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DiBiase A Parasite?


Dark Match Winner
Ever since DiBiase has become associated with Cody Rhodes, Cody has done nothing but participate in losing matches and he seems to have lost a little steam. He's still easily one of the most entertaining on Smackdown but I just feel that Ted has dragged him down to his level a bit. No doubt Ted has been saved from Superstars thanks to Cody and that Ted has become a little more relevant now. So, ladies and gents, what are your thoughts?
Unless they are planning to legitimately work on the tag team division and put Legacy back in it...ted needs to go ...and not just to Superstars but to the realm of future Endevaorment...With all his pedigree he has never amounted to anything and I fear he never will. Cody on the other hand is blossoming and I would not mind a legit fued with him and DB leading to him and Sin Cara in a mask vs match match at SS (like it was supposed to be with Rey)
It's pure irony to consider that a lot of us thought that the original Ted-Cody tag team would end with DiBiase leaving Rhodes behind and becoming a big star, huh? Look at it now......it's just the opposite.

Yet, so much of it revolves around what the writers come up with for a wrestler. Couldn't Ted have played the dashing guy, and then the psycho nutbar? I think he could have. Instead, Cody has made the most of his push.

But it's not as if the writers didn't try with Ted. He wasn't left out in the cold; instead, he was given the program with Maryse. I thought it would work because pairings between an obnoxious wrestler and a woman with a strong presence have worked in the past, stemming back to Randy Savage-Elizabeth.

Yet, it failed and I'm still not sure why. Ted and Maryse quickly fell to being at odds and the whole thing was dropped. Neither one was particularly good in the role.

Still, Creative keeps trying with DiBiase and it's even more ironic that they've brought him back to where he started: working with Cody Rhodes. Except, this time they're not equal; Cody is the star. Who would've thought?

But DiBiase isn't a parasite; he just hasn't found a gimmick that works. Maybe there is none, but at the end of his WWE career, at least it can't be said the company didn't try.

Hey, the world needs jobbers, too.
Cody has lost just a little bit of steam, but I don't blame Ted DiBiase for it, I blame the fact that he's no longer feuding with Rey Mysterio for it. Cody is in between major feuds right now, so it's only natural that he's in a bit of a slow period right now.

DiBiase is talentless, but he's not what's slowing Cody down. There are also worse things in the world of professional wrestling than losing matches. Losing matches often helps further a storyline or helps character development along. We might see an even darker version of Cody Rhodes if he decides that Ted is what's holding him back, or maybe he'll start to become even more violent if he continues to lose.

Don't worry about Cody Rhodes, he's got very bright things in his future, and this is nothing more than a slow period for the Deranged One.
what a difference a year can make...

I for one thought that the break up of Legacy would sky rocket DiBiase to the moon, but the WWE ruined him by not turning him face on Orton and Cody sooner. DiBiase could have turn on Orton during one of their leader vs lackey matches on Raw when Orton was champion. If they would have turned him face back at that point I have no doubt that Dibiase could have been a major face in terms of star power from a high profile feud with Orton. Instead we have the same, boring, DiBiase who cant cut a promo to save his life thats been stale for well over a year.

Moving Cody to Smackdown after the break up for Legacy did wonders for his career. First he was dashing, and he was involved in a couple of great story lines and matches. Then he became grotesque and got even better. His promo work is top notch, his feud with Rey Mysterio was great. Now he's telling the WWE Universe to "shut up and bag themselves" such a great gimmick.

I'm not sure even with Cody's help if DiBiase can get better, it just seems the ball was dropped and he's been unable to pick it up since. Being the son of a the million dollar man, you'd think they would have been able to set him up with a better gimmick or some quality story lines. Dibiase need something new or else he's going to be forever be in the middle card shuffle
Ted DiBiase is a very underrated and misunderstood talent. His stuff in Japan was brilliant, I was a supporter of him from the moment he appeared on Monday Night RAW. He and Rhodes have been aligned since DiBiase's first WWE match in '09.

