Did TNA get ahead of themselves?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
TNA has confirmed that the following names will appear at the "HardCORE Justice" PPV. The event's website is reporting that more names will be revealed in the near future.

-Tommy Dreamer
-Mick Foley
-Rob Van Dam
-Team 3D
-Stevie Richards
-Simon Diamond
-Al Snow
-Axl Rotten
-Johnny Swinger

This isn't a TNA-bashing thread because I actually like the product. It isn't absolutely fantastic, but entertaining anyways.

I was just looking at the roster of ECW stars that TNA has right now and there are only a few that are "outside" of TNA. They forgot Sandman.

Shane Douglas, Lance Storm and Mikey Whipwreck have already declined.

With a little over a week away, do you think that Dreamer and TNA may have gotten a little bit ahead of themselves, thinking that most of the people they called would jump at the chance? There is only 4 wrestlers that haven't been shown prior to last night's episode.
I believe they may have. I'm not a TNA basher either but I think the whole idea is ridiculous. The majority of the people that will be there, we see every week anyways. The thing that gets me is that no matter what Tommy Dreamer does, he will only be seen as the guy that can't get over the past. They need his character to move forward if they ever want him taken seriously, and deal with the fact that the 90's are over. I was a huge ECW fan, but it's way past time to let it go.
i thought the exact same thiing when i saw the names...tna def rushed this...imho i think they felt out of the storylines going they needed to explain atleast one. we had the ev2 guys showing up, joes missing still not explained and abyss's "they". the choose to rush this angle to not look like such a wreck banking on guys accepting the chance and it backfired.they should of planned this for next months or the month after to get the most amount of guys and have tiime to instead of rushing to put together... im far from a tna basher as i have watched since the 9.99 ppv per week shows..but this was a dumb dumb move on tnas part.
That is not everyone. They said every week on their website after Impact they will release new names. There will also be surprises because they said ECW ran shows with no cards announced so that is how they are doing this outside of a couple matches. If you would like to know some other names that will be on this show read the spoilers for next weeks Impact.
For me it's hard to care for this storyline cause I do feel like I see most of these guys pretty often.
I told my husband a month ago that we would order the next TNA pay per view but now I think I'm gonna hold off till next month.
That is not everyone. They said every week on their website after Impact they will release new names. There will also be surprises because they said ECW ran shows with no cards announced so that is how they are doing this outside of a couple matches. If you would like to know some other names that will be on this show read the spoilers for next weeks Impact.

idk how much i can really say...but thats not exactly a huge number of addition...2 big names already declined, heyman wont be there(unless he shocks the world), and styles def wont be there. sadly thru the years alot of ecw guys have passed away or want nothing to do with the business anymore..... i would of loved to see an elimantor reunion but with kronus passing away and saturn going awol to get away from his exs that wont happen(stupid wcw for not signing kronus as well). they likely wont get new jack either... looking at names left that could show


i THINK guido is wrestling in roh under another gimmick(can someone confirm or deny this if hes working as grizzly, been curious)
if they cant get guido there not gonna bother with smothers, i read somewhere meanie wants nothing to do with wrestling anymore. masato tanaka has a japan show and wouldnt get there in time, and sadly even tho he only had 1 ecw match(was amazing) hayabusa cant perform anymore.... the talent pool isnt exactly deep
I think they got ahead of themselves too. A lot of the former ECW talent have moved on or in no condition to wrestle. They should have locked in talent before announcing the pay per view. I think having a ECW reunion without Paul Heyman and Styles isn't worth watching. This whole pay per view is another bad booking decision by TNA.
sandman was backstage just so you know and came out after the show, but i agree with you
they needed to wait, have a bit more buildup before the ppv
To me the biggest missing element so far is ...The High Flyers.
Sure we have RVd and to a lesser extent Jerry Lynn but really where are Super Crazy, Tajiri, Antifaz Del Norte, Juvi and others

and in response to the first post actually its only 2 names not part of the regular roster as Simon and Snow are part of teh regular crew just not on TV
Did TNA get ahead of themselves? The answer is, when is TNA ever ahead? Or follow their business model that can work?

This ECW based pay-per-view is TNA trying to score a big hit in the wrestling world, and maybe break some new ground. Not sure if it will get them over as they want to be. Right now I view the company as a rip-off show, we a couple of twists.

TNA should of got all these guys first, before they made the announcement. Then promoted the event. They would had some more organization to the company before hand.
Yes. I 100% agree that TNA and Tommy Dreamer and the ECW originals (or as he now calls it, EV 2.0) have gotten ahead of themselves. While they are the "originals", they are all too very, very old to compete in a match with the bar level that they seem to be setting up. ECW is dead. No matter how TNA or EV 2.0 look at it.

Personally, I do not like where this is headed. TNA is focusing too much on the past. They need to get their head straight and focus on the "future" like (the hypocrytical) Hulk Hogan has been saying (even though that he himself is only focusing on the past).

HardCORE Justice will be a joke compared to ONE NIGHT STAND. Dixie is a joke...she is no Paul Heyman.
Yeah, they've probably gotten ahead of themselves with the entire idea. To do a tribute show requires a lot of planning. This seems to have just happened overnight and it's gonna be surprising if we get anything memorable from it for that reason. To make it the best it can be, just like with WWE, they were faced with a choice. Either an Invasion or doing a tribute show featuring matches between solely ECW guys. They chose the latter and this worked for WWE. It was a nice farewell, it kinda make you take a step back and respect Vince for letting it happen, I don't think many thought he would, it certainly never crossed my mind. But as a WWF guy, first watching the product consistently when I got Cable in 1998, I missed the ECW thing. I knew it was hardcore and exciting and obviously knew a lot of the guys like Funk, Sandman, Sabu, Foley, Tazz, The Dudleys and Rhino. I also felt that Paul Heyman was important too but I still didn't 'get' it as much as a true ECW fan. That said, it was great. But then the night after I was just glad to get back to the regular show. That was my world and I knew what to expect.

