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Did Primo impress anbody else?


Occasional Pre-Show
Ok. I'm just going to say it. Primo was great on Raw! He had a good moveset, dominated Sin Cara at times and made him look weak during the match. I like his attire and looking at his match with Cara I hope WWE realise that he is a good talent and they push him hopefully to a midcard level. on't get me wrong, I'm binkers for Sin Cara but Primo really REALLY impressed the hell out of me!

What do you guys think?

Do you think Sin Cara was weak and that made Primo look good?


Do you think Primo actually picked his game up and really did well in his outing against Sin Cara
Do you think Sin Cara was weak and that made Primo look good?

I definately did not think Sin Cara looked weak, I thought him and rimo had an excellent match, almost PV quality, just a snapshot of what Sin Cara is capable of and a lot more impressive matches to come from this exciting new talent.

Do you think Primo actually picked his game up and really did well in his outing against Sin Cara

I thought the match was great for Primo as well (apart from when he slipped on the top rope and fell lol), just what he was needing I think. It definately proved that Primo is another talent that shouldn't be getting over-looked as he can put on a great show. His character needs a fair bit of work, but he needs help from the "over-worked" creative teams. But, who knows, maybe this was his big break as well....only time will tell.
Primo is a solid worker. Nothing more, nothing less. He is one of the guys that can take a majority of Sin Cara's offense and make it look absolutely incredible. Minus the slip up on the top rope, the match was pretty solid. Cara get to show his flashy moves and he always made Primo look like a credible superstar. While I'm a fan of Primo and hope to see him stick around I don't see much of a singles star out of him. He is a good enhancement talent and can make you look good at the drop of a dime. His mic skills aren't great, but they are enough to get him by as a credible midcarder. Best thing for him would be getting drafted to SD and get a shot to breakout, but right now I think Primo is stuck in the lower midcard and that is likely where he'll stay.
Primo did look good last night. I'm a fan of his as well but he'll never have a chance of breaking out as long as he sticks around on RAW, in my view. He'll just be used as talent enhancement and I personally think he's better than that. I think a draft to Smackdown is what he could use in order to get more exposure besides the typical matches on Superstars which, as we all know, doesn't even air on television anymore.
I didn't know he was still with the company untill his appearance yesterday. I was actually very impressed with Primo or maybe it was that Sin Cara made him look good. But i think it's a shame that all Primo is a jobber and rarely gets a match even on Superstars.
I think Primo would be good with a tag partner, solo wise it would require the whole lightweight division being built up.
Yes i have to agree, primo looked really good last night, it kind of makes me miss the Cruiserweight division matches. cause they use to be really electrifying at times.
I was seriously pumped up for Sin Cara's debut! So when he entered the ring i had to check for a second who his opponent was! Obviously this was a match to show what Sin Cara is capable of. But honestly, Primo really did impress me! He showed that he could go a match, even after not being used very much in months! I want Primo to get more recognition. But i really doubt that WWE will add an extra match into Raw just for Primo. But sometime in the next year, he deserves a good Mid Card push!
I agree.

I thought Primo looked good last night other than the top-rope slip-up, but I would not let that one misstep ruinr what was otheriwse an athletic and exciting matchup.

Primo showed his value to the company and I hope they keep him around.

His situation reminds me of Chavo Guererro working with Rey Mysterio years ago. There is room for solid contributors like Primo.

It would be nice if those that claimed to be 'creative' actually were and they could come up with something for Primo...
When Sin Cara jumped into the ring and i saw Primo was his opponent (he didnt even get a name graphic or an announcement from Justin Roberts) it was obvious Cara was winning.

After the match i thought WOW, those two gave a really good solid performance. Albeit Cara slipped from the top rope but the match was probably the best on the show and i think that is down to Primo as much as it is Cara.