Sadly for Ted, hes gone from being Priceless, to being worthless.
I never did get this line of thinking. Since Day 1, Cody has always stood out to me. I know he's a little undersized, but I just always felt like he had this presence that if he were given the right gimmick, he'd be able to do really well and I think we are now seeing that. During the Legacy days, I'd sometimes get bashed because I would say that it would be Cody and not Ted that would end up being the star of Legacy. Dibiase has never been really interesting to me, always kinda bland and never really taking off with any of his gimmicks, obviously not for lack of trying on the part of WWE.
I personally am hoping for both their sakes that Rhodes gets fed up with losing and just takes out Dibiase before too long. Maybe turning face is something that could help him out, because Ted is clearly not his father.
I don't know how long this Orton/Christian thing is going to continue but it's been given a breath of fresh air with the heel turn, so perhaps all summer long and to Summerslam. At any rate, afterwards I think Cody deserves to get a program with Orton, even if just for a month. But if that happens, Cody needs to be doing his own thing and not be associated with Dibiase anymore. Imo, the only reason Ted hasn't been future endeavored yet is because of who his father is and for the immense improvement in Rhodes over the last year, he deserves better
At WM26 I think it was Orton vs Dibiase vs Rhodes.WWE could of made a big star out of this match by having Rhodes or Dibiase win.And they could of had Orton stay where he was by having Rhodes or Dibiase pin eachother and not Orton.If Rhodes won he could of been a WHC by now,and if Dibiase won he could have too, and Orton still could have been in the WHC matches.
I feel ted has the look of a Face and if he wants to be heel like he is now he needs to either change his gimmick to the point of no longer being ted dibiase or be the pure evil millionaire his dad was. He can use cody as a shoulder to lean on but not for long or that shoulder will get tired and eventually move.
Rhodes losing a few matches recently is not Ted's fault and has nothing to do with him. Dibiase is not to blame for the losses but Cody might start to blame him because it could help Ted turn face. I think it is good that they are involved in the same angle again and it could lead to Ted turning face and a good feud between the two. Rhodes will likely come out as the winner should that happen.
I really think that this may lead to a face turn for DiBiase. If you think about how Smackdown is in need for some Faces, this could be what they want.
I think Ted does come off as a parasite right now but i hope its can work out for him and Cody.
On Raw Ted kinda came off as Cody's lakey,but he cant play that role to long.I think Ted should help Cody Capture the SMACKDOWN MiTB briefcase and Cody will cash in after sending Ted into a match to hurt/injure Randy.After the match Cody cashes in but will lose to RKO.After the match he flips out on Ted the same way MiZ did to A-Ri,Then Ted slaps cody and turns FACE.tHAT Way it helps out every1 involved

--just my opinion--
1st off I always liked Cody better than Ted in Legacy, not the other way around.

2nd. I don`t think Ted`s a parasite, so much as creative doesn`t know what they are doing.

I hear a lot of people saying creative gives ted a lot, but all I see is him losing consistently. Now losing isn`t the worst thing, especially when your heel and tend to lose at ppvs more, but a heel should at least make an impact some other way like attacking the opponet after the match. what was given, between nexus segments, was a clean defeat in which he just sat there and took it. I blame creative for giving ted his downwards spiral with their lazy `rich guy loser gimmick.

Also on creative, I can`t help but notice a pattern with them. They dropped the ball with legacy`s split, without question. Then both ted and cody were given rich and uncommon. like how lazy was that on creatives part. but heres the thing. Cody struck gold and made it amazing when he became dashing. his character was top noth. He was then gien a string of singls victories, which odly never got him anywhere in singles competition. then they put him in a tag team with mcyntire. why when he`s done tag team, i dunno, other than it was for drew`s sake. next he comes off that tag team and they tease the idea of singles gold, but then goes on a losing streak. sometime later rey breaks his nose. he is able to make the best of it when he made the most interesting char we`ve seen in years with deranged. he picked another slough of singles wins. Now a few months later, he is on another losing streak, his success at wrestlemania and extreme rules gave him to singles gold, and he`s back in a tag team. In fact he`s in the same tag team he was in 3 YEARS AGO! And they are LOSING!

I just don`t get why wwe revies an old team as good as them for the sake of a jobber team to put over sin cara. They got slater and gabriel for that which could lead to one of them going face with the whole corre break up.

like come on, if they`re going to feud, feud, not repeated loses every week where they just lie down.

Hopefully this leads to cody going darker and deciding its time to focus on the WHC. then maybe Ted can become his ari or something.

As for Teddy, i think he needs to be an lackey who eventually goes face, where i think he`ll have more sucess. I`m just glad they dumped the money gimmick cause that just wasn`t him and was a lazy way out for creative.
I really do not think it is fair to blame Ted for Cody loosing some of his steam. I do think it is because of Rey Mysterio, that he is no longer feuding with him. When I see Daniel Bryan getting bagged by Cody, I loose some respect for the work Cody was doing. Rey, was a credible name and it was a big notch for Cody Rhodes. I am just waiting for Ted to turn face, and him and Cody can have a decent feud in my opinion. I just do not feel it is OK to blame Ted for Cody loosing steam.
1st off I always liked Cody better than Ted in Legacy, not the other way around.

