Did the feud with Shane kill Orton's momentum?

Did the feud with Shane kill Orton's momentum?

  • Yes the fued hurt Orton's character and made him look weak.

  • No the feud didn't hurt Orton, it makes him look stronger

  • Neither. It didn't hurt or elevate Orton's character.

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I didn't say he would be a full fledged face, just that he is going to get cheered just as much as the "face" he is against, HHH. Most people aren't going to automatically cheer HHH just because Orton RKO'd his wife Steph, who is basically on the same heel level as Vickie Guerrero. Fans aren't going to care about the "protecting my lover" angle because most fans know that wrestling is NOT REAL. HHH's bad acting at the end of Raw didn't help things out either for him.

Stephanie does not have heel heat, she's a fledged face at the moment, which is weird...all the McMahons as faces at once? Yeah people know wrestling is not real, but these seem people know that Trips is really married to Steph so what's your point here?

As Ricky has pointed out, this will not kill Ortons momentum, it will only make it stronger. He is very over as a heel and having Legacy only backs that up. There are 6 more weeks to go until Mania and I for one am excited to see how it goes!
the shane feud didn't really kill orton's momentum. it certainly didn't help it, but at the same time it didn't hurt it. the whole feud was quick and too the point. this wasn't going to be a long feud but at the same time it did what it needed to do.

yes I agree that orton and the legacy should have been able to go right threw shane, but his father got beat down and shane was going on pure hate for orton. shane did sell it good but the matches were pretty weak and predictable.

overall though it set up orton and hhh for wrestlemania. I just hope its a hell in the cell match
In my opinion Orton doesn't need to look strong at this stage there are still 7 weeks,and it looks as though this feud could become cross branned which gives WWE a massive 13 remaning shows to build up this match, thats more than enough time to give Orton some more crediability and momentum. Besides if the plan is for Orton to win then they will want him to look a little bit weak because it will be more of a suprise if he manages to win.
WTF.....ok i agree Orton getting hit in the head with Dasani or brita shit man that was so stupid...the idiot even opened the bottle so it would spray everywhere....that was just about has dumn ass as the "oh my god he just hit him in the head with a cookie sheet" when they had the hardcore title matches.....anyways Orton needed this "feud if you will to build up a storyline with HHH....this is genous and the best part is what next? you cant predict, with HHH win and gain the Mcmahon respect and be the knight in shinning armour? With Orton win and finally etch in stone his legacy?....with The legacy interfere?...will Vince return?....will Steph or Vince turn on HHH?...anything can happen and for once in a long time this is a longer drawn out storyline that hopefully takes us well past wrestlemania.....

Listen, I didn't even mention how horrible the Shane\Orton "matches" were,
but since you brought it up, how stupid is it that Orton got hit TWICE with
a steel bell on the head, and Shane gets stretchered when he's hit with a
foot !
But that's either here nor there, the important thing is that you missed the
point entirely, Orton is now an afterthought, he might win at Wrestlemania,
but the deal is that the the focus is now ALL on Tripple H.
You wonder what will happen next ?
Let me tell you, in case you haven't caught on to the WWE's amazing creative usage of reruns.
What will happen next is a repeat of the Edge\Vicky Guerrero soap opera
on Raw, with HHH\Stephany in the main roles instead, with the rest of
the McMahon playing supporting roles, my, won't THAT be riveting ?
I can barely wait.....ok, maybe I can.
your kidding right? all of this talk about Orton's momentum being slowed by Shane makes me laugh... why? Because FOR ONCE The Creative team has thought out LONG TERM plans for Orton.. It's been known for years that HHH And Steph were married and they have never used it from a real angle. vince took a punt shane took a punt steph took an RKO and HHH came running down looking like he wanted to kill Orton. This is not a edge vickie rerun and if it is then i feel horrible for praising the raw team when i feel they could be putting depth into not only orton's character but also HHH's. HBK is getting older instead of hanging it up him and Chris Jericho put on one of the best feuds ever. It had a stupid start.. this is without a doubt the set up for something much bigger as its not just about the title its being built around passion and anger. Mania this year will be an event to watch because of Orton's feud with Shane.
your kidding right? all of this talk about Orton's momentum being slowed by Shane makes me laugh... why? Because FOR ONCE The Creative team has thought out LONG TERM plans for Orton.. It's been known for years that HHH And Steph were married and they have never used it from a real angle. vince took a punt shane took a punt steph took an RKO and HHH came running down looking like he wanted to kill Orton. This is not a edge vickie rerun and if it is then i feel horrible for praising the raw team when i feel they could be putting depth into not only orton's character but also HHH's. HBK is getting older instead of hanging it up him and Chris Jericho put on one of the best feuds ever. It had a stupid start.. this is without a doubt the set up for something much bigger as its not just about the title its being built around passion and anger. Mania this year will be an event to watch because of Orton's feud with Shane.

