It showed that vince doesn't take Daniel Bryan seriously and probably never will.
Yep. I'm basically done with WWE. But for the fans at WM 28 & Raw the next night and then again on a few select occasions (Raw in Seattle, RR last year, etc), Daniel Bryan would be nothing but a glorified mid-carder for this company. That's beyond obvious and anyone that thinks the PTB had real plans for Bryan leading up to Wrestlemania last year and was just playing the crowd is a few fries short of a happy meal. Everyone that's spoken about this issue, including Bryan himself, is on the record saying the company had no big plans for him - ever! They've only reluctantly pushed him to main-event level because of the reaction of the crowd. And the sad truth is that with this latest Reigns angle Daniel has, I believe, finally lost some of his pop with the crowd and there's a good chance it will never return to where it was just a few weeks ago. So there will be no incentive for the company to push him any more. They'll go with Reigns and other "home-grown" guys they like and Daniel will be an upper mid-carder from now on. And it sucks because he's not only the best in-ring guy the company has, he's all so clearly one heck of a nice guy.
Bottom line: for a guy that less than a year ago was the World Champion and never lost the title, he's clearly being way under-utilized this year as we head into Wrestlemania. And it stinks!