2nd. I don`t think Ted`s a parasite, so much as creative doesn`t know what they are doing.

I hear a lot of people saying creative gives ted a lot, but all I see is him losing consistently. Now losing isn`t the worst thing, especially when your heel and tend to lose at ppvs more, but a heel should at least make an impact some other way like attacking the opponet after the match. what was given, between nexus segments, was a clean defeat in which he just sat there and took it. I blame creative for giving ted his downwards spiral with their lazy `rich guy loser gimmick.

Also on creative, I can`t help but notice a pattern with them. They dropped the ball with legacy`s split, without question. Then both ted and cody were given rich and uncommon. like how lazy was that on creatives part. but heres the thing. Cody struck gold and made it amazing when he became dashing. his character was top noth. He was then gien a string of singls victories, which odly never got him anywhere in singles competition. then they put him in a tag team with mcyntire. why when he`s done tag team, i dunno, other than it was for drew`s sake. next he comes off that tag team and they tease the idea of singles gold, but then goes on a losing streak. sometime later rey breaks his nose. he is able to make the best of it when he made the most interesting char we`ve seen in years with deranged. he picked another slough of singles wins. Now a few months later, he is on another losing streak, his success at wrestlemania and extreme rules gave him to singles gold, and he`s back in a tag team. In fact he`s in the same tag team he was in 3 YEARS AGO! And they are LOSING!

I just don`t get why wwe revies an old team as good as them for the sake of a jobber team to put over sin cara. They got slater and gabriel for that which could lead to one of them going face with the whole corre break up.

like come on, if they`re going to feud, feud, not repeated loses every week where they just lie down.

Hopefully this leads to cody going darker and deciding its time to focus on the WHC. then maybe Ted can become his ari or something.

As for Teddy, i think he needs to be an lackey who eventually goes face, where i think he`ll have more sucess. I`m just glad they dumped the money gimmick cause that just wasn`t him and was a lazy way out for creative.
Maybe it's a gimmick thing, but during DiBiase v Daniel Bryan (where both Cody and Sin Cara got stuck in there) DiBiase was worlds behind Bryan.

Only saw this match this week, because we lag a bit behind in South Africa, but DiBiase was slow and tubby for such a small guy. Imagine how kick-ass Rhodes v Bryan would be!

So I would have to agree with the opening question. Yes, Ted isn't just a parasite of Cody's talent, but also in the ring.

And seriously, how can anybody not get over with Maryse at your side?
so as i predicted above on 6-21 way before wrestlezone ever reported it,Ted is supposed to turn babyface the same way A-Ri did against the Miz.I hope creative will put there own little spim on it so it doesnt come off as a complete rip off.

Ted can pull off the FACE turn he will no longer look like a parasite and can finally move on with his carear fulfilling his potential..

i think the scenerio i posted on 6-21 would be a good way to turn him face,and help get him over

--just my opinion--
ted is the only reason cody won his match with big zeke. rhodes has no talent obviously and needs someone to play as a distraction so that cody can do anything. as for ted, the only reason he is getting attention is because..... uh.... actually i have no clue, he is just a tool handing out bags and he cant beat daniel bryan. cody just uses distractions and insults everyone, in the ring he proves he only talks, no ability there.
as for ted, i would still boo him, even if he was to turn face, i still wouldnt care for him.
What was Cody going to do without Ted, feud with Daniel Bryan or Sin Cara, we all know how that would've turned out. Ted will eventually turn on Cody, and then they're going to have a rivalry. Ted isnt a parasite, Cody's just repaying the favor for him, because without Ted or Legacy for that matter, Cody would be lost. He wouldnt have had the opportunity to be at Wrestlemania. Their rivalry is going to give them both something to do. Last time I checked hosts dont benefit from having parasites.
Ever since the end of Legacy Ted has been worthless. I thought after Ted turned on Randy in last year's Elimination Chamber that he would move on to bigger and better things, that sure as hell didn't happen because he hasn't done much of anything. Not only is he in dire need of a fresh entertaining gimmick but his mediocre mic and in ring skills are not helping. Unless he does something soon to mix things up I'll be praying every night that he gets sent to the land of Superstars.

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