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Did the legends get buried in the Triple H segment

Robert Roode Fan

Occasional Pre-Show
In the Triple H video package today there were many people metioned. Scot Steiner, Booker T, Goldberg, RVD, Kurt Angle and Mick Foley. Now some people could see this as burying, I am not sure if it buried them.

To me it looked they were trying to prove how dominant Triple H was. However I do have a concern.

Did that video package hurt the legecy of the people in the video any? There is a part of me that while I think they were trying to get heat on the game and show how good he was. However WE KNOW WRESTLING FANS.

This might convince wrestling fans that someone like Kurt Angle was garbage, even though that is far from the truth. Let's be honest here, a lot of them are easy to brainwash big time. This is not really wwe's fault, but the fickle fan, who just turns on someone because they cannot think for themselves.

I do not feel to bad for Steiner, or RVD because RVD is an asskisser who buried most of the tna roster when he came back to wwe that way he could get a push. I would feel horrible for everyone else.

It is not wwe have no faith in, but the fickle wrestling fan who probably takes anything the wrong way. I do not want people to turn on guys like Angle, Booker, Goldberg(he was a huge star), and Jericho, to have fans turn on them.
He was playing up what the IWC already thinks about him. He's always been accused of burying most of those guys and now he's playing the role on TV. Superbly done.
He was playing up what the IWC already thinks about him. He's always been accused of burying most of those guys and now he's playing the role on TV. Superbly done.

That sums it up.

I don't think anyone was hurt by it. I doubt anyone was thinking 'Wow I used to think Kurt Angle was great but if he lost to Triple H he must have sucked.'

There's no shame in losing to Triple H.
That sums it up.

I don't think anyone was hurt by it. I doubt anyone was thinking 'Wow I used to think Kurt Angle was great but if he lost to Triple H he must have sucked.'

There's no shame in losing to Triple H.

HAHAHAHAH You have to remember Bobby I am not scared of what WWE did, I am scared of the easily brainwashed bandwagon iwc haters they take things the wrong way. Of course there is no shame in triple h beating you they. However the iwc haters may try to rally against the people in the video.
However the iwc haters may try to rally against the people in the video.

I think it's far more likely that the IWC would rally behind those guys and use the video to justify what the moron consensus has been for years; that Triple H buried all of those guys. Namely Booker T (which I actually kind of agree with,) Scott Steiner, Goldberg, etc.
I don't know with the video buried the legends, but the segment was spot on. He was absolutely right with everything he said. I thought it was hilarious that Stephanie was able to start a yes chant. It proved that point beautifully. Do you remember how over the Miz was a few years ago? Do you remember how over Zack Ryder was when he wasn't even on the show? The WWE's universe got what they wanted and like a bunch of spoiled babies, once they got their way they didn't wanted anymore. Think about it for a second. If Daniel Bryan hadn't spent all this time chasing the WWE championship, everyone would be sick of him by now. I will be curious to see how long it takes the WWE fans to turn on Daniel Bryan once he wins the championship. Mark my words, it will happen. He has good matches but he's nothing more than a one-word catchphrase. I don't mean to disparage him, but triple H is absolutely right when he says that he is a flavor of the month
Here is the problem with what you said, bryan has been over for TWO years, hardly a fad.

Headshot. It's been two years now, and are we really going to pretend that the audience isn't also chanting "DANIEL BRYAN"?

The fans were chanting "yes!" to get under Stephanie's skin. If Pat Patterson had just strolled out in 1995 and started shouting "yes!", would arenas and stadiums have stood up and chanted it along with him, at the top of their lungs? That's what these desperate Bryan detractors are basically claiming.
I liked the segment. I don't believe that it hurt the reputations of those in the video. It would be extremely hard to "bury" Jericho and Angle, they're some of the IWC darlings. Steiner, Goldberg, don't think outside of their WCW time, anybody really cares, I never felt Scott had a chance anyway. Booker and RVD, they fall somewhere in between.
He was playing up what the IWC already thinks about him. He's always been accused of burying most of those guys and now he's playing the role on TV. Superbly done.

I agree. He's finally found his niche as the head of WWE. Now people can't compare him to Vince, etc.

It definitely makes things a lot more interesting long term. I'm interested to see how a future Vince and HHH confrontation would turn out
You guys are ridiculous. If HHH looks at someone than he's burying someone. If HHH takes a shit he must be burying someone. The guy just can't win.

