- Change the gimmick

I don't know if disbanding them is the way to go at this point as, surprisingly, I still think these guys can offer something. Turn them heel but keep them with the same damn gimmick... I mean, don't change a THING other than them going after faces instead of heels. They already have a great basis for a heel run... the New Day sucks chant... call me crazy but if you can get a chant over as a heel or face, WWE will keep you on TV. Everybody knows Kofi can go, he's been a mainstay in the WWE for many years now; Xavier Woods has not gotten a real chance to show what he can do (which is a fair amount btw)... he was put with Truth as a co-jobber and now he's stuck in this career-killing gimmick; I simply don't like Big E at all tbh. He's had legitimate chances and has done nothing with them, and he hasn't improved a bit... just let him beat people up and keep the mic out of his damn hands.

The tag division would take a loss if The New Day were to disband and I think there are things to be done with this group... they just never got a chance to show it because of how they were received. Some changes need to be made; Xavier needs to be the ONLY mouthpiece of the group, Kofi should be the "wrestler" who competes the majority of the time, and Big E. has to be the muscle. Keep these guys as a sickeningly positive heel group... hell add Bo Dallas in there as he's got the gimmick nailed already.
I choose not to use the lettering system.

Turning them heel is beyond obvious by now. Because, y'know, why wouldn't they be pissed by this point?
First of all they should change their god awful Entrance Song! And after that you can turn them into heel or jobbers or whatever you want! Their song! Oh Please!!

Okay let's come to the point. I would just disband them and would make Big E back into a badass to rampage through some mid card title holders!

The New Day are already heel. The vast majority of the audience DESPISES them, and they get an overwhelmingly negative reaction from every crowd. Release Xavier Woods and Big E Useless, and put Kofi Kingston back in the singles midcard where he shines brightest. This faction was doomed from the start.
The night after Wrestlemania saw The New Day getting completely shit on. The "New Day Sucks" chants are just hilarious. Due to the reaction that they've been getting, I would turn them heel and make a new day rocks t-shirt as a response to the new day sucks chants. All three of them are talented and together they could do something meaningful because as singles competitors the only one that stands a chance of doing something meaningful on their own is Kofi Kingston if given the opportunity.

Would you:
A- Disband the stable
B- Keep them the way they are
C- Turn them heel
D- Not care about them no matter what
E- Change the gimmick

Disband, it really is a horrible stable. I feel sorry for Kofi and Big E, WWE dropped the ball once again with African American wrestlers.
Am I the only one who thinks Kofi is overrated?

He's athletic, but pales compares to guys like Rollins, Neville and even Ziggler. The only time I ever really feel anything about him is when he pulls off his admittedly awesome Battle Royale stunts. But since he never wins, they're practically wasted. I'd rather the stable build itself around Big E, simply because he has more presence, although that idea doesn't excite me either. I'm not familiar with Woods enough to really judge him.

But as to the topic at hand, I'd say turn them heel. Make them almost more like a chaotic version of the Shield. Have Bray Wyatt maybe corrupt them, so that he can reclaim some dignity after failing so much. They just show up, destroy everyone and leave. They don't discriminate, attacking heels, faces and teams alike.

As singles competitors, they're more likely to get buried. At least in the Team division, they stand out simply because there aren't enough teams. I'd also recommend a name change. 'The New Day' is just not a good stable name.
They are absolutely horrible. Terrible song, outfits and well pretty much everything. They would be better off without Big E, he's a charisma vacuum. I would leave Kofi and Xavier as a tag team and get rid of the big guy.

I realize the tag team division sucks, but trying to fix it by putting in teams that suck even worse than the division itself, doesn't help.
Am I the only one who thinks Kofi is overrated?

No, you're not the only one. These past years, I've been trying to figure why I don't much care for him. He certainly never lacks for effort, he's in great shape, he's a high-flyer......yet, I can take his matches or leave them.

The closest I can come to an answer is that his matches don't tell a story; they're a series of non-interrelated moves designed to get the fans to appreciate his athleticism. Kofi seems more determined on getting his usual repertoire of tactics in than trying to create something we can get behind.