The following year they tried a different approach and went with the ECW Vs WWE. I know they had Bradshaw and Bischoff leading team WWE into the Hammerstein in the original One Night Stand but this was about WWE Vs ECW in matches. This was better for me and in a way I kind of respected the decision to not repeat the previous years event as that would have made it less special. Although this shared the name, this wasn't so much a tribute as it was an angle. It was also the start of the ECW Brand which was exciting back then, remember that!?

It wasn't that good really. The whole thing was overshadowed by the whole 'If Cena Wins We Riot' crap. It could have been better... lets just leave it there.

Any future WWE Vs ECW match was then tainted by the whole "New Blood" thing with Morrison, Punk and company becoming the stars on the ECW brand and the Originals being phased out and finally the name ECW just meant another show which inevitably led to it's demise. What I wanted was never going to happen. Just as well, I thought, everyone is too old anyway.

So now TNA have the same dilemma WWE had 5 years ago. Tribute or Invasion. With the ECW guys getting a faction name, although there is arguement it is to stop saying ECW... not gonna happen though, it kind of makes me think they'll be working as a team against TNA. I stand by what I said earlier. They're a bit too old now but perhaps that is better. At least young guys could make them have a pretty decent matches. Now, don't get offended, I'm not saying all old ECW guys are bad. No, but most of them are and all it takes is most of them (Eric Cartman - 2007) Also putting Al Snow against Simon Diamond for little reason generates less interest than if you put them in a feud for a week or two prior to the show.

I'm on the side that it be a ECW Vs TNA thing. That way, if they did make a bit of an assumption as to who would come along for the party the damage won't appear so bad.
Ahead of themselves? How bout bein behind? These guys are out of shape and out of date. Sorry tna yer a few yrs too late on this. No matter who shows up its gonna be like watchin a fight over the last dessert at a retirement home.
Although I did enjoy Ravens turn on Dreamer on Thursday night I had to remind myself it's 2010 not 1995. Yes they got ahead of themselves. As many have said before me I loved the old ECW but it is dead. These guys need to move on
I have to say I was looking foward to this one off PPV, that was before I knew it would only be the old ECW stars against each other. If they had set up matches with TNA wrestlers vs ECW wrestlers then it could have been good.
Now looking at the people signed on I actually think this is totally detrimental to TNA. I see no benefit of TNA putting on a ECW reunion show and wasting a month of TV to build it up.
The only positive could be that TNA has to put on a PPV show on free TV for the folowing thursday, if they promote this show well TNA could maybe get a 1.2.

I do not think TNA got far ahead of themselves wit this angle I just see no benefit for doing it.

I am sure we will get Sabu in a match (which is cool), they just need Tanaka and Tajiri to come and it may have some decent matches. At the moment this card sucks.

I would have booked:

RVD vs Jerry Lynn vs AJ Styles
Sabu vs Abyss - Barb Wire Massacre 2
Lil Guido and Spike Dudley vs Generation Me
Homicide vs Dreamer vs Raven vs Rhino - Monsters Ball
Tanaka vs Tajiri vs Chris Sabin vs Amazing Red - Ladder Match
Dudley Boyz vs MCMG vs Beer Money - Tables Match
Hardcore Battle Royal for all the others who turn up.
sandman was backstage just so you know and came out after the show, but i agree with you
they needed to wait, have a bit more buildup before the ppv

i forgot to write prior to last thursday's show. i was surprised they forgot sandman's name considering he is the only guy who hadn't been on any shows prior that had already been in tna for the last few weeks.
The idea is just ridiculous. They are literally copying every WWE storyline in the book. TNA is getting desperate and they are doing this. Also, Axl declined as well. They're running thin on talent and the talent that they have are all old and can't really do much in the ring... this will be a disaster.
I do not think TNA got far ahead of themselves wit this angle I just see no benefit for doing it.

I am sure we will get Sabu in a match (which is cool), they just need Tanaka and Tajiri to come and it may have some decent matches. At the moment this card sucks.

I would have booked:

RVD vs Jerry Lynn vs AJ Styles
Sabu vs Abyss - Barb Wire Massacre 2
Lil Guido and Spike Dudley vs Generation Me
Homicide vs Dreamer vs Raven vs Rhino - Monsters Ball
Tanaka vs Tajiri vs Chris Sabin vs Amazing Red - Ladder Match
Dudley Boyz vs MCMG vs Beer Money - Tables Match
Hardcore Battle Royal for all the others who turn up.

i like your card Cheddarboy. i think if they had done something like this instead of it being solely ECW guys:

A. it would have brought in some more old ECW fans
B. some of the younger guys get some of the older guys through an entire match
The only way TNA can see if this PPV is a sucess or failure is if it actually makes any money.

They have made a huge gamble with trusting talents from a defunct organisation to man a PPV which is non brand related, but if it holds water it means that it can help solve a small problem for TNA which has paid for alot of established names over its run and has yet to increase ratings or PPV buys with names such as Hogan, Sting, Angle, RVD to name a few, TNA needs to look at this as an experiment that if it does increasse buys may prove a sucess.

now as for talent I do believe they have enough, Douglas, storm, or even whipwreck wont draw fully for the PPV, they have guys like kid cash and sabu who will be there and also the poster child for ECW Rob Van Damn, the ppv will hold, i just dont believe that it will draw.

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