BTW, he was intentionally pointing out people that people say that he buried u kno because he's a heel
I don't know with the video buried the legends, but the segment was spot on. He was absolutely right with everything he said. I thought it was hilarious that Stephanie was able to start a yes chant. It proved that point beautifully. Do you remember how over the Miz was a few years ago? Do you remember how over Zack Ryder was when he wasn't even on the show? The WWE's universe got what they wanted and like a bunch of spoiled babies, once they got their way they didn't wanted anymore. Think about it for a second. If Daniel Bryan hadn't spent all this time chasing the WWE championship, everyone would be sick of him by now. I will be curious to see how long it takes the WWE fans to turn on Daniel Bryan once he wins the championship. Mark my words, it will happen. He has good matches but he's nothing more than a one-word catchphrase. I don't mean to disparage him, but triple H is absolutely right when he says that he is a flavor of the month

Exactly. Bryan fans try to pretend that being over in a comedy tag team with cheesy therapy segments counts toward his current run. Santino stays over in a comedy act. I don't dislike DB, but with the way his character is currently written I believe his popularity will be a fad.
The only complaint that is even close to legit from the segment could be from them using Fandango. Sure HHH tried to cover any negative implications from the comments by saying he has talent, but to me the damage was done by that moment. It was akin to being like, no offense taken and the proceeding to insult them. If you are going to call someone out who is on the active roster, shouldn't they get a chance to get some revenge upon you at some point? Which obviously won't happen.

A bit of fantasy booking if you'll allow it. Once the Wrestlemania stories have begun to die down, Fandango comes out does the dance thing, stops looking dejected and gets on the mic. Calls out HHH. Cuts a promo about busting butt trying to put over a stupid gimmick that HHH gave him that had no future. Refuses then to be Fandango goes by his real name and leads to a match with HHH. Now if that were to happen I would say using Fandango would be completely brilliant because you could make multiple stars out of one segment and setting up future stories. If it's never mentioned again you are just building up Bryan in the eyes of the fans (hey he's not like that jobber Fandago he's real!), and building up HHH (well he's right Fandango was a fad I agree with HHH).

The whole thing in general was a solid bit of heel work, but I would rather have them had some guts and went after CM Punk instead of Fandango, who could conceivably still be an asset.
I don't know with the video buried the legends, but the segment was spot on. He was absolutely right with everything he said. I thought it was hilarious that Stephanie was able to start a yes chant. It proved that point beautifully. Do you remember how over the Miz was a few years ago? Do you remember how over Zack Ryder was when he wasn't even on the show? The WWE's universe got what they wanted and like a bunch of spoiled babies, once they got their way they didn't wanted anymore. Think about it for a second. If Daniel Bryan hadn't spent all this time chasing the WWE championship, everyone would be sick of him by now. I will be curious to see how long it takes the WWE fans to turn on Daniel Bryan once he wins the championship. Mark my words, it will happen. He has good matches but he's nothing more than a one-word catchphrase. I don't mean to disparage him, but triple H is absolutely right when he says that he is a flavor of the month

So basically you are just a reverse mark that buys into everything the heels are saying?

You atually think that HHH believes Daniel Bryan is a fad and that he is a B+ player? Give me a break dude. I guarantee HHH thinks Daniel Bryan is a HUGE asset to the WWE. Does he think Daniel Bryan is as good as he was? Well probably not because anyone who gets to that kind of success is likely to have a huge ego, but there is ZERO chance that HHH actually believes the crap he is saying. ZERO.
People hate on triple h so much. He barely buries anyone. He puts tons of people over especially at wm and somehow that gets overlooked. You guys should watch Triple H: Thy Kingdom Come on wwe network. I think you guys will respect him a lot more after watching that.
Triple H was just feeding his ego as he always does. Sure he's beat some big names in the WWE. But those big names also defeated him to. As Batista stated on RAW Triple H has never beat him in a match. And I don't think that we'll ever see Triple H in a match with the wrestling icon Sting in the future (I could be wrong if Sting still wants to play ball?). But all Triple H was saying is is "I am a true WWE legend and future WWE hall of famer". And he FINALLY admitted that he "married well"! Because without his wife Stephanie none of this would all be happening for Triple H.
Why would HHH acknowledge the IWC? its hardly a fraction of the audience. Bryan didn't get over for being an IWC favorite , he got the whole general audience on his side, we in the IWC dont really matter too much to WWE unless its something that captures the general audiences attention . It was to show HHH's dominance in WWE specifically over guys who had a big following for some entertainment aspect like bryans Yes chant. Simple
He was playing up what the IWC already thinks about him. He's always been accused of burying most of those guys and now he's playing the role on TV. Superbly done.


Triple H has been doing this - playing up to the negative reputation that he has on the internet - all the while mocking these notions by being such a caricature of them, for several weeks now. He's trying to work the people who think they're above being worked, and as this thread displays, he's doing a successful job of it. To me, Triple H and Stephanie McMahon are just getting better and better every week, and I'm desperate for their act not to come to a half any time soon after Wrestlemania.