As for The New Day: try 'em as heels....sure, why not? It can't be any worse than what they are now, can it? Let Big E be the enforcer, in the manner Diesel was back in his old days with Shawn Michaels....let them all gang up on their opponents. Since there are three of them, yet they're usually in matches that require only two, they should use that odd man out to do the kind of sneaky damage we see from heels.

Worth a try, I suppose.
There is potential but they need a better direction. A heel turn maybe but I just can't imagine the stable would be as ground-breaking as some suggest. They would still be restricted and it may not be as effected. Plus, Kofi and Woods lend themselves to being cheered.

I'd have Big E break off and become a heel. He doesn't need this. In an ideal situation he would have a mouthpiece but I can't think of one. Woods/Kofi can remain a tag-team and be there to have some great matches.
I would turn them heel or change their gimmick - if you change their gimmick I would make them somewhat like the Nation aka a group of badasses out to rise to the top by Any Means Neccesary

But if they simply want to turn them heel I would align them with Bo Dallas - then they could motivate people to complete madness :)
I would turn them heel or change their gimmick - if you change their gimmick I would make them somewhat like the Nation aka a group of badasses out to rise to the top by Any Means Neccesary

But if they simply want to turn them heel I would align them with Bo Dallas - then they could motivate people to complete madness :)

Any Means Necessary would be a better name for them as heels. They would try to win using dirty tactics and the 3rd man advantage to win. Could be a nice little thing for them to try. They've got nothing to lose.
It's one of WWE's great ideas that had no follow through.

These people have no appreciation for a stable based positivity, it was turned on before it even gotten started.

They are all talented guys and they need to play to their strengths which would be different for each guy. Big E obviously is strength, Xavier seems to be a great mic talent under all that corniness and Kofi is one of the most athletic dudes on the roster.

I love the idea but the execution and presentation have not been good.

I give them their credit though, they seem wholly unbothered by (smark) crowds hating them.

It doesn't help when they don't let guys show any personality either. They can be a good stable without being a NOD knockoff and they should be doing anything EXCEPT a NOD knockoff.

If these guys weren't black people wouldn't want them to be the NOD, I'm black and I keep telling other black wrestling fans that trying to recreate the NOD is a horrible idea and in comparison knockoffs are usually treated like knockoffs and not given the same respect as the original.
Honestly, I thought NOD was a horrible idea in itself that people only really remember fondly because of the Rock. I could be wrong as I don't like racial themed angles. Even the Russian gimmick with Rusev sometimes makes me uncomfortable.

If WWE wants to get the New Over as a face team, I think they need to have their beliefs challenged. Have someone like the Ascension take Xavier Woods out in a brutal fashion and have Kofi and Big E almost drive themselves into darkness in their attempt at getting vengeance. I think the main reasons why they aren't getting over is

- Too much positivity. John Cena embodies this kind of face, being funny and inspirational and yet he can be edgy and vicious when he wants to be without ruining the character. The New Day are always so obnoxiously happy, when they need to have more of a bite.

- They were pushed too heavily. Goldust and Stardust were just recently champions and they got their asses handed to them. It felt less like they had earned these victories and more like WWE was gift wrapping wins for them. This should've been a more intense feud, although it would've been hard since the faces have the numbers advantage.
I definitely say heel turn, but not into badass heels. That would turn them face. They need to keep this gimmick with the bright tights, the music, and the New Day chant. Turning them into the NOD would be awful. The last thing we need is contrived racical discussion on WWE TV.

Just have them start running down the crowd for not buying into the power of positivty, the power of the new day. The heat is already here, it will just snowball. They need some darker anti-hero badass faces to bump heads with though. I don't see that in the Usos or and certainly not Lucha Dragons. Acension isn't working as heels, maybe the two teams should switch places?

The trick would be turning them heel, while at the same time maintaining their heat and not having them cheered. The worst would be if the smarky pendulum swung the other way, and the now heel team is cheered. I say don't change a thing about the gimmick, just have them start digging into the crowd due to their reaction. Have the third man cheat to help the two in the ring. Avoid any big impact power moves that will cause a pop, and for the love of God don't bring race into it.
Turn heel.