It's the way that Shane dominated not only Orton, but Legacy as well, that irks me. I have no doubt that Orton's feud with HHH will be awesome, and it was a good idea by WWE Creative to get this thing started, but Shane's punches having more of an effect on Orton then Ortons on Shane is lame. You HAVE to admit atleast that much.
your kidding right? all of this talk about Orton's momentum being slowed by Shane makes me laugh... why? Because FOR ONCE The Creative team has thought out LONG TERM plans for Orton.. It's been known for years that HHH And Steph were married and they have never used it from a real angle. vince took a punt shane took a punt steph took an RKO and HHH came running down looking like he wanted to kill Orton. This is not a edge vickie rerun and if it is then i feel horrible for praising the raw team when i feel they could be putting depth into not only orton's character but also HHH's. HBK is getting older instead of hanging it up him and Chris Jericho put on one of the best feuds ever. It had a stupid start.. this is without a doubt the set up for something much bigger as its not just about the title its being built around passion and anger. Mania this year will be an event to watch because of Orton's feud with Shane.


The problem with introducing the whole Triple H-Stephanie being married thing, is that they have already had them "married" onscreen, and "divorced" onscreen (remember the run-up to WMX8?). If you reveal that they are married in real-life onscreen (even though everyone already knows that), it actually is like admitting that what we see onscreen each week is "fake". I have found that the introduction of "real" angles only work if it has not be contradicted in a previous storyline angle. This has, so how will they explain this?
Sigh...seriously people. This has only benefited Orton's character in that now he is establishing himself as a leader of a new stable. Triple-H never fought his own battles when he had Evolution. Ric Flair was contsnalty at ringside and Batista almost always interfered in his matches so how can anyone say that it is any different with Orton. Just because it's Shane? Give me a fucking break! Orton has done a great job in playing the super heel to utmost perfection and the fact that Shane is the face makes no difference. It is what we call, the "face momentum". Whatever. It's working, this semi-feud that they are having has mostly been successful and I would not think anyway otherwise.
Sigh...seriously people. This has only benefited Orton's character in that now he is establishing himself as a leader of a new stable. Triple-H never fought his own battles when he had Evolution. Ric Flair was contsnalty at ringside and Batista almost always interfered in his matches so how can anyone say that it is any different with Orton. Just because it's Shane? Give me a fucking break! Orton has done a great job in playing the super heel to utmost perfection and the fact that Shane is the face makes no difference. It is what we call, the "face momentum". Whatever. It's working, this semi-feud that they are having has mostly been successful and I would not think anyway otherwise.

If Shane had this same type of feud with HHH at one point, do you think that Shane would have been able to dominate him the way he did Orton? I highly doubt it, I think he would have had his spots during the match because otherwise it'd just be a squash, but I highly doubt it would have been as one sided.

I see your point though, so far the feud has been fun to watch, and adding HHH makes it a possible great feud. I guess i'm letting the fact that i'm an Orton fanatic blind me, but I really hated see'ing Shane lay out Orton twice in two nights. Literally almost chucked my red bull at the TV, and was screaming to high heaven for the shit to stop.
It didn't benfit him that much, but it didn't kill his momentum either.
It was a sidefeud to make the main feud between him and HHH more personal. It was just to give him something to do and help along the feud for a month until HHH got the title back...

That's all. Stop thinking into it so deeply.
Everyone made valid points and the purpose of the feud was great, because it set up HHH vs Orton with some real meaning....BUT, I don't think Orton stands a chance at all against HHH because he almost got beaten twice by Shane. They have to do something to Orton's character so that he can seem more dangerous, because Legacy can't interfere at Wrestlemania unless its a no DQ match. Think about it. Trips just won the Elimination Chamber, he beat Taker clean. Orton couldn't beat Taker, Legacy had to come help him. Orton couldn't even beat SHANE, Legacy had to hep him. How am I to believe Orton will beat Trips?

I was watching Monday and when HHH came out my girl and I were like, "that's it, Randy Orton you've messed with the wrong one." We didn't say that because Trips was mad, we said that because we know that after the Shane feud, Orton doesn't look strong enough to beat Triple fucking H for the WWE Championship at Wrestlemania 25. Oh well, we'll forget about all of this after next week's RAW won't we? We always do....Lol
It didn't kill his momentum. But it did suck big time. I can't stand seeing anyone with the last name "MacMahon" on my TV. The last time I enjoyed Vince was when he was merely an anouncer. Now he and Shane come in, put them selves over top talent. Its a disgrace. You're letting your viewers know that the wrestlers aren't impressive because my boy Shane-O-Mac can beat any wrestlers who does this day in and day out. Shane is NOT an everday wrestler and for him to whip superstars who are supposed to be the best in the world is a black eye on the biz. Remember one of the last times they tried to get Kane over as this unstoppable monster? Shane comes in, goes over on Kane and promptly puts Kanes credibility in the crapper. I haven't been able to take Kane seriously ever since. I'll forever know that "the boss's non-wrestling son" can come in and take out an entire stable. Just because his last name in MacMahon.

I really hate those fuckers!

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