Unfortunatly i think that may have been Primos last RAW appearance if the releases are coming soon, which is a shame.
I hadn't seen Primo in a good while. He looked to be in tremendous shape. Looks like he lost a little weight and toned up a good deal . He's got a great look and great ring skills now he just needs to develop his personality a little more.
In my opinion not only did his in-ring skills look good but he also had the look of a WWE wrestler, he looked alot more amture from when I last saw him, his attire looked good, his hair looked good, he just looked like somebody who sould be in the Main Event

I predicted that he would be released during spring cleaning and honestly I would of missed but after seeing Raw I say give him one more year at least, give a chance to compete for the U.S Title and see how he carries himself, if he flops then get rid of him but if it works then obviously see how far he can go wetaher he turns into a solid mid-carder drifting around the Main Event scene
Primo needs to form a tag team with someone like Evan Bourne both very exciting in the ring and I think they can work really we together
I have to agree, Primo really showed me something tonight. Aside from the mess up, it was a good match up

Seriously, when in the hell are you guys going to realize that moveset doesn't mean anything? Primo wasn't engaging at all. They put Primo in there vs Mistico because Primo can work the lucha style. It's different having to feed for guys in lucha, they used Primo because he was the only undercard guy that could really provide a good enough base for a showcase match for Mistico.
After the match i thought WOW, those two gave a really good solid performance. Albeit Cara slipped from the top rope but the match was probably the best on the show and i think that is down to Primo as much as it is Cara.

It looked like Primo slipped, not Cara. Cara was just trying to cover up the slip by having it look like a counter from Primo.

But, yeah Primo and Cara had a great match last night.
"Primo looked good other than the top rope slip" no, other than not emoting what so ever and really not engaging the audience at all and basically just being a dummy so Sin Cara can showcase his flippity shit he looked good.

Why are you guys so impressed with moves? That's like if you work at an office and the guy in the cubicle next to you never makes any sales but he builds castles out of his pencils. You can be impressed with his "cool" shit all you want but the bottom line is he's not doing his job.
Primo alwys looked good he is one of the reasons why i want some type of light heavy weight title hes great and obviously they no this especially after they kept him after carlito left.
i was impressed by both sin cara and primo during this match sin caras finisher is EPIC! but he does over use the rana but primo did look good in this match i hope he gets pushed into the us title picture
Primo should be future endeavored, IMO.

He's just too generic and is buried on the roster. He'll probably have a little feud with Sin Cara and then they'll hand him his walking papers.
I agree with you, SDS1582, Primo IS too generic and is buried on the roster. I DO however think that his match with Sin Cara was a good one but that is ONLY because they have worked together tirelessly in untelevised matches and actually had all of the spots choreographed beforehand. I don't understand why "entertainers" these days seem like they put no effort into their in-ring storytelling beforehand as Cara and Primo did. Having shows like Tough Enough and developmental organizations like FCW around are useless because once guys make it to the big stage in WWE, they utilize barely a tenth of the moves or psychology they are taught/develop. Matches are short, end in DQs, guys do not work well off of each other, and too much talent is buried week after week because of it- wrestling has lost its art.
Primo IS a good worker! I was surprised that they gave them that much time, and did make Primo look pretty good...for a debut match, I would have thought it would have been a quick squash, good on Sin Cara & Primo for getting more time, and making it a more even matchup. I don't see many other wrestlers in WWE taking that finish, though!
Primo is real good, but he is bland. I wish him and Carlito stayed together. He needs to team with Chavo or Tito Colon and help rebuild the tag division.
Primo did well, and I think it had a lot to do with Primo's familiarity with the lucha style, and how to sell it well.

On the other hand, the match did tenfold more for Sin Cara than it did for Primo. I don't think we're going to end up seeing Primo more because of that match. It was cool that he didn't job out to Sin Cara, but nobody in the back was like, "Wow, Primo sure looked good. Let's start using him."
I thought I was the only one who noticed this, but yes, I thought Primo looked really good...he showed me something for the first time and honestly, though he was less flashy, I actually thought he outperformed Sin Cara. I for one also thought he showed some personality and intensity.

Edit: Not trying to be a dick, but were you backstage Roche? If so could you get me CM Punk's autograph?

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