I would probably pair them up with another talker because Xavier Woods can't carry it on his own but there is money to be made with New Day turning heel. Have them criticise the WWE for saddling them with some dumb ass preacher gimmick, have them all say how they're frustrated beyond belief and have them tell the fans to stick it. All three are talented in the ring so they deserve a chance to get over as heels before disbanded/releasing.
The night after Wrestlemania saw The New Day getting completely shit on. The "New Day Sucks" chants are just hilarious. Due to the reaction that they've been getting, I would turn them heel and make a new day rocks t-shirt as a response to the new day sucks chants. All three of them are talented and together they could do something meaningful because as singles competitors the only one that stands a chance of doing something meaningful on their own is Kofi Kingston if given the opportunity.

Would you:
A- Disband the stable
B- Keep them the way they are
C- Turn them heel
D- Not care about them no matter what
E- Change the gimmick

At this point, I'd turn them heel. The whole positive angle isn't working. It's actually annoying with the horrible entrance music, the clapping, the overacting by Big E. They're better off as heels. Woods' mic skills are underrated and they could do better and more as heels.
They had potential BEFORE they got repackaged as New Day and we thought they would debut as a heel faction of a group of disgruntled wrestlers.

But as New Day they have sucked from day 1.

It's too early to disband them and since they are already getting negative reactions for being this 'positive' team they might as well become heel.

Kinda crazy because they will basically be doing the Bo Dallas gimmick of being super positive but playing a sneaky and snarky heel character.

They can remain a heel faction and maybe get a tiny push here and there throughout the year just so they are a credible enough threat that when other tag teams beat them it means something and then I see them breaking up sometime late 2015 or early 2016.

Kofi could use one big push to the Main Event. Give him his opportunity and if it doesn't work out, back down to mid-card for the rest of his career.

Woods would actually work better, I feel as a manager and occasional wrestler OR repackaged as a Power Ranger-like character with 3 or 4 other teammates.

Big E is kinda a weird build because he's jacked but not too tall compared to other wrestlers and he's lost so much that he's likely to become like a Jack Swagger who is much tougher in real life than his character seems to be and is used as jobbing fodder. But, it's not that bad. Everyone wants to be main event, that's fine but you have to realize not everyone CAN be main event and there is value in being a good hand. Usually you get the occasional opportunity to be put in a main event like Jack Swagger. You can make a decent living that way.
Either make them heels like NOD or a group of cheating thugs. Or something like R Truth during that short heel run he had when he feuded with Cena. Or maybe a group of religious nuts.

What ever they are doing now just isn't working. The gimmick they have now wouldn't work in 1985, 1990, 1995, and it sure isn't working in 2015. Only place that gimmick would of worked would of been in the south in the 70s. Around when JYD and Tony Atlas was red hot in the south. Thats the only time the current New Day gimmick is getting over.
I've heard that Big E is supposed to be the physically 'strongest' person on the roster, but they need to find a way to really show off his strength. Can he hoist up Big Show? Cesaro's style does a great job at showing how strong he is and Big E should take some lessons from him. Kofi, as I said, seems kind of slow compared to the newer high flyers.

Is Xavier Woods any good? Is he a high flyer? Technician? Balanced? He seemingly wrestles so little and even when he does, he isn't allowed a lot of ring time, so I have no idea what he can do outside of talk.
Disband. Kofi Kingston deserves better than being stuck in this idiotic stable. Kofi by himself was an awesome constant in the midcard title scene and I've always wanted to see him achieve success further up in the card. All they have to do is allow him to show some aggression again like he did when he feuded with Randy Orton back in 2009. The New Day isn't doing him any favors whatsoever. As for the other two, I can't stand either one of them so I'd make them jobbers. Big E can be a main roster jobber and Woods can be an NXT jobber. A heel turn wouldn't interest me much as Kofi would still be better off on his own and the other two would still suck.... it's a better alternative to keeping The New Day as it is though if the group disbanding is not an option.

I feel bad for Kofi. He had developed a nice mid-card spot for himself before being lumped in with the other two useless members of this faction. Big E. is monstorous and I enjoy his in-ring skill set but he was best utilized as Zigglers Bodyguard and NEVER on the mic.

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