Side note, Stephanie McMahon doing the arrogant voice over (over a video package about her husband, for crying out loud) just made it more awesome.
It was the best trolling video for his IWC critics. Mostly targeted at WCW and TNA fans who often accused HHH at burying said talents who worked at those companies. I think it worked really well. These 'smarks', silly/sad/sorry marks, have been what made HHH such a great heel. They don't want to admit it, but even being the guy that you pair up with the money guy requires something special.
If anyone truly believes that any of those legends got buried by that promo or that video package, they really haven't been watching professional wrestling for long enough and completely missed the point of what was actually a masterful performance.

Triple H is in a heel position, an arrogant egotistical heel who is facing the consummate underdog and fan favorite in the diminutive Daniel Bryan. He is making the point that legends have come and legends have gone, and that he has gone over all of them and he is going to go over Daniel Bryan on Sunday as well. Classic heel storytelling to rile up the audience and to add more fuel to the fire for the program this Sunday.

Triple H has always (erroneously) been accused of refusing to put other guys over, and burying talent. This was a textbook example of him playing up this misconception to aggravate the fans. Truth be told, he didn't bury any of these guys (including Fandango who wasn't in the video but was mentioned in the promo). To suggest that any of these legendary guys were anything other than legends would be asinine, and he knows that as well as we do. It was fictional, guys. Kayfabe. No one got buried. The heel boss played the fans like a violin. Superbly.

Admittedly I thought there may have been a minor jab thrown in there a little but nothing significant. No worries, Triple H's fictional golden shovel is still only that, an IWC creation that doesn't exist and certainly did not get utilized last night.
IDK, I remember seeing plenty of old clips on WCW Nitro of Hogan beating Flair. At that point, I had a good grasp on both men's accomplishments. And even though it seemed that Flair could never beat Hogan, I always agreed with, FLAIR > Hogan. These types of montages have some power, but not much to the passionate wrestling fan.
The entire segment was fantastic. It reminded everyone of the names (some of whom were a lot better than Bryan) that Triple H has defeated.

It brings up the idea that HHH "buried" wrestlers such a Booker T which is what he is being accused of right now.

The video also featured RVD and Hardy who were both ridiculously over at one point. Both underdogs. Sounds kinda familiar. RVD got there before anything major with Triple H but Hardy was during their feud. Indeed, HHH defeated Hardy clean several times and that made the fans want his victory even more.

The video brought in the notion that Triple H keeps people down but it actually showed how he helped elevate certain superstars and defeat some top names. It was superb.
It brings up the idea that HHH "buried" wrestlers such a Booker T which is what he is being accused of right now.

It used to be WWE (and WWF and WWWF before them) consciously avoided giving us the straight dope on what was going on in the world outside their own organization. If a wrestler was hired by WWE from another wrestling organization, Vince McMahon & Co. denied their past; being careful to never mention their accomplishments outside WWE......even changing their name when they came aboard: from the Dirty White Boy becoming T.J. Hopper and Johnny B. Badd being re-named Marc Mero (his real name), the only one I can recall from those days getting to use his own name was Dusty Rhodes.

Now, WWE owns the libraries of WCW and ECW and we hear about the legends all the time; there's been a complete change of course in the way WWE does business. I think it's great because it doesn't attempt to deny what we've known to be true all along.

Instead, we now get Triple H proclaiming his superiority by comparing himself to legends whom he's faced. Was the segment intended to boost his stock at the expense of the others? Sure, it was.....and it's indicative of how WWE is handling things today in an effort to take matters the company is criticized for and throw them back in the fans' faces (kayfabe).

-Fans want to see CM Punk and WWE would like us to forget him, so what does the company do? They play Punk's music in Chicago, making us think he's coming out, only to taunt us by having Paul Heyman talk, instead. That's taking it to the controversy, full speed ahead.

-Triple H and Stephanie want to kill the "Yes" chant, so what do they do? They lead the chant themselves, telling us to abandon it......by extolling it, which gets the fans yelling harder than ever for Daniel.

-WWE would like us to not dwell on people who don't work for them anymore, so what do they do? What you saw last night in the Triple H segment, which was designed to pat himself on the back while turning the fans against him even more.

The Levesques' want to do what's best for business.....and they do it by changing the way business is done. It keeps us guessing, keeps the controversy flowing......and makes us a little less sure that what we claim to "know" is actually going to happen.
They actually showed some blood during that video package. It might elevate the HHH/Bryan match if they shed a little.
I don't see it as burying at all.

A lot of heels have said stuff like their opponent's popular because of catchphrases or looks or whatever but the heel's better in the ring. It's a classic tactic. This video cut to the quick in an attempt to piss fans off by doing what heels do: saying that fans are wrong about the guys they like and that the heel is better. The best heels take little grains of truth or half-truths and distort them in a way that is designed to make you hate them even more. In this case, they're taking things out of context and filtering them through the viewpoint of the heel HHH and Steph's